Help Line (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Help Line (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 5

by H. D. Nels

  Rene said, “Benny, you’re right. It’ll be hard to tell him the truth, but I’m sure he’ll understand.” He chuckled. “You might sound a lot like Ian, but he’d probably be burning my ass with his words. You’re much more understanding than he would be. I’ll give him a call as soon as we finish. Thank you for the good advice.”

  Once the call ended, Benny sat back and closed his eyes. He was relieved that Rene wasn’t in danger. He stood, took off his headset and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. The vibration from his phone in his pocket confirmed that, most likely, Rene did follow up on his commitment to call right away. He let it go to voice mail.

  * * * *

  “Hey, handsome, I was expecting a hello kiss at the least or to get fucked through the carpet into the sub-basement at best. Did I do something to upset the natural flow of the cosmos?” Brody glanced at Ian with a look that bordered on adoration. “I don’t fall for every handsome man I have raunchy sex and mind-blowing orgasms with every day, you know.”

  Ian looked at the magnificent specimen before him and slowly shook his head. He felt conflicted after Rene’s discussion with Benny. He wasn’t able to share that conversation—even if it was with an asshole, confidentiality still ruled. “You have raunchy sex every day? Where do you get the energy? I mean, you leave me barely able to walk, and I like to think I rock you at the same level.”

  Brody walked over, wrapped his arms around Ian and pressed their lips together. He sensed that something was very wrong, but he also figured he’d leave it to Ian to open up. “If or when you want to talk about anything, I’m there for you. Want to help me create a culinary masterpiece or order pizza?”

  “Pizza sounds great. I’d prefer to cook with you when I’m feeling more into the spirit. Have a seat and I’ll make the call.” He then remembered the message Rene left and opened his voicemail to listen. It was brief, to the point, with Rene saying he’d lied to Ian about a lot of things and hoped to speak with him to explain. Ian deleted the message and found the pamphlet listing all the pizza varieties. “Hey, cutie, anything you prefer, or don’t like on pizza?” He chuckled when the sexy voice replied.

  “No anchovies, but any Ian-like toppings will make my taste buds perk up like hundreds of little boners on my tongue.”

  “Got it—no anchovies. I’ll order one Hawaiian with feta cheese and one meat lovers. I need to make a call after I order and before I tackle your horny tongue.” He shook his head as he walked to his bedroom to call Rene.

  The conversation was pretty much a mirror of the one Benny had with him earlier. He ended the call by telling his ex that he truly hoped things worked with his boyfriend. He blew out a heavy breath as he walked to the living room and into Brody’s arms.

  Brody held him at arm’s length and looked into his eyes. “Want to talk about it, or do I have to use my manly wiles to squeeze it out of you? You look devastated, but I mean that in a nice way. If somebody hurt you, point me at ’em. I’ll scratch his eyes out.”

  Ian couldn’t help his laugh. “‘Manly wiles’ followed by ‘scratch his eyes out’ seems a bit contradictory, just saying. And it isn’t worth either of us worrying about. Maybe I need to be more careful when it comes to putting my heart out there.”

  Brody chuckled and kissed his nose. “Does that mean you’ll still put everything else out there as per usual? I’d hate to grovel to get a piece of that ass.” He pecked another kiss, this one on Ian’s lips. “I’m greenin’ ya of course. Trying to lighten your mood a bit.” He rubbed his palm across Ian’s crotch. “And maybe trying to lighten your load, as well. Now that I’ve done it once, I’d like to do it more—lots and lots more.”

  Ian hugged him tightly and took a deep inhale with his nose buried in the crook of Brody’s neck. He whispered, “You’ve done it more than once, but I don’t mind you doing it as often as you’d like. Hold still, I need to check something.” He tilted his head slightly and pressed his lips to Brody’s. He opened to admit the probing tongue and moaned into the kiss. Ian pulled back. “Just confirming, but yep, feels like hundreds of little boners there. I’d like to tackle the big one first, though.” He swept in for more passionate kissing.

  Fortunately, they were interrupted by the pizza delivery guy before they wound up naked on the floor. Still, Ian’s arousal was very prominent when he opened the door. The delivery guy was younger but quite good looking. He did a double-take at the sheepish smile with kiss-swollen lips. He snickered when he glanced down to see the insistent bulge pushing out the front of Ian’s pants. Ian handed the young man a wad of bills. “Keep the change and thanks.”

  A wide smile flashed back at him. “I love my job sometimes, but are you sure about the tip? It works out to be about half of what you paid for the pizza.” Ian nodded. “Thanks, I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the next hour here.” He winked, still grinning like the Cheshire cat, adjusted his stirring crotch and strolled away.

  Ian turned to see Brody staring intently as if he were studying him. He set the pizzas on the coffee table and got the plates.

  Once the pizza was served, they sat back beside each other on the sofa. “He was kind of good-looking, don’t you think?” Brody glanced sideways to Ian as he spoke. “He obviously saw that you’re hard as steel but didn’t go running. I think he rather fancied you, and his comment about being a fly on the wall made me wonder. Have you ever done or considered doing a three-way? I don’t mean like one with your assistant watching, more like all parties fully engaged in the action. I haven’t, but Janet planted the idea and the pizza delivery guy reinforced it.”

  Ian shook his head. “Never did, probably never will. Call me traditional, but it seems that if you’re into someone, having others around would be a distraction. If I have to satisfy your hundreds of taste bud boners while a different one is sticking in my ear, how could I possibly do you the justice your body deserves?”

  Brody snorted. “I think you’re a master at multitasking already so I don’t see how it would be a hardship. It’s something to keep in the back of your mind, along with those many other things I’m sure are languishing there in the dark.” He leaned forward and teased Ian’s lips with the tip of his pizza. Ian sensuously licked his lips and slowly opened. He closed his eyes in fake ecstasy and made a moaning noise.

  “I think you need to snarf this baby down and meet me in my bed, pronto. Can I con you into spending the night without having to hide your keys or underwear?” He stood, rubbed both palms over his tight ass, and sauntered down the hall, leaving Ian holding a slice. He quickly dropped it and hurried to catch up.

  “I’ll tame each one of those tongue-boners, so help me God,” he muttered as he followed his hunk into the dimly lit passion pit. Shaking his head, he realized he’d fallen hard for his man.

  * * * *

  Ian’s phone alarm chirped him awake. He sighed and snuggled into the warm embrace of the big spoon with the big erection. He reached over to silence the persistent noise before it woke the loving man who was plastered against his back. He felt rough stubble scrape his cheek as his earlobe was nibbled from behind.

  “I reset your alarm for a little earlier than you had in case we woke with morning wood that needed to be buffed.” Brody reached around and squeezed the hardness in Ian’s crotch. “What a coincidence, you’ve got wood, too.”

  Ian laughed. “I don’t think there’s a man anywhere who doesn’t have a blue-veiner first thing in the morning, so don’t go acting all surprised that we do. Besides, how can I not be erect, sleeping beside hormones, pheromones and pure sex all wrapped in a human body?”

  Brody chuckled. “As much as I’d like to live in a fantasy world where we’re in perfect condition all the time, I need to pee and do something about my morning breath. What’s on the agenda for the day? I don’t have to work until five. Maybe I could tag along to your office and hang out with your assistant. We can plot ways of getting you to perform for an audience.”

  Ian sucked in a de
ep breath, held it and pressed his lips against Brody’s. He turned his head and exhaled. “I’m right behind you for the bathroom. Meet me here when you’re done, and we can pick up where we left off.”

  After they’d finished the breakfast dishes and were getting ready to head out, Brody turned and reached out to rub Ian’s cheek with his palm while his thumb traced the chiseled jawline. “I totally like being with you. I can honestly say I’ve never met anyone quite like you before. You do it for me. I’m not trying to scare you off or crowd you, but waking up with you in my arms completes me.”

  Ian snorted. “You’re quoting lines from mushy romance movies? I was melting here until you said ‘you complete me’. I guess I have to be honest, as well. Sharing time and space with you keeps my heart and soul on a scale or continuum.” He paused and looked into Brody’s eyes, waiting for a glimmer of recognition. It came with a belly laugh.

  When Brody finished hooting with laughter, he looked at Ian and wiped an eye. “Don’t you ever, ever again call me on movie clichés, mister space-time continuum. I may not be an avid sci-fi fan, but I recognize something from one of the Star Trek movies.” He shook his head as they walked out to the car.

  Ian said, “It is too nice a day to spend in an office. Let me call Janet and we’ll play tourist.” He made his call, resisting his assistant’s demands for details about his nights with that cute waiter. “Jeez, that woman is going to drive me to distraction. I never met someone so determined to know all about the mating habits of Ian Lawlor. I think, after that conversation, we should skip town for a few hours. Let’s go to Kananaskis and do a bit of hiking. You’re fine dressed the way you are, and I’ll be sure to get you back in time for work.”

  Brody linked arms with Ian as they strolled toward the car. It seemed to him that the longest part of the trip was getting out of the city. Once they were on the way west, time flew by and they were parking in a gravel lot near the base of a hiking trail. Brody had been doing a lot of thinking during the ride. When they were loaded with water, bear spray, and snacks, they once again linked arms and began their trek. “Spending time with you like this gives me a nice feeling. We’ve been hanging out for over a month now. Is it okay if I refer to you as my boyfriend when I’m talking with others about us?” He glanced at Ian for a reaction and was relieved to see a slow smile appear.

  Ian stopped and turned to Brody. He cupped his cheeks in his palms and slowly kissed the man. A passing hiker teased them good-naturedly. “Get a room.”

  Ian called out. “Don’t have time—he’s got to work this evening.” He turned back to Brody. “After Rene’s stunt, I thought I’d need a lot of time to get ready for any kind of involvement again. You, however, made it very easy for me to see, and feel, how a real relationship should be. Yep, boyfriend of mine, you sure may tell your friends that I’m yours.”

  They finished the hike and stopped at the Delta Lodge for lunch before heading back to the city in time for Brody to get ready for his shift at the bar. Ian’s phone buzzed and he read a short text from Janet asking if they could go for drinks that evening. He rolled his eyes, recalling the last few times they’d gone out when Janet drank enough for the pair of them, and then some. He replied in the affirmative and offered to pick her up. She said she’d meet him at Chaps around eight. Ian was suspicious of her motives, especially going to the bar where his handsome boyfriend worked.

  Chapter Six

  Brody grabbed a quick shower before he put on his boxer briefs, tight black pants, and fitted white shirt. He did a quick appraisal, fixed his hair so it looked naturally messy, and grabbed his keys. He was smiling the whole time, thinking about Ian. He’d never felt attracted enough to anyone to want a serious relationship, but this guy was perfect for him in every way. They understood each other’s wit, and when they sat in silence it was never awkward. The sex was right—Ian was far from being a selfish lover. They fit together physically, as well. They both stood a little over six feet tall. Brody worked out but Ian was naturally lean and toned. Brody felt a slight jealousy for the thick head of chestnut hair Ian wore a bit long, but oh so perfect. He knew his friend, Jarod, at the unisex salon he used, would die to be able to coif his male clients in a similar style. He made a note to ask his boyfriend who worked wonders on his head. He already knew who was going to work wonders on that toned body for a very long time to come. He was falling in love, no doubt about it.

  As soon as he walked into the employee’s entrance, Brody was approached by the shift manager. Jase smiled and shrugged. “Owen had a family emergency and you’re the next most qualified to run the bar. I know the tips aren’t as good but I need you to cover.”

  Brody laughed. “No problemo, boss, and my feet could use the break anyway. Plus, it’s good to be versatile.” He nudged Jase with an elbow and winked. “If you know what I mean.”

  Jase frowned good-naturedly. “I have no idea what you mean. Be yourself behind the bar, no need to try to imitate Owen, although I’d enjoy seeing you with that shirt off. Remember that the Alcohol and Gaming department frowns on full male nudity. Keep your watch on if you must.” He grinned as he walked away.

  In the office, Brody counted his float and took the cash drawer to the register where he logged in. The bar had more patrons than usual for the time of day, which indicated to Brody that this would be a busy shift. He’d likely do well in tips, even behind the bar. He wasn’t worried about it. He saved relentlessly so his only real expenses were his rent, utilities, and car maintenance.

  The crowd around his bar was filled with good-natured singles and couples. Brody spent as much time as he could chatting them up between filling drinks for the wait staff. He was surprised when Ian’s assistant, Janet, squeezed her way in and leaned on the bar. Even though it was a gay bar, she made it a point to flirt with the guys around her.

  “Hello again, hunky waiter. I’m here with my boss. He found us a table but I thought I’d come up and say ‘Hello’”. Janet emphasized the L’s with an exaggerated sweep of her tongue. “May I trouble you for vodka with a teensy bit of something sweet?”

  Brody chuckled. “Hi, Janet, it’s nice to see you again. Vodka and a touch of orange juice, maybe?” He prepared her drink when she nodded. “I’m worried that you left my boyfriend alone. You know he’s vulnerable, like a pork chop in a kennel, and too innocent to realize what’s happening until he’s been had.” He watched for a reaction.

  She took a sip of her drink and smirked. “I knew he looked too relaxed—more like sated—to only be thinking happy thoughts. I guess congratulations are in order for both of you.”

  Brody thanked her and hurried off to serve a few more guests at the bar, as well as pouring drinks for the waiters’ tables. He was surprised when he saw her still standing in the same spot, her glass now almost empty. “You’re here with Ian, but you’re standing at the bar instead of sitting with him at your table. Want to talk about it?”

  Janet downed the remainder of her drink and asked for a refill. Brody confirmed that they were taking a cab instead of driving before he gave her another. She took a large swallow, and then set the glass down. “I see you’re busy so I’ll get right to the point. I asked Ian to let me watch you two fuck for a reason. I’ve been trying to annoy him at work for that same reason. For the past two months, I’ve been scouted for an amazing career opportunity. It will mean moving east and leaving Ian without a creative director. We’ve become good friends and I don’t want to disappoint him. I was hoping to piss him off enough that it would make it easy for me to quit. The bastard is too nice. I want that job but I don’t want to leave.”

  Brody considered for a moment. “Why can’t you tell him what you’ve told me? He may be hurt, but he’s your friend as well as your boss. He’ll understand how important this would be for you. Hell, help him scout for your replacement if you have time. He’ll wonder what he did wrong if you aren’t honest with him. I love the guy and would hate to see him hurt again. I don’t know the details, but
someone he thought he loved apparently worked him over good recently.”

  Janet frowned. “That would have been a man named Rene. He’s the one who got Ian in trouble in the first place.” She took another swig of her drink. “I guess you’re right. I’m making a big deal out of this. I never thought of my antics from Ian’s point of view. You’re a doll. No wonder he fell in love with you.” She took her drink, patted the ass of the cute young guy beside her, and made her way to the table.

  Later, during a rush to get drinks out for everyone, Brody noticed Ian heading toward the washroom. He so wished he could take a minute to join him. He grinned to himself. Or maybe five so I can suck one out of him. He raised his eyebrows when Ian mouthed the words Thank You as he walked by.

  Finally, last call was announced and the crowd began to thin. Brody was grateful to have been behind the bar. He saw the exhaustion rolling off the waiters. He did well with tips, better than on a typical night when he worked the tables. He couldn’t help the wide smile when he saw his man sitting alone at a table watching him. He got one of the waiters to cover while he walked over to Ian’s table, carrying two cold beers. He sat and blew out an exaggerated breath.

  The pair touched bottles and swallowed a drink. “The highlight of my evening.”

  Ian grinned. “Having a cold beer? I think you need to get out more.” He took another drink as he watched Brody.

  “Ass, seeing you is my bright spot. I can have beer anytime but it would never come close to the feeling I get when you’re around.” He leaned across the table for a kiss. “Come back to my place when we close?”

  Ian shook his head. “I’ve worn this for two days in a row. I need to get home so I can at least change my underwear. You’re coming over to spend the night. New rule, you’re required to sleep at my place whenever I say. So, I say Brody is sleeping at my place tonight.” He paused and pressed his lips together, appearing to be in deep thought. “Brody will be sleeping at my place eventually tonight. How’s that sound? But we have to get sleep at some point. I’ve got a shift at the Help Line tomorrow.” He glanced at his watch. “Shit, look at the time. I guess I meant the shift is later today.”


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