Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy)

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Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy) Page 23

by Casey, Travis

  "I'm gonna make love to you," I whispered. I leaned back to look into her dark brown eyes; maybe even her soul. I kissed her.

  "Holly, I lo—"

  "Shh…" She placed her finger over my lips. "I don't want you to say it as an answer to my question. I want you to say it when the time's right for you, when you mean it," she said softly.

  We stood up together and I took her hand to lead her into the bedroom. She had different ideas and stripped on the spot, then ripped my clothes off and pulled me to the floor. She seemed to have additional passion, and more volume. How the neighbors didn't think I wasn't killing her was beyond me.


  We woke up around ten on Saturday morning. Holly's head rested on my chest. I ran my hand through her soft brunette hair. Her being next to me felt so comfortable. Her perky breasts, soft lips, ponytail, tight ass - none of that mattered at the moment. She was amazing. In need of a few lessons in the kitchen, but she did cook for me. She made me laugh, she was adventurous and willing to do anything to please me. Underneath that hard exterior lived a woman who sought approval and love. She had gone beyond the perfect trophy eye candy. I cared about her. For the first time, I appreciated a woman outside the bedroom. Sure, Dad would slap me on the back and say, 'You've done well, son'. But Holly had become more than a simple fuck toy. Maybe I did love her.

  "That was an amazing night," she said.

  "Yeah. We're still making up for that week apart. Let's never leave it so long between romps next time."

  "You took the thoughts right out of my head." She propped herself up. "You stay here. I'll bring you breakfast in bed." She threw on a Minnie Mouse nightshirt over her nude body and headed off to the kitchen.

  As I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, my mind raced with what I would have to do. I still wasn't totally sure what I wanted to do about this triangle. Blackmail, lust and possibly love made it difficult to think clearly.

  Holly came in with a normal breakfast of bacon and eggs. She had arranged the two sunny-side-up eggs with three strips of bacon curled underneath to make it look like a smiley face. I chuckled when I saw it. She looked pleased that I liked her innovation. She actually did a decent breakfast with no weirdo ingredients to hamper the taste. She only had a piece of toast herself and seemed to enjoy watching me eat.

  After breakfast we did some more making up for the lost week. Later, we took a shower together and I suggested we go to the park.

  We walked to her car and I opened the driver's door for her to get in.

  She dangled the keys in front of my face. "You wanna drive?" Her big brown eyes were soft and sensitive like she just popped the big question, and in some ways she did. After what could have only been a look of shock on my face subsided, I smiled, kissed her and walked her to the passenger side and helped her in.

  To be allowed to drive her beloved Mustang was a privilege I had never expected, but I was honored. Once we got to the park, I ran around and opened her door for her, then reached in and took her hand to help her out. We walked around the large park with a big lake in the middle. Several people roller skated along concrete paths, others played games of football and catch in the grass, a few more sat under shady trees with picnic baskets watching children chase butterflies and each other.

  We walked around the park holding hands, stopping to buy a bag of bread crumbs from a vendor then sat by the lake's edge and fed the ducks.

  "I enjoyed having Daddy out, but it's a relief he's gone. I kept wanting to do the dirty deed but he makes me so nervous; it's nice to get back to normal. And he totally drives me crazy with all his talk of grandchildren. I'm just not ready for that."

  I saw the opportunity to get a gauge on her biological clock. "So, when do you think you will be ready?"

  "I thought about what you said before about women waiting till they’re twenty-five or thirty. Thirty's probably a good age. I don't see any reason to rush."

  "No, I think you're right. Thirty's probably the right age for you." That was a relief; I wouldn't have to worry about condoms for a few years. Neither of us were ready to hear pitter-patters just yet. She kept getting better.

  "And thanks for making a good impression. I thought you totally blew it a few times, but Daddy really likes you. He told me so."

  I threw a handful of breadcrumbs to the ducks. "He was all right in the end. I liked him. A bit intimidating and quite forceful, but he's a nice man. And he really helped Otto."

  Holly reached in the bag and threw some crumbs to the ducks quacking in front of us.

  "Thanks again. That was really important to me." She leaned in and kissed me. A 'sample of what's coming tonight' kind of kiss.

  "Hey, you hungry?" I asked.

  "A bit."

  I stood up, grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. I pretended to brush grass off her butt but really just wanted to touch her ass. We walked down to the snack shack stand and got a chilidog.

  "Okay, here's the deal," I said. "We each put an end in our mouth, then with no hands, we eat it."

  "How do we stop it from falling to the ground?"

  "Simple. We eat fast."

  She wiggled her shoulders. "Sounds like fun."

  We moved over to a quiet spot on the grass. I held the chilidog and we both placed an end in our mouths and I dropped my hand. We munched away with some chili dropping off but most of it smearing on our faces. Before long our mouths met in the middle and we went straight into a long, chili-stained kiss. We stood back to look at each other and broke into laughter. Feeling the chili on my face, I must have looked much like her with chili covered cheeks, lips and even some on her nose.

  I grabbed her, wrestled her to the ground and laid on top of her, ignoring the pain in my ribs and licked chili off her face. She giggled and screeched as my tongue moved over her cheeks, with her kicking, screaming and laughing the entire time. Then we laid on our backs and looked up at the sky.

  "Hey, look at that cloud," I said, pointing to the sky. "What do you see?"

  "Hmm…like a totally handsome guy with his face covered in chili." She laughed.

  "Yeah, nice one. Look at that one. Looks like two people kissing." She took my hand.

  After laying there for half an hour, she suggested we go to the restroom to wash our faces. We walked down to the white building with the male/female signs displayed at either end of the front.

  She looked at me and smiled. "Your place or mine?"

  I tugged her hand and led her into the male side. We found a nice cozy cubicle and Holly did her thing, loud as ever.

  We left the restroom and made our way out of the park and headed back to the car. I opened the door for her and helped her in the passenger side.

  "Wait here a minute," I said. I had noticed a street vendor not far away as we walked to the car. Disappearing around the corner, I went back and bought three red roses. It was all I could afford. Holding them behind my back, I returned to the car.

  I presented them to Holly. "For you."

  Her mouth dropped and eyes went wide. The look of pure happiness lit up her face.

  I leaned in and whispered in her ear, letting my lips gently brush her ear as I spoke. "Roses are red, violets are blue, what you just did to me, makes me go whew."

  "Like, you are so thoughtful." She turned her head and kissed me. "Come on, take me home. We'll play that game you like. You can be the schoolteacher and I'll be the naughty girl that needs to be taught a lesson. I'll even put my hair in pigtails if you want."

  I loved her in tails, be it pig or pony.

  "Then I'll make macaroni cheese, except Grandma's recipe calls for cherry syrup instead of cheese. It's really yummy. It's the least I can do for the guy who makes me feel so special." Her face so full of excitement as she looked at me.

  "That sounds great, babe. I only do these things because you are special. We better hurry though." I reached over and twirled her hair in my fingers imagining her in pigtails. "We don't want school to let out before you've had
a proper spanking." I winked.

  She settled into her seat, a smile tugging on her lips as she sniffed the roses.

  When we got back to her apartment, I decided that she had been really naughty and took her straight to the principal's office without even giving her time to fix her hair.

  We went into the bedroom and I picked up her reading glasses. I sat on the edge of her bed and put the glasses on the end of my nose, looking over the top of the lenses. "Miss Knight, you've been a bad girl and I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

  She stood in front of me - hands clasped in front of her and bowed her head. She looked up from beneath her dark eyelashes. "I'm sorry, sir. I meant no harm." She bit her lip fighting a smile.

  I cleared my throat. "Good girls don't have sex in public places. Now drop your pants and underwear." I patted my lap.

  Holly looked at the floor as she slid her pants down her long, toned legs, followed by her pink, silk panties. Once naked from the waist down, she stepped to my side and lay across my knees. "Please, sir, I won't do it again."

  "We'll see about that," I said forcefully as I rubbed the silky skin of her bottom. My hand came down hard. She moaned and arched her back. "You want more?" I asked. She lifted her bottom and nodded. I smacked her again. "Bad Holly." Whack. Whack. Whack.

  Her moans turned to whimpers of need.


  Her butt showed signs of redness. "You've had enough."

  "No. Please, more."

  "Uh-uh. Now it's time for you show me you're sorry."

  She stood up, eyes downcast. I removed my pants and tossed the glasses aside. Before I could pull my shirt over my head, she pushed me on my back. She straddled me, a wicked twinkle lit her eyes. "Now it's my turn…sir."


  Before she made dinner, I had her lay on the living room floor and gave her a back massage. She offered to give me one but my ribs were in no state to be rubbed. She made dinner while I watched an Andy Griffith rerun.

  We ate dinner in the living room in front of the TV. Dinner was much as I expected. Crap. But I did appreciate all the effort she put in to it and told her so. She thought she was a terrific cook and I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise.

  We curled up and watched TV the rest of the night and commercial breaks became kiss breaks. We went to bed around eleven and had tender, gentle sex. A relatively new experience when it came to Holly.

  We lounged around her apartment all day Sunday, making love now and then, but mostly we had a relaxing day and did a whole lot of nothing. I just enjoyed being in her company. She asked if I minded if she took me back to base around six. She wanted to do some housework and call her father. And of course the hair needed washing and the finger and toenails needed painting. I was content and exhausted, so I agreed.

  We shared a lingering kiss when she dropped me off at my dorm and she left. I stood on the sidewalk and waved as she drove off. Once she was out of sight, I headed for Debbie's room.

  Debbie answered and invited me in. We sat down at the table.

  "Care for some Jack Daniel's?"

  "No thanks."

  She put her hand on my forehead. "What? Never seen you turn down a drink before. I bet I could pour it in some places and get you lapping it up." She smiled, pulled her top down and flicked her nipple.

  "You probably could, but not tonight. Seriously, Debs, I just came to talk."

  "Oh, right." She got up and pulled out the bottle from her wardrobe, grabbed a glass and sat back down. She held up the bottle. "You sure?" I shook my head and she poured herself a drink. "So, what's on your mind?"

  I took a deep breath. "I've been thinking about what you said. You're right. I haven't been fair to you or Holly. As much fun as it may have been, I'm gonna have to end our blackmail sessions. It's not right."

  She popped her tongue off the roof of her mouth. "Blackmail is such an ugly word." She swirled the liquor around in her glass, staring into it. I had decided not to grovel or try to redeem myself. Just let her say what she needed to say and we'd go from there. "Well, you did have a point," she continued. "It was my idea in the beginning and it wasn't supposed to get emotional. In hindsight, I kinda kidded myself thinking we would just be fuck-buddies without feelings. I always knew I liked you and really didn't know if I was gay or not. I hoped you'd be shit in the sack, I wouldn't enjoy it, and then I could go back to women with a clear conscience. But I did enjoy it and ended up falling for you even more." She looked at me softly and placed her hand in the middle of the table. "You're always so attentive when we're together."

  "I know, Debs." I reached across and took her hand. "Never, ever, offer a guy a free fuck. We're always gonna take it, ya know?" We both smiled. "I thought of it as me doing you and favor, and I probably kidded myself too. But I never thought you'd use it against me. You gotta admit, pulling a crap move like that wasn't cool and didn't earn you any brownie points." I lit a cigarette. "But it's okay. You're an all right chick. We almost were a couple, Debs, but now, I want to do the right thing. I shouldn't cheat on Holly anymore."

  She took a drink. "I knew you'd be mesmerized by her, but I really did think I could win you over. Maybe I still can.” She ran her hand through her hair. "Let's give it another month."

  "It's not being fair to you. You're a great girl and deserve someone who can to give you everything. I want to see you happy."

  She leaned in, resting her arms on the table. "I'm happy when I'm with you."

  "It's for the best, Debs. We'll get caught sooner or later. If I hadn't hooked up with Holly before I met you, yeah, we probably would have had something."

  She took another drink and lit a cigarette. "Aren't you afraid I might tell Holly about us?"

  "Petrified. But I can't keep lying to her and sneaking around behind her back. I just have to hope you won't." I didn't whimper, grovel or beg, which I thought was very John Wayne of me considering it was eating me alive to break it off with her.

  She motioned her head toward the bed. "One more time?"

  Temptation ran through my veins. I held my focus on her face and avoided looking over her petite body. I shook my head. "I'm too weak, Debbie. If I jump into bed with you right now, we'd be back where we were and I'd just be waiting for it all to come crashing down. I'm really sorry."

  She grabbed the bottle and refilled her glass. "Well, I put myself in danger by making you choose. Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done, but what the hell. We had a good time, yeah?"


  "I can't say I won't tell Holly, but I can't say I will either. I'll have to see how I feel over the next couple of days. You're not going to quit talking to me, are you?"

  "No way. I enjoy our chats too much."

  Despite her sad look, at least she wasn't crying. Maybe that would come later when she was alone. She sat staring at her whiskey, twirling the glass as it rested on the table.

  "Don't hate me, Debs."

  She smiled. "No, I don't." Our eyes met. "Hey, good luck with Holly."

  "Thanks. I appreciate that." I stood and leaned in to kiss her.

  She pulled back. "Uh, I don't think that's such a good idea. Might lead somewhere."

  I smiled and nodded, then walked over to the door and looked back. "It's been fun, Debs. I'll miss you."

  "Me too." She whispered, choking back the tears.

  I opened the door and briefly looked back. "See ya around."

  Chapter 25We sat around the shop Monday morning waiting for Petty Officer Watkins to return from his meeting and give us our instructions and work assignments for the day. He entered.

  "Listen up, men. Fallout outside in five minutes for a surprise inspection. And by God, I hope all of you're all dressed properly this morning and are squared away. The Captain of the base is inspecting the division today.

  It was a case of good timing. After I left Debbie the night before, I was upset and distanced my mind from the situation by pressing my uniform and shining my boots. It was goo
d therapy. I held some confidence that I would pass the inspection and not have my ass in the grinder yet again.

  "Chambers," Watkins called out, "front and center."

  I came from the end of the rank and moved to stand in front of him. He looked me up and down and side to side, then cast his gaze skyward. He clasped his hands shook them in front of him. "Thank you," he said. "By the way, Chambers, you passed the test for Third Class Petty Officer. Congratulations." His leprechaun smile and knowing that I was now a Petty Officer gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

  Exams for promotions were held semi-annually. He notified the rest of the shop that he would post the results sheet on the bulletin board in the shop. Mark passed as well. He must have singled me out for personal praise from his shock that I had actually passed. Mark and I patted each other on the back and went to the inspection in high spirits.

  Mark and I stood next to each other as the Captain moved along the ranks and finally came to stand in front of me. I had only ever seen the Captain once before and that was from a distance. It was a huge base he was in charge of, so having never met him before was a good thing for me. Any meetings with a man of his power would have meant I was in trouble. So far my misdemeanors were handled at lower levels and didn't warrant any intervention from him. He looked me over longer than most of the others he had already inspected. Traces of my black eyes were still evident, and he probably wondered what kind of shitbag he had under his command.

  "Hmm…" the Captain hummed. Lieutenant Johnson stood next to him with the clipboard ready to take notes of discrepancies. "You haven't been causing trouble, have you?" The Captain tilted his head back and forth examining my eyes.

  "No, sir. I box, or should say, I used to box. Found out I'm not very good at it."

  He smiled. "Where you from, sailor?" His voice had a gravely quality. Gray hair peeked below the edge of his hat. His face hardened from the sea spray; or perhaps a lack of natural oxygen from lurking beneath the ocean surface riding submarines. He continued to visually search me up and down before locking his eyes on mine.


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