All & Nothing (The Broadway Series Book 1)

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All & Nothing (The Broadway Series Book 1) Page 5

by Allie York

  “That makes two of us. At least now I remember what I was missing.” We both laughed again. It was a lie. I had never had sex like that. It always ended with me feeling gross and used, and I had honestly hated sex. I had plenty of opportunities, but could never bring myself to do it after the way it had been with Davis. I came to my senses and slid out from under him. “I do need to have Nick take Merlin out for me, though.” He furrowed his brow. “Nick’s my neighbor.” The whole my best friend is a dude thing seemed like too much.

  Ewan jumped up and pulled a pair of sweatpants on. “Damn, I left Clark out!” A shirt came flying at me and he bolted from the room. I stretched, climbing out of his bed, and started gathering the clothes littering the floor. My phone was left in the kitchen due to our hasty departure. Once my underwear had been located, and his clothes were folded neatly on the dresser, I tugged the white undershirt on. It stopped at the top of my thighs but I padded down the stairs anyway. Why not, the guy has already seen me naked. Ewan was leaned against the kitchen counter with a glass of water, and Clark was in the crate with a Kong. When I came in, the world’s hottest man smirked and reached his hand out for me, but I hesitated, taking the opportunity to study him. Damn, he was gorgeous. Rippled abs and killer shoulders. I swiped my phone from the counter and leaned next to him, snatching his water glass. Ewan pulled back the collar of my shirt to peek at my fresh tattoo and nodded before putting it back. My sexy date made me forget all about the new ink.

  Nick’s phone rang a few times before he answered, “Yes, Jove.” My hetero-life-mate sounded exasperated. It was then I realized it was after eleven. Oops.

  “Can you take Merlin out?” He huffed. “Please, Lunchbox?” I begged.

  “Wait, where are you, Jove?” Nick sounded worried. Ewan put his arm around my waist and tugged me closer to him before taking his glass back. It was a slightly possessive move, but I tolerated it.

  “I’ll see you at lunch tomorrow. Thanks, Nick.” I hung up and watched Ewan rub his hand over his face, yawning. He poured the water down the sink and dragged me back up the stairs at a much slower pace than the last time.

  Fatigue must have hit us both at once because we sighed in unison once we were in bed. Or maybe it was the sex making me sigh. Ewan curled himself around my back, squeezing me gently and nuzzling into my hair. It was so foreign, a guy wanting to be close to me, being so warm after sex, or allowing me to see them so vulnerable.

  “Thanks for staying, Jovie,” he whispered it drowsily into my hair. I nodded, and his fingers laced with mine. I hadn’t slept with anyone next to me in six years, and it had rarely happened then. Davis left for his man cave when he was done with me. It was yet another thing I could get used to. I wanted to ask if I should look forward to getting used to it, but he was asleep. I could feel his shallow, slow breathing on my neck through my hair and smell his scent all around me. It was in my hair, on my skin, and I was enveloped in it. Nick had been right; I needed to get laid, but I needed so much more than just sex, and Ewan had delivered. What the hell had just happened?

  I was vaguely aware of an alarm the next morning. It wasn’t my alarm, so my brain tuned it out, but an arm finding its way around my waist forced me to remember where I was. I had been on a date with the super-hot British guy, went back to his house, had mind-blowing sex, and spent the night. I kind of felt like Cinderella but without the lost shoe and my sister was the fairy godmother that dressed me.

  Ewan groaned, and I felt him stretch next to me. Yeah, I could really, really get used to all of it. The bed dipped when he sat up, and I rolled over, catching him around the waist, and he rubbed my arm.

  “I need a shower and more sleep,” he muttered the words in his sexy accent.

  “Me too.” I kissed his bare back, and he sucked in a sharp breath before I let him go. I watched him walk through a door I hadn’t noticed the night before. I hadn’t noticed anything but him the night before, and who could blame me? The man was Adonis gorgeous. The room was spacious with a walk-in closet and a laundry room off the main room. It held the king-sized bed, a long, low dresser with a matching mirror, a full book case, and an antique looking trunk. It was painted a pleasant slate-gray and the bedding was matching grays.

  The water started as I flipped through the suits and dress shirts in his closet. “You can join me,” Ewan called out from the bathroom. I wandered in, noting the new washer and dryer and the his and hers sinks. His silhouette could barely be made out through the frosted glass shower doors.

  “I’ll wait till I get home,” His offer was tempting, but I needed to know where things stood before showering with him. I was fine either way. Maybe. Everything from the night before spoke more of two lovers than a one-night stand, but I wasn’t reading into it. It would make his grooming appointment awkward, though. I made my brain come to a screeching halt. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn’t date. I didn’t have relationships. I wasn’t setting myself up for another Davis debacle. I was independent and didn’t need a man, didn’t want a man. I left him to his shower and got dressed, running my fingers through my hair to unknot it, and tried to fix my smeared mascara.

  My texts from the night before had filled my inbox. Reese, Nick, Lydia, and Erica had sent me over forty texts in total. Lots of “how’s it going” then they switched to “must be going well” and then “are you still alive?” I responded to all three to let them know my date hadn’t been an axe murderer and made my way down to the kitchen. Clark was forced to sit in his crate before I would open it and he scrambled out to the yard, just like the previous night. I took in the yard that was too dark to see the night before. The privacy fence was at least six feet tall, and the yard took up an entire lot. The deck was huge with a hammock, grill, and elegant white patio furniture. The man lived well.

  The kitchen was well organized with expensive stoneware dishes and the most sophisticated coffee pot ever—it looked as if it might fly if I pushed the right button. Somehow, I managed to find coffee and set out mugs for us while I tried to figure out the coffee maker.

  “You don’t have to make coffee.”

  I fumbled the carafe, catching it right before it hit the counter, dropped an unbecoming F-bomb, and was positive that I had suffered a heart attack. Ewan,braced on the island was laughing at me. At least he found my swear amusing.


  Ewan plucked the two mugs from me, putting them back on the shelf, and pinned me against the counter. My eyes fluttered closed without my consent when he kissed my forehead. “The bakery down from your shop makes a decent scone and serves good coffee. Are you in a hurry?”

  “No, I’m off today.” Ewan let his drool-inducing smile take over his face, and I blushed.

  “Great, I’m not due in until nine.” We let Clark in and I gathered my things, staring at him as often as I could. His pressed seafoam shirt and black dress pants were set off by polished shoes and his well-manicured beard. Damn. I hardly managed to look half-way put together ever, much less on a daily basis. What the hell is he doing doting on me?

  Chapter Seven


  Jovie looked more amazing in the outfit from the night before then I remembered, but then I realized it was the glow in her cheeks making it so much better. I could definitely keep her. I left her to watch the people go by while I ordered and paid at the bakery, but once I sat across from her and took her hand, her focus shifted.

  “Why are you doing this?” She winced at her words again.

  “Doing what? Is breakfast suddenly an insult?” I handed her a scone.

  “No, it’s just …” She picked at the scone. “Dinner is one thing, but all of the frills really aren’t necessary.” Jovie snuck a glance at me. Apparently, the woman truly wasn’t used to being treated well. Is she regretting the night before?

  “Now, I’ve overstepped a boundary?” I handed her a coffee and watched her sip it without adding anything to it. “Are you upset about last night, because I—” She cut me off,
holding her hand up to stop me.

  “It’s definitely not that.” At least I wasn’t that bad in bed. Jovie had certainly seemed to enjoy moaning my name. “We met like four days ago, and I haven’t been in a relationship, serious or casual, in years, like six of them, so I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.” I took a bite of my breakfast, watching her do the same, and mulled over my answer.

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better I haven’t, either, but I thought we had a connection. I haven’t done this in a really long time, and I was under the impression chivalry was still a welcome trait.” I paused, watching her nod. “I’m not sure I am cut out for casual anything, if I’m being honest, nor am I interested in anything of the temporary nature. I was holding out hope of doing this again,” I felt honesty was the best way to deal with her being so uncomfortable, so I let it all go. “I can see myself caring for you, a lot, actually. I knew it when we met and you didn’t hesitate to tell me how poorly I was handling Clark, and it was reinforced when you let my sister pick your brain. I would also like to prove to you that not all of us are awful.” Jovie dropped her shoulders and mumbled an, “Oh”. I was completely unsure of what she thought I was going for, but I had obviously surprised her. “I hoped you felt the same way.”

  “Yeah, I guess I do.” Her admission made me smile and her face flushed. Her blush was beyond attractive, making me want her again. The night before had been surreal. Her soft thighs wrapped around my hips and the starry look in her eyes nearly broke me. I wanted those moments to myself. The simple thought of some other man seeing her like that made me crazy. It was a strange, primal feeling that Jovie belonged to me. My brain knew she didn’t, but something else in me felt otherwise. We fell into a silence, finishing our breakfast while I tried to figure out what I should do next. I desperately wanted to see her again, to feel her writhing under me, to spend more time with her. We crept closer to time for work, and I settled on a plan. The worst she could say was no, but I wasn’t willing to accept no. I wanted all of it, and I wanted it with her.

  “I’m sure you are eager to get a shower and let Merlin out.” Jovie blinked to attention, and I slid my chair out, picking the coffees up. When we got outside, she opened my door for me, took her cup, and walked around to get in her side of the car. Shit. We pulled up at her house, and I stared at the door I would watch her go through. I felt her eyes on me, but I couldn’t look from the door. She was obviously not sure about what I wanted, what I was offering, and I had to be all right with it. Then Jovie leaned over and kissed my cheek before opening her car door. My hand caught her forearm. “Are you busy Saturday? After work, obviously.” I would beg if I had to. For her, I was not above begging. The woman had turned me into a love-sick puppy in a matter of hours.

  “No, I lead a very boring life, but I’m not sure about all of this.” A deep pit formed in my stomach.

  “Let me cook you dinner.” Yes, I was begging. “Amelia will be there, but you can bring Merlin, and I am a damn good cook.” I arched my brow at her and touched her hair, watching it glide through my fingers. How is it so soft?

  “I bet it’s a struggle to find anything you aren’t good at.” I laughed in relief and watched her face turn red. “Dinner sounds amazing, and your sister doesn’t bother me, so you don’t need to make her presence a disclaimer. But again, I don’t know, Ewan. I’m not good at dating stuff.” I leaned over and kissed her. It was only supposed to be a quick kiss, but her fingers wrapped around my upper arm and I grabbed her hip.

  I moved to her ear. “I’ll see you Saturday.” I kissed her just below her ear and leaned back into my seat, watching her blush again. Her phone went off, and she smiled slyly before climbing from my car. I watched her walk in and waited for the door to close before I rested my head on the steering wheel. I was ecstatic when she agreed, but what was I going to do until Saturday?

  The first half of the work day went by quickly, but lunch became eventful quickly. Scott text me first.

  How’d it go?

  I promised to call him later. Then I got the call from Amelia who wasn’t supposed to use her phone at school. “I need Jovie’s number,” my sister started before I could even say hello.


  Ams scoffed, “Ewan! I need to ask her a question since you are working late tonight.” Shit. I was working late, like I always did on Wednesdays. The woman was going to be the death of all my rationale. “I want her to show me the stuff you learned with Clark so I can walk him.”

  “Ams, you can’t walk the dog out alone.” Even at her age I didn’t trust other people enough to let her go alone anywhere near dark.

  “Yeah, I know. That is why I need to talk to her. I swear it will be a quick text and no more.” Amelia dropped into her begging voice, and I agreed to ask Jovie if she could text her. I picked at my food, wondering if I was making a mistake, but decided that mistake or not, I liked her, needed her.

  I knew there was some screwed up dating rule about calling too soon, but I couldn’t send her a text, so I braced through the ringing until Jovie answered with a casual, “Hello.”

  I smiled like an idiot apologizing for interrupting her lunch, and asked if I could pass her number on. She agreed, assuring me that Ams could call anytime. I thanked her, told her I would see her Saturday, and left her to her lunch with her neighbor. I immediately called Scott.


  “I may be in love.”

  “Whoa. Slow down, Chief. Details now.” I could hear the excitement in his voice. I told him about drinks and dinner then talked about ending up at my house. “So, you totally got some ass?” I grunted an affirmative sound, “Man, that is great. Is it going to be a thing? Make a second date?”

  “I’m cooking for her Saturday. But she spent the night.” Nearly thirty-five and feeling giddy about a woman spending the night. It was so silly. It was all I could do to keep my mind from wandering to how Jovie let me lay on her chest while stroking my hair. Jovie let me do whatever I needed and didn’t seem to judge me about it in the least. Then there was how reactive she was to my touch.

  “You didn’t get all weird on her, did you?” I groaned, insisting to him I hadn’t gotten weird and finished my lunch, leaving him with no details other than yes, the woman was gorgeous. My day went by quickly, with Ams texting me to say they were going walking, but promised not to bother her.

  I finally dragged myself home around six, ordered pizza, and started cooking dessert. Amelia’s bag was on the table, and she had several of her hand written assignments out. No doubt to let Jovie read. It was half an hour later when Amelia came in, releasing Clark into the house.

  “I ordered pizza. I really hope you don’t plan on making a habit of bothering her like you did tonight. Jovie has a life, you know?” Amelia insisted she wouldn’t, rifling through the papers, while I mixed icing. “I mean it, Ams, I like her and don’t want you running her off with your stalkerish obsession.” We argued back and forth about how much I liked Jovie and how Amelia better not demand too much attention from her. She teased me about being in love and threw all the things I had said about American women in my face. Her favorite thing to remind me about was how poorly I spoke of American women. but it sounded good.

  Then my sister turned toward the door. “Thanks for reading these, Jovie. They aren’t due until after Easter, so take your time.” The bowl in my hands hit the floor, sending icing everywhere. I braced on the counter, replaying the things I said, and hoping that Amelia was playing a cruel joke.

  “I’ll bring them back Saturday. You two have a nice night.” Not a joke, brilliant. Jovie heard every single word I had said. The door closed, and I tore out past Amelia, and cleared the stairs in one stride, catching Jovie at the mailbox.

  “Jovie, I am so sorry. She is beyond conniving.” I looked down at the icing splattered on my jeans and bare feet.

  “Don’t apologize,” She leaned in to kiss me, and I turned right in time to capture her lips, making her smile. “I mean
it; little sisters live to be annoying. I should have stopped her before you two started commiserating on how intolerable Americans are.” I tried to suppress my smile. “Again, I like your sister. So, don’t beat her too savagely when you go back in.”

  “I’ll see you Saturday?”

  “Yes.” I kissed her again, letting her slide her hand from mine, and watched her walk away. I wanted to kill Amelia, but Jovi asking me not to made me like her even more. She wanted to see me, and thought it was funny that I was embarrassed. Jovie’s hips swaying as she walked away from me made me hard. Jovie would be mine before long, because I was already hers.

  Chapter Eight


  I wanted to skip home like a silly school girl and call my sisters screaming, “He likes me! He likes me!” but instead, I warmed up some leftovers and curled up on the couch to watch Doctor Who and read Amelia’s short stories. The girl was actually pretty funny. Our walk had been fun. She had text me just after lunch to ask me to walk with her, and I agreed. Amelia asked about the date, gave me a little insight into her relationship with Ewan’s ex, and then we talked books. Amelia felt responsible for his last break-up. The woman was a gold-digger according to Amelia, having him finance her habits.

  I had planned on reading all the stories she had given me until Reese and Lydia showed up. They knocked on the door with a bottle of wine and chips. Best sisters ever.

  “Tell me how it went since we know he isn’t an axe murderer.” Reese rifled through my fridge for dip while I set out glasses.

  “He’s fricking perfect.” I rolled my eyes, leaning against the counter. “I slept with him,” I mumbled the last part, and they whirled around to face me, eyes wide. “Yeah, I know.”

  “You didn’t freak out, did you?” Lydia poured the wine and we made our way to the living room to sit in the floor. I shook my head. “You whore.”


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