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Obake Page 3

by Jamie K. Schmidt

  He eased inside of her with a gentle finesse that had her thighs quivering. Kai had ravaged her, but Terasaka was making love to her. Ashley’s mind whirled. She wasn’t sure which she preferred. But at the moment, his hot shaft teased her core and she had to break her mouth away from his to gasp in air.

  “So good,” she said.

  Terasaka propped his hands under her buttocks and shifted so he could watch himself move in and out of her.

  “Oh, koneko, how I longed to be inside of you.”

  Ashley touched his cheek and looked into his eyes. They connected. A spark across centuries. Why hadn’t she realized it before? She loved Terasaka. She loved them both.

  Grabbing her hands, he pushed them up above her head and pummeled his cock into her. She was weightless, helpless. Each thrust brought pleasure and joy and the toe curling friction she longed for.

  “More. I can’t get enough. Not of you. Oh, please.” Ashley could no longer feel the pain in her bites, just the driving pressure of the fast building orgasm. Her breath was coming in fast, jagged gasps.

  “Koneko!” he shouted as his body shuddered against her.

  She wasn’t far behind when his mouth clamped on her breast and sucked while she rode out the spasms on his cock. Slipping out of her, Terasaka eased her feet to the floor of the tub. He shut off the water and wrapped her in a fluffy towel. Carrying her to the bed, he put her under the covers.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said and went dripping wet into the living room. He came back with his katana and laid it above her head before getting himself a towel. “We are only safe on unsanctified ground for a few more hours. We must leave soon. Try to rest.”

  Sliding into bed next to her, he pulled her onto his chest and wrapped them in the comforter.

  “What are we going to do?” Ashley asked him.

  “We’re going to defeat Kai’s demon and bring Kai back to his body.”

  “What about you and me?”

  “One thing at a time, koneko. One thing at a time.”

  Ashley’s alarm woke her up and she hit the snooze button before she realized she was doing it. She was naked and alone in bed – again.

  “Third time’s the charm,” she muttered and grabbed her cell phone to call in sick to work.

  Terasaka walked in while she faked a sore throat and shook his head. Ashley flipped him the bird while trying to step into her underwear and talk on the phone at the same time.

  “We need to hurry.”

  “I’m hurrying,” Ashley groused.

  “I’ve already packed you an overnight bag. Hopefully, we’ll be able to conquer the demon at midnight tonight. I don’t want to fight him when he’s fueled up on your blood and you-know-who’s sex essence. By midnight he’ll be desperate to feed.”

  “So why do we have to hurry?”

  “Because, he will hone in on you. Whether as Kai, mournfully apologetic or as the demon wanting to snack on you.”

  Ashley threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, crammed her feet into a pair of slides and stood. “Let’s go to the temple then and we can finally have a conversation that doesn’t end in me being naked.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Terasaka asked, handing her the overnight bag.

  “Aren’t you going to carry that? Chivalry and me being the weaker sex?”

  Terasaka snorted and wrapped a silk scarf around the bite marks on her neck. “I need my hands free to kill the demon if he returns.”

  “Will that kill Kai too?”

  “Not if I can get my blade resanctified at the temple. Then it will only cut the demon’s essence and not Kai’s soul as well.”

  “I’m glad you have a plan.”

  They locked up and walked to her apartment’s parking lot. Ashley drove as Terasaka never bothered to learn. She was used to chauffeuring him around Japan, tilting at windmills and chasing demons.

  “Where are we going?”

  Terasaka fiddled with the GPS. He wasn’t a technophobe. He was just lazy. “I’m putting in the directions. It’s a farm on the shoreline. It’s set up as a Buddhist commune, but in addition it has a secret group of priests who have been training to fight demons.”

  “If it’s so secret, how do you know about it?”

  “I have connections in Tokyo that told me about them.”

  “Do you think they can handle Kai?”

  “We should be safe once we get there.”

  “It’s going to take us an hour. What happens if Kai finds me before then?”

  “We pull over and you summon the lust demon. He will not be able to resist blood and sex.”

  “That’s what happened last time.”

  “And while it satiated him, he could not stay or else he’d be devoured by your lust demon’s needs.”

  “He ran from her?”

  “I found you unconscious. It’s possible they fled from each other, which would explain why you’re back in control now.”

  “What would you have done if she was still in control when you found me?”

  “The same thing,” he gave her a small smile.

  “Men are pigs,” she told him.

  “We are weak when it comes to resisting your female wiles.”

  Ashley snorted. “So if you were possessing Kai, how did the demon get him?”

  “Are you blaming me for not protecting him?” Terasaka looked out the window.

  “No. Stop putting words in my mouth. I need to know what’s going on. One minute I’m hanging up with you and the next minute Kai’s ghost is sucking my blood. What happened to cause that?”

  “I blame myself,” he said. “He fought me. Thought I was trying to take over, when all I was doing was defending. I asserted myself too forcefully and the demon grabbed his soul and yanked it out of his body. I sliced the demon in half, but instead of releasing Kai’s soul, it ate it to heal itself.”

  Ashley’s gorge rose. “So Kai’s soul is gone? A demon ate it.”

  “A demon consumed it, but it is not gone. Kai exists outside of his body because of the demon. Once the demon dies, so will Kai if he cannot get back to his body. The demon needs more than Kai’s soul to survive.”

  “It told me it needed blood and sex.”

  “Yes, although it can feed on terror and despair as well.”

  “Why did the demon come to me?”

  “Kai’s thoughts and memories would have driven it to you. Kai needed to see you again. The demon wanted to feed off you. Your lust demon put a dent into his plans.”

  “I think Kai was in control for a brief moment. When he fed from me the first time, he pushed back the demon.”

  “Fascinating,” Terasaka said, stroking his chin. “He must have used the skills he learned from wresting control back from me.”

  “He was also trying to get me to sacred ground.”

  “Then we are headed in the right direction.”

  The highway was nearly empty. It was late Tuesday morning and all the worker drones were at their jobs and the school kids were at school. They made good time to the Shoreline, even after pulling into a drive through for coffee and breakfast. Terasaka borrowed her cell phone and called ahead to the commune.

  “They will be expecting us,” he said.

  “Yeah, with butterfly nets to send us to the funny farm. I can’t believe they are taking you seriously.”

  Terasaka shrugged. “They have nothing to lose by humoring me and much to gain if I’m telling the truth. They’ll have a real demon test their wards of power and if the wards break, their priests can assist us in fighting it.”

  “How are you going to get Kai back into his body?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m hoping to discuss that with the Abbott or the priests.”

  “Then what happens?”

  “Well, koneko,”—Terasaka slid his hand up Ashley’s thigh—“he will not know what you and I shared. You could choose to keep it a secret.”

  She shook her head. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Even if it means he’ll break up with you?”

  “He banged Sada. That—”

  Makes us even...Ashley’s face blanked as Sada surged forth, pushing through conscious thought. Ashley fell deep inside herself, tumbling over and over into the blackness.

  “You little fool,” Terasaka said.

  Ashley’s fingers gripped the wheel and her foot fell heavy on the gas pedal. “Hang on to your sword, Kichiemon, let’s see how fast this thing can go.” Sada smiled wickedly up at him.

  Can you drive this thing? Ashley asked, swimming up to test Sada’s defenses. She was knocked back and floated, trapped again, in her own body. Sada was literally and figuratively driving.

  “I can even drive a motorcycle and a boat, unlike some people.” Sada arched a glance over at Terasaka. “You can put your hand back on my thigh if you want. Or better yet, put your face in my lap.”

  “We don’t have time for this, Sada.”

  “There’s always time for a little fun.”

  “Kai will be here soon and if we’re not on sacred ground, Ashley will be bitten again.”

  “So?” Sada tugged on the neckline of the sweater. “It’s not a party until someone gets hurt. Besides, I don’t want to go to a commune with a bunch of fuddy duddy old monks.”

  “Why did you leave Ashley when Kai was feeding?”

  “I didn’t mean to. The ninny fainted and I got booted out. For a moment, I was floating over her body and that thing tried to eat me – and not in a good way. So I burrowed deep back into Ashley. Unfortunately, it put her back in charge.”

  “Are you going to help us get Kai back into his body or are you going to foolishly pursue your own pleasures?”

  “I don’t see why I can’t do both.” Sada tilted the rearview mirror down so she could frown at her reflection. “Really, would a little mascara and lipstick kill her?”

  “Ashley is a natural beauty.”

  Ashley warmed by the pleasure she heard in his voice. Once you got used to it, it was kind of nice to let someone else make the decisions and take over. If she only had a manga in here, it wouldn’t be half bad.

  “There’s a chance those stupid monks’ wards will bind me back so Ashley can take control.”

  “I hope that’s so. It will bode well for trapping the demon.”

  “But I haven’t had any fun yet.”

  “We are on a very tight deadline.”

  “Make me come or I’m turning this car around and waiting for Kai and the demon to fuck me.”

  “We don’t have the time to pull over.”

  “I’ll slow down.” Sada eased off the pedal.

  “Is Ashley okay with this?” he asked.

  Let me see. I get off again and not get my blood sucked on. I’m in.

  Sada barked out a laugh. “She’s in.”

  Terasaka twisted in his seat and unbuttoned Sada’s jeans. Unzipping it, he slid them down her thighs as Sada accommodated him by lifting up, then moving one foot out of the jeans and then the other.

  Let’s hope we don’t get pulled over.

  Pantless, Sada squirmed on the seat.

  “Watch the road,” Terasaka said, amusement filling his voice. He reached into the backseat and pulled out her overnight bag.

  “Get on with it.” She moved her left leg as wide as it would go.

  Taking out her vibrator, he turned it on.

  Really? We’re running from a demon and you think to pack sex toys?

  “A man after my own heart.” Sada turned in to give him a fierce kiss as he leaned over to run the vibrator up her calf, behind her knee and then with slow buzzing circles over her thigh.

  “Yes,” Sada said, her breathing excited.

  He moved the toy up and down her outer lips, pushing deeper with each pass. Her pussy made soft, slippery noises as the buzzing finally penetrated her core. Sada’s head hit the backrest and the car sped up. Ashley closed her eyes to fully appreciate the thick pulsing. It was sheer decadence to feel the car fly down the high way as her lover fucked her with the vibrator.

  Moving in, he nipped her ear, dragging his teeth down to the tender lobe. His hand pushed the unit faster and faster inside her. Each loving push of the toy had her toes curling.

  “Like that my darling, kokoro?”

  His heart? I was his kitten and Sada was his heart? That didn’t seem fair.

  “Oh, Kichiemon,” Sada sighed.

  He pushed the vibrator in as far as it would go then slid his hand up her sweater and under her bra. “I love your breasts,” he said, before lifting her shirt and bra up, exposing them.

  Terasaka shifted to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking it hard enough to have Sada cry out. Grazing his teeth against it, he let it go to savage the other one. The cool air of the car hit her hot and throbbing nipple. The pulse between her legs made her clench her muscles around it. She wanted it thicker, deeper and more. Terasaka’s mouth ravaged her breasts, leaving red possession marks that were tender even as though made the ache from punctures in her neck fade. His hands were on both her breasts as his mouth adored each pink peak. Lathing his tongue over both, he pressed them together to suck more ardently on them.

  Sada’s hips leapt off the seat. The GPS said, “Turn here” in a snotty flat voice. She pulled the wheel tightly and the vibrator slipped out. Howling at the loss, Sada tried to reach for it as they thundered off the exit ramp. Terasaka thrust three fingers inside her and she tightened around them, shouting his name as he rammed them hard and fast.

  Each rough caress was bliss, as if she was floating on a cloud, while being ravaged by a ghost lover. Kai had been no passive passenger when Terasaka made love to another woman. He’d enjoyed it when he told her he’d been concentrating on writing. No one was that caught up in their muse they could ignore such hot feelings of sex and desire. Kai had taken the high road and said it hadn’t been cheating on her. Maybe not, but it didn’t mean he’d been indifferent.

  Sada pulled the car over. “Kiss me, Kichiemon.”

  “We don’t have time.” He hauled her over to the passenger seat. They made quick work of his jeans and she was astride him, his cock furiously pounding into her. Sada rubbed her breasts over his face as she sought more relief. Pulling her head to him, he kissed her hard enough she tasted blood. It made her go wild on him. He groped her breasts as she rode him. Her shouts were muffled by his tongue. Pinching her nipples, he yelped when she bit his lip in pay back. Terasaka held on to her hips as she rode him in tight hard bounces. She lifted the sweater so her nipples were again in his face and he sucked them.

  “So damn good,” he muttered and then moved his thumb to press against her clitoris.

  Ashley screamed and came back into her body as the orgasm shook her.

  “Yes, fuck me, kokoro.” He writhed up against her.

  “No, it’s me,” Ashley breathed, kissing him. She wanted his mouth on hers when he came.

  He moaned into her, his fingers tightening on her hips as he plunged twice hard enough. Ashley’s vision whitened in reaction. He continued to play with her clit as they both shook from the aftershocks of their orgasms. Their mouths still kissing with abandon. Ashley clamped around his cock as a second orgasm hit her from his clever thumb. She looked at him with satiated eyes. He ran a tongue over her passion swollen lips.

  “So, we’ve found a way to take control from Sada. When she comes, you gain control.”

  “It was the same with you and Kai,” Ashley told him. Loving how thick his thickness filled her, but feeling a little swollen and exposed, Ashley reluctantly slid off him. Easing back into her seat, she put her jeans and underwear back on and straightened her clothes. “I don’t sense her though. Not like she sensed me.”

  Terasaka’s eyes drooped as she put the car in gear. “I hope to experiment many more times until we fully understand this phenomenon.”

  “Sukebe,” she said without rancor and pulled the car back onto the road.

  She’d barely gotten her breat
hing under control when the GPS told her to turn, this time taking them down a gravel path surrounded by trees and bushes needing to be trimmed back. Wincing as some of the branches scratched the paint on her car, Ashley concentrated on staying as close to the middle as possible.

  The pathway widened to take in a large farm. They passed grazing cows and Ashley swore she saw a chicken or two strutting around. Aside from a faint pop in her ears and a low level buzzing sound, all seemed rather normal in the bucolic setting. She pulled up to the big farmhouse. Before they could get out of the car, they were surrounded by white clad figures.

  “Ninjas?” Ashley said. “Seriously?”

  Terasaka’s lip curled in disgust. “They are a necessary evil. They won’t harm you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I won’t let them,” he said, getting out of the car.

  The ninjas flowed back to give him room. Ashley sighed and grabbed her bag. She nearly tripped over the vibrator as she got out of the car. Hastily stuffing it in her purse, she searched the eyes of the nearest ninja, but didn’t detect a hint of laughter.

  “We are here to see the Abbott,” Terasaka said.

  “Follow us,” a disembodied voice replied from the middle of the ninjas.

  They escorted them toward a corn maze that had been leveled. Ashley recognized a few kanji twisted into the flattened weeds, enough to know this was probably a protection circle. Terasaka held out his hand and guided her to the center. Once they sat down on a wooden bench, a tall woman strode through the white ninjas.

  Ashley grinned at Terasaka’s expression. “You were expecting a man, weren’t you?”

  “Or at least not an American. I’m Iris.” She walked up to them and held out her hand. She was handsome, rather than beautiful. In her mid-sixties, Iris’s life was told on the creases of her face. She had laugh lines around her mouth and eyes and skin weathered from the sun. She was dressed as a farmer in dirty overalls and had dirt under her nails, but she moved like Terasaka. Ashley got the same serene aura from her that she did in the presence of someone really comfortable in their own skin.

  “Hajimemashite, Terasaka desu.” He got up and bowed to her in the same movement.

  “I’m Ashley,” she said, taking Iris’s hand.


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