On Thin Ice (The Baltimore Banners Book 8)

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On Thin Ice (The Baltimore Banners Book 8) Page 13

by Lisa B. Kamps

  Waiting for her permission to keep going.

  She thrust her hips up with a little moan, her teeth pulling at her lower lip. Kenny grabbed the waistband of her jeans with both hands and eased them down, past her hips, along her legs, not stopping until they were resting on the floor with her shirt.

  He knelt between her legs and shrugged his own shirt off, tossing it onto the pile. Then he sat back on his heels and just watched her, his hungry gaze drinking in every inch of her.

  Her legs were long, her thighs and calves toned with muscle. Not the lanky leanness of a runner’s legs. No, hers were a little thicker. Sleek and powerful without the bulk. He dragged his hand along her left leg, up her calf to the sensitive spot behind her knee. Up further, along the soft flesh of her inner thigh. Up even more, until his hand closed over the heated flesh hidden by the lacy scrap of material covering her. He bent down and ran his mouth along her leg, following the same path of his hand. He leaned forward, braced his free hand along the back of the sofa, and lowered his mouth to her.

  “Oh God.” Her voice was nothing more than a ragged whisper, rough with desire as she thrust her hips against his mouth. Her hands clutched at his head, guiding him as he ran his tongue along the lace, the heat of her body igniting a deeper need inside him.

  Kenny shifted and braced one foot on the floor then hooked his thumbs into the lacy waistband, dragging it down past her hips, baring her to his hungry gaze. He licked his lips, watching her as he dipped his thumb across the barely-there strip of hair that did nothing but tease him. Lower, spreading her damp flesh until his thumb teased the hard nub of her clitoris. She arched her back again, her moan long and drawn out, her hips rising once more.

  Kenny grabbed the lacy thong with his free hand and tugged it off her legs, leaning forward until his mouth closed over her. His tongue darted out, licking, over and over as he dipped one finger inside her.

  In. Out. Again. And God, she was so fucking wet. So fucking tight. She spread her legs, opening herself even more, her hips pumping each time he dipped his finger inside her. He slid a second one inside, his mouth never leaving her, licking and nipping and tasting her sweet warmth.

  Her hips rose once more, hard and fast, her fingers tangling in his hair. She muttered something, stopped breathing, held herself still as her muscles tightened around him, holding his hand in place.

  Then she screamed his name, her hips pumping wildly as her muscles pulsed around his fingers. Over and over, each spasm matching her frenzied breathing and small cries of release.

  Desire racked Kenny’s body, his mind. He wanted to take her, claim her. Now. Make her his. He forced the urge away, not understanding the sudden need to possess, refusing to give into it as he gentled his touch and kissed his way up her body. His mouth claimed hers, slow and tender now as her body softened under his.

  She pulled away and took a deep breath, her eyes still filled with desire as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He sat up, dragging her with him, planning on doing nothing more than holding her on his lap.

  But Lauren had other plans. She straddled him again, pressed her own mouth against his, then leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “I want you, Kenny. All of you. Now.”

  The words snapped the fragile hold on his control. He wrapped his arms around her waist and stood, groaning when her legs wrapped around him. He kissed her, hard, then started walking, moving toward the back bedroom at her direction. He kicked the door closed then moved to the bed, sitting her on the edge of the mattress. Light streamed into the room, pale moonlight, light from the buildings around them. It lit the room, bathed Lauren in an otherworldly glow that made her seem fragile, mystical.

  She moved away from the edge of the bed, a teasing smile curling her kiss-swollen lips as she patted the mattress beside her. Kenny reached for the button of his jeans, hesitated, then took his wallet from his back pocket and tossed it onto the bed. Lauren looked at the wallet then back at him, her brows raised in amusement.

  “Um, I hope this doesn’t mean you’re thinking of paying me.”

  Kenny laughed, the sound a short bark of surprise. He snapped his mouth closed and shook his head. “Condoms.”

  “Good thinking.” Lauren stretched out, her head resting on one propped arm, and watched him. Her eyes dipped to the waistband of his jeans then slowly traveled up his body, her gaze finally resting on his. “I’m waiting.”

  He laughed again and wanted to shake his head. Christ, how could he be so turned on and so amused at the same time? And so self-conscious, with her watching him like that.

  He gave himself a mental shake then unbuttoned his jeans and tugged the zipper down. He pushed the denim past his hips, his thighs, paused to look over at her. Yes, she was still watching him, hunger reflected in the depths of her eyes.

  He pushed the jeans the rest of the way down and stepped out of them, kicking them to the side as he made his way to the bed. He stretched out beside Lauren then pulled her into his arms, kissing her. Slow, gentle, seductive.

  But she arched against him, her hand brushing his chest, moving lower, past his stomach, lower until she wrapped one hand around his swollen cock and stroked.

  Hard, slow, sure.

  “I want you, Kenny. Now.”

  He groaned and clenched his jaw, searching for control when all he wanted to do was plunge into her. His hand reached out, searching blindly for his wallet, finding it. He opened it one-handed, digging through the contents until his fingers closed over the square packet. He pulled it out, brought it to his mouth to tear it open, but Lauren was faster.

  She took it from him, rolled the condom down his hard-length. Just the touch of her hand was enough to nearly make him lose control. How would it be when he was inside her? With her muscles tightening around him, clenching him?

  He groaned and rolled over, tucking her under him as he settled between her legs. He positioned his cock at her opening then looked up at her, waiting. She smiled, a slow seductive smile, then raised her hips and welcomed him inside.

  And oh God, it was better than he’d imagined. Hot. Wet. Tight. He plunged into her, burying himself deep inside, pulled out. Again and again. Slow. So slow.

  She wrapped her legs high around his waist, her heels digging into his ass as she held onto his arms. Her eyes were glazed, filled with passion and desire. Filled with the same need coursing through his own body, demanding release.

  “Please Kenny.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He drove into her, faster, harder. Her hips met each thrust, her nails digging into his shoulders as her breathing quickened, became sharper.

  And still he didn’t stop. Deeper. Faster. Over and over until her muscles tightened around him and she screamed his name. He thrust again, grinding his hips against hers. Once. Twice. Once more. And then his own climax crashed over him, his hips pumping until his muscles turned to liquid and he collapsed on top of her. His breathing mixed with hers, harsh and gasping, his heart pounding in his chest.

  He raised his head from the pillow and pressed a kiss against her forehead, slowly easing himself to the side. From some inner part of his mind came the realization that he should apologize for crushing her, but he couldn’t find the words, couldn’t find the energy to even say them. In a minute, maybe, but not yet, not when his body still felt completely boneless and his mind completely mushy.

  Lauren shifted next to him, her head dropping to his chest as she draped one leg over his. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close, thinking she fit so nicely against him, like their bodies were meant for each other.

  A grin teased his lips and he thought about telling her that, thought she might get a laugh out of it. And he would. In a minute. As soon as he could get his mind to work right.

  Lauren’s body relaxed against his. He felt the warmth of her breath against the skin of his chest as her breathing slowed and deepened. Had she drifted off? Maybe. He’d stay here for a little bit, just until she woke up. He didn’t want t
o leave without saying goodbye.

  He didn’t want to leave at all. Maybe he wouldn’t have to, maybe she’d ask him to stay. So yeah, he’d just stay here and rest his eyes until she woke up.

  Just for a few minutes, that was all.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Peaceful. Quiet.

  And entirely more comforting than she expected.

  Lauren leaned against the doorframe for a few more minutes, simply watching the man in her bed. Kenny was sleeping on his back, his head turned to the side, one arm thrown across the mattress, the other resting on the hard flat planes of his stomach. His dark hair was tousled in sleep, the dark brown even darker against the pale peach of the sheets and pillows. The half-sleeve tattoo on his left arm was nothing more than a darker shadow against his skin in the weak light seeping through the curtains. The same with the tattoo on the left side of his chest. She couldn’t make out the details from her spot across the room, but she didn’t have to. No, she’d spent enough time studying, touching, kissing them last night. Every line was firmly entrenched in her mind, from the detailed lines of the Viking ship on his chest to the tribal art work that decorated his arm.

  He should have looked silly among the peaches and pinks and greens that decorated her room. Too big, too out of place. Too masculine. But he didn’t. Lauren didn’t want to come right out and say he looked like he belonged, that would be nothing but pure insanity. They’d known each other for two months, had only just spent the one night together.

  But yeah, she could get used to having him here.

  She didn’t bother hiding the small smile the thought brought as she backed out of the room and gently closed the door. Let him sleep a little longer, while she put together a quick breakfast. She wasn’t sure if he had practice this morning, wasn’t sure what his plans were—they’d been too busy last night to really discuss anything. But she had to work, so it meant business as usual for her.

  Unless she decided to work from home. She didn’t do it often, but it was always an option.

  Except she wouldn’t be getting much work done if she stayed home, not with the living, breathing temptation that was currently sleeping in her bed.

  Lauren made her way to the kitchen then stood in front of the refrigerator, staring into it with a frown. She had no idea what he might like for breakfast. Probably something hearty, like eggs and bacon and toast.

  Or maybe a side of beef.

  Unless he really did have practice. If he did, he might not want something so heavy.

  And was she really standing there, trying to figure out what to feed him? Lauren rolled her eyes then grabbed the tub of Greek yogurt and container of strawberries. She’d fix what she normally fixed for breakfast, just double it. Or maybe triple it.

  Oatmeal. Greek yogurt and sliced fruit. She paused, then grabbed two hardboiled eggs from the bottom shelf, just in case he wanted the extra protein, and placed them on the counter with everything else. She got the coffee started—easy to do, with those one-cup makers—then put water on to boil for the oatmeal. Simple, easy. No muss, no fuss.

  The kettle was just starting to hiss when she heard footsteps behind her. Lauren didn’t even have time to turn around before a pair of strong arms closed around her waist, tugging her back against a strong, warm chest. She closed her eyes and tried not to sigh when Kenny pressed a kiss to her neck, right in the exact spot that sent tingles shooting through her and made her knees go weak. He was definitely a fast learner, no doubt about it.

  She turned in his hold and wrapped her arms around his waist, reveling in the feel of his sleep-warmed hard body against hers. They stood there for a minute, just holding each other, before Kenny pressed a kiss to her temple and stepped back, his gaze drifting to the counter.


  She smiled, not missing the gleam in his eyes or the slight anticipation in his voice. “Nothing big, but yes. I hope you like oatmeal and yogurt.”

  “That beats what I was expecting, which was nothing. What do you need help with?”

  “If you want to grab the bowls from the cabinet, that’ll work. Did you want any coffee?”

  “God yes.” He didn’t wait for her to fix it, just moved straight to the coffee maker and popped a pod in place. She almost laughed watching him, standing there in front of the coffee maker like a kid waiting to open his presents on Christmas morning. But she didn’t say anything. How could she, when she did the exact same thing?

  She grabbed the packs of instant oatmeal and poured them into two bowls—one pack for her, two for him—then added the water and gave them a stir. Kenny pulled two more bowls from the cabinet and slid them toward her, his attention focused on taking the first sip of coffee. Lauren laughed as she spooned some fruit-filled yogurt into each bowl.

  She had thought about moving everything to the dining room table but Kenny just grabbed one bowl and held it in front of him, his lean hips resting against the counter. It was the same thing she did every morning, and she couldn’t help but smile. It didn’t hurt that his pose gave her a nice view of his chest and abs, of the faint line of hair that dipped its way below the open waistband of his jeans. The jeans hung low on his hips, teasing her with just enough of a view to make her want more.

  She cleared her throat and pulled her gaze away only to find Kenny watching her, a grin on his bruised face. Lauren shrugged but didn’t bother to make an excuse. Why should she, when he knew exactly what she’d been looking at?

  And if she wasn’t careful, she really would call into work and say she was staying home today.

  “Do you mind if I use your shower?”

  “Help yourself. I already laid out fresh towels when I was in there. And I hung your shirt up on the door, too.”

  Kenny paused with a spoonful of oatmeal halfway to his mouth. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Maybe a half-hour or so. Long enough to take a shower and get ready for work.”

  “And make breakfast.” Kenny finished the oatmeal then turned to rinse the bowl and place it in the dishwasher before reaching for hers. “I didn’t even hear you get up.”

  “That’s because I was trying to be quiet.”

  “You didn’t have to. I wouldn’t have minded if you woke me up.” He stepped closer and pulled her into his arms, his dark eyes sparkling with intent. “Especially if you got creative with it.”

  “Yeah? I’ll have to remember that the next time.” Lauren mentally kicked herself for saying the words. Next time? Yes, she wanted there to be a next time. That didn’t mean Kenny felt the same way. She was almost positive he did, but she didn’t want to just assume anything.

  Then again, judging from the slow smile spreading across his face, maybe it was a safe assumption.

  “Next time? Good, I was hoping you’d say that.” He pressed his mouth against hers, his lips soft and warm and tender. Lauren sighed and leaned into him, thinking that maybe she really should just stay home this morning. Then he broke the kiss with a harsh growl and stepped away. “It would be so easy to stay here but I can’t miss practice.”

  “And I don’t expect you to, either.” She stepped past him then swatted him on the ass. “Go. Get ready. We can leave together.”

  He cocked one eyebrow at her, his expression clearly telling her he couldn’t believe she had just done that. Then he smiled and headed back to her room, humming something in his deep voice that she couldn’t quite make out.

  It didn’t matter, not when just the fact that he was actually humming was enough to make her blink in surprise. Lauren laughed then finished cleaning everything up, making sure to turn on the dishwasher before fixing a second cup of coffee. This was a treat, not being rushed, not heading down to the gym before work. Not quite like she was being lazy. Leisurely, maybe.

  Yes, she could definitely get used to this.

  She moved over to the sofa, debating on whether or not to turn on the television or to just sit quietly and do nothing. The latter choice won out. She was just abo
ut to sit down when the front door opened, so hard that it nearly banged against the wall. Lauren jumped then bit back a curse when coffee splashed over the rim of the mug and onto her hand. She held the mug in front of her and hurried to the kitchen, placing it on the counter before grabbing a wad of paper towels.

  Lindsay stumbled into the kitchen, a smirk on her flushed face. She reeked of stale alcohol and, underlying that, the musky odor of stale sex. Her long hair hung in tangled strands around her face, the blonde dull and lifeless. Smeared mascara framed her bright eyes, too shiny, too glassy. Was she still drunk? Something else?

  Lauren didn’t know, was afraid to ask. She clenched her jaw and moved to the living room, bending down to wipe up the spilled coffee. Lindsay just stood there, watching her with that smirk on her face, her eyes filled with something that almost looked like spite.

  Lauren threw the paper towels in the trash then reached for her coffee, fighting to keep her voice neutral. “Where have you been?”


  “Obviously. Where?”

  “Having fun. Getting laid. Enjoying myself. Not that you know anything about that.” She pushed by Lauren and opened the refrigerator, staring into it for a few long minutes.

  “Why can’t you ever have real food in here? I’m so tired of never having anything to eat.”

  “You can eat whatever you want when you buy it.”

  Lindsay slammed the door and turned to glare at her, the expression in her eyes so cold, so flat, that Lauren stepped back in surprise. The girl in front of her wasn’t her sister, couldn’t be her sister. But she was, and Lauren didn’t understand what had happened to change her.

  Did Lindsay even notice Lauren’s surprise? If she did, did she even care? Not that Lauren could see because Lindsay just shook her head and crossed her arms in front of her, her red lips pursed in an odd pout.

  “I can’t buy anything because I don’t have a job. Because I don’t have friends that will hire me to sit on my ass and play games all day.”


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