Stripped Bare

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Stripped Bare Page 2

by Lyssa Cole

  I tore my eyes away and saw my brother standing next to my father. They both had the same look on their face. Sadness maybe? No, darker. Sadistic almost. I felt sick, my world slowly collapsing around me. I knew something bad was going to happen. My fingers were aching from being wound together so tightly. All these thoughts begin racing through my head. Please don’t let it be her. Please no. My heart clutches in my chest, every beat feeling painful.

  “Maddie. Please sit.” My father gestured to the chair in front of his desk and I perched on the edge, my leg shaking uncontrollably.

  “There’s been an accident, Maddie.” I froze when I heard my father’s words. I knew it must be my mother. Fear gripped at me, cold, sharp fingers clawing at my neck.

  “It’s your mother. I am sorry, she has died.”

  I looked up to my father, wanting more, wanting something, but he offered nothing. He continued to stare at me, his mouth set in an even line. My brother didn’t speak, his body motionless next my fathers, as if he wasn’t even there.

  I saw my father snap his fingers at his men, and begin speaking to them rapidly.

  But I don’t hear anymore words. The fear has won and I was now drowning, unable to breathe, to speak. All my memories of her, my mother, began flashing through my head. How could this be? How will I never see her perfect face anymore? My heart had shattered into a million pieces and I don’t think it would ever be able to be put back together again.

  My world went dark as the men surrounded me, their blackness closing in on me. The last thing I remembered as I was hauled away was my mother and her gorgeous tear stained face…her sweet, lavender scent.

  Chapter 3


  I watch as she dances in front of me, her gorgeous body swaying to the beat. I picture myself being able to touch her, taste her, her skin sweet on my tongue. My hand pulls my cock out of my pants, my strokes becoming faster, harder.

  She shimmies her ass in front of the camera, her thong sliding down her cheeks. I want to grab that ass, smack it and bite it, then thrust myself into her. Her bra comes off and she slowly turns, revealing a gorgeous set of tits.

  I can’t control myself any longer. I reach my climax seconds later, the cum pouring from me. I quickly shut the screen off and hurry to the bathroom to clean myself up, sighing along the way.

  Fuck this. I need some real pussy tonight. I had been hiding out the past couple of nights, my last job a killer at the end. Literally.

  I check myself out in the mirror, my tan skin hiding a few scars, along with my current wound I had been licking the past week. I had been grazed by a bullet on my side and had a few stitches. Even a graze from a single bullet can bring a man to his knees. My dark hair was cut short, the top a bit longer. I rub the stubble along my jaw, my shadow of a beard already needing a shave.

  Tonight, I am getting out of my apartment and hitting my favorite spot. It’s a local bar that I frequent and the pussy is plentiful. Beautiful women, half naked, throwing themselves at me while I sit back and drink my Scotch.

  The bar, named The Townies, is one of the most popular bars here in the city of Chicago. I have never seen a dead night in here. The décor is welcoming, a warm, carefree feel with a lot of high-top tables and chairs, along with two huge bars with ample seating. There was always a DJ playing good music, and a small dance area off to the side. Draft beers are always plentiful and the drinks are ever changing, with specials lining the menus each night. The fruity specials are always a hit with the ladies.

  The atmosphere tonight is pumping as usual, the warm air smelling of booze and buttery popcorn. That is the other thing this bar always offered-popcorn and plenty of it. Bowls of popcorn and lots of popcorn being thrown everywhere. People love it. You can taste the butter in the air some nights.

  Half an hour later and here I am. On the prowl. One night stands, no commitment are my thing right now. If I meet the one, maybe that will change. Hasn’t happened yet. My buddy, Connor, is here, stalking his prey. I turn to him, giving him a slap on the back.

  “What you looking for tonight there, my man?”

  Connor laughs, his expression bright. “Anything with two legs and two tits pretty much. I have had such a bad week at work. I need to unwind.”

  I nod. I totally understood that. Work could be draining. Especially when you are killing for high profile criminals. I had to be careful and watch my back. All the time. The job of a PI is never finished, especially not when revenge is involved.

  I must say, I love it. I love the thrill, the chase, the excitement. It fuels a fire inside me, a hot scorching fire that I just need to tame. And by tame, I mean, finish the job, complete the mission, win the challenge. Confidence and pride swell inside me as a reward, and I may come off almost cocky, but I didn’t care. I earned that confidence, that right to say I completed that job and I fucking completed it good.

  “I am ready for something good tonight myself.” I scratch my scruff, wishing I had thought to shave earlier. Oh well, it only adds to my appeal. Maybe.

  My cell phone buzzes on the side of me. Shit. Do I really need to answer that?

  I glance at the screen and it is my business partner, Scott. Fuck. Of course duty calls.

  I hold my phone up towards Connor and nod my head at the door. I answer gruffly, not wanting to deal with whatever is about to blow up in my face.

  “Jax. Sorry bro, I know, worst timing. But you know, the Kaplan’s, the crime family we have always wanted to get a job from?”

  “Yes, go on.” This could be some serious shit for us right now. A huge career breaker into a whole new world of clients.

  “Well they want you, Jax. Their daughter has gone missing and they want you to find her. She has to be brought back, no questions asked. And the payout is half a mill.”

  Damn. This is exactly what I have been waiting for. I take a deep breath, my nerves and excitement getting the better of me. “Shit, Scott. This is it. Our big break. I can’t turn this down.”

  “Fuck, Jax! Turn this down? Are you fucking crazy man? I can’t believe you would even consider turning this down! This is a make it or break it case and we need to show people we can do this.”

  “I know, I know. What’s my deadline?”

  “They didn’t give one. Which means, hurry the fuck up and find her. Starting now.”

  Fuck, there go my plans for tonight. “Okay, I’m on it. Thanks man.” I end the call and make my way back to Connor. A hot blonde is straddled across his lap, their hands roaming all over each other.

  “Connor, I’m out. Duty calls. I’ll catch you later.”

  Connor barely hears me, his mouth already attached to his new victim. I shake my head, taking one last whiff of butter as I push open the door.

  I head back home to my computer, ready to start digging for information. Who is this Kaplan daughter anyway? I had no idea, but I had a feeling I was going to need more booze for this.

  Chapter 4


  I awake with a start, the bus coming to a stop. I fell asleep again, dozed off thinking about that horrible day. My stomach lurches, hunger clawing its way through me. I hadn’t eaten in hours but I don’t think I could get something down if I tried. A few passengers get on the bus and we continue on our way. I close my eyes, my thoughts drifting once again…

  I woke up to pitch blackness. I scream, trying to reach out, to find something-a door, a window, some type of escape. But there is nothing. Just pitch black. My hands finally land on something as I crawl aimlessly in the dark. A steel wall looms in front of me, no window or door anywhere. I skim my hands all over the entire wall, only ever feeling smooth steel. When I hit the end of a wall, I turn a corner and I feel another wall. I realize I am in a cube, completely trapped. Sweat pours down my face, the temperature unbelievably warm in this small space.

  I scream for help until my throat is raw, tears coursing down my cheeks. Where the fuck am I? All I remember is my father saying my beautiful mother died, his d
isgusting men surrounding me and taking me away, and now I am here.

  I must have slipped into sleep again because I am startled awake by a grinding noise, my senses on overload. A small window opens towards the top of one wall, letting some light in. It’s so high up, I would have never felt it with my height of only a little over five feet. I see my father’s mean eyes staring at me and fear starts to push at me again, my breathing becoming labored.

  He begins to speak through the door, his voice muffled. “Now that your mother is no longer with us, you will be kept in here until you are of use to me. Do you understand? In here, I can watch you, control you, and make sure you are no longer snooping!”

  With that, a small tray comes through a slot at the bottom of the door, another piece of the wall I never found, offering me some plain soup and water. The last thing I can think of is eating right now.

  My father is gone as soon as he came. I pick up the tray and hurl it at the wall, every ounce of my energy draining from me. I slump against the floor, a sob escaping. My entire body was aching, each breath painful. My ribs felt broken right along with my heart. My stomach was twisted in knots, panic taking a hold of my mind and settling in. I had no idea what was in store and the unknown left me shaking. I let the sadness take me, pulling me in just like the fear does. Like they always will now.


  I don’t know how long I stayed in that room. It must have been days, weeks, or even months. All I know was that I was let out to use the bathroom twice a day and I was fed three times a day. Nothing else. No contact, no affection, no light, nothing.

  I would huddle in the corner, rocking back and forth, wishing I had music or something to ease my fears. Grateful for my necklace, I would fish it out of my shirt and grasp it tightly, pressing it into my chest. I breathed deep, trying to draw strength from the necklace and the ring, remembering my mother, and her scent. Her beautiful face that I would never see again.

  The days were long and the nights were even longer. I felt like I would never leave that place. Some of my days would be spent scoring every inch of the wall, looking for the slightest mark or indent, anything that would clue me to the window or door. Or even the small window my meals came through-anything. But I never found any escape.

  Watching the door or windows open would give me no clues and I finally gave up, leaving me to sleep, playing with my necklace trying to gather strength from it, or pace when my mind would be running rapidly.

  Until one day, my father came and opened the door. He reached in and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me out into a hallway. A sharp pain ran down my head. I screamed, not caring who heard me. My father turned around and backhanded me, the slap burning something fierce on my cheek. I slid to the floor, having no idea where I was for a moment until I saw the familiar rug, the familiar smell of our attic-musty and dirty.

  My father hoisted me over his shoulder and carried me down the stairs. I didn’t cry or flinch. It would only make things worse. I knew my father was a bad man, I just never knew how bad.

  I was thrown into a guest bathroom, a woman there ready to make me into something I was not. She bathed me, did my hair, my makeup, everything. And while it felt great to get cleaned, I knew something bad was going to be happening. I could sense it-in the woman was working on me, in the way the air felt-thick and full of tension. Evilness happened in this house and the feelings were now permeating the air.

  I just knew, just like that horrible day my heart was ripped from my chest.

  After she was done with me, she led me back to my father’s office, a tight black dress hugging my curves. I felt exposed and used, not beautiful. Thoughts raced through my head. What the fuck was he going to be doing with me?

  I was brought into my father’s office seconds later. I felt my familiar fear gripping me, the hold tightening around my throat, constricting my breathing. I was going to pass out, my heart racing. I tried to take steading breaths but it was no use. There were at least a dozen men looking at me like a piece of meat.

  “Sit, Maddie.” My father’s voice boomed at me, not one hint of love present.

  I sat, my eyes cast down to the ground, my hands shaking. I slipped them under me.

  “Maddie. I needed to wait until your 16th birthday before I could have this meeting today. You turned 16 yesterday and here we are.”

  I couldn’t believe I had been in that locked room for almost 6 months. 6 fucking months. My father was a monster; I could feel bile rising in the back of my throat, my head spinning.

  This wasn’t a fucking meeting. He was selling my ass to the highest bidder. I just know it.

  “Now, my darling Maddie, tonight one of these lucky bachelors is going to claim you for a week and then next week, we will have the same meeting and another lucky bachelor will claim you. They are free to do what they want to you, so don’t resist and don’t ever deny them.” He slammed his fist on his desk, causing me to gasp, a tiny cry escaping my lips.

  “That is what you get for betraying me. I know you are a little slut. I caught you snooping, listening to what my mother and I did behind closed doors. At least I could trust your brother. Bring him into the family business. But you?” He scoffed, an evil laugh escaping.

  “Look at me when I speak to you!” My father screamed and my head shot up, my eyes making a quick connection with his. The anger and pure evil I saw brewing in them scared me. I have never seen him look like that before.

  Tears poured down my face, my entire body shaking. This was worse than I thought. A different man claiming me each week and I had to let them use me like a rag doll. Nausea coursed through me and I turned to the side, heaving on the floor.

  My father quickly came around and smacked me across the face. “You are never to get sick on my floor like that again.” He pulled me by my hair, forcing me to look up at him as his face inched closer to mine. “You betrayed me. And I don’t like liars, sneaks, or sluts. Now you get to work for me and pay me back for what you did.”

  He lets go of my hair and pushes me at the same time, my body falling to the ground. I curl up and sob. He reaches down and pulls me back up by my hair, forcing me to stand.

  “Maddie. Be a good girl and show them what you have to offer.” I feel him patting down my hair, my dress, fixing me like I am his prize to sell.

  I want to scream, shout, run but I can’t. I’d be captured in a second. My father pulled me to a stand, my legs shaking so bad I thought my knees would give out any second. The room swayed and I tried to stop the dizziness from taking hold.

  The bidding starts and soon I am sold to the first pig-my father’s best friend. How could he?


  It went on like this for years. A new bachelor once a week, sometimes the same one winning a few weeks in a row. My father would cap it at four weeks and I was on to someone else.

  I should be fucking bat shit crazy with the way my life carried out all thru my teen years. But not all of it was bad. Some of the men were nice, treating me decently. And some were awful, beating me and turning me into their slave. I would try to run away from those men, the abusers and punishers, but they always found me.

  A lot of times, I would hide. In closets’, bathrooms, under beds, basements, wherever I could. Just to get away, to be able to grasp onto my mother’s ring hanging around my neck and pretend I was living another life. Fantasizing about what a happy life could actually be like and not the fucked up one I have.

  I began to just become numb to it, the sex nothing special to me, the men just warm bodies. None of it was pleasurable. It was faceless, mindless, feelingless sex.

  The last man I spent four weeks with. His name was Dave and he was actually a sweet guy. I enjoyed most of my time with him-his kisses and touches sweet, always gentle, never demanding too much. He made me feel special and I began to enjoy sex with him, him never stopping until I had orgasmed. But I knew he was dark inside, because how he could he purchase a woman from such an evil guy like my father?

; The planning began as soon as I started this life. For a long time, I never thought I would successfully be able to pull it off. As the months passed, I took my planning more seriously, working out every details. I had finally turned 21 and it was time. I was legal in every way possible and I was getting the fuck out.

  I knew I should carry it out with Dave, he was too laidback to realize when I would leave. I knew deep down this was going to be his demise because my father would be killing him as soon as he found I was gone.

  Chapter 5


  I finally make it to my destination; a small town in upstate New York. Far away from people and being noticed. Quiet and secluded. I had found an apartment ad on my phone on the way here and sent a quick email. If all else fails, I will be hanging in the bus station.

  Thankfully, the weather was warm and I had my laptop to hunt for other apartments and jobs. I was only able to save a bit of money so I would have to try to make money as fast as I could. I had some ideas but unsure how things would go.

  All I know is I am scared shitless. Every person, every sound, I jump, thinking he’s coming back. He isn’t going to be happy I left.

  And I don’t think I will ever escape that fear.


  As soon as I enter the bus station, my phone dings. Thank God I got this entire phone set up before I had left. It took some very careful planning but I was able to sneak out of the house one night and go to the twenty-four hour store we had nearby. I purchased a cheap pay as you go phone and had it up and going before I was due to leave.

  I knew my laptop wasn’t going to be enough. A job and apartment would require a phone number for sure. And there was no way in hell my family was ever going to know how to contact me.


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