Help Line (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Help Line (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 8

by H. D. Nels

  A nurse came in to inform Colby of his meeting. She offered to accompany him to the office of the psychiatrist. Colby shook his head. “Brody and I will find it. He’s coming with me for this appointment. I’ll need my clothes if I may be discharged today.”

  “Mr. Graham, I’m not sure Dr. Saayed will allow your friend to come along. Your clothes are on the shelf.” She indicated a cabinet off to the side of the room. “We’ll need to get discharge papers before you may leave. I’ll leave that to you and the doctor. His office is on the next floor up, room 413.”

  “Colby Graham, I’m Brody Langdon. Now that we’re best friends, let’s go convince the shrink to let me join you—if you still want me there, of course.”

  They only waited a few minutes in the outer office before Dr. Saayed came to meet Colby. “Hello, Doctor. This is my good friend. He’s been very supportive of me and I want him to join us.”

  Dr. Saayed glanced at Brody and then raised his eyebrows. “I’d prefer we have this session one-on-one. I’m sure your friend won’t mind waiting.”

  “No.” Colby’s voice was abrupt. “He comes or we don’t meet. I’m leaving today so it would be better if we all have an idea of what I should do going forward.”

  Dr. Saayed muttered that there had once been a protocol for involuntary patient admissions as he reluctantly agreed to Brody’s presence. He read over the notes. “The emergency responders indicated that you rented a room which, according to the landlord, is now vacant.” He glanced at Colby. “If you’ve paid beyond the week, take the bastard to small claims to recoup your money.” He continued. “You’ve obviously felt that there was no reason to continue living. In two days, what changed your mind?”

  “So much has changed. I spoke with an amazing man who helped me realize my feelings were misinterpreted. I thought I needed to die to be free of all the crap I was facing. He made me realize I only needed to not face it all by myself. This leads me to explain Brody’s presence here. My friend and I met yesterday, but he gave me the inspiration to deal. So I plan to deal on my terms, which don’t involve dying.”

  The doctor smiled and then frowned. “You have no home, no job, and barely have the drugs out of your system. How can I be assured you’ll be safe if I discharge you?”

  Brody spoke up. “He’s got a home for as long as he wants. I know of at least two potential employers who might take him on. When we leave here, I’m taking him to buy a few new duds before we go pick up my boyfriend. We’ll have a meal out to discuss longer term plans. I’ll sign him into my care if that’s the procedure nowadays.”

  Dr. Saayed chuckled. “No, things are much more lenient. You mentioned your boyfriend. It may seem ironic, but you should know that until about thirty years ago, homosexuality was still on the books as a psychiatric disorder. Thank heavens we’ve moved out of the Stone Age.” He paused, “Actually, they were more understanding in the stone age. It took modern religions to create taboos on same-sex relationships.

  “Mr. Graham, I’ve not had enough time to do a formal diagnosis. I’d like to suggest you go on a mild antidepressant for a month. It may help with your feelings of anxiety or hopelessness. It would also help justify my releasing you with no real psychiatric evaluation. The dispensary here will give you a thirty-day supply. I’ll prescribe refills for two additional months, and we’ll book a follow-up with me at that time for an assessment.”

  Colby agreed and went to the hospital pharmacy. Brody made a quick call, hoping to hell he made the right decision.

  “Hi, gorgeous. I’ve only got a few minutes to talk. We’ve got a houseguest, if that’s okay with you. I promise he won’t call you Benny.” He paused bracing himself for whatever reaction might come.

  “What took you so long? I thought you’d have him home in time for dinner. Oh, I guess you will. We can discuss the details later.”

  Chapter Nine

  Brody showed Colby to the guest room. The man barely had any clothes to bring. Brody’s twisted brain did a woo-hoo followed by a mental high five. A near naked hunk was as good a gold in his scheming mind. This handsome specimen was two years older than Ian. That made him almost seven years on himself. Could the world get any better with a daddy AND a granddaddy? Okay, he knew that in terms of physical years he was the kid. But in terms of life experience, maybe Colby was the baby.

  He smiled to see Colby startle when he spoke. He was obviously skittish in his new home. “I wanted to see if everything was okay?” He continued when the man nodded. “You know Ian and I are partners. Sometimes our shows of affection aren’t confined to the bedroom. Will you be uncomfortable if you catch things that are intended to be more private? Have you and previous partners ever felt that your privacy was breached?” He almost came in his pants at the reply.

  “I’ve never had sex with anyone before. I mean, I know I’m attracted to men because I was turned on by guys in the community. We’ve never done anything.” He blushed so brightly it was likely visible from the space station. “I have touched myself before and it felt good.”

  Brody was astounded. “You’re thirty-two, look to be my age, and have a body that will be to-die-for when we get you properly fed and exercised. God doesn’t make mistakes when he has someone as gifted as you look as fine as that.”

  Colby stood a few inches over six feet tall with long brown hair. Once he filled out he’d be a rugged and handsome man. He’d worked hard in the community, and that physical exercise kept him lean and cut. He began to wonder what the cost would be to stay with Brody and Ian. Despite his rebellion, if one can call being gay a rebellion, he wasn’t a slut. God knew if he touched another man while aroused he’d soak his pants right away. These two guys were among the finest he’d ever seen. He briefly wondered if maybe he should have finished the job instead of calling 911 when he overdosed. Shake those thoughts out of your head, fool. These men are trying to help. You’ve got to do your part.

  “Hey Brody, is there a library near here? I want to sign up on a few job search sites, but I need to access them and create a resume.” He glanced up to see the younger man leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest. He appeared to be in deep scrutiny of the new house guest.

  “You can use my laptop or Ian’s desktop. I can set you up on mine now. When Ian gets home he can set you up as another user on his. Any particular type of work you’d prefer? I can ask around.”

  Colby shrugged. “Something physical. I need to be active and keep my mind engaged so I don’t go on another pity-party.”

  Ian came home. He stopped short at the door to the study when he saw Colby working on a laptop and Brody standing beside him with his hand on the man’s shoulder. He felt a sudden pang of jealousy that was quickly replaced by butterflies in his stomach seeing two beautiful men at such an innocent moment. He narrowed his eyes. Maybe it isn’t so innocent. They could be surfing porn.

  “Hey guys, how was your day?” A pair of smiles turned his way. “Would you prefer I order in rather than anyone slaving over a hot stove?”

  Colby stood and gathered his papers together. “I’ll cook supper. I need to earn my keep until I find a job and can pay my way along.”

  Brody still had his hand on Colby’s shoulder. “You might want to finish your online profile and upload your resume. You may as well get ’er done while we’re on a roll.” He looked over at Ian. “Let’s get that mixed assortment from the Vietnamese place we enjoyed. They’ll do take-out and throw in free delivery since we’re in the neighborhood.”

  After they ate, Colby did the clean-up. The three sat on the sofa, Colby between Ian and Brody. He began to feel more relaxed with the closeness and attention from the other two. While discussing career prospects, Ian mentioned a contractor his company worked closely with.

  “So if you’re okay with the idea, I’ll ask the foreman if he has any suggestions where you might get something. If you’re planning on staying with us for any amount of time, why don’t we go look at pups? Animals
can go a long way to help you feel calm.”

  That brought to mind the Help Line call and his discussion with Benny. He’d told him about his dog and how sad he was when Nipper died. “You said something about my life being like a country song. It’s a little fuzzy now, but were you making fun of me?”

  Ian sighed. “Benny wasn’t making fun; he was trying to suggest outlets for some of the strong emotions you’ve been feeling. The cliché involving pain, lost love, runaway dogs, and family strife are all fodder for country songs. Find a way of expressing what you feel.”

  Colby thought about it. “I think I’d like to try writing. It might help. Speaking of help, I want to do things around here—painting, repairs, or gardening. Whatever you might need to have done. I’m pretty handy with my hands.” He rolled his eyes at the snicker from Brody. “I’m good with tools, too.” He narrowed his eyes when Brody snorted and burst into a belly laugh. He looked at Ian and shrugged. “Does he always have a dirty mind?”

  “Yeah, it’s part of his charm. Good looking, sexy, and a wicked smile all packaged up in a hot body.” He paused when he saw Colby staring with his mouth hanging open. “Then again, you’re all those things yourself. We need to get you past the naive stage.” He tried to bite back a smile when Colby blushed. “I guess you’re not used to men talking about each other like this. We’re not doing it to make you uncomfortable. It’s simply the way we are.”

  When Colby first arrived, he’d chosen a bedroom at the end of the hall from the one shared by the two lovers. The bathroom was halfway between their rooms. Ian and Brody had an En Suite which left the other bathroom to Colby alone. He still had cash and money in an account. After his preparation for bed, he made a mental note to pick up a few clothes in the morning. Maybe he’d take Ian’s suggestion and visit the animal rescue society. He decided that a few plants around the place wouldn’t be a bad idea either. He wondered if he was unconsciously thinking of this place like his home.

  Sounds from down the hall brought his focus. He knew what was going on and tried to figure out if they were making an attempt to be quiet or deliberately loud enough for him to hear. In his imagination, Ian was on top of Brody with his hard cock slowly sliding in while Brody moaned with pleasure. His own dick was straining uncomfortably in his jeans. After listening for a few more moments, Colby hurried to his own bedroom and stripped. Relieved by its sudden freedom, his cock slapped against his abdomen. He closed his eyes, trying to picture the lovemaking that was happening so close to him. He reached down, fisting his cock with one hand while the other gently pinched a nipple. He moaned and began to stroke the hardness in his hand. He didn’t think he’d ever been this hard. He tried to imagine what it would feel like to be joined with someone so completely by having his rigid cock inside his body. He released his nipple and slid his hand between his legs, lifting his hips slightly as his finger teased his hole. Again, he tried to figure out what it would feel like to be possessed by someone that way—a hard cock instead of his finger easing inside. Pushing his finger deeper and stroking his cock harder, he grunted as he massaged his prostate. He felt the sensation build and localize, knowing his climax was impending. He stroked harder until wave after wave of delicious sensation overwhelmed his senses. Wet heat coated his face, chest, and abdomen. The wonderful feeling subsided and his cock reluctantly softened in his hand. It must be amazing to share this feeling with another man, knowing how it feels for him from first-hand experience. He snickered when he thought of Brody’s dirty mind twisting that thought to a first hand-job experience. With a sigh, he opened his eyes and saw Brody standing at his door, watching with a distinct look of lust in his eyes. Brody licked his lips, closed his eyes briefly, and padded back to his own room. Note to self; remember to close the door when jerking off.

  * * * *

  Colby prepared breakfast and poured coffee when his two housemates joined him. He blushed when he looked at Brody, who leered at him in return.

  Ian noticed the silent exchange between the two. “Breakfast is delicious, Colby. Thanks. I’ll be talking with the foreman I told you about yesterday. Hopefully, he’ll have a few leads we can follow. Make sure you go for something you’ll enjoy and not take anything that may leave you feeling miserable.”

  Brody piped up. “Yeah, Colby, remember what Mom says.” He smiled at Ian. “I know you’re thinking of his best interest, but he’s all growed up now. He can look after himself.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Colby when he said that.

  Ian kissed Brody and left for the office. Brody planned to work in the garage while Colby cleaned up. They’d made a list of small repairs to do around the house. Colby put on a faded pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt before heading to the garage to gather tools. Brody was straining to move a bench so Colby hurried over to help. It slid easily into position with the added muscle.

  “Thanks. You pack a lot of muscle that isn’t obvious to the casual observer.” He grimaced and glanced at his feet, rubbing his neck with his hand. “Speaking of observer, sorry about last evening. I was coming to check on you and see if you needed anything. That was a very impressive sight.” He looked at the handsome man and smiled to see his ears redden. “Don’t be embarrassed, we all do it. I got caught by my grandma once. It didn’t faze her in the least because she’d already raised three boys. What did bother her was when I came out to the family. She cut me out of her will and hasn’t spoken to me since. Mom and Dad are okay, but it bothers me that they aren’t close with grandma either. Sorry, I’m rambling on here. You’ve got a good body and are sexy as hell. Why don’t you drop by the bar tonight while I’m there? I can introduce you to a few guys.”

  Colby got past his embarrassment and grinned. “I’d have died if anyone in the family caught me doing what you saw last night. I don’t do it much, but I kind of got turned on when I heard you and Ian making love. I’m going to fix a few things around the house, then maybe go shopping. If I have any money left maybe I will join you this evening.”

  Brody finished in the garage and went in the house. Colby was fixing the slow drain in the kitchen. His head and shoulders were in the cabinet under the sink. From mid-torso down was open for the world to view. Or for Brody’s scrutiny in this case. He took in the taper of Colby’s chest to waist and his impressive package prominently displayed at his crotch. His long, lean legs appeared to stretch the distressed denim that molded over them. Here’s a man I could definitely fall in love with. Another man actually, since I’ve already got one hunk. His thoughts were interrupted when Colby spoke.

  “Mind passing me the crescent wrench? I must have left it out of reach.” He thanked Brody and got back to work.

  Brody was attracted to nearly everything about Colby. He was polite, had a perfect voice, a body to die for, and a touch of innocence. He pondered his dilemma, wondering if his dream of a threesome with his boyfriend and this new guy might become a reality.

  Chapter Ten

  Ian missed Janet’s antics around the place but was impressed with Liisa’s abilities and enthusiasm. They’d had a meeting to follow-up on the play Janet started before she moved on.

  “Ian, I like the plot. I think if we rework the characterizations to make them less cookie-cutter and more innovative we can reach a larger audience. For example, the character Shawn is portrayed as a typical middle-class male trying to make his way in business. I see Shawn as a trans-person whose struggle touches desire for career, acceptance, and relationships with his girlfriend, and as the transition progresses, her boyfriend. Maybe the romance will evolve so Shawn keeps the two lovers who eventually fall in love with each other, as well as him. It keeps the audience wondering how the whole thing will play out.” Liisa was enthusiastic and it was clear she liked to think outside the box. She was surprised at how readily the boss embraced her idea. She’d thought he was loyal to Janet’s ideas because of their friendship, but saw that he was able to set that aside in favour of a decent plot.

  After the meeting, Ian picked up the ph
one to give the contractor a call. Angus George was a competent man who ran an efficient business. “Angus, Ian Lawlor. I’ve got a friend looking for a job. He’s looking for something physical. Have you heard of any openings around town? I’ll vouch for his character.”

  “Hey, Ian, It’s good to hear from you as usual. My brother-in-law runs a distribution center in the south-east. He’s looking for a few good people. What’s the guy’s name? I’ll give Greg a call right away to see if he’s got time to talk to him today.”

  Ian passed on the information and sat back to wait. He wondered if there was something developing between Colby and Brody. He couldn’t miss the interaction between the two handsome men. After putting his heart out there for Brody, he wasn’t sure he’d heal if he was dumped. He felt more and more certain that Brody and Colby were becoming an item. He wondered if it might be wise to distance himself from Brody, but he loved him like he had none other before. Brody wasn’t shallow and he truly believed their love was a two-way street. Still, Colby was handsome, charming, and vulnerable. Whether it was pheromones or what, he could easily fall in love with a man like him. His phone brought him out of that thought. He smiled and hoped Colby was up for a bit of good news.

  * * * *

  Ian was surprised to see Brody sitting on the front step, despite the chill in the air. He stood and approached the car. Ian’s heart beat faster, the way it did every time he saw his man after any brief absence. He got out and was immediately tackled and kissed senseless.

  “I’m not sharing any news, but thank you. You’re amazing and I took this evening off from the bar to have dinner with you and Colby.” Brody kissed him again and took his hand to lead him inside.


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