The Demon Within (A PeaceKeeper Novel)

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The Demon Within (A PeaceKeeper Novel) Page 24

by Stacey Brutger

  Blinded by need, she released her hold on his hips and wrapped her arms around him.

  She needed his touch.

  She needed skin on skin.

  Cupping his ass, she pulled him harder against her. The memory of her injuries faded. She only cared about one thing.

  Getting him naked and inside her as quickly as possible.

  Only when his mind grew hazy did Ruman release her from the kiss. He sucked in sharp breath, but realized it wasn’t the lack of air that made him dizzy.

  It was her.

  Her scent.

  The way she moved under his touch, eager for him.

  The way she touched him in return as if she’d hold him tight forever.

  He shrugged off what was left of his shirt, impatient to feel her against him. He grabbed her hips. When she didn’t protest, he slowly dragged his hand upward, bunching the material of her camisole, trailing his fingers over her skin, absorbing the heat and texture he associated with just her.

  His woman.

  When he didn’t move fast enough, Caly crossed her arms and pulled the cotton material over her head. He memorized the gentle curve of her breasts, drawing out the anticipation, for he knew after that first touch, he’d be a goner.

  “Touch me.”

  Ruman didn’t want to rush things now that they were together, but he couldn’t resist her plea when it so matched his own desires. He cupped her breasts, testing the weight, marveling at her perfection. When she moaned, he reverently took one peak into his mouth. Smooth silk and spice met his tongue.

  He dragged her closer, relishing the way she squirmed under his ministrations. Knowing he brought her pleasure all but dropped him to his knees.

  Arms around her, he supported her weight as she leaned back, giving herself freely to him. He stared down at her like a feast waiting to be devoured. And he realized that was what he wanted. To devour her, make her forget any other men who came before him.

  She was his.

  Cradling her close, he picked her up and placed her at the end of the bed. Her legs dangled off the edge, her toes barely touched the floor before he delved back in her mouth for another taste. Her nails dug into his shoulders, the sharp pain spiking his pleasure, and he relished the fact he could drive her insane with his touch.

  He lowered his hands, slowly, trailing them down her body, exploring every inch of her. At the bottom end of her shorts, he caressed the inside of her leg, smoothing his fingers over the exposed skin, drawing relentlessly higher with each swipe.

  Shaking with need, Ruman reined in his desire, determined to pleasure her before he drowned under his own body’s demands.

  When she shifted beneath him, pushing at his shoulders, he eased back, reluctantly breaking contact. Green eyes blazed at him as she scooted up to the head of the bed. Her shorts lowered a fraction, and he couldn’t take his gaze away from the exposed flesh.

  While he watched, she gave him a knowing look from under her lashes that did funny things to his chest. Then she stripped, revealing a luscious image that would be forever seared in his mind as the perfect form of a woman.

  Her scent invaded him, and he inhaled deeply. She was a goddess.

  One he intended to worship.

  The rakish look Ruman cast her sent a shiver of apprehension rippling through her. The demand, the hunger and the promise in his eyes was something more than she’d ever experienced. Faster than she could move, his hand snaked out and encircled her ankle.

  Inch by inch, he pulled her toward him, fitting himself between her legs, frustratingly close, but it wasn’t enough. The delicious warmth of his hands on the inside of her thighs caused her muscles to twitch. Fire invaded her at his touch, and she moaned at the torment. When his fingers swept a bit higher, her body bowed into him, craving more.

  “Please. I need you.” Panting, she could barely manage to get the words out. She captured his hands and placed them where she needed him most.

  He deepened the caress, exploring her with a light, demanding touch that made her tremble. Time stilled until she couldn’t remember her name. Heat exploded through her, and she arched into him. Pleasure suffused her, and she fell helpless into the void. It had been too long for her to wait for him like she wanted.

  The euphoria faded, and she had to force her eyes open when all she wanted to do was wrap herself around him and enjoy the peace. The first thing she saw was Ruman’s face as he hovered over her.

  A lazy smile crossed her lips. It disappeared when he pounced, plundering her mouth. Willing to give as good as she got, she hitched her leg over his hip. In one smooth move, she had him on his back and under her in seconds.

  Breaking the kiss, she worked her way down his body, lavishing areas where he tensed and trembled at her touch, paying them extra attention with her tongue and teeth.


  Unheeding, Caly continued lower, making sure her body brushed against his. When her lips met his pants, she glanced up.

  Ecstasy and pain were etched across his face. His fists clenched at his side, his jaw locked so tight a muscle twitched, and Caly knew he suffered.

  “Ruman.” She waited until he looked at her. “Watch.”

  Her hands loosened the closure on his pants and dragged the jeans down his legs, leaving him open to her gaze. The smell of musk and something primitive invaded her senses and all she wanted was him. Now.

  Easing up his body, she stilled when her mouth hovered over his hips, certain she had his undivided attention. “Say my name.” Each word poured warm air over his exposed flesh, and his body tensed.


  The desperate plea struck her heart. Reaching up with one hand, she knitted their fingers together. “Don’t let go.”

  Without waiting, she took him in her mouth, and his body bucked under hers. Suddenly, his hand was free of hers, nudging her away. When she eased back, he had her on her back, looming over her in less time than it took to catch her breath.

  The plan to torture him disappeared from her mind once she caught the intensity on his face. As if she’d never found her pleasure, she wanted him again. She wrapped her legs around his hips.


  He swept an arm around her, gathering her close. Her senses filled with his smell, his taste, his skin. Then he reached for her hand with his and entwined their fingers together. Gazing into her eyes, he surged inside her then stilled.

  “Caly?” The tenderness in his voice made her eyes flash open. She hadn’t realized she’d closed them. Her heart hiccupped in her chest at the tortured pleasure on his face.

  Wanting to push him over the edge, Caly clenched her lower muscles.

  Ruman sucked in a sharp breath, and Caly did it again. He bucked against her, bringing a wave of pleasure that threatened to consume her. A groan rumbled from Ruman, and he set a demanding rhythm.

  Now it was her turn to cling to him. She held herself in check, eager to see him reach his peak before she allowed herself to surrender. Each move was harder and deeper than the last. Caly leaned forward, unable to resist marking him. “Mine.” She licked his skin low on his neck and bit.

  “Yes.” He shouted and surged against her. His fingers tightened on hers, and Caly had to blink to stay focused on him and not close her eyes as pleasure threatened to overtake her.

  The look on his face, the intensity of his pleasure sent her plunging over the edge. Back arching, she cried out. Ruman stiffened. He whispered her name on a breath of wonder and fell into the abyss with her.

  As their bodies cooled, Caly opened her eyes to find Ruman watching her. Unwilling to be a bug under a glass, she pushed him on his back and laid her head on his good shoulder.

  In a move that melted her heart, Ruman’s arm came around her and snuggled her closer. She slipped her arm over his waist, shivering when his fingers swept back and forth over her spine like he couldn’t resist touching her.

  Drowsiness filled her, but she refused to lose any remaining time they had
left. Daylight was only an hour away.



  A slight pause followed while she tried to work up her nerve. “Tell me what your life was like…before you became a guardian.” Tucked in his arms, she refused to call him a demon.

  Not after what they’d just shared.

  Her heart ached when Ruman went rigid beneath her head. His arms tightened like a band, pushing the air out of her lungs. If he breathed, she couldn’t tell.

  She’d ruined it.

  Why couldn’t she learn to keep her big mouth shut?

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Caly waited, gliding her fingertips across his abdomen and chest in large, sweeping stokes to soothe them both. Despite his reaction, she refused to take back her question. It was too important. She was starved for any information about him, and desperately wanted to know what she was up against.

  “My life?” He gave a casual shrug that belied his strangled tone. “It’s different from what you’ve experienced. We’re not human and aren’t treated the same.” He paused as if deciding whether to share more then sighed.

  “I was an angel of the lower regions. My duty was to make all the souls that came before me record their sins, wait for the ruling and deliver them for judgment.”

  She didn’t think he noticed that he spoke about his life in the past tense. Though she wanted to know about him and not his job, she was greedy enough to take what he was willing to share. When he didn’t say more, Caly nudged him, half afraid to learn more. She couldn’t compete with his home. “What happened?”

  “Day after day, year after year, I listened to the worst of humanity as they listed their crimes and begged forgiveness.”

  He lifted the arm from around her and rested it over his eyes as if he couldn’t bear to look at her. She froze, afraid that if he noticed her, he’d stop.

  “I couldn’t take it anymore. A woman murdered her family, but because she begged for forgiveness, the piece of dung won a reprieve.” His breathing increased, his chest billowed with his agitation. “She didn’t feel any remorse, said she was doing what was commanded of her when she killed. It was a lie, and we both knew it.”

  A humorless laugh escaped, bringing a chill to her skin so cold that her chest ached when she spoke. “What happened?”

  “The crime that landed me here is I lost her reprieve papers and damned her soul.”

  “But you did nothing wrong.” Indignant, she rose up and turned to look at him. “She deserved punishment for her crimes.”

  He dropped his arm and faced her with a shuttered expression. “But it wasn’t my place to pass judgment. I didn’t trust the system enough to follow the procedures.” His harsh laugh grated on her ears. “The woman was given a temporary reprieve. After due consideration, she was consigned to Hell for her crime and lack of remorse.”

  He pulled her down tight against him, pushed her head back on his chest and absentmindedly trailed his fingers through her hair. She would’ve said he did it to distract her, but he didn’t appear to notice the way her heart leapt at his touch.

  “By then it was already too late for me. Because of my years of loyalty, I was sent to earth to become a guardian statue. Until I pass my test, I will remain here.” Caly felt his lips brush her brow, and they both fell silent, lost in their own thoughts.

  She understood rules and the need for them, but she wondered if she wouldn’t have done the same thing in his place. His doubt was the only reason they were together, and she couldn’t help but be grateful.

  She must have nodded off when a loud knock jarred her awake. The clock said they’d slept the day away, it was already sunset. A glance revealed the shutters secured the window against the dying daylight.

  She slowly twisted to face Ruman, and her breath escaped in a big puff. Human. She’d been spared waking up to cold stone. Warmth flooded her face, and she resisted the urge to touch his exposed chest.

  “Caly?” Jarred opened the door, sucked in a harsh breath and promptly whirled, closing the door nearly shut. “Give a guy some warning, would you?”

  His disgruntled tone brought a crooked smile to her face. Caly untangled herself from Ruman and padded to her closet for clothes. “That’s what you get for entering without waiting. What’s wrong?”

  “Henry needs to speak with you. He’s insisting.” She glanced at him through the crack of the door. Both annoyance and concern were etched on his face as he stared at his feet. “He won’t be awake long.”

  “I’ll be right down.” They needed her. It was as simple as that. Incredibly sore from the fight and the more recent activities, Caly realized the futility of trying to hurry. Remembering those actives in vivid detail brought a smile to her face. She was pulling at her shirt when a rustle of sheets made her turn.

  Still asleep Ruman turned on his side, his arm reached out to her empty side. The urge to crawl back into bed was a physical ache gnawing at her. A bad omen ran through her that if she left, nothing would ever be the same again. She shook her head at the foolishness. It had to be the demon trying to play tricks on her, trying to pull her away from her duty.

  Firming her resolve, Caly moved her pillow and carefully placed it under his arm. He curled around it, inhaling deeply, and sighed, slipping further under the Sandman’s spell. The sight made her stomach flip-flop wildly. Watching him alone in her bed, she cursed Henry for interrupting.

  She wanted to steal back under the covers and wake him with a kiss. To fight the urge to do just that, she snatched her shoes, and backed out of the room. The door closed behind her with a soft click.

  The feeling of unease increased.

  Someone cleared their throat. Caly whirled, her hand dropping to the small two-inch blade tucked into a sheath hidden in the waist of her pants. She was already swinging when she recognized Jarred. The blade stopped inches from his throat. “Don’t do that. You know better than to sneak up on me.” Eyes lowered, she sheathed her knife, hands shaking at the near miss.

  She’d been so wrapped up in her emotions, she nearly killed him. Oscar had always warned her to keep everything locked tight. Could this be what he meant? That if she lost control of her emotions, those around her would be in danger?

  “I could’ve killed you.” The stark reminder was more for her than him.

  “It seems we both live a bit dangerously these days.” Jarred raised a brow and gave a pointed look to the door behind her.

  Caly turned on her heel and marched down the hall, shoving all her emotions back into the deep, dark place where they lived with her demon. “Spit out what you mean to say and be done with it.”

  His footsteps followed and the silence stretched. “Just be careful.”

  “Yeah, I know—”

  “No.” Jarred snagged her arm, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You’re the cornerstone of this organization. Without you all of us would either be dead or worse. Don’t let all your work be for nothing. This fight is a long way from being over.”

  Heat billowed through her, and she clamped her hands on her hips to keep from strangling him. She reined in her anger and spoke as calmly as she could. “Did you ever wonder if maybe we weren’t meant to battle alone? If we partnered up with the demons’ willing to help, we’d have a much better chance at winning?” Not waiting for a reply, Caly thudded down the stairs, and stalked toward Henry’s room.

  Did she believe what she said?

  Maybe. She trusted Brie.

  Did she trust Ruman?

  “Until you rely on the wrong one,” Jarred called from behind her.

  Caly glanced back at him and raised a brow. “Unfortunately, demons don’t have the corner on betrayal.” Shoulders back, she entered the spare room Jarred had commandeered for Henry.

  “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

  If it was possible, Henry looked worse. Half of his hair had fallen out, leaving behind scraggly tuffs of spindly strands. His paper-thin skin showed his veins like bruises. His eyes were
sunken. He’d lost so much weight, his bones protruded from his frame while his skin seemed to slough off his body. The smell of dry, rotten husks filled her nose, and she choked back the gagging sensation.

  “Of course I would.” She sat in the chair next to the bed. Careful not to hurt him, she picked up his hand and tried not to recoil from the dry, brittle flesh. “She really sucked you dry, didn’t she?”

  His laugh turned into a hacking cough. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  Mindful of his frailty, she helped him take a sip of water. The excitement seemed to exhaust him. “Are you—”

  “Fine.” He coughed again. “I’m fine,” he wheezed, “as much as possible under the circumstances.”

  A tinge of compassion darted through her, but only a little. She’d known him far too long to believe he’d changed. Next week, he’d be up and around, harassing her again.

  “I want to see the medallion.”

  It wasn’t a request. That Henry resorted to begging put her on edge. Suspicion darkened her mind, but she wanted to see what he’d do with it.

  It took her less than a minute to retrieve the piece. With the chain tangled in her fingers, she let the three-inch medallion drop to dangle in the air. The disk spun as the chain swung back and forth. Light reflected off the metal, shimmering like something inside responded to her touch.

  Henry reached out a shaky hand. Caly hesitated, gave him a hard look then lowered the medallion. The chain rang against the golden disk as it slunk to the mattress.

  His outstretched fingers closed reflexively around the piece. The greed and possession she saw so often came and went in his eyes. A smile crossed his face and faded. “You were meant to have it.” He never once lifted his gaze from the disk as he spoke.

  “The disk?” Caly stared at the man on the bed, baffled by his behavior.

  Henry shook his head. “Both the leadership of the group and the medallion. I thought I might find something I recognized, something Felicia let slip that could help us.” A disappointed grimace came to his face. “Nothing.”


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