Heir Of Novron: The Riyria Revelations

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Heir Of Novron: The Riyria Revelations Page 82

by Michael J. Sullivan

  ARISTA ESSENDON, PRINCESS: Sister of Alric, daughter of Amrath, Princess of Melengar, leader of rebel victory in Ratibor, former mayor pro tem of Ratibor, former regent of Rhenydd, Witch of Melengar, imprisoned in Aquesta after trying to free Degan Gaunt

  ARMAND, KING: Ruler of Alburn, married to Adeline, sons: Rudolf and Hector, daughter: Beatrice

  ARMIGIL: Brew mistress of Hintindar, family friend of the Blackwaters

  ART, THE: Magic, generally feared due to superstition

  ARVID MCDERN: Son of Dillon McDern of Dahlgren

  ASENDWAYR: Tribe of elves, hunters

  AVEMPARTHA: Ancient elven tower, home of Gilarabrywn that attacked Dahlgren

  AVRYN: ave-rin The central and most powerful of the four nations of Apeladorn, located between Trent and Delgos

  AYERS: Proprietor of The Laughing Gnome in Ratibor

  BA RAN ARCHIPELAGO: Island of the goblins

  BA RAN GHAZEL: Goblins of the sea

  BACKING: Rigging a sail such that it catches the wind from its forward side, having both backed and regular rigged sails can render a ship motionless

  BAILEY INN, THE: Boardinghouse routinely used by Riyria when in Aquesta

  BAILIFF: Officer who is employed to make arrests and administer punishments

  BALDWIN: Lord whose landholdings include Hintindar

  BALLENTYNE: bal-in-tine The ruling family of the earldom of Chadwick

  BANNER: Crew member of the Emerald Storm, one of the few survivors

  BARAK: Ghetto in Trent inhabited by dwarves

  BARKERS: Refugee family living in Brisbane Alley of Aquesta, father Brice, mother Lynnette, sons Finis, Hingus, and Wery

  BARTHOLOMEW: Carriage maker of Tarin Vale, father of Amilia

  BARTHOLOMEW: Priest in Ratibor

  BASIL: Officers’ cook on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  BASTION: Servant in the imperial palace

  BATTLE OF MEDFORD: Skirmish that occurred during Arista’s witch trial

  BATTLE OF RAMAR: Bloody fight that Hadrian once fought in

  BATTLE OF RATIBOR: Rebellion against Imperialists, led by Emery Dorn and Arista

  BEATRICE, PRINCESS: Daughter of King Armand, Princess of Alburn, sister to Rudolf and Hector

  BELINDA PICKERING: Extremely attractive wife of Count Pickering, mother of Lenare, Mauvin, Fanen, and Denek

  BELLA: Cook at The Laughing Gnome in Ratibor

  BELSTRADS: bell-straads Noble family from Chadwick, including Sir Breckton and Wesley

  BENDLTON, BROTHER: Cook at the rebuilt Winds Abbey

  BENNINGTON: Guard in Aquesta

  BENTLY: Sergeant in the Nationalist army, promoted by Hadrian to adjunct general

  BERNARD: Lord Chamberlain of the imperial palace

  BERNARD GREEN: Candlemaker from Alburn, living in Aquesta

  BERNICE: Former handmaid of Arista, killed in Dahlgren

  BERNIE DEFOE: Topsail crew member of the Emerald Storm, former member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora

  BERNUM HEIGHTS: Wealthiest residential district in Colnora

  BERNUM RIVER: Waterway that bisects the city of Colnora

  BERYL: Senior midshipman on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  BETHAMY, KING: Ruler reputed to have had his horse buried with him

  BETRAYAL IN MEDFORD: Imperialist version of the play The Crown Conspiracy

  BIDDINGS: Chancellor of the imperial palace

  BISHOP: Lieutenant aboard the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  BLACK DIAMOND: International thieves’ guild centered in Colnora

  BLACKWATER: Last name of Hadrian and his father, Danbury

  BLINDEN: Quartermaster’s mate on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  BLOOD WEEK: Time of the year when stock that won’t be able to be fed during the winter is butchered

  BLYTHIN CASTLE: Castle in Alburn

  BOATSWAIN: Petty officer on a ship who controls the work of other seamen

  BOCANT: Family who built a lucrative industry from pork, second-wealthiest merchants in Colnora

  BOTHWICKS: Family of peasant farmers of Dahlgren, father: Russell, mother: Lena

  BRAGA, PERCY: Former Archduke and Lord Chancellor of Melengar, expert swordsman, uncle-in-law to Alric and Arista, killed by Count Pickering, commissioned the murder of Amrath

  BRAND: Street urchin, reputed to have killed a kid in a fight to win a tunic, nickname: Brand the Bold

  BRECKTON: Sir Breckton Belstrad, son of Lord Belstrad, brother of Wesley, commander of the Northern Imperial Army, knight of Chadwick, considered by many to be the best knight of Avryn

  BRIDEETH: Elven swear word, highest insult

  BRIGHT STAR: Ship sunk by Dacca

  BRISTOL BENNET: Boatswain on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  BRODRIC ESSENDON: Founder of the Essendon dynasty

  BUCKET MAN: Term for assassin in the Black Diamond thieves’ guild

  BULARD, ANTUN: See Antun Bulard

  BURANDU: bur-and-dew Lord of the Tenkin village of Oudorro

  BYRNIE: Long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail formerly worn as defensive armor

  CALIAN: cal-lay-in Pertaining to the nation of Calis

  CALIANS: Residents of the nation of Calis, with dark skin tone and almond-shaped eyes

  “CALIDE PORTMORE”: Folk song often sung while drinking

  CALIS: cal-lay Southern-and easternmost of the four nations of Apeladorn, considered exotic, in constant conflict with the Ba Ran Ghazel

  CAPSTAN: Spoked wheel on a ship that turns to raise the anchor

  CARAT: Young member of Black Diamond thieves’ guild

  CARREL: Small individual study area in a library

  CASWELL: Family of peasant farmers from Dahlgren

  CENZAR: sen-zhar Wizards of the Old Novronian Empire

  CENZARIUM: Home of the Cenzar Council in Percepliquis

  CHAMBERLAIN: Someone who manages the household of a king or nobleman

  CHANFRON: A piece of plate armor used to protect a horse’s head

  CODE OF CHIVALRY: Eight virtues each knight should aspire to

  COLNORA: call-nor-ah Largest, wealthiest city in Avryn, merchant-based city, grew from a rest stop at a central crossroads of various major trade routes

  CONSTANCE, LADY: Noblewoman, fifth imperial secretary to Empress Modina

  CORA: Dairymaid at the imperial palace

  CORNELIUS DELUR: Rich businessman, rumored to finance Nationalists and involved in illegal trade good markets, father of Cosmos

  Cosmos Sebastian DeLur: Son of Cornelius, also known as the Jewel, head of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild

  COXSWAIN: Helmsman of a racing ship

  CRANSTON: Professor at Sheridan University, tried and burned for heresy

  CRIMSON HAND: Thieves’ guild operating out of Melengar

  THE CROWN CONSPIRACY: Play reputed to be based on the murder of King Amrath, follows the exploits of two thieves and the Prince of Melengar

  CROWN TOWER: Home of the Patriarch and center of the Nyphron Church

  CUTTER: Moniker used by Merrick Marius when a member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild

  DACCA: A fierce seafaring people who live on the island of Dacca, south of Delgos

  DAGASTAN: Major and easternmost trade port of Calis

  DAHLGREN: dall-grin Remote village on the bank of the Nidwalden River, site of Gilarabrywn attack

  DANBURY BLACKWATER: Father of Hadrian

  DANTHEN: Woodsman from Dahlgren

  DAREF, LORD: Noble of Warric, associate of Albert Winslow

  DARIUS SERET: Founder of the Seret Knights

  DAVENS: Squire who Arista had a youthful crush on

  DAVIS: Crew member of the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  DEACON TOMAS: Priest of Dahlgren, witnessed destruction of Gilarabrywn, proclaimed Thrace Wood as the Heir of Novron

  DEFOE, BERNIE: See Bernie Defoe

  DEGAN GAUNT: Leader of
the Nationalists, sister of Miranda, Heir of Novron, imprisoned in Aquesta by Imperialists

  DeLancy, Gwen: Calian prostitute and proprietor of Medford House and The Rose and Thorn Tavern in Medford, girlfriend of Royce Melborn

  DELANO DEWITT: Alias used by Wyatt Deminthal when he framed Hadrian and Royce for King Amrath’s death

  DELGOS: One of the four nations of Apeladorn. The only republic in a world of monarchies, Delgos revolted against the Steward’s Empire after Glenmorgan III was murdered and after surviving an attack by the Ba Ran Ghazel with no aid from the empire

  DELORKAN, DUKE: Nobleman from Calis

  DELUNDEN, BISHOP: Head of the Nyphron Church in Aquesta

  DELUR: Family of wealthy merchants, father: Cornelius, son: Cosmos

  DEMINTHAL, WYATT: Quartermaster and helmsman of the Emerald Storm, father of Allie, blackmailed by Merrick Marius to ensure Riyria disabled defenses of Drumindor

  DENEK PICKERING: Youngest son of Count Pickering

  DENNY: Worker at The Rose and Thorn

  DERIN: Clan of dwarves

  DERMONT, LORD: General of the Southern Imperial Army, killed in the Battle of Ratibor

  DERNING, JACOB: Maintop captain on the Emerald Storm, member of Black Diamond, rescued Royce and Hadrian from Tur Del Fur jail

  DESTRIER: Unusually large warhorse used by knights

  DEVON: Monk of Tarin Vale, taught Amilia to read and write

  DEWITT, DELANO: See Delano DeWitt

  DIGBY: Guard at Essendon Castle

  DILLADRUM: Erbonese guide, hired to take crew of the Emerald Storm to the Palace of the Four Winds, killed during escape

  DIME: Crew member of the Emerald Storm, died at sea

  DIOYLION: die-e-leon The Accumulated Letters of Dioylion, a very rare scroll

  DIXON TAFT: Bartender and manager of The Rose and Thorn Tavern, lost an arm in the Battle of Medford

  DOBBS: Servant in the employ of Merrick Marius

  DOGGER: Type of small ship, often used by Tenkin

  DOVIN THRANIC: Sentinel of the Nyphron Church, half-elf, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora

  DR. GERAND: Physician in Ratibor

  DR. LEVY: Physician, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora

  DRASH: Ghazel chieftain, arena fighter, known as Drash of the Klune

  DREW, EDGAR: Old seaman

  DROME: God of the dwarves

  DRONDIL FIELDS: Count Pickering’s castle, once the fortress of Brodric Essendon, the original seat of power in Melengar

  DRUMINDOR: Dwarven-built fortress located at the entrance to Terlando Bay in Tur Del Fur, can utilize lava from the nearby volcano for its defense, overrun by goblins after the defenses were disabled by Royce and Hadrian

  DRUNDEL: Peasant family from Dahlgren consisting of Mae, Went, Davie, and Firth

  DUBRION ASH: Author of The Forgotten Race, a history of the dwarves

  DULNAR, SIR: Knight who lost a hand in the Wintertide games

  DUNLAP, PAUL: Former carriage driver of King Urith, dead

  DUNMORE: Youngest and least sophisticated kingdom of Avryn, ruled by King Roswort, member of the New Empire

  DUNSTAN: Baker in Hintindar, childhood friend of Hadrian, married to Arbor

  DUR GURON: Easternmost portion of Calis

  DURBO: Tenkin dwelling

  DUSTER: Moniker used by Royce while a member of the Black Diamond

  ECTON, SIR: Chief knight of Count Pickering, military general of Melengar

  EDGAR DREW: See Drew, Edgar

  EDITH MON: Head maid in charge of the scullery and chamber servants in the imperial palace

  EDMUND HALL: Professor of geometry at Sheridan University, found Percepliquis, declared a heretic by the Nyphron Church, imprisoned in the Crown Tower, husband of Sadie, father of Ebot and Dram

  EDMUND HALL’S JOURNAL: Heretical document of journey into Percepliquis, one of the treasures kept in the Crown Tower

  EILYWIN: Tribe of elves, builders

  ELAN: The world

  ELBRIGHT: Street urchin, leader of a small band consisting of Mince, Brand, and Kine, nickname: the Old Man

  ELDEN: Large man, friend of Wyatt Deminthal

  ELGAR, SIR: Knight of Galeannon, friend of Gilbert and Murthas

  ELINYA: Esrahaddon’s lover

  ELLA: Cook at Drondil Fields

  ELLA: Alias used by Arista while masquerading as a maid in the imperial palace

  ELLIS FAR: Melengarian ship used to send envoy to Nationalists, captured by Imperialists

  ELQUIN: Masterwork of Orintine Fallon, poet

  ELVEN: Pertaining to elves

  EMERALD STORM: Ship of the New Empire, captained by Seward

  EMERY DORN: Young revolutionary from Ratibor, in love with Arista, killed in the Battle of Ratibor

  EMPRESS MODINA: Previously Thrace Wood of Dahlgren, locked in a near catatonic state after loss of family and village, appointed empress of the New Empire

  ENDEN, SIR: Knight of Chadwick, considered second best to Breckton, killed in Dahlgren

  ENILD, BARON: in-illed Nobleman of Galien of Melengar

  ERANDABON GILE: Panther of Dur Guron, Tenkin warlord, madman

  ERBON: Region of Calis northwest from Mandalin

  EREBUS: Father of the gods, also known as Kile when in human form

  ERIVAN: ear-ah-van Elven empire

  ERLIC, SIR : A knight who survived the destruction of Dahlgren

  ERMA EVERTON: Alias used by Arista while in Hintindar

  ERVANON: err-vah-non City in northern Ghent, seat of the Nyphron Church, once the capital of the Steward’s Empire as established by Glenmorgan I

  ESRAHADDON: ez-rah-hod-in Wizard, former member of the Cenzar, convicted of destroying the Old Empire, sentenced to imprisonment, held in Gutaria, killed by Merrick

  ESSENDON: ez-in-don Royal family of Melengar

  ESSENDON CASTLE: Home of the ruling monarchs of Melengar

  ESTRAMNADON: es-tram-nah-don Believed to be the capital or at least a very sacred place in the Erivan Empire

  ESTRENDOR: es-tren-door The northern wastes

  ETCHER: Member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild, traitor who turns Arista over to seret

  ETHELRED, LANIS: eth-el-red Former King of Warric, co-regent of the New Empire, Imperialist

  EVERTON: Alias used by Arista, Hadrian, and later Royce

  EVERTON, CAPTAIN: Commander of Aquesta’s southern gate

  EVLIN: City along the banks of the Bernum River

  EXETER: Family name of the rulers of Hanlin

  FALINA BROCKTON: Real name of Emerald, waitress at The Rose and Thorn

  FALLON MIRE: City where Merton prevented the spread of a terrible disease

  FALLON, ORINTINE: Poet who wrote about how patterns in nature relate to patterns in life

  FALL-THE-WALL: Children’s game

  FALQUIN: Professor at Sheridan University

  FAN IRLANU: Visionary of Oudorro, seer, fortune-teller, predicted Royce’s future, including the death of someone near to him

  FANEN PICKERING: fan-in Middle son of Count Pickering, killed by Luis Guy

  FAQUIN: Inept magician who uses alchemy rather than channeling the Art

  FARILANE, PRINCESS: Wrote Migration of Peoples

  FAULD, THE ORDER OF: fall-ed A post-imperial order of knights dedicated to preserving the skill and discipline of the Teshlor Knights

  FENITILIAN: Monk of Maribor, made warm shoes

  FERROL: God of the elves

  FESTIVIOUS FOUNDEREIONUS: Celebration to commemorate the founding of Percepliquis

  FINILESS: Noted author

  FINISHER: Stealthy Ghazel fighter


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