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Red Page 30

by Tracey H. Kitts

  I had no idea what made me say that, but it was true. That rough and dusty motif looked good on Sam. The comment went over fairly well with him, but did not have the same effect on Marco.

  "I like her.” Sam smiled at Marco.

  "Which is why you'll be staying with Luther,” Marco said as he put an arm around Sam and raised an eyebrow at me. “Let me show you to your room."

  Later that day I found out that Samuel James was a visiting alpha werewolf from Texas. He was the leader of the second largest wolf pack in the country, and Marco's mentor.

  "Who has the largest?” I asked about the pack.

  Marco smiled wickedly. “Red, you should know that mine's bigger."

  Sam laughed. “In this case at least, that's right."

  "What does that mean exactly?” I asked.

  "Darlin’ that means that if they're not with us, they're just strays.” Sam smiled.

  The club was closed during the week, so we were sitting at a table downstairs near the bar. Other than the three of us, there were a few pack members there including the DJ that had gotten wasted at the hurricane party.

  Sam looked in his direction. “Hey John, play somethin’ I like."

  Before long we were listening to country music. Not the new crap that sounds like it was written by a boy band, but the good stuff. I have always liked a variety of music, but you couldn't grow up in the south and not be exposed to country. Even people who weren't fans of the genre, like myself, still had their favorites. I couldn't resist classic country.

  "Do you dance darlin'?” Sam asked.

  He winked at Marco and I assumed that was as close as he would come to asking permission.

  "Stranger, you don't know who you're talking to,” I teased as I imitated his accent.

  To my surprise he did a really nice two step and his waltz wasn't bad either. Sam reminded me of a cowboy from an old western novel. He was polite and charismatic, but there was a bit of the devil behind his smile.

  As we danced he asked, “So, what are your intentions with him?” he nodded toward Marco.

  "Why do you care?"

  "Because he's been like a son to me, and I don't wanna see him hurt."

  I was truly touched by what Sam had said. “That's sweet, but I honestly can't tell you my intentions, because I don't know."

  He pulled back to look me in the eye. “Are you telling me you don't have feelings for him? Darlin’ I've seen the way you look at him. That ain't just a friendly smile."

  I was quiet for a few minutes as Sam spun me around and then pulled me close again.

  "There's someone else?” He made it a question.


  Sam glanced at Marco again. “Does he know?"


  He sighed. “Well, I don't have the answers, sugar. But if you need to talk, you can trust me. There ain't too many tricks this old dog ain't seen.” He winked.

  "Thanks, Sam."

  I kissed his cheek.

  * * * *

  The purpose behind Sam's visit had been to listen to Marco's ideas and help him prepare for the hearing. They spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday pouring over the many law books in Marco's office.

  Even with the full moon approaching the sex that Marco normally radiated diminished as his anxiety increased. He was still his usual flirtatious self, but he didn't actually make any more moves on me. I spent most of my time with Luther. We worked out, went shopping together, and reminisced about old times. My week wasn't bad, but Tuesday and Wednesday I went to sleep alone and woke up in the early morning with Marco curled around me.

  Thursday would be our last night together. Friday night was the full moon, and I was going home before then. He had invited me to the full moon gathering along with the pack, but I decided to pass. This was where he would say his farewell to the pack and leave Luther in charge until his return. I just didn't think that I belonged there.

  He looked so worried late Thursday afternoon as he was going over his notes that I had to intervene.

  "Put these away,” I said, taking Marco's notes from him.

  "I'm sorry, Red. I didn't invite you to stay just to be ignored. I forgot how much I had left to do."

  "Then why did you want me to stay?"

  I got on my knees in front of him on the bed. Marco wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face against my stomach.

  "Thanks for staying, Red. You have no idea how much your presence has soothed me.” He sighed. “This was supposed to be where I showed you that I'm not such a bad guy, but you can't get to know a man who's never around."

  I ran my fingers through his thick dark hair as I said, “But I have. I've seen a responsible man who cares about other people.” I leaned down so that I could see his face. “You make the pack's problems your problems and that's very commendable. You're far from the ravaging beast I expected.” I smiled.

  "Sorry to disappoint.” He sighed.

  "That's the problem, Marco. You've been anything but disappointing. You know that once Alfred comes back...."

  "I know,” he interrupted as he flopped back onto the pillows. “I'm not asking to change your life remember? I just wanted you to have an opportunity to see the real me, not just judge me from what you've heard."

  "So what happens now?"

  He sighed and scratched the stubble on his chin.

  "Now you'll go on with your life, and I'll go on with mine ... and we'll see where that takes us."

  His response eased my mind somewhat, but something still bothered me.

  "Marco, I don't want you to think that spending this time with you hasn't meant something, because it has."

  He sighed. “Red, I'm not asking you to make a choice now. Go back to your scientist. And if you're happy, I'll leave you alone."


  "Don't complicate things that need not be complicated."

  He was right and I decided to listen, at least for the time being. I helped Marco put away his notes and started to gather up my things for when I would leave the next day. He picked up some silver nail polish that had fallen out of my purse.

  "Can I paint your toe nails?” He smiled seductively.

  "Do you have a foot fetish, Marco?"

  "Only for your feet.” He winked.

  That's right, The Big Bad Wolf very carefully and very skillfully painted my toenails. While I lay back with my feet in his lap I remembered something Luther had said.

  "Marco, I want to ask you something."

  "Hmm?” He didn't look up.

  "Is it true you've got women lining up for a chance to sleep with you?"

  He nearly spilled the polish.

  "What? Red, who've you been talking to?"


  "Hmm, Luther exaggerates."

  He hadn't answered my question. “Is it true?"

  "Technically, yes. But if you're trying to ask if I nail my pack members, the answer's no."

  I sat back and crossed my arms.

  "That was what you were asking, wasn't it?"

  "Yeah, it was."

  He bent back over my feet.

  "Do you date?” I asked.

  "Don't you?"

  "Are you seeing anyone now?"

  "No, why?"

  "Were you sleeping with Amy, the woman who attacked me?"

  "No.” He looked up in frustration. “I am not, nor was I previously fucking any members of my pack. Happy?"

  He had hardly touched the polish to my next toe nail when I asked, “What about Sam's pack?"

  "Damn it, Red I am not going to spend the night like this."

  "I'm sorry I just...."

  "I'm saving myself for you, Red. Is that what you wanted to hear?” he growled.

  "What?” I was stunned. Surely he was being sarcastic.

  "That's right. My own pack mocks me. They say that I've been neutered."

  "But I thought they all thought that you and I were...."

  "They do,” he growled.

arco slid to the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

  "The last pack leader kept a harem ... Bade keeps a harem."

  He took a deep steadying breath before continuing in a much calmer tone of voice. “Natural wolves mate for life. I think it's a disgrace to act like more of an animal than they do."

  I slid closer to Marco's back, but was careful not to touch him.

  "Does my touch soothe you?” I almost whispered.


  It hurt me to see him like that. He was a bundle of nerves and I couldn't blame him.

  "Then let your mind be still,” I said softly as I lifted up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

  Marco leaned back against me and closed his eyes. As if by instinct I suddenly knew how to calm him. I placed my hands over his chest. With every breath I felt his nervous tension flow into me, and I breathed it out. Several minutes passed and the raging beast from before lay completely gentle in my arms.

  "Thank you,” he said softly. “If you hadn't been here this week, I don't think I could have made it."

  "You'll be fine."

  "I'm scared, Red."

  That was something I'd never expected to hear from Marco. I wasn't used to seeing him so real ... so human.

  "What time do you leave for the hearing?"

  "I've been given permission to use the transporter of a Hunter in Louisiana. Since this probably isn't the best time to let them know that I built one in the basement of the club, I'll be there first thing Saturday."

  "You know how to build a transporter?"

  "I helped construct the one in your father's office.” He smiled.

  "So, you are capable of paying attention."

  "Once in a while."

  "Try to relax, Marco. Like you told me, worrying about tomorrow won't change anything."

  "You're right.” He sighed.

  I had an idea, “Why don't you tell me about what you're going to say. I am part wizard. Try out your speech on me."

  "You know, that's not a bad idea."

  Marco reached for his notes and I stopped him. “Without the notes."

  He looked worried for a second, but soon got his bearings. Over the next couple of hours I finally got to hear Marco's point of view. No matter how I chose to look at things, either from the perspective of a Hunter, or the woman sitting on his bed, it made sense.

  Marco was going to propose the enactment of what he called the werewolf code. It would be a very involved process, but the gist of it was that contracting lycanthropy would no longer carry an automatic death sentence. People who were contaminated accidentally through an attack, for example would not be punished for something that they had no control over. However, knowingly infecting another person with the disease would still mean death, so the Hunters would still be involved.

  If Marco's proposal was accepted everyone would be doing what I'd done all along, only hunting rogue werewolves.

  "It would mean so much to be able to go out in public and openly be who I am without being killed for it.” He paced the room as he spoke.

  "Marco, there are so many other things that this could set into motion,” I warned.

  As he turned back to me the passion in his words could not be denied, “I know. But it would be a start to be able to walk down the street without wondering if people knew what was underneath this skin ... if they would kill me for it."

  "They might still kill you for it."

  "Yes, but they have to see the reasoning behind what I'm saying."

  I sighed as I hugged a pillow to my chest.

  "I'm surprised it's taken someone this long to suggest something like this."

  "It hasn't,” he said. “Others have suggested something similar in the past."

  "Why was I never told?"

  "Because it was stricken from the history books."

  "But how could they! That's misleading entire generations of people!"

  "That's wizards,” he said as he flopped down beside me.

  "What happened to the other people, the ones with similar ideas?"

  "They were most likely killed."

  My heart was suddenly in my throat. I couldn't speak. The danger that Marco faced became very clear to me then and I better understood his anxiety. Yet again I was painfully reminded that the handsome man in front of me was not mine, but I didn't know what I'd do if Marco didn't come back.

  "It's alright, Red,” Marco whispered as he reached for me. “Too many people know what's going on this time. I really don't think they'll kill me.” He brushed his fingers across my cheek gently. “But it's nice to know that you care."

  "I never said I cared."

  "You didn't have to.” He kissed me slowly and I tasted what I'd be missing.

  "Besides it's not the wizards that concern me most."

  "What then?"

  "It's Jacob Mercury."

  "What do you mean? My father's not trying to kill you."

  He grinned. “Jacob would kill me for the thoughts that I have about his daughter."

  I watched as Marco turned out the light and crawled back into bed. He pulled me on top of him and I snuggled my face across the hair on his chest.



  "When I make it back, can I hunt the rabbits in your woods?"

  "What?” I laughed.

  "You know the little fuzzy, bouncy things in the woods around your house. They're everywhere."

  "Marco, I don't care,” I snickered.

  "Just so we're clear, I'm not talking about using a shot gun."

  "I know."

  "I like to hunt on the full moon, after the gathering. Some of the pack members do the same, but I like to hunt alone."

  He looked down where I rested against his chest and his eyes glowed in the dark. “You sure you don't mind me growing paws and running through your woods?"

  "I'm sure."

  He took a deep breath and dislodged my resting place slightly. “What about Alfred?"

  I looked up at him, “They're my woods. I'll handle Alfred."

  Within a few minutes Marco's breathing grew steady and I knew he was asleep.

  * * * *

  Friday morning found us all in a very solemn mood. Marco and I got up early and had breakfast before he walked me downstairs and out to my car. Once I'd put my purse in the passenger seat I turned back to Marco, hugged him tightly, and breathed in the scent of the man I knew I'd be missing.

  The sound of boots crunching on the gravel of the parking lot caught my attention and I turned to see Sam coming our way.

  "I hope you don't mind,” Marco said. “I've asked Sam to keep an eye on you while I'm gone. With me out of the way for a week or so and Luther busy, I'm afraid there are those that might try something stupid."

  The look in his eyes let me know that now was not the time to remind him that I could take care of myself. And truthfully, I didn't mind. I decided instead to tell Marco the truth. If I never saw him again, I didn't want him to think that that was alright with me.

  "I'm gonna miss you.” I smiled.

  "You know where to find me."

  "Get back to work, boy. I've got this.” Sam winked at me as he walked past my car to his bike.

  I watched Marco in the rearview mirror while I drove away. He stood there till I was out of sight.

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  Chapter Nineteen

  Even with the prospect of Sam to keep me company, leaving Marco had been difficult. If Marco's proposal for the enactment of the werewolf code was accepted, it had the potential to do three things. It could either promote peace among the human and lycanthrope communities. It could start an out right war. Or, it could trigger a combination of the two. Personally, I wasn't sure what I wanted. Of course, I didn't want a war. But, there was already a war raging inside of me. This particular battle had nothing to do with politics.

  The man that I loved was far away, and not due to return for several more weeks. However, the man
that I found myself drawn to would be back shortly. And as he'd pointed out, I knew where to find him. But, was Marco what I needed to find? That's the question I kept asking myself. For so long it seemed, I'd been finding the wrong sort of man.

  As my dreams continued to be filled with images of men I knew, there was one that I did not. A tall dark stranger, whose face was still a mystery. But, I am still a werewolf Hunter and until I hear differently, Marco is supposed to be my enemy. That leaves little room for thoughts of anything else. Someday, I might have to kill him, but my mind keeps taking me back to the night we danced.


  * * *

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