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The Demon Within (A PeaceKeeper Novel)

Page 31

by Stacey Brutger

  “Like the law or something?”

  “Something like that.” Some of the tension eased the lines of strain on his face, and he tugged at a strand of loose hair, tucking it behind her ear. “There’s a fine balance between the demon world and the human one. You’ll become an intermediary between the two worlds.”

  “That makes no sense. No demon would take me serious—” Ruman lifted a hand and Caly stopped, a bit overwhelmed by the turn of events.

  “They will now.” He touched the medallion, a light caress that made her body hum. “This allows you the strength and longevity of a full demon. They’ll have no choice.”

  Caly processed the information but only one thing repeated in her head. “Does that mean you’ll…” She broke off, the hope too painful to voice.

  Ruman tipped up her chin and kissed her slowly. One touch and passion exploded, stunning her when he held nothing back.

  Caly broke away, so dazed she stumbled over her own feet. “What was that?”

  Head tipped back, Ruman laughed. The light of the sun hit the horizon and spread, rapidly eating the space between them.

  Caly grabbed his hand, tugging at his arm. “You need to find shelter.”

  Ruman shook his head. “Watch.”

  As light hit his form, a warm glow enclosed his body. The first ray of sun cascaded over him, and he arched his back.

  Caly watched, mouth gaping when blindingly white wings, twice as large as him, unfolded from his body. The beauty dried up her words. She stepped forward and reached out to touch him. “Ruman?”

  “You saved my life. In risking your own for me, you lifted my penance.”

  The implications slammed into her, strangling the air in her throat. She dropped her arm and hugged herself to keep warm, barely able to string her words together without stuttering. The wound twinged, but the pain in her heart blocked out all else. “You’re leaving.”

  Ruman shook his head and touched her face as if awed by the privilege. “My place is at your side. The world is changing. We have to adapt. You have a large job ahead of you, one you can’t do alone. I am and always will be your Guardian.”

  He lost his smile and glared down at her, eyes burning. “A team. No more risking your life alone. No more running out to meet trouble. Not without me. You—”

  Caly reached up and kissed him, a quick brush of her lips. “Shush.” She gazed up at him, hope and uncertainty swirling inside her. She wanted this so bad she was afraid to take the chance and believe. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “I want you.”


  “With everything that entails.” He paused a moment with a vulnerable look that cracked her heart. “If you’ll have me?”

  Emotions clogged her throat when she would’ve spoken. Caly stepped into him arms, put her hands on his face and pulled his head down to eye level. “I love you.”

  She kissed him chastely.



  Strong arms surrounded her, and she found herself swept off her feet. A bubble of happiness filled her chest, and she laughed. “I can walk, you know.”

  “Why, when I can carry you?” He moved toward the house.

  Caly slipped her hands in his hair and laid her head against his chest. “Do you get to keep the wings?”

  “Aren’t you tired of angels by now? Don’t you know that they’re trouble?”

  “You might have been trouble, but you’re worth it.”

  Chapter Thirty-five

  “He’d be proud.” Ruman nodded toward Oscar’s grave. Buried a few hours ago, they made sure Henry received a place of honor next to the old man.

  Caly laughed through a sheen of tears. “He’d be horrified.”

  Just the low, husky sound of her laugh raised his spirits, not to mention making him hard every time he heard it. Ruman wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her back against his chest and nuzzled below her ear. “And proud.”

  Laughter gone, Caly sighed and rested her hands on top of his. “And proud.”

  “Caly, Ruman, there’s an attack at Bellvue.” David’s voice echoed over the cemetery, disturbing the early evening silence.

  “East Bellvue Street, dumb ass.” Kelly snarled, startling a flock of birds into flight. She and David headed toward the van, Kelly’s strident voice carried easily on the light breeze.

  “I thought being three months pregnant would’ve mellowed her.” Caly shook her head and sighed.

  “Are you kidding?” Ruman laughed. “In a few months, we won’t be able to sneeze without her mothering us to death.” He smiled and reached out to touch her again like he couldn’t resist. “She’s perfect.”

  Caly snorted. “If you ask me, Brie and Jarred were the smart ones to leave after the dust from the battle settled. We should’ve gone with them.”

  “Vacation?” Ruman entwined his fingers with hers. “Nah. With nothing to do, you would’ve gone crazy on the first day.” He hugged her close and kissed her ear. “Anyway, they left so we could have some time alone.”

  A sharp whistle pierced the air and they looked behind them. Kelly stood by the passenger side door of the van, her hands on her hips, her foot tapping. She waved them over and then scrambled awkwardly inside the vehicle.

  “Back to work.” With a slap on her behind, Ruman chuckled and turned to make his way across the lawn.

  “You’re going to pay for that.” Caly warned, rubbing the abused area.

  A glance over his shoulder revealed a wicked smile and a gleam in his eye that did dangerous things to her heart. “Promise?”

  The End

  Sneak Peak

  Electric Moon

  “Would you care to explain why you let three strange male shifters into my house without my permission?”

  Raven’s words halted Durant on the spot, but his eyes lit up as his animal rose to the surface. “What happened?”

  “Besides them seeing me half naked, you mean?” She took pleasure in the little growl of rage that rumbled from him. “How about a little invasion of my privacy? I could’ve killed them by accident.”

  “Did they touch you?” He inched closer, his eyes roaming her body for injury as he walked around her.

  His gaze left tails of heat in their wake, potent enough to stun her out of her anger. He appeared genuinely concerned. “I’m fine.”

  “The three brothers signed a privacy contract. Besides their excellent work, their guaranteed privacy is what makes them the best in their field.” He continued to hover over her with each word spoken.

  Then she noticed the molten gold eyes peering out at her. When she backed up a step, he mirrored her move. There was only a foot between her and the wall at her back. He was a furnace in front of her, throwing off heat hot enough to singe. And all she wanted to do was be scorched.

  “You shouldn’t have come alone.” The danger in him was enticing, calling out to something deep inside her to come out and play .

  “She didn’t.” Taggert stepped forward, a solid presents at her side and inching up the lust level to an almost unbearable degree. The men eyed each other, neither backing down. Then Durant caught sight of the collar and sighed.

  Her palms itched to touch them, and any emotions but panic vanished under the onslaught. “How the hell am I supposed to fight this?”

  Durant blinked and some of him returned enough for her to breath past his rich leather scent. “You’re the alpha. You’re the one who has the control.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that? I don’t understand. They say touch helps, but every time I get close to either of you, the desire is ten times worse.”

  Before she could retreat, he snatch up her hand and pressed it against his chest. The fast beat of his heart thundered under her palms, heat radiated up her arms and raw lust nearly brought her to her knees. Taggert slipped behind her, his arm once more around her waist. His hand found its way beneath her shirt, splaying over her stomach. Power rocketed through
her body.

  His wolf.

  It was close to the surface as if it ached and was reaching out for her.

  She sucked in a sharp breath and grabbed his wrist. Her nails bit into his arm, and she felt a little rumble at her back that did delicious things to her body, reminding her of what his kiss had tasted like.

  Instead of protesting her lack of control, he prodded her forward, only stopping with her body securely caught between them. Durant gritted his teeth, sucking in a harsh breath that beaded her nipples and weakened her knees.

  “You can increase the lust or sooth those around you with a touch. Without any control, you’ll drive us insane before the week’s out.”

  She brushed her hands over the front of his shirt and felt the beast purr at her touch. Taggert leaned down and nuzzled her neck. She barely resisted the urge to give him better access.

  “I don’t think this is working.” She swallowed hard, trying not to so much as twitch least one of them broke.

  Durant untucked his shirt and shoved her hands underneath. They both sucked in a harsh breath and didn’t move. Fine hair met her fingertips, and she couldn’t resist stroking him. The hard muscles under her fingers flexed, begging for more and he shuffled closer.

  She felt the tigers’ near crazed need to be free and claim what it wanted. Instead of frightening her, she leaned her head against his chest, a light current, different than the normal electricity, rose at her touch. Power from his animal. “Shhhhh.”

  The tiger paused in its pacing and lifted his head. Time stilled as if the beast was waiting for her to take what she wanted and the beast so willingly offered. Taggert’s wolf took advantage of her distraction and brushed against her back, offering and taking comfort. She didn’t know how long they stayed like that when she finally had enough strength to lift her head.

  The tiger stilled looked at her through Durant’s eyes, but the restlessness and need had abated. Though he didn’t look completely sedated, he no longer looked as rattled when he’d first burst into the room. He still purred at her touch, but it was more a contented sound than one of lust.

  “Touch.” Durant smiled.

  Raven couldn’t prevent a heat of blush from filling her checks at the men’s obvious arousal. For some reason, what had just happened felt more intimate than sex. She reluctantly pulled her hand away, nearly sighing when Taggert dropped his as well and stepped back. She nervously cleared her throat. “We should go.”

  Now that they weren’t touching, she could feel the desire of so many shifters in the room beyond beating at the door, racketing the lust back up. Part of her calm evaporated in frustration. She’d hoped the effects would’ve lasted longer.

  “It was foolish of you two to come here with so many shifters so close to the full moon.” Gone was the contented man of a few seconds ago. In his place was a man intent on scolding her like a willful child.

  “It was better to face this now than be surprised at the conclave.” His lips tightened, but he didn’t refute her claim.

  “No female shifter is allowed out without protection for a reason.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “If someone touched you, I would’ve killed them.”

  Raven swallowed a gulp and resisted the urge to cross her arms. “I’ve managed to take care of myself for a few years now.” She drew up enough energy to make it spark between her fingers. “Why is now so different?”

  “You weren’t a full alpha then. You had the DNA, but you only woke when you started to interact with other shifters. Most shifters will give you respect, but there are more than a few who crave what you can do for them and won’t ask your permission. If they attack, you will have to retaliate or be seen as weak.”

  A sickening sense of dread circled her gut. “Why are they so eager to throw away their lives?”

  Durant snorted, his eyes darkening as a wave of heat snaked under her skin and caught her breath. She had no doubt he did it on purpose to put her on edge. “I like your confidence about your abilities, but you don’t know how persistent weres can be, especially with something as precious as a female alpha.” He crowded closer, his lips hovering over hers. “And if you don’t leave now, I’ll have you striped and sprawled across my desk in less than minute, tasting every delicious inch of you.”

  Sneak Peak

  Electric Storm

  A commotion at the other end of the room erupted. The boy. She knew it even before she saw his face. Five women surrounded him, heckling and caressing him. He stood there, a frozen smile plastered in place, tolerating the touch. Tolerating but not enjoying.

  Then he flinched. His smile became strained, the women’s laughter more wild. The boy’s eyes hardened but he kept still, enduring the obscene fondling and cruel taunts.

  She scanned the crowd. A few people snickered at his discomfort, a few looked away, pity leeching the life from their eyes. But no one protested.

  Then the man who had accompanied the boy stood to his full height. The muscles of her back loosened, and she eased back into her seat, unaware she’d half risen to her feet. The big man would keep him safe. But instead of rescuing the boy, the Ogre turned his back and pushed his way to the bar.

  A lump grew in her throat at the unwanted attention the boy endured. Memories of similar situations from her past cut into her mind, blurring reason until fury burned along her face.

  Stillness settled inside her, burying everything but the need to do something, the need to prevent the past from repeating itself. Before she knew what she was doing, she moved.

  The closer she came, the more she sensed his unwillingness and his resignation. She stopped outside the circle of women. Their gazes collided. Recognition sparked, and his gaze latched on to hers.


  It was a mistake coming here tonight, but she couldn’t leave without knowing he’d be safe. Couldn’t stop herself from rescuing him.

  “He’s mine.” She reached through the circle of women, clamped down on his wrist and pulled him to her side. He came without a word of complaint, his head lowered, a small smile on his lips that barely lasted a second. His body trembled slightly before he controlled himself.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” A blonde in strappy, three-inch heels stepped forward, drink in hand and a determined expression on her face. A woman who always got what she wanted.

  Raven wasn’t impressed. “We’re leaving.”

  As she turned, herding the boy in front of her, the woman’s talons dug into her arm.

  Reacting on instinct, Raven spun and thrust out her palm, slamming her hand into the blonde’s chest, releasing some of the pent-up power that swirled inside in response to her anger.

  The impact lifted the woman off her feet. She sailed over the table, one heel flying. Her mouth dropped open in moue of surprise, while her drink spun and sprayed her friends.

  Conversation slowed, people turned. No one touched the woman as she staggered to her feet. Raven braced herself and scanned the crowd.

  No one stepped forward to detain her or the boy.

  “Is there a problem?”


  He broke through the wall of people who circled the small group. Broad shouldered, lean but roped with muscles, he easily drew attention to him and it had nothing to do with the elegant clothes or wildly untamed mane of hair. The combination should’ve looked ridiculous but only succeeded in making him appear all the more dominant.

  It gave him a dangerous air. An aura of bored arrogance seeped from him, but Raven knew differently. Power thrummed beneath his skin at his annoyance for being disturbed. The beast roamed close to the surface even in his human form.

  “No, sir. The lady here claimed me, and Miss Jackie objected.”

  “A challenge?” The tiger’s eyes sharpened in the muted light, his attention never leaving her face. He brushed against her shields, then shoved against them as if surprised to find resistance. The intensity increased, seeking a weakness. Her eyes narrowed. Usually only vampires or ver
y powerful alphas had such strong mental ability.

  Protocol dictated certain rules, and he broke them by probing her without permission. They both knew it if his sudden, impudent smile was anything to go by. If he pushed harder, she’d retaliate. She refused to let him enter her mind, refused to let him harvest all her secrets. It was too dangerous for either of them.

  When he persisted, she twisted a strand of energy around his shields, using tremendous control to surround him instead of breaking through. Then she slowly tightened her hold. She let it rest there, let him feel her perusal, the threat. Her fingers trembled. Her stomach flopped like a fish out of water. It took everything she had to hold back more power and ignore the dangerous lure to crush the threat.

  Then his aura fluctuated, rubbed against her own shield in a way that sent a shiver down her spine in a very pleasant way. Her blood heated, and she could almost swear she felt a purr from her core. From the startled look and the aroused flush to his face, the reaction wasn’t something he’d anticipated either.

  Then he relented and retreated, bowing slightly in deference. “Please forgive my rudeness. I’m Jeffrey Durant, manager of Talon’s.”

  She reeled in the string of energy, suppressing the unholy need to curse. A formal greeting. Rules of the pack dictated she reply in kind, supply her name at the very least, and the bastard knew it. She had to work with shifters. She couldn’t piss in the pond just because she didn’t want to do something. “Raven–”

  “Do you know who I am?” Like a yippy little dog, the blonde charged forward, red blotches of anger coloring her face. Her eyes shimmered a yellowish-green with her emotions, but quickly reverted back to mud brown.

  Part shifter.

  A weak one.

  Most males could shift no matter what percentage of animal DNA they possessed, but the women had to be at least half shifter for their animal to take form. That meant Raven could take this little dog.


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