Stripped Bare

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Stripped Bare Page 4

by Lyssa Cole

  I can’t help but want to answer him. He’s baiting me, I bet. And I am falling hook, line, and sinker.

  But what’s one little message conversation going to hurt?

  SexyJuliet: Hey there. How r u?

  Oh my God I feel so stupid.

  Jax1031: She does speak!

  I chuckle to myself.

  SexyJuliet: Well, yes I do. And I certainly know u do by how many messages you have been sending me.

  Jax1031: Haha. Very funny. I can’t help that I want to message a gorgeous woman every day, praying she might give me the time of day.

  I laugh out loud, covering my mouth. This guy was a sweet talker.

  SexyJuliet: Well now that I gave u the time of day, what are u going to do with it?

  Let’s see what he does with that?

  Jax1031: Oh baby, if only I was there. I would show u a time like no other. But for now, what’s a hot girl like u stripping on camera? No man to take care of you?

  SexyJuliet: Something like that. What about u? Y u watching me? No girlfriend?

  I smirk. He must have a girl, or girls for that matter. A hot man like him? No way.

  Jax1031: No, no girlfriend for me. Haven’t found the one. Though maybe that could change…. u never know.

  I snort. What a ballbuster. Sure it could change, buddy. We’ll see about that. I grasp onto my necklace, nervous butterflies swarming my belly.

  SexyJuliet: Oh is that right? Well my boyfriend has to buy me dinner first. Maybe even a few dinners, flowers, u know, a girl has to be appreciated before he gets that kind of title.

  Jax1031: A woman who speaks her mind. I like that. A lot. How about I take u out to dinner? Tomorrow night?

  I stiffen, my hands freezing on the keys. Dinner? Is he serious? I don’t know him from a hole in the wall.

  SexyJuliet: I don’t think that is a good idea. I have no idea who u are.

  Jax1031: I know but we have seen each other’s faces and people meet offline all the time these days. A mall? Somewhere public?

  SexyJuliet: I know what u are saying but we just have begun talking, I mean literally, a few days, nothing more. I am not comfortable with that. And besides, how do u even know we live near each other?

  Jax1031: U live in upstate New York, near Buffalo right?

  What the fuck? How does he even know that?

  SexyJuliet: How do u know that?

  Jax1031: I tracked ur location from ur profile. U didn’t set it to private so it was rather easy.

  I feel like I am going to throw up. Panic is coursing through me, the worse it has been since I got here. I can’t believe I have been THAT stupid. I thought I was doing everything right. And then I go and do this. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I pull on the chain of my necklace, needing to calm down.

  I don’t even answer him. I click into my profile, making sure everything is set to private in every setting possible. I also change the internet settings, the internet browser settings, and the computer settings. I am now browsing in only private and can no longer be tracked.

  SexyJuliet: Well that was rather stupid of me, I guess. I could have a stalker by now. And where do u live since you know where I am?

  Jax1031: I am in the next town over believe it or not. Small world sometimes huh?

  SexyJuliet: Yea, that’s for sure. I…I have to go.

  And with that I shut the laptop down, letting my fear get the better of me as a sob escapes my lips. I hold tight onto my necklace, my fingers curling around the ring, all while trying not to freak the fuck out. I click on my music, blasting it throughout my tiny apartment. I shared my location and now I am completed fucked.

  Chapter 9


  She never made her location available to me. I knew she wouldn’t be that stupid. I just made her think she did. I had every God damn connection I knew use every possible resource they had to find her.

  And finally, they found her. It wasn’t easy. Everything was set to private on her computer and her phone. Or so she must have thought. It was the internet that betrayed her. Her location came across the web-right through her browser. I am assuming she didn’t set those details correctly.

  Now I am leaving on a flight tomorrow morning, a hotel alright rented nearby her. I don’t think I am going to be able to get her to see me right away, meaning our date for tomorrow night is definitely a far reach, but I am getting closer.

  I have to meet this deadline or I am going to blow this fucking job.


  I never thought I would be doing the jobs I do. Committing these crimes for money sometimes felt so wrong but the rush was always amazing. Well-I shouldn’t say amazing. I mean, it is amazing.

  But. Sometimes shit hits the fan. And big time.

  There were a few times I almost got killed. And then another few times I almost got caught. In the end, the money is so good, I just keep going. The thrill is what keeps pushing me.

  When I was younger, I had a pretty normal, average life. My parents were loving and very in love with each other. I had an older brother and a younger sister. I was the middle child but my parents loved us all equally.

  Then one day, our lives were torn apart. Both our parents gone. In an instant. A head on collision. They died instantaneously and things were never the same. I had been twenty and barely making it through college with a degree in business, even though I had no idea what I was going to do with it.

  My brother, Josh, ran off with his then crazy girlfriend and last I heard they were traveling the world somewhere. And my sister, he took it the hardest. Jenn was the baby, still only eighteen, the closest to our parents and when they left this world, I sometimes wonder if she did too.

  Jenn curled into herself, going to live with grandma, sometimes never leaving the house. I checked on them once in a while.

  And I, of course the middle child usually being the most fucked up one, went down the wrong path. I dropped out of college, started partying nonstop, and filled the void of my family with alcohol, drugs, and women.

  Then when I met my now partner, Scott, he offered me this job I couldn’t refuse. It got me away from all of the partying and the drugs and alcohol and onto making money. It was illegal and not the type of job you can brag about but it paid the bills and then some.

  Now I am working on my most important job yet and I am losing my focus. I never expected Maddie to be so gorgeous or hell to even be stripping on camera.

  What is puzzling me the most is the connection we have. It’s as if our chemistry is electric and that is just from what I can feel through the computer. I am almost nervous to meet her.

  I have to keep my head in the game. The payout on this job is HUGE. And I need to follow through no matter what I feel for Maddie.

  Not only for the money, but for my reputation. Our business will skyrocket from helping the infamous Kaplan family.

  I finish packing and decide to call it a night. I have to keep my head in the game and that means being well rested and thinking clearly.

  I lie down, trying to stop my racing mind, taking deep breaths in and out slowly.

  Why do I feel like what I am doing is so wrong? What is it about this girl?


  My plane lands in Buffalo, NY at exactly 3pm eastern time. My body feels completely thrown off from the time change and I can feel the exhaustion pulling at me already.

  I rub my neck absentmindedly while I wait for my luggage, wishing I was in a hot shower already. The flight was long and I am glad it was over.

  When I finally make it to my hotel room, I shower and fire up my laptop, hoping to catch Maddie on tonight. I scroll through all of the videos and don’t see her. I head over to her profile page and she isn’t online, nor does it say she will be on later.

  Guess I have no chance getting to see her tonight. Maybe she will still check her messages.

  I shoot her a quick one:

  Jax1031: Hey gorgeous. I was hoping to catch ur fine ass on here. Hopefully I will get to see it in per
son soon. I am still waiting for u to let me know if we r going to go on that date. I’d love to take you to dinner or even to a movie. Whatever u prefer, gorgeous. I know we will have a good time.

  I hit send, hoping she will respond soon or I will have to come on stronger until she agrees. Right now, I don’t have a plan but I need to figure one out. That way, my feelings won’t get in the way. And I can meet this Goddamn deadline that has been bothering the fuck out of me.

  I shut my laptop and place it off to the side. I lie down on the bed and try to get my thoughts together. I just need to seduce her into meeting me and then convince her to go to the bus station with me which would take us to the airport.

  She could fight me when trying to get on the plane. Maybe I should drug her.

  No I can’t think like that. That is crossing the line. I could use a safe drug like a sleep aid but it might not be enough. I have to get her to trust me. I could convince her to go on a trip with me.

  I don’t think I have enough time for that. I have two weeks to my deadline. And two weeks is not a long time to build someone’s trust, especially someone who is hiding out from her own flesh and blood. For a crime family, two weeks is a long time and I had to hurry the fuck up.

  All of these thoughts and the jet lag are dragging me down, my eyes slowly closing, her beautiful body the last image I see.

  Chapter 10


  I stare at Jax’s message, not knowing what to say back. This guy does not give up. What makes him like me so much? He has only seen me through the web cam. He can’t possibly know anything about me just from the videos. So why all the interest?

  Stop it, you’re being paranoid.

  I can’t help but to be paranoid. My father could’ve sent this guy for all I know. I can’t trust anyone right now and I certainly can’t trust some random stranger on the internet that likes looking at me naked. I chew on my fingernail, while playing with my necklace with my other hand. Just touching the metal soothed me.

  I delete his message without even replying and shut the laptop off. It is my night off and I plan to spend it in bed, binge watching my shows. Not being filled with fear. I am sick of feeling that way, afraid that is what I am always going to be doomed to feel.


  I wake the next morning feeling lonely and a bit stir crazy. I don’t mind being alone often, although right now I want to be outside, feeling free.

  I decide to take a walk after a quick shower, the air cool and fresh. This town is small and quiet, and not many people are out but there are a few. Everyone smiles and waves, seeming nice from the outside.

  I follow along through a neighborhood, blocks of intersecting streets connecting and leading into different sections of this one big area of the town. The wind blows through my hair and I try to enjoy the walk, thinking of how much money I have saved so far. The air is cool and smells fresh, like dew and forest leaves. This part of the country is gorgeous, the colors of the trees emerald green, so full and lush.

  Soon, I will be able to leave the country and my fear of being found will lessen. I don’t think it will ever completely go away. The further away the better though. I need as much distance between my family and myself that I can possible put.

  I come to the end of a dead end street where the woods begin. Off in the distance, it looks like a lake but I can’t quite tell. I decide to check it out. There seems to be a thin trail of some sorts, a hardly noticeable path, that calls me in.

  I head down, hearing the water as I walk closer. There must be a creek or river around here somewhere. My curiosity spikes and I am dying to see what lays beyond.

  Suddenly, I hear a crackling from behind me and I freeze, panic rolling through me. I quickly turn around, my eyes scanning the entire wooded area, but I don’t see a thing.

  I try to slow my breathing. This wasn’t the best idea. It is just so pretty out here and the weather is beautiful. I needed to get out of my small apartment and away from him.

  I turn and begin to walk again, realizing what I just had felt. Him. Jax. I had to get away from him.

  There it was, my true feelings coming to light. He just had this power over me and I couldn’t shake it. I blow out my breath, feeling aggravated with myself.

  I make it down to the edge of the woods and there it is, the pond, decent in size, with a few streams flowing into it. It is absolutely gorgeous. The water shines at me, the blue water looking almost white in the light.

  I see a big rock up ahead and make my way over. I sit down, a sadness coming over me. I wish my mother were here and still taking care of me. I unclasp the necklace around my neck and bring it to my lips. A lonely tear slides down one cheek. I feel so empty and lost without her. I just want her to be here with me. So I wouldn’t be here, alone, sad, and not having anyone to turn to but myself.


  Later that day, I decide to check out a coffee shop that is in the center of town. I loved my walk through the woods and plan to take more walks. It will be a great place to go to get out of my apartment and clear my head. A place to hang out, a change of scenery.

  I need another hang out though, a more populated place. I don’t plan on talking to anyone but I just need to be near others and maybe listen to some juicy conversations. I grin to myself, the first time a smile coming to my face since my video time with Jax.

  I think back to my best friend from school, Ally. We were thick as thieves and I never even got to say goodbye when my father put an end to my school days. I know she must have tried calling and he never let a single call go through.

  I couldn’t say goodbye when it was time to leave either. I had to go and never look back. One day, when I can start new, I can make friends again without having to worry.

  I hear a loud, infectious laugh from the booth next to mine and I can’t help but glance up. Blonde curls peek up over the top of the booth, her head moving back and forth quickly. A pang goes through me, my mother and Ally’s face flashing in my mind. I twist my necklace nervously.

  “Oh my God girl! I can’t believe he would say that!” Her high pitch voice carries over the shop, as she breaks out into a fit of giggles again. I can’t help but want to meet her.

  “Okay Hun, okay, I’ll call you later. Bye babe.” She stands quickly, seeming to be in a rush, when suddenly she curses under her breath, “Fuck! Damn coffee!”

  She slips out of the booth, my eyes watching her as she hurries to get some napkins, and I decide to help her. She looks frantic as she tries to wipe up the spilt coffee from the table and her dress pants.

  I stand and go to grab some napkins, and as I turn to go to her table, I slam into her, the napkins flying out of my hands and fluttering to the floor.

  “Shit! I am so sorry, sweetie. I didn’t see you there.” She rubs my arm, then bends over to grab all of the napkins that are still swirling around.

  “It’s okay,” as I reach down to pick up the rest, “I was actually coming to help you.”

  We both stand up, our eyes meeting. “Really?” Her eyes are so warm and friendly.

  I nod, my arm gesturing to the mess. “You seemed like you could use a hand.”

  She laughs again, that big infectious laugh and I can’t help it, I laugh along with her.

  “Girl! I could always use a hand. I’m Alicia. Nice to meet you, Hun.” She puts her hand out for a shake which I gladly take.

  I don’t whether I should introduce myself as Maddie or my online name as Juliet. I should probably keep my job hidden, but then again using my real name isn’t good either. Sigh. Alicia shouldn’t know a thing about my past so what does it matter?

  “I’m Maddie. Having one of those days?” I grin at her as we turn back towards our tables, Alicia nodding as her curls bounce around her heart shaped face.

  I help her wipe the coffee up, the mess cleaned up, for now anyway.

  “Want to join me for a cup?” Alicia asks.

  Why not what could be the harm? I could use the company ri
ght now and this girl is good vibes all over.

  I nod. “I’d love to, thanks!”

  I grab my things from my own table and slide into the booth. The waitress appears and we quickly order a refill of what we were drinking.

  Alicia leans over the table, her eyes shining. “So Maddie, what’s your story?” She winks at me, ready for some gossip.

  I close my eyes for a brief moment. I don’t have a story. Or not one I can tell anyway.

  I laugh. “Oh you know; I don’t really have a story. Just a girl not from here trying to make it here I guess. What about you?”

  Alicia smiles, both hands wrapping around her warm coffee mug. “Trying to make it here?? Good luck babe, good luck. Settle in if you want to hear my story. It’s quite the tale.”

  I laugh, ready to hear about someone else’s life rather than my own. Finally.

  Chapter 11


  Alicia talks so animatedly, I can’t help but like her. It feels great to sit here and listen to her and feel like a normal person. Someone who isn’t hiding, or running, or being hurt by those who are supposed to love them.

  “So now, I am just living it up the single girl way, fuck men, they suck.” She grins playfully, and I smile back, nodding in agreement.

  “They do indeed.” Thoughts run through my head of how true that really is for me.

  Alicia interrupts my thoughts, saving me from having to think of all the bad memories, “Have you had a lot of shitty boyfriends?”

  “Ha, something like that.” I don’t elaborate, just continue to play with my necklace, the action now so normal for me. Alicia gives me an odd look. But she doesn’t ask anything further which I am thankful for.

  She changes the subject, as she takes a sip of her latte. “How about you come out with me tomorrow night dancing? My friend Emily cancelled on me earlier so I was going to stay home, but I really do still want to go out.”

  I don’t really know what to say. I want to go; I want to trust Alicia. But how can I possibly be sure? Anybody could be a danger to be. Anybody, no matter how innocent they seem.


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