The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10)

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The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10) Page 13

by Cara Albany

  "In what way?" Erin asked hesitantly. Nicole had a bad habit of digging for details at the most inappropriate time. And now was most definitely one of those times.

  "You know," Nicole replied, slurring her words knowingly.

  "I'm not going into that. Not now, while I'm on the phone."

  "Oh, come on, Erin. Belle and I are dying to know."

  Erin gritted her teeth and forced herself to smile. The last thing she needed was an argument with Nicole. "I'll see you when I get back."

  "So you two are getting on okay?" Nicole insisted brightly sounding like Erin had just confirmed something to her even without saying anything at all. Did Nicole have the power to read Erin's mind? She was her sister. Of course she could, Erin told herself.

  "Yeah," Erin said in a flat voice, sensing all her previous enthusiasm draining away with every moment. "We're getting on fine."

  "I knew it," Nicole exclaimed. Erin heard her squeal sharply. "I can't wait to here all the details."

  Erin needed to get off the phone. She had to think, and talking all morning with Nicole wasn't on her agenda. In any case, Nicole might just ask even more embarrassing questions.

  "Can you ask mom to call me when she gets back in?"

  "Sure," Nicole replied.

  Erin said goodbye and hung up.

  Erin tapped her fingers thoughtfully on her thigh, trying to recall what had happened yesterday. The previously dim awareness brightened with every passing moment as she remembered the details of how Karim had acted toward her.

  She sighed. Of course. It all made sense, now. She stood and started toward the door.

  The only person who might be able to give her an answer was sitting downstairs. She had to speak with Karim.

  Right now.


  Karim groaned as he stood in front of the TV screen. The remote control felt loose in his hands as he stared at the images currently being broadcast across the region. Across the world, thanks to satellites, he realized with a sinking feeling.

  On the wide screen of the TV he saw video footage of himself and Erin on the beach taken the day before. The cameraman had obviously had a decent zoom lens because the images were clear and sharp, albeit at times slightly shaky. Nevertheless, it was clear what Karim and Erin had been getting up to. First, there were brief images of them kissing while lying next to each other on the towel. Then the video footage cut quickly to show them racing along the beach, every bit the happy, exuberant newly married couple enjoying each others company.

  Karim sighed heavily as he listened to the commentary over the images. Excited commentators spoke about how wonderful it was to see such a prominent Sheikh as Karim so obviously happy with his new bride. His foreign bride, they emphasized time and again.

  As he watched the images play, Karim had a thought which confirmed everything he'd felt in the last few hours, everything he'd told himself throughout the night they'd just shared.

  He and Erin were perfectly matched. They looked so good together. That wasn't just the opinion of the excited media commentators on the TV. Karim knew it as a certainty; felt it was utterly and completely true.

  The images on the TV confirmed that incredible thought, one that a few weeks ago would have seemed inconceivable. He smiled to himself. Fate had a way of bringing the most unlikely people together.

  Karim turned away from the TV as he heard fast approaching footsteps in the hallway. Erin burst into the room, clearly concerned. She glared at him, and he felt a knot of unease twist in his gut. This wasn't going to be easy.

  Before she had a chance to say a word, her gaze shifted from Karim to the TV screen. She froze on the spot and folded her arms. She gasped and glared at him. "How did you know about this?" she demanded.

  "I didn't. I just turned the TV on to see the news," he countered.

  Her jaw tightened. "Really," she said, and it wasn't a question, more like an accusation.

  Karim turned his attention back to the TV. Anything to avoid seeing Erin looking at him like that. He knew he'd have to tell her something. He just didn't know quite how to word it. The video images were being played almost on a loop. He heard Erin groan as she watched the TV for a minute or so, taking it all in.

  "Karim," he heard her say sharply from behind him. He switched the TV off and turned to face her. He hadn't seen her this angry before. And, given their history of argument, that was saying something.

  "Can you explain this?" she asked.

  Karim sighed and took a seat on one of the sofas. "I was going to tell you. Eventually."

  "What!" she exclaimed moving to stand in front of him. She glared down at him. "You knew about this?" she asked incredulously.

  Karim nodded. "I was aware that there was a boat out there, probably trying to get some pictures."


  "Before I came down to the beach. I saw the boat from my room," he explained.

  She gasped. "And you didn't think to tell me?"

  "They didn't get anything they wouldn't have got back in Qazhar, with a bit of effort," he said, knowing that it sounded pretty weak.

  "You saw those images," she said pointing at the TV. "That's a little bit more than cute pictures at a wedding or the airport."

  "You have to accept this, Erin. The whole wedding has captured everyone's imagination. You know that."

  "I don't have to accept people spying on me," she retorted.

  Karim nodded. "I agree. It's an unnecessary intrusion."

  "So, why did you let it happen?" she demanded sharply.

  "There wasn't anything I could do. So, I thought I'd bring you back indoors without upsetting you," Karim explained. From her expression, he could see she still wasn't convinced.

  "My sister just told me all about it on the phone. It seems everyone in Qazhar thinks its pretty funny."

  Karim frowned. "No-one's trying to make a fool of you, Erin."

  She snorted, tilting her head and glaring at him. "Really? You sure about that, Karim? This whole marriage was a sham, right from the start."

  "It was. That's what we agreed at the start. I grant you that. But, it isn't anymore. Is it?" Karim peered at her, challenging her to deny what he'd just declared. After last night, surely it didn't matter what they'd just witnessed on the TV. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why had he thought he could get away with this?

  "I'm not so sure," Erin replied turning away from him.

  Karim stood quickly and went to her. He placed his hands gently on her shoulders, hoping to turn her to face him, needing to try and reassure her. But, she tightened her shoulders and loosened his grip on them. He felt a sharp emptiness inside as she took a step away from him.

  Karim lowered his arms down by his side and sighed quietly. He forced himself to think, to try and figure out what he could say to her, but his mind was blank. All he could think about was the simple fact that she was hurt and that he had caused it.

  "Erin, let me explain."

  She turned, and he saw the emotion in her eyes. She didn't reply, but simply waited for him to continue.

  "I've admitted it. I saw the boat yesterday before I came to you on the beach," Karim said.

  Erin's brows furrowed and she groaned.

  "But, I didn't want you to know they were there. I saw how upset you got the other day when you thought the security guard was spying on you."

  Erin shook her head and sighed. "I don't care about that. Wasn't it so you could make sure they got some good, juicy images for their news bulletins?" she accused.

  He kept his lips tight shut, determined to let her vent her frustration.

  She peered harshly at him. "Kissing and running on the beach," she continued. "And what else would you have let them photograph?" she added, scorn rising in her voice.

  "I wanted to get you back to the villa as quickly as possible," he explained, knowing, even as he said it, that it didn't even begin to sound convincing.

  "So you kissed me. Made
me feel something that wasn't real?"

  Karim stared at her. "What are you talking about?"

  "The whole thing about yesterday," she declared. "It was all a lie, wasn't it? Just like the marriage."

  "No!" he cried, taking a step toward her. "Nothing about last night was a lie."

  Erin's gaze hardened, and he saw her jawline tense, her lips forming a thin line. Was he losing this battle, already? This wasn't like their previous verbal tussles. This felt far more serious.

  "You were just trying to make sure the media got some good pictures. So you fooled me into thinking something else was happening," she said. Her voice cracked slightly at the end, and she swallowed back the emotion. Her gaze dropped away from him, and he suddenly wanted to go to her, touch her, convince her that what she was saying wasn't true.

  Karim took a step toward her, and he saw her shoulders tighten as he advanced. He halted, not wanting to make things even worse than they were already. As if that was possible, he chided himself.

  She went to the window and stood, staring out at the sea. Her arms were wrapped protectively around herself, and he saw that her breathing was fast as she tried to contain her emotion. Karim felt a nausea in the pit of his stomach. Never before had he felt this powerless. Never before had he faced such an important moment as this. He felt that his destiny hung in the balance, because last night he'd realized something utterly profound and life-changing.

  His fate was intimately linked with this woman. This woman who was now hurting because of him.

  Erin didn't say anything for a few minutes. Finally, she turned to him. "I'd like to go back to Qazhar," she announced.

  Karim sighed, feeling his heart sinking. "Of course. Whatever you wish," he agreed.

  For a moment he thought she looked surprised at his instant assent to her request. Had she expected him to object? Had she anticipated some kind of final attempt to change her mind?

  Well, he wasn't about to do that. Not when he was the cause of her pain.

  "Can we go this afternoon?" she asked calmly.

  Karim nodded. "I'll make the arrangements."

  She walked away from him, her footsteps sounding hollow in the room.

  And then she was gone, and Karim could only stand and stare out at the sea from where all his troubles had emerged.


  Erin saw the gates to the American embassy open slowly and wondered for the hundredth time if she was doing the right thing. Karim sat next to her in the limo which had just brought them from the airport. He stared blankly ahead, just as he'd done during the flight back from the island; just as he'd done during the drive from the airport. She tried to imagine what he was feeling, but her own disappointment was still so sharp she could hardly think straight. She'd been grateful that they'd made it out of the airport without any unwanted scrutiny from the media. Their arrival would have been a surprise to almost everyone.

  The limo eased along the driveway toward the front of the embassy building. Her mother would know she had arrived because the security guard would have announced it to the house. Erin had asked that she be brought to the embassy without really thinking about why she was doing that. Maybe it was some kind of vital instinct to be with her parents and siblings so that she could understand what she should do next. Because, right now, she had no clue what the next move should be. By rights, she should have been speeding back to Karim's palace, ready to see this sham marriage through to its agreed conclusion.

  But, after everything that had happened on the island, Erin couldn't figure our what she should do. The whole thing was a mess. And it had been made worse by what had happened last night. She could still feel the memories of those twilight pleasures in every inch of her body. And her mind.

  Something had changed back on the island. She was sure of that. Fate had intervened, making a fool of her determination to see her duty through to the end. Maybe if she talked with her mother, she might find a solution to this sorry mess, Erin told herself.

  The limo drew to a halt, and Erin felt emotion tighten her throat when she saw her mother standing at the top of the stairs. There was concern on her mother's features.

  Erin turned to Karim, who was gazing blankly at her.

  "I'll call you," she said simply, as if that solved anything. As if that was any kind of solution.

  Karim lifted a brow, but said nothing. The driver stepped out of the car, went around to the back of the limo and started unpacking some of Erin's belongings.

  "You're sure about this?" Karim asked.

  Erin nodded. "I just need a little time."

  Karim nodded. "Sure. Just stay away from the media for the moment," he said.

  Erin glanced up at the embassy building. "I'm sure I'll be safe here," she said.

  "I suppose you will be," he agreed. His voice was heavy with disappointment. She wondered if there was anything she could say that would make him understand, but she came to the same conclusion as before.

  There was nothing to say, right now. Except goodbye.

  She needed some space to herself. Then, she might be able to find the wisest course of action, in spite of the emotions which were tormenting her.

  The driver opened the door, and Erin stepped out of the limo. She glanced back at Karim and saw him smile at her. Was that hope she'd seen in his eyes? How could he harbor even the slightest hope when Erin didn't even know herself what she should do about all this?

  When the door slammed shut, the sound cut sharply into her. She lifted her bag and walked up the stairs. Louise hugged Erin as the limo started to drive away. Erin watched it head down the driveway and out the through the open gates.

  "You don't need to say anything, Erin," her mother said. "Just come inside, and we'll get you to your room. Belle and Nicole are here. They're dying to talk to you."

  Erin rolled her eyes. "I'm sure they are."

  Erin followed her mother into the embassy building. Louise paused in the hallway. There was no-one else around.

  "Did we see you on the TV today?" her mother asked trying to sound casual about the subject and failing miserably as far as Erin was concerned.

  Erin frowned. "Can we talk about that later?"

  Louise ran her hand gently down the side of Erin's face. "Of course we can, dear. I understand."

  Erin pouted. "There's nothing to understand, mom," she objected.

  Louise nodded. "Of course, Erin," she said with that diplomatic, calming tone of voice.

  Suddenly the choice of coming here was starting to look like not such a great idea, after all. Didn't her mother know what had happened?

  "Can I just go to my room?" Erin asked.

  Louise pointed upstairs. "You know where it is. We haven't changed a thing since you left."

  Erin squinted at her mother. "I'd hope you haven't," she objected. "I've only been gone a week."

  "Well, you are a married woman now, Erin."

  Erin gasped. Hadn't her mother just seen her so-called husband deposit his wife at her front door? What did she think was going on?

  Before Erin had a chance to respond she heard a yell from the top of the stairs. "Erin! Mom told us you were coming over to visit," Nicole called out as she made her way downstairs. Belle was trailing behind, and both sisters were smiling excitedly.

  Erin stared at her mother. A visit? Is that how Louise had explained Erin's sudden arrival.

  Erin hugged her sisters who seemed overwhelmed to see her. Erin followed Nicole and Belle upstairs to her old bedroom. What was so "old" about it, she reflected. Her marriage to Karim had always been temporary, hadn't it? Maybe it was just that the whole thing had run its course quicker than they'd anticipated.

  In her room, she found all her things still scattered around. She leaped onto her bed and stretched out. The bed back at the island seemed like an eternity ago, now. She tried not to think of that now that she was back in the place which had been her home for almost a year. Her sisters chattered on about what had been happening
since she'd left, but she knew the only thing they were desperate to know was about Karim and her time on the island.

  "Do you want me to put on the TV?" Bella asked innocently as she stretched out on the sofa. Nicole leaned against the windowsill.

  "No!" Erin blurted out.

  "Don't be silly, Belle," Nicole said. "Of course, she doesn't want to watch that." Nicole raised a brow and looked at Erin. "Why would she want to see it on TV when she actually lived it." Nicole stared at Erin as if she was waiting for her sister to spill the beans now that she was in the relative safety of the place they called home.

  Erin groaned. It was going to be like this!

  "I told you before. Nothing happened," Erin said, feeling bad that she was saying something she knew to be not strictly true. Of course, plenty had happened. Too much, in fact.

  Belle looked at Nicole. "Told you," she declared to Nicole, who simply nodded in silent agreement.

  Erin looked from one sister to the other and then at Nicole. What had her sisters been saying about Erin in her absence? "She told you what?" she demanded.

  Nicole rolled her eyes and tilted her head. "You are a married woman, Erin," she exclaimed.

  "And?" Erin prompted.

  Nicole shook her head and looked at Belle. "We're not going to get anything out of her," Nicole stated.

  "There's nothing to get out of me," Erin said firmly. "What happens when two people get married is strictly private."

  "Except if it is plastered all over the media," Belle said.

  "I'm not public property," Erin said. "My life with Karim should have been private from the start."

  Erin saw Nicole and Belle look at each other, concern on each of their faces. Both sisters sidled over to the bed and stood at the end looking down at Erin.

  "What do you mean?" Nicole asked. "Aren't you staying married to Karim?"

  What had she done? She knew she shouldn't have even hinted that something wasn't right about her marriage to Karim.

  "You're not separating, are you?" Belle asked breathlessly.

  Erin shook her head sharply. "No," she groaned slowly.


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