Starr Fated

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Starr Fated Page 26

by G E Griffin

  As we relaxed and chatted while she ate her fish and I ate my steak, I found out that she enjoyed running, just as I do. And I asked her about the yoga classes I remembered she’d mentioned, so she explained how yoga helped her to relax and unwind.

  “Then I’ll organise membership for you at the complex fitness suite if you like, because you have to be recommended. They also run all sorts of classes that you might like, including yoga,” I suggested, pleased that she was no couch potato.

  “Thanks, I’d like that, although I prefer to run outdoors whenever possible. It’s a good way to see more of London,” she said.

  “A good way of getting mugged,” I frowned. “If you’re going to run out on the streets, I’ll come with you.”

  “I don’t need a personal bodyguard, Liam, I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. But it might be nice to run together sometimes, although I imagine I’d struggle to keep up with you.”

  “I can pace myself in line with you. I also like to swim every day, so maybe we could do that together sometimes?”

  “Maybe, although I'm not so keen on swimming, because my hair is so thick and long it takes ages to dry. I'm still toying with the idea of getting it cut; it would be so much easier sometimes,” she sighed, as she toyed with a curl that had come loose.

  “Please don’t cut your beautiful hair, Seraphina. I like that it’s very long, and how it’s rather wild and likes to do its own thing, just like you. If I could, I'd forbid you to have it cut, but that would probably push you to do exactly the opposite, wouldn’t it?” I’d worked this out as I was slowly beginning to get her measure. I reached over and tucked the rebellious curl behind her ear.

  “But I thought you preferred blonde hair anyway? All neat and perfectly coiffed, not a hair out of place, that’s the look I imagine appeals to you. So why on earth you like this messy barnett is beyond me,” she said, as she ruffled her hair.

  “I didn't know what I really liked until I met you, Seraphina. You’ve already changed my outlook in so many ways. The women I picked before were all the same, just empty sex symbols, not real people. I know that sounds really bad, but I'm trying to be as honest as I can with you. A woman equalled sex for me, nothing more.”

  “You make your previous partners sound like nothing more than blow up dolls, Liam. Active blow up dolls. So, you said you’d be happy to answer my questions about your ex’s?”

  “I did, yes. So what do you want to know?” At least we were tucked away in a fairly private corner of the busy restaurant. Sera leaned on the table so that she could focus on me, while I sat back and folded my arms. I wasn’t looking forward to this inquisition, but I knew it was best to get it all out in the open. Then hopefully we could move on.

  “Do you have any idea how many women in total you’ve had sex with?”

  “ Not really, no. I suppose for the last few years I must have had a new partner every couple of months or so - when I was in the country that is. So probably on average about four women a year, for the last six or seven years. That would make about twenty eight or thirty in that period,” I calculated. I didn’t bother to add in all the other woman before that. By the look on Sera’s face, I was sure she’d be rounding up the numbers anyhow.

  “Have you ever picked up a sexually transmitted infection of any kind?”

  “No, because I never take risks. I've always practised safe sex, and as I told you, I always have regular checkups, just to be on the safe side.”

  “So how do you find all these women who are so willing to be your fuck toy?”

  I frowned at Sera’s use of such a coarse term, but knew I was hardly in a position to make any comment.

  “Through various discrete connections with like minded people, who are all prepared to keep to similar standards of sexual protocol.”

  “Like a ‘friends with benefits’ club or something?”

  “Something like that.”

  “So, are you just keeping your membership on hold for a while to see how things pan out between us?”

  “No! Of course not. It’s not an actual membership, and as I keep telling you I’m not interested in that kind of an arrangement anymore.”

  “You’re prepared to give up that kind of lifestyle, just like that, virtually overnight, after years and years of considering it a perfect arrangement?” she asked sceptically.

  “In a nutshell, yes. I realise now I haven’t been content with it for some time, but it wasn’t until you walked into my life that I discovered what was missing. What can I do to convince you that I'm serious about changing?”

  “There’s nothing really you can do, Liam. It’s just going to take time, isn’t it? So don’t make any rash promises, let’s take one day at a time, and see how it goes.”

  “I guess I don’t have any option on that, do I? So, are we done with all the questions?”

  “Not quite. Have you ever been in any kind of a committed relationship, had a long term girlfriend when you were younger, maybe when you were a teenager perhaps?”

  “No, I was a pretty wild teenager actually. I got into all sorts of trouble, and I admit I did some things when I was younger that I'm not very proud of. There’s very little I haven’t at least tried - drugs, gambling, drinking, - all those kinds of things. But at least now I can say with absolute confidence that those experiences hold no interest whatsoever for me.”

  “So what changed you?”

  “Everything changed the day my father died. Suddenly I had to grow up and start acting responsibly especially as Jamie was only nine. First thing I decided to do was take over the family business, which meant dropping out of university.”

  “How old where you?”

  “Nineteen. I thought I might as well put into practice what I was studying at university a few years earlier than planned rather than sell the company, but I don’t deny it was a wrench.”

  “And your mother died when you were only ten, I heard you telling Nana?”

  “Yes. But enough with all this family history. I really don’t want to get into all that right now.” My mother’s death was too painful a subject to casually discuss over a dinner date. “My turn to ask you for some information. So, tell me more about your visit to the doctor.”

  Now it was Sera’s turn to sit back in her chair and fold her arms as a defence against at my questioning.

  We’d had a very brief Skype conversation on the matter after she’d had her appointment, but I wanted to know more. Contraception was a matter I took very seriously, and as this was obviously all new to Seraphina, I felt it was my responsibility to make sure she’d made the best choice.

  “I already told you. I’ve just started taking the pill, and it takes seven days to fully kick in,” Sera frowned she fiddled with the edge of the tablecloth, seeming to resent my interest.

  “Yes, but which one? The mini pill?”

  “No, the combined pill.”

  “But aren’t there fewer health risks associated with the mini pill?”

  “Health risks are not really an issue for someone my age in good health. For me, it’s far more important that the combined pill is more effective at preventing pregnancy – over 99% if taken at the same time, every day. Yes, Liam, I did my homework before I went, and the doctor was very helpful and informative as well,” she informed me archly.

  “I see. So how are you going to remember to take it?”

  “Trust me, I have that all planned out. I take it first thing in the morning when my alarm goes off, then I have two extra reminders set to make sure I haven’t forgotten it,” she informed me.

  “I'm impressed,” I commented. That’s exactly how I would have suggested she organise things, with nothing left to chance.

  “Liam, what you need to understand is that I was an unplanned baby - my mother got pregnant with me when she was only eighteen. All my life I’ve had to live with the fact that she had to give up all her hopes and dreams to have me, and I can assure you I have no intention of history repeat
ing itself with an unplanned pregnancy for me. ”

  “I'm very pleased to hear it. But I take it maybe you’ll want to have kids one day?”

  “Not any time soon, that’s for sure. Maybe when I'm in my mid thirties and my biological clock starts ticking I might feel differently,” she shrugged at me. “But I'm quite happy to leave all the procreating side of things to Aoife and Sean, and just be a doting aunty. They’d love to start a family.”

  “So what’s stopping them?”

  “Money, of course. They want to move to a proper house because they don’t think the flat above the shop is really the right place to raise a family, but unfortunately property in Kinsale does not come cheap.”

  “What exactly is it they do? Isn’t their business doing very well?” I asked.

  “Sean is a very talented Silversmith, and they sell his work in their shop. They do very well with the tourists in the summer, but what profit they make has to see them through the quiet winter period. I’ve suggested they set up their own website to sell his pieces to a wider market all year round, but they don’t really have either the time or the expertise to do it, or the funds to pay someone to do it for them,” she explained.

  “I agree that’d be a very sensible option for them to explore, so they really need to take the time to make it happen.”

  “Yes, but that’s easier said than done sometimes isn’t it? The other thing I think would really help is if they could get themselves featured in a glossy magazine to generate some publicity with the right kind of affluent market, because Aoife’s designs combined with Sean’s craftsmanship mean the pieces really are very good indeed,” Seraphina told me enthusiastically. “I've asked if Abbey would consider using some of their pieces on the models in her fashion showcase, because all sorts of designers come along to spot the up and coming talented designers, and that might give them the break they need.

  “Behind that beautiful face you’ve got quite a shrewd business brain, haven’t you?” I sat back and looked at her.

  “This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you, Liam, but it is possible to be a female and have a brain as well,” she replied witheringly.

  “I’ll admit, it’s a whole new concept to me,” I joked, as I held my hands up. “I’ve told you, Sera, you’re opening up my eyes in so many ways. Blame my upbringing. It seems neither of us exactly had conventional upbringings, did we? How old were you when your parents died? ”

  “Just a baby when my father died. Eighteen when my mother was killed,” she sighed, as she suddenly looked incredibly sad.

  “That must have been very hard for you.” I reached over and took her hand in mine to squeeze it.

  “Yes, but like you, I really don’t want to delve into all that now. No point in spoiling our first date by getting sad and morbid,” she shook herself and smiled back at me. “Although of course I’ve managed to sabotage things anyway by freaking out like a loony in The Shard.”

  “Well, it certainly gave us something to talk about to break the ice didn't it?” I grinned. “Have you finished? Would you like coffee, or shall I get the bill?”

  We’d effortlessly talked our way through the meal, a bottle of wine and dessert, and it was actually quite late now.

  “No, I’m fine at the moment. Why don’t we have coffee when we get back instead?” she suggested. “I don’t suppose you’re going to let me go halves on the bill, are you?”

  I just shot her a scornful look, then rang Greg to let him know where to pick us up from before I settled the bill.

  “Thank you, Liam. I've had a really lovely evening.” She reached up to kiss my cheek as we stood up to leave.

  “Me too, but it’s not over yet.” I returned her kiss, immediately aroused by this brief contact between us. “My place or yours for coffee?”

  “Technically, they’re both yours,” Sera pointed out. “But I admit I'm very curious to see inside your place.”

  “Mine it is then,” I agreed.


  I couldn’t remember an evening I'd enjoyed as much as our first date in a very long time. I think the fact that Seraphina had her panic attack actually brought us closer together, because she’d felt able to rely on me to help her through it, and it had made her open up to me perhaps more than she might have otherwise, especially as I suspected she probably felt less inhibited in the restaurant we finally ended up in.

  “My apartment is on the top floor – are you going to be okay with that?” I joked as we approached the lift.

  “I told you, it was only because we were totally surrounded by glass that I was affected at The Shard. You didn't see me reacting badly in your office when I pitched to you, did you?” she asked me.

  “No, I would never have suspected you had any kind of an issue with heights,” I agreed.

  “But if you have some sort of balcony in your place, I probably won’t be venturing near the edge of that.”

  “I have a roof top terrace, but I think we’ll give that a miss tonight, don’t you?” I smiled down at her.

  “Probably best,” she agreed, as we stepped in the lift and headed up.

  “Your place has virtually the same plain décor as your office,” Seraphina commented as we entered the lounge area. I’d led her up the spiral staircase from the hallway, having shown her where the bathroom was on the way in. While she was occupied in there, I took the opportunity to hang up my jacket, remove my tie and undo the top couple of buttons of my shirt.

  “Yes, because that’s the type of décor I prefer.”

  “Don’t you find it rather boring to have it all the same?”

  “No, I find it restful and calming.”

  “Each to their own, I guess,” she murmured.

  “What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, or something stronger?” I asked, as I headed for the kitchen.

  “No more alcohol for me after the wine we had earlier. Just some tea, please. Earl Grey if you have it.” She followed me and sat herself on one of the stools by the breakfast bar

  “You're not a big drinker then?”

  “No. You saw for yourself what happened after just a couple of large cocktails at the club that time. First I start dancing and singing very loudly, then if I continue drinking, I suddenly fall asleep. It’s all very embarrassing, so I prefer not to drink very much. I only had a glass of wine tonight to keep you company after you specially got Greg to drive so you could drink. I really like that about you, that you never drink and drive.”

  “Really? What else do you like about me?” I leaned over her to put her drink down beside her, and then slowly eased myself between her legs where she was sat on the high bar stool, and pulled her arms up around my neck as I stood there. Now we were nearer in height to each other.

  “Umm…let’s see. I like how blue your eyes are,” she whispered as she gently touched her fingers either side of them. I closed my eyes as her touch seemed to spark against my skin.

  “Anything else?”

  “I love the way your hair feels very soft and yet very spiky at the same time,” she murmured as she ran her fingers through it.

  “Is that it?”

  “I like the shape of your mouth, and even the little scar you have here.” She slowly outlined my lips with her index finger, coming to rest on my scar. By now my heart rate was pounding, and I had such an immense hard-on that it hurt.

  “You’re very observant, Seraphina,” I whispered. I started placing little soft kisses along her jaw line. Her breathing was erratic as she tilted her head to one side to let me continue my trail of kisses behind her ear. “There are lots of things I like about you too.”

  “What do you like, Liam?”

  “Where to start? I love how wonderfully soft your skin is, especially just here.” I kissed the erogenous area just behind her ear, making her moan softly.

  “And I’ve already told you I've never seen such beautiful emerald green eyes before.” I kissed her eyelids and felt her shiver. Her face was so close to mine t
hat I could feel her breath against my cheek.

  “And you have the most kissable lips I have ever seen,” I murmured. I gently kissed her while I ran my hands up her long bare legs, easing them up around me. Her dress rode up, and even through our clothes, I could feel her soft warmth pressed right against my cock.

  “Oh God Liam, I want you so much.” As she slowly rubbed herself against my hardness, she started kissing me.

  “I want you too, my little Angel.” I kissed her back, gently biting and sucking her bottom lip and teasing her with the tip of my tongue.

  “We…we don’t have to wait. You must have some condoms…” she whispered breathlessly, kissing my chest as she slid her hands inside my shirt once she’d undone the buttons.

  Her small hands were soft and warm as they ran over my skin, and my imagination went into overdrive imagining what they’d feel like holding and stroking my cock. But I mentally took a quick cold shower. I had to pace myself and keep in control for things to work out as I planned. I mustn't push her too far, too soon and run the risk of her freaking out on me. Seraphina was far too special and too precious to risk ruining everything for a few minutes of selfish carnal pleasure.

  “Oh, no, when I make love to you for the first time, it’s going to be a really special occasion, we’re certainly not going to rush into it by accident. And no condoms; we’re going to wait until you’re fully protected by the pill,” I chuckled, delighted by her enthusiasm and responsiveness.

  “But Liam…” she protested.

  “Doesn't mean we can't have some fun in the meantime.” I slowly undid the buttons on the front of her dress. “There is so much I can teach you before we get to that stage. That’s as long as you’re happy to continue? You only have to say the word, and I’ll stop immediately. You do know that, don’t you?”


  “Neither of us is going to get fully naked until it’s agreed that we’re ready to go ahead and make love, and that’ll be your call, not mine. Even then, you can change your mind right at the very last moment, but I'm hoping that won’t be the case, because I'm planning to get you to the point where you want to make love every bit as much as I do.”


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