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Starr Fated

Page 20

by G E Griffin

  “Chinese tourists?” I was more used to seeing American tourists touring round Ireland in search of their roots.

  “Yeah, it’s all down to a new visa waiver scheme that allows Chinese who come to Britain to also visit Ireland on the same trip without a new visa. And as they all have money to burn in their pockets, we’d be pretty stupid not to try and cash in on that market, now wouldn’t we?” Aoife explained.

  “Well, listen to you. You’ll be up for Irish Business Woman of the year next. I'm sure Liam would be very impressed with your entrepreneurial skills,” I said somewhat sarcastically.

  “Well maybe he would, especially if he’s going to get it on with my cousin,” Aoife smirked, as she sipped her mug of tea. Rarely did anyone sit at Nana’s kitchen table without a mug of tea in front of them

  “Oh stop with all this about Liam and me, please. Okay, so I’ll admit there is some kind of a physical attraction between us, but that’s not enough, not when we have nothing in common. He’s ten years older than me for a start and just so domineering and controlling - someone like him would stifle all my creativity. That’s what he did to the Creative Team in his company, and that’s why in desperation he had to resort to asking me to step in with my designs at the last minute,” I tried to explain.

  “Seraphina, Liam’s role is to protect and look after you, which will allow your creativity to thrive and grow. He’ll relieve you of the burden of surviving from day to day that you’ve carried around for so long, and he’ll always be there as your solid rock to lean on. Your role is to challenge him by introducing lots of colour and brightness into his dull, monotonous life,” Nana decreed.

  “No, I'm sorry folks, but you’ve got this all wrong, because Liam is just not the kind of man I ever envisaged being with. I know for a fact from his own brother that he’s had countless flings with big busty blondes, so he’s certainly not the settling down type,” I stated firmly.

  “With that great body of his and all that experience, I bet he’ll be sensational in the sack. Imagine being lucky enough to have a man who actually knows what he’s doing, rather than having to make do with a quick fumble with an amateur,” Aunty Caitlin winked at me as she laughed, while annoyingly I blushed. Trouble was, I knew she was right.

  “That’s why it’s always the eldest son of theirs and the youngest daughter of ours. The age gap means the man – in this case Liam - has had time to sow all his wild oats, and learn to be a skilled lover, ready for when the time comes and he meets his woman – in this case you, Seraphina. You’ve both been looking for each other, waiting for The One. Just neither of you knew about it until it happened,” Gran explained.

  “That’s why you’re still a virgin,” Aoife stated matter of factly. “You were waiting for The One, and now he’s here.”


  Surely she understood I wasn’t comfortable discussing the state of play regarding my sex life in front of Nana and Aunty Caitlin? I was now an even deeper shade of beetroot red.

  “So tell us what Liam actually said. He offered you a job, and….?” Aunty Caitlin probed.

  “Well, if you must know, if I go back to London, Liam has offered me a job, an apartment to myself, and he wants us to work something out between us. So in effect he wants to have total control over my whole life,” I finally confessed.

  “So the man wants to look after you. What’s wrong with that - isn’t that a good thing? Would you rather have someone who didn't give a damn?” Aunty Caitlin demanded.

  “No, but…”

  “And from what you’ve said, it would be a grand opportunity for your career. Nothing you’re going to find over here is going to compare with an opportunity like that,” Aunty Caitlin continued.

  “Yes, but…”

  “And a nice apartment in London as well? Are you crazy, girl? What are you waiting for? Even if you don’t believe anything Nana’s been telling you about Liam, what have you got to lose by taking up his offer? Of course you know you can always come back here to us if it doesn’t work out, but you’ve studied so hard and he’s offering you a wonderful opportunity for your career, so why not take it? Why not live in a nice place for once? And why not give Liam a chance - you never know, he might just surprise you,” Aunty Caitlin declared, as she smiled and nudged me.

  “And don’t forget about him being a Sex God,” Aoife winked at me.

  “That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m going to bed. I’m meeting Liam for breakfast tomorrow, and I shall be turning his offer down,” I insisted as I stood up from the table, with a lot more conviction than I actually felt.


  The following morning I was just finishing putting my hair up before heading off to meet Liam for breakfast, when there was a loud knock at the front door, so I hurried down to open it to save Nana the bother, thinking the postman never normally came that early. I opened it to find Liam standing there.

  “Why didn't you answer my texts or take my calls last night?” he scowled at me.

  “Texts? Oh, there’s no reception here, no signal for phones at all,” I replied. He’d been texting me?

  “Ah, that explains it. I was worried you weren’t going to show up this morning, because you seemed to be ignoring me by switching your phone off. So I thought I’d come and collect you,” he explained as he smiled down at me, clearly much happier now.

  He looked so much younger when he smiled. It was a really great smile too, and I felt myself beginning to melt again, despite my resolve to turn him down this morning. He was dressed more formally today in a pale blue striped shirt and his dark blue suit that I really liked, but no tie. He looked really good in blue, I found myself thinking, as I gazed at him. He was gazing at me too, so no doubt we looked like a pair of love struck fools as Nana came down the hallway behind me.

  “Morning, Liam. Grand to see you again. Taking our Seraphina out to breakfast are you?” She beamed up at him, as she patted his arm.

  “That’s right, Mrs O’Connell. Shall we?” Liam raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Two seconds. I’ll just grab my bag.” I disappeared upstairs to my room again. I gave a quick glance at my appearance in the mirror. Short denim skirt, lacy patterned tights, medium heeled brown suede boots with long fringing, and a green flowery top. I’d hardly say Liam and I looked like a matching couple, with him back in a more formal suit today, but this was me, this was how I liked to dress. At least I'd had time to put some mascara on before Liam had turned up, so now I just added a little lip gloss, grabbed my bag and jacket and headed back down, just in time to hear Nana asking Liam about his mother as they stood together in the hallway.

  “So tell me, how long ago was it your mam passed away?” she was quizzing him.

  “A long time. It must be, what, nearly twenty two years now,” Liam replied.

  “So you were just a wee boy? How sad,” she tsked, as she shook her head. “She never got to see what a fine man you’ve grown into.”

  “Come on, let’s go.” I opened the front door and headed outside. It was a lovely spring morning, but still quite chilly. I shivered as I shrugged my jacket on. Then I shivered again as Liam’s fingers touched my neck as he helped me.

  “Sorry about the inquisition. My family mean well, but they are all incredibly nosy,” I apologised.

  “That’s okay, I didn’t mind,” he replied.

  I was surprised when he took my hand in his as we walked up the hill towards the hotel, and I felt a thrill run through me. His warm hand was big and square and strong and easily engulfed my much smaller hand, and that felt nice, reassuring somehow. It was just the same when he engulfed me in his powerful arms and held me against his broad chest. He made me feel safe and protected, as if I could finally relax because someone was watching out for me. Gran’s words came back to me ‘Liam’s role is to protect and look after you….he will always be there as your solid rock to lean on.’

  I shook my head. I'd start believing all her mumbo jumbo next if I wasn’t careful.
What I needed was to keep a clear head and just think logically.

  “Are you looking forward to your trip to New York?” I asked Liam, just for something to say really.

  “I wouldn’t exactly say I'm looking forward to it, but as you’re aware, a lot of planning and preparation has gone into it so it’ll be good to get on with all the meetings and hopefully get the anticipated deals in the bag.”

  “Of course, yes.”

  “So, now I know you weren’t ignoring my calls, can I ask if you’ve given some thought to what I said yesterday?”

  He tugged at my hand to halt me in my tracks. His deep blue eyes bore down into mine, and what I saw there made me realise that he was actually quite nervous. Liam Starr, The Big Guy, was nervous. Wow.

  “Of course I have. But let’s wait until we’re sat down before we talk,” I suggested, as I tore my eyes away from his. Resisting him was not going to be as easy as I’d convinced myself it would be last night. Now that he was here, towering over me as he held my hand tightly in his grip and oozing sexual chemistry out of every pore, it was another matter.

  “I don’t like the sound of that. You’re prevaricating,” he frowned at me.

  “No, I’m not. I'm just being practical. It’ll be easier to talk when we’re sat down together, and the hotel is only just around the corner now.” I tugged on his hand to get him to continue walking.

  Liam sighed louldy, but resigned himself to continue to the hotel. We headed straight into the restaurant, where the waitress immediately seated us as she passed the breakfast menu over.

  “Mr. Starr, good to see you again. And this is the guest you told us would be joining you for breakfast? Are you ready to order yet?”

  “Yes. I’ll have the full Irish breakfast and coffee. Would you like the same, Seraphina?”

  “No, thanks. I’m not a fan of big cooked breakfasts, especially with the black pudding they give you over here. Could I have a couple of soft poached eggs with some wholemeal toast instead? And tea, Earl Grey if you have it, please.” A more subtle flavoured tea would make a nice change from all the really strong builders brew tea that Nana always served up.

  “Of course, no problem.” The waitress collected up the menus and then left us alone. There were only two other couples in the large room, so it was quiet, and I knew Liam was not going to be fobbed off again. Sure enough, he went straight for the kill.

  “Is it yes or no, Seraphina? Are you going to be brave enough to take what I'm offering? Are you prepared to give us a chance?” He took my hand and gently kissed it, and then nipped my little finger with his teeth. I almost jumped out of my skin as a surge of electricity shot through me, my heart started racing and other areas immediately responded to create a decidedly moist feeling in my underwear, although he’d barely touched me. And by the smug look on his face, he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I took a deep breath. This was not how I’d planned things would go. I snatched my hand back.

  “Liam, I appreciate that the job you are offering me is a great opportunity….”

  “Yes, it is. Not many students get offered this kind of position before they’ve even graduated,” he interrupted, as he placed his hand on my knee under the table, and rhythmically stroked his finger gently backwards and forwards.

  The bastard wasn’t playing fair.

  I couldn’t help myself; I found myself imagining him using those skilful fingers somewhere far more intimate, and I suddenly found myself getting very hot. I pushed my chair back to break the contact with him, and remove my jacket.

  “And I'm sure the flat you said I could use is really great, but….”

  “I can assure you it’s a very nice apartment. In fact it’s very similar to the one I live in, just a bit smaller.”

  He reached over and adjusted my necklace.

  “It was twisted round the wrong way,” he offered by way of an explanation. He let his hand linger, and I wished I’d worn a top with a higher neckline as the touch of his hand seared into my skin.

  Luckily our food arrived just then to put pay to his subtle seduction techniques. I watched with fascinated interest as Liam tackled his food. He was neat, methodical and efficient as he cut up his food and then ate with enthusiasm. Nana would certainly have approved. She always says she can't abide folk who play around with their food.

  “You enjoy a good breakfast then?” I couldn’t help remarking as I smiled at him.

  “Hmm? Yes, well I've usually eaten well before now, normally as soon as I get back from the gym. But I waited for you this morning. And I’ll also wait for you until I get the answer I want, you know that, don’t you, Seraphina? So you might as well just save time and say yes right now.”

  “Liam, let’s be logical here. Like I said, I don’t deny there is a strong physical attraction between us, but that’s not enough.….”

  “Being logical is what led to you nearly being raped by Jamie. I stood back and denied my feelings for you, because logically I thought I was doing the right thing. Now I admit that I was wrong, but in my defence these types of feelings are all new to me, and maybe I panicked. But I can't deny I was being dishonest, which is not the way I do things and why I’ve thought hard to come up with a way forward for us. But if you insist on being logical, let’s cut to the chase. How logical is it for you, after working so hard for your degree, to turn down a fantastic opportunity for your career, one that you have earned totally on your own merits because you are undoubtedly very talented? Is it being logical to take a gamble that you’ll find an equally good opportunity in Dublin or Cork rather than London?”

  Liam stared intently at me as he waited for my response. What could I say? He had a very good point, as he well knew.

  “Well, I know but….” I mumbled. I looked down and concentrated on finishing the last remnants of my poached eggs.

  “And what possible logical objection could you seriously have to living in a decent place for a change?”

  “I suppose…”

  “You told me you wished it was me instead of Jamie that night at the ball, didn't you? So I think the problem is that you’re just as scared of what you feel between us as I was. But I’ve had the courage to face up to these feelings and I've decided to embrace them wholeheartedly. All I'm asking is that you have the courage to do the same, Seraphina. You have it in your power to help me change and become a better man - are you really going to be cruel enough to deny me that opportunity?”

  God, this man knew how to be persuasive. I felt my resistance crumbling when I looked into his eyes, as he reached over to take my hand in his.

  “Please? Just come back to London and give me a chance, that’s all I’m asking. Let’s give it everything we’ve got to make it work between us, because I'm not a fool, realistically I know it won’t always be easy. You’re right – in a lot of ways we are very different, but that’s good, isn’t it? It’ll make everything more interesting and refreshing even if it will be challenging at times. I’m so bored with my old stale life, and I need you to shake things up. You must be exhausted from the sheer effort of having to live so frugally day in, day out, and I want to ease that burden so that you can really blossom to reach your full potential. So what do you say? Please, Seraphina, say yes?”

  “I’m still not sure…”

  “What’s the worst that could happen? You’d end up back here staying with your Grandmother, but at least with some extra experience to add to your CV. What are you so afraid of? What have you got to lose?”

  “Me. That’s what I'm afraid of losing, Liam. You’ve got everything mapped out and I find it overwhelming. I'm afraid the real me will get lost as you sweep me along to make me part of your world. I’ve managed perfectly well on my own for a long time now, and it’s hard for me to accept so many changes all at once.”

  “But everything was bound to change once you went out into the big wide world after you graduated, wasn’t it? You can't stay locked in your little student bubble forever. Believe me, I have no w
ish to change who you are, I just want to be there with you to help you live out your dreams.”

  “But how can you when you don’t even know what my dreams are, Liam,” I protested.

  “Then tell me. I’ll listen. And I promise to try my hardest to give you the space you need to grow. I’ll admit I have a slight tendency to over manage things…”

  “You don’t say. Only a slight tendency?” I said sarcastically. At least he recognised this trait in himself, which I supposed was something.

  “Well, you’ve already proved you have no problem in asserting yourself and standing up to me, which I respect. And I think you’ve discovered that I’m always brutally honest and up front too.”

  “Yeah, like telling me getting my hair cut short would make me look like a dyke,” I commented dryly.

  “Well, it would,” Liam laughed. “You have such beautiful hair, Seraphina. It would be a sin to cut it all off, and we can’t have that, can we?”

  “I thought you were rather keen on getting me to sin, actually,” I quipped, then blushed as I realised the implications of what I was saying.

  “Oh trust me, Seraphina, I am. But only when the time is right, and that’ll totally be your decision – you will set the pace between us. After what happened with my brother… let’s just say I appreciate that you’re going to need time, and that’s one hundred percent fine by me.”

  “How is Jamie? Have you seen him since…?”

  “He’s fine. Don’t you worry yourself about him, he really isn’t deserving of your concern,” Liam scowled ferociously. “I don’t want to talk about him. What I need to know is if you’ll be back in London by the time I get back from New York next week. Are you going to be brave enough to accept the challenge of what I'm offering you? Or are you going to continue to hide yourself away here in Ireland? Please, just say yes, Seraphina” he whispered, as he ran his knuckles down my cheek, and then skirted my lip with his finger tip.


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