All & Nothing (The Broadway Series Book 1)

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All & Nothing (The Broadway Series Book 1) Page 8

by Allie York

  Chelle answered for me, “Tia’s friend Amelia is having a sleep over in two weeks, but the only adult there is her brother, so I told her she couldn’t go because she talks about how hot he is and I don’t know him. But then Amelia assured us that her brother’s girlfriend was supervising instead, so Tia’s going. I found out when Amelia posted these pictures on Facebook this morning that Jovie is the girlfriend.” Pretty much summed it up. I braced for the fallout, but there was silence again until my phone rang.

  A picture of Amelia and me appeared over her name. The girl was way too comfortable with my phone. “Hey,” I forced myself to sound chipper.

  “Are you mad? Ewan said you were going to kill me. I didn’t know Tia was your cousin.” The poor girl sounded at the brink of tears, and all my anger vanished. I should have known better than to let her take pictures. Or I should have asked her not to post them.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Are you sure?” I could hear Ewan letting out a sailor worthy string of obscenities in the background and started laughing.

  “Tell him to relax, Amelia, it’s fine. We were just talking about you two, actually.” I picked at my nail, ignoring the heavy gazes from around the table. It was quiet for a minute.

  “Okay, my brother wants to know if you will come over tonight.” Ewan probably thought I was beyond pissed, but I was actually beginning to find all of it amusing. We obviously both wanted to try for the long haul, so why not get the hard part out of the way like he had suggested?

  “Uh, no. I am hanging out with Nick and Rae. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” We exchanged goodbyes, and I was forced to focus back on the audience at the table. My cousin Winnie and her baby had joined us. Lydia and Reese were shaking with laughter at my expense. Their day would come, and I would embarrass the shit out of both of them.

  “Well, let me see him!” My grandmother held her hand out for Chelle’s phone, but I handed her mine and pushed the button so she could study the picture. Grams squinted slightly and handed me my phone back. “Your man is awfully pretty. Where did you find him? He’s not your type.” She winked at me as Reese snatched the phone from her. My sister nodded her approval and passed the phone to Kristin who nodded and passed it to Winnie who let out a low “Damn”. Damn was right, they should see the man naked. I was a little too smug after their reactions

  “His dog got away from him, and I found him.” I shrugged. “I offered Ewan my card, and he asked me to dinner. His sister is a big reader and likes my book.” Amelia was obsessed with my book, but no need to embarrass her in front of Tia.

  “Why is he supervising her party?” My mother was not going to make it easy.

  Tia answered, “Their mom died and their dad is gone, so Ewan has Amelia. They have a huge house and he drives a really nice car.” I nodded in agreement when mom eyed me again. I couldn’t read her. Although, she looked anything but happy.

  “So Ewan asked you to do the party?” What was her obsession with the damn party?

  “No, his sister did. Some moms were uncomfortable with Ewan being the chaperone, which is ridiculous, but anyway, she asked me to, and I agreed. He is going to make himself scarce, and the girls are going to do what teen girls do while I play hostess.” I prayed to whomever that my mom changed the subject, but of course, I was disappointed. It reminded me as to why I gave up Divine intervention years before. The look on her face told me everything so I started spouting off answers as they came to mind, “He’s an accountant, teaches women’s self-defense on weekends, he’s thirty-four, and is chivalrous to a fault.” I paused to read her expression. “Anything else?”

  “You forgot to mention his accent and muscles.” Tia looked completely love-struck. “They’re from England.” I rolled my eyes, and the conversation went on and on about how hot Ewan was. I agreed whole-heartedly, but the way Tia went on made me realize why Chelle refused to let her go. The girl was beyond raging hormones and innocent crushes. Not to mention the boys always hanging around her.

  The conversation finally moved off of Ewan and on to other less interesting topics, but Mom kept glaring at me. I had hurt her feelings, and I would have some serious ass kissing to do to make up for it. Amelia sent me text after text about her party, things we could do, decorations, food ideas, and everything else. The crowd cleared out, and I started on the mound of dishes. Reese joined me later, drying the dishes after I washed them and putting them away. We talked about her gentleman caller having a stomach bug and how he had to bail on Easter. Lucky guy.

  My sister looked over her shoulder suspiciously before climbing on the counter. “On a scale from one to ten, how thick is the accent?” I felt my face go red and dialed his number, putting it on speaker phone. There was no way to describe it other than to let them hear. Kristin came in with Lydia and we made a small cluster near the stove.

  “’Ello, darling.” Ewan’s voice came through and my sisters stared at the phone.

  “Hey, I was wondering if Amelia had all the stuff on her party list or if I have also been roped into shopping with her later in the week?” My mom squeezed in-between us. The man would kill me if he knew I was letting them all listen to him talk.

  “I’m not sure what she is doing. If you two need to shop, I’ll give her my card and treat the two of you to dinner as well. Girl’s night or whatever. Is that all right? You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Thank you again, and tell everyone listening I said ‘ello.” A chorus of school girl giggles erupted from us, and he laughed. “Bye, Jovie.” I hung up and gave Reese a smug look. She gave the accent a solid nine point five. Yup, madly in love sums it up nicely. I tried to leave after the dishes were done, but Mom dragged me to her room and pointed for me to sit on the bed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Reese knew and Lydia knew.” She looked over my face. She was trying to sound mad, but Mom was hurt. “When do I get to meet him?”

  I sighed. “I didn’t mean to hide it. We’ve only gone out a couple of times, so I wasn’t ready for everyone to get all excited. Let me talk with him tomorrow and we can set up a meet and greet. I really like him.” She nodded slowly, pursing her lips and formulating a follow-up question. Mom ended up with a few more probing questions before I pried myself away from her to get to my next engagement.

  Chapter Eleven


  I watched her green car pull off, wondering why it felt like a piece of myself was leaving with it. How had she managed to affect me so much in such a short time? I still hadn’t completely recovered from our shower that morning and simply thinking about it made me hard again. I wanted to feel bad for the mark on her arm, but I didn’t. It was like I had left my mark on her. Like I claimed her in some primal way. Since when was I so animalistic? Just as I turned to go back and get ready for Scott’s, a man strolled by walking his dog. He was short, maybe shorter than Jovie, with a cute little black dog. The dog yapped and lunged as they passed. I waved, smiling at him, but the man glared. His head jerked back in the direction he had come from like he was looking for something and went back to scowling at me. I waited until the man was out of sight to go back in. Something about him made me bristle. Something was off. Or maybe the guy was having a bad day. I had walked Clark more than once with a similar look on my face.

  Amelia was halfway through making breakfast when I came back in. “So, you guys are having sex?” I froze just inside the kitchen. Way to go, Ewan.

  “Uh, yeah.” I couldn’t lie to her.

  “So it’s serious? Like exclusive and stuff?” My sister still hadn’t faced me. I figured it was as uncomfortable for her as it was for me.

  “I guess so.” I got the juice from the fridge and poured a couple of glasses, trying to predict where the conversation may be going next. But she changed the subject to her party. I tried to listen, but I was wondering if I had missed a teaching opportunity. I should have made sure she knew we were being safe and such but I let her ramble on about her party a
nd a budget.

  After breakfast, we walked out, Clark in tow, to try to wear the stupid dog out. Amelia locked the front door while I watched the man with the little black dog walk by again. It had been nearly two hours since the first time he walked by, but his dog was still going strong. I waved again, but the man glared at me, picking up his pace and tugging the dog along behind him. Amelia gave me a questioning look, but I shrugged and we went on. We played our version of I-Spy as we walked. She would say a letter and I would have to guess what she saw starting with it. When Ams was little, we played with colors, but once she started reading well, we moved to letters. Sometimes we got really creative and did rhymes too. We walked all the way to Jovie’s condo. My girl wasn’t there, but we did a loop through her complex. On our way back out, I got that feeling of being watched. It was the feeling that makes a chill run through you. I panned the parking lot in time to see the man with the black dog going into a condo a few doors down from Jovie. I shook it off. Maybe he was a client my company had pissed off, or maybe I was being mistaken for someone else.

  I was laid back on the couch, watching a movie when Amelia crept down the stairs looking terrified. “I think I screwed up.” I sat up, patting the couch next to me. “Tia is Jovie’s cousin and she saw the pictures from last night and now her family knows.” My little sister peeked up to see my reaction, but kept her head down.

  “Damn it, Amelia.” I huffed, “Call her and fix it, now!” She nodded once at my demand and dialed Jovie. I started pacing. I wasn’t thrilled about Jovie keeping our relationship quiet. Hell, I wanted to shout it to everyone in town that Jovie and I were together, that she was mine, but I had to be respectful. “I can’t believe you did this. I told you those pictures were going to get you in trouble.” Amelia scowled at me, nodding and apologizing to Jovie on the phone. “I mean really, you have to ask before you post fucking pictures, Ams.” I rubbed the back of my neck, hoping Jovie didn’t blame me. She swore her family was terrible, but after what the poor woman went through with her ex, they were just concerned. By the time they made peace, Amelia was in tears, apologizing, and sobbing.

  “Jovie said she’s not mad, but I feel awful.” Amelia wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my chest. “I’m so sorry, E. It won’t happen again, I swear.” I smoothed her kinky hair and hugged her. “She is going to Nick’s tonight.”

  I kissed her head. “All right. What should we do tonight?” Amelia smiled, kissed my cheek, and flopped back on the couch. We settled on a movie marathon starting with The Big Sleep and ended with Casablanca. The idea of Jovie being with with Nick only bothered me because I didn’t know the guy. He had to want her, what man wouldn’t? She was beautiful, funny, and witty. I knew Nick was married, but that didn’t ease my mind.

  Amelia’s legs were thrown over my lap, and she started drifting off, so I carried her up to bed. Sleeping alone was awful. Having Jovie curled around my back the night before made sleep come easily, made my mind slow. Without her there, I became a mess. I thought about how much my mother would love her, I thought about how bad I was screwing up with Amelia. I had no business raising a teenager, but I would never let her go anywhere else. Her attachment to Jovie was instant and strong. In only a few days, they had become my girls, the family I would do anything to protect. They were mine.

  Chapter Twelve


  Monday morning went by smoothly with Ewan dropping off Clark for a haircut and Erica fawning all over the silly dog before she cut his hair. I interviewed a likely candidate for the open grooming position. Cori was easy-going, had no problems jumping in and helping during her interview. The phone rang incessantly, and she actually checked in a client while I answered the phone. As she left, Erica gave me the thumbs up, and I agreed. I could see Cori fitting in just fine. Nick strolled in at his usual time in the afternoon and set a Coke down on the counter for me right as I was finishing with a training session. Quincy had gone from a grooming dog to a boarding dog and most recently I was working with his owner, Mason, on basic obedience. Mason was a weird guy. I could never put my finger on what it was, but Erica thought so too. I opened the gate for Mason to leave while Nick sniffed the candles on display. When I handed Quincy’s leash to Mason, his fingers brushed mine with more force than an accident and he winked at me. I smiled and dropped the leash, not wanting to cause a scene. Mason and Quincy left, but doubled back up the ramp as I greeted Nick.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime?” Mason looked over me like a dog about to mark a tree, and I was reminded of Reese’s words. “Hang out means he wants to put his penis in you.” Nick watched the exchange casually, focusing on the candles and struggling not to laugh.

  “Oh, uh, thanks for the offer, but I can’t.” I forced a smile, tripping over my words. Something scary flashed in Mason’s eyes, and he glared at Nick before letting the door close behind him. Nick let himself into the back and dropped into my desk chair.

  “Coming out of the woodwork, aren’t they?” he teased. I rolled my eyes and finished cleaning the grooming room. Nick folded the load of towels, and I pushed the unsettled feeling from my mind. Mason was always overly friendly, but the look on his face after my rejection made me chill.

  Nick always lingered on Monday evenings so we could go to dinner after I got off, but we had decided to do the Ewan meet-and-greet. The plan was to meet somewhere so Nick’s loitering was for the sole purpose of meeting Ewan before dinner. When he and Amelia showed up, she bounced in and let herself behind the counter to tour the shop. Clark perked up from his spot in the sun and ran to meet his owner, practically clearing the gate to get to him. Ewan dropped on his knees to greet the freshly-groomed beast and insisted on paying despite Erica flat out refusing his money. Ewan climbed up off the floor to hand me his card, but instead of letting me take it, he pulled me across the counter for a kiss. Nick started gagging and stood to introduce himself.

  Amelia made her way back from the training room. “I want your job.” She nodded to punctuate her point and took Nick’s seat behind the counter. If the girl only knew that more than half my time was spent cleaning up dog shit as opposed to playing with puppies. “Where are we eating?” We all looked at each other, but no one answered. Finally, Amelia rolled her eyes. “Burgers on the patio at Ruby’s?” No wonder I liked her so much. Amelia was bossy and owned it.

  “Rae can meet us, and she said there was a surprise,” Nick took Merlin and left to drop him off at my place and let his dog out before joining us at Ruby’s. I locked up and we piled into Ewan’s car. I was nervously excited about the dinner, knowing that if Nick decided not to like Ewan, or Ewan didn’t like Nick, my happy little bubble would pop. I really couldn’t be with someone who didn’t understand my bond with Nick. My best friend carried me through the worst times in my life, and I promised him that I would never let a guy come between us. He helped us plan my aunt’s funeral, was a pallbearer, and sat up with me for nights on end while I fell apart. As teens, we went from job to job together. I was a groomswoman when he and Rae got married, and I knew with every bit of certainty that Nick would do anything for me.

  Nick and Rae were inside when we arrived, and we sat at a round table on the patio. Once Ewan kissed my forehead in front of the waitress, she stopped eyeing him like a horny teenager, and Rae exchanged formalities with him. Rae was gorgeous. Dark red waves and curves for days. She and I did not get along at first. She had serious issues with how much time Nick and I spent together, but it had always been us. Neither of us had anyone else, so we were always together. Eventually, Rae learned to trust me, and I learned to share my best friend.

  Drinks were ordered, introductions were made, and when I thought I might burst, I broke the small talk. “What’s the big surprise?”

  A wide smile spread across Rae’s bow shaped lips. “We’re pregnant.” They both looked at me excitedly, and I jumped from my seat to hug them, squealing like a moron.

  Tears were s
treaming down my face as I buried it in my best friend’s broad chest. “Oh, my gods, guys, that is so wonderful!” I sniffled and hugged her. “I want every detail right now.” I sat back in my seat looking between them. I had truly never been so happy for two people. After two full years of trying, they were finally getting their baby. Rae went over due date, name ideas, and a baby shower. Nick’s parents were going to die of happiness. I promised to help with nurseries and offered my services to babysit anytime. Ewan watched me fawn all over barely discernible ultrasound pictures until Nick settled a predatory gaze on him. Shit.

  “So, Ewan, tell me about you and my girl.” Nick said my like I was a prized possession. I nearly laughed because Ewan looked genuinely nervous, but I knew it was all an act. I had been relentless on Rae so my best friend was going to return the favor. Rae shot Ewan a knowing look, and I winked at a worried Amelia, hoping she understood the questions were all a joke. Sort of.

  “What do you want to know?” Ewan leaned forward, opening his hands, indicating he was up for the challenge. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

  Nick tossed a glance at Amelia. “Ever been unfaithful to a partner?” Ewan shook his head. “Ever stood up a date?” Ewan shook his head again. “Any crimes or felonies or other illegal activities?” Ewan shook his head again. “Have you read the Harry Potter series in its entirety?”

  Ewan furrowed his brow, looking to me for help, but I sat poker faced. “Yes …” Rae gave him a nod, and Amelia giggled.



  “Good man. Now what exactly are your intentions here? Oh, and keep in mind that I was here first so she will always pick me over you when it comes down to it.” It was true.


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