abortion, 29, 63, 100, 206
Abraham, 52–53, 248
Alaska Natives, 215–16, 220–22, 224, 226–34
Altar Boy, Altered Life (Price), 114
“Amazing Grace” (hymn), 20
Ananias, 104
Anthony, Ole E., 173–77, 179
Anton, Mike, 167, 168
Arzube, Bishop Juan A., 101
Ashcroft, John, 80
atheists, 145, 204, 205, 207, 213, 247, 250, 267, 276, 277
arguments of, 208, 270–71
certainty of, 246
Augustine, St., 9, 120
Baird, Monsignor Lawrence, 115
Bakker, Jim and Tammy, 177
Ballard, Guy, 82–83
Barman, Father Bill, 88–89
Barna, George, 205
Barnett, John, 115
Barris, Mike, 20–22
Basil of Caesarea, St., 147
Benedict XVI, Pope, 142, 256
Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade, 181–84, 186, 212
Berg, Amy, 218
Berger, Rabbi David, 75
Bernstein, Carl, 59
Beshore, Kenton, 10, 11–12, 26
Bevilacqua, Cardinal, 143
Bible, 7–8, 121, 126–27, 160, 170, 198, 206, 239, 277
contradictions in, 49–50, 52–53, 248–49
hell and, 166–67, 168, 169
on Job’s testing, 201–2
on Joshua’s faith, 141–42
as literary work, 51–53
personal belief in, 36–37, 54, 64, 66, 209
relevance of, 10–12
shortest sentence in, 133
study of, 13, 14, 16, 84, 160
See also New Testament
Bible Answer Man, The (radio program), 71
Bible Tales (Gregory), 10–11
Biola University, 275
birth control, 85, 206, 256, 257
Boggess, Donna, 41–43
Boggess, Keri, 42
Book of Gomorrah (Damian), 147
Book of Mormon, 122–23, 126, 280, 281
Born Again (Colson), 14
Bosch, Hieronymus, 166
Boster, Mark, 64
Boston, Archdiocese of, 135–39, 142
Boston Globe, 135, 136–37
Bridle, James, 40, 41
Brigham Young University, 123
Broadcom Corporation, 64, 65
Brown, Bishop Tod D., 86, 98, 151, 152
Buddha, 279
Burns, Father Robert M., 138
Bush, George W., 69
Cafeteria Catholics, 84, 85
Cameron, Kirk, 195, 268
Camino de Santiago, El, 203
Case, Father Frank, 219
Case for Christ, The (Strobel), 14, 197
Catholic Church, 33, 43–44, 85–89, 272, 281
in Alaska, 227–38
anti-Catholicism and, 55
attractions of, 54–55
conscience and, 85, 218–20
conversion process and, 84–86, 99, 119–20, 135, 140–41, 147, 148–49
disillusionment with, 156–59, 244–46, 248, 268
good works and, 62–63, 66–68, 198–99, 200
hierarchal structure of, 99, 161–62, 164, 245–46
institutional problems of, 145–48, 161–62
loyalty to clergy of, 99–100, 141
personal behavior and, 85, 206
priest paternity cases and, 254–58
teachings of, 84–85, 140, 166
See also clergy sexual abuse cases
Catholic Worker movement, 66–68
celibacy, 218
Chabad-Lubavitch movement, 73–76
charities, 64–65, 66–67, 75, 205
Cheemuk, Tommy, 228, 230
Chesterton, G. K., 14
Christian apologetics, 13–14, 50–51, 165, 210
Christian media, 70, 187, 195
Christian Research Institute, 71
Claremont Graduate University, 280
clergy sexual abuse cases, 61–62, 89–120, 135–38, 215–34
blaming of victims and, 101, 102, 115, 143, 156
euphemistic reporting of, 102–3
historical instances of, 147–48
Internet discussions of, 139
legal prosecution team and, 216–18
numbers of reported cases of, 139
priest treatment policy and, 96, 109–12
priest whistle-blowers and, 164–65
responses to, 94–100, 102, 108, 109–19, 136–39, 142–44, 152–56, 164–66, 168–69, 217, 219–24, 226–27
settlements paid for, 95–98, 152, 217, 227, 230
wounds of survivors of, 103–5
Clohessy, David, 146
CNN, 180, 184, 187
Cody, Sharon, 115
Colice, Lenora and Vincent, 108–9
Colson, Charles, 14
Columbia University, 207
Colver, Suzy, 131
Come By My Light (Mother Teresa), 200
Comfort, Ray, 168
Conley, Father John, 164–65
Crean, John, 47
Creasy, Bill, 51–53
Crouch, Jan, 188–91, 194
Crouch, Paul, 188–94
Crouch, Paul, Jr. (PJ), 189, 190
Crucified God, The (Multmann), 242
Damian, St. Peter, 147–48
Daniel, 66
Dante, 166
Darby, Brian, 183
Darwin, Charles, 209
Dateline (TV show), 187
David, 120
Dawkins, Richard, 208, 270–71
Day, Dorothy, 67
death, 247, 250, 278–79
deists, 269
Deliver Us From Evil (film), 218
DiMaria, Diane, 117
DiMaria, Ryan, 94–98, 107, 108, 111, 115, 152, 215, 216, 224
abuse claims of, 116–18
abuse settlement to, 95, 152, 217
Douglas, William O., 82–83
Doyle, Father Thomas, 105, 218
Drivon, Larry, 142
Dumb Ox, The (Chesterton), 14
Einstein, Albert, 269
Eliezrie, David, 72–73
Emmett, Sue, 130
eternity, 240–42, 247, 250, 279
Eucharist, 84–85, 99
evangelical Christians, 133, 169, 202, 267, 272
attraction Lobdell of, 3–4, 8–16, 20–21, 25–26, 30–32, 46, 54, 84
Catholic tensions with, 55
classic testimony stories of, 16
doubts and, 200
faith and, 65–66
financial abuses and, 71–72
hell view of, 166–68
human failings of, 205
intercessory prayer and, 207
journalists and, 28–32
men’s weekend retreat and, 16–22, 203, 243
rational explanations and, 243–44
Warren’s ministry and, 68–71, 166–67, 178
See also televangelists
Evangelical Council for Financial
Accountability, 72
Evans, Pete, 176
evil, 170, 231
Ex-Mormon General Conference, 130–33, 135
Fairbanks, Diocese of, 226–27, 228
faith, 31, 32, 45–46, 54, 120, 125, 128, 215, 240
as burden, 280
challenge to, 127, 213, 282–83
doubt and, 6–7, 47, 49–50, 148, 149, 162, 163, 169–70, 198–99, 206, 211, 231, 251
as gift, 244
Joshua’s statement of, 141–42
leap of, 244
loss of, 130–31, 159–61, 201, 223–25, 233, 235–37, 246, 249–50, 259–60, 275–80, 283
price of, 48
public confession of, 21
spiritual crises and, 200–202
testing of, 65–66
See also prayer
faith healers, 177–88
Falwell, Jerry, 17, 20, 29
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson), 58–59
nbsp; Fight Club (film), 278
“Footsteps in the Sand” (story), 200–201
Ford, Lonnie, 192–94
Francis of Assisi, St., 14, 32, 62–63, 120, 171
Freberg, Katherine K., 94–95, 108, 216
Freud, Sigmund, 211, 235
Fuller Seminary, 268
Galton, Sir Francis, 208–9
Gannon, Bob, 86
Genesis, 51, 52–53, 248
Geoghan, Father John, 136–37, 138
“Getting Religion” (Lobdell column), 35–37, 39–53
Gibson, Jordie, 184
Gilmore, Father Vincent, 85–86, 88, 120, 141, 157
God Delusion, The (Dawkins), 208
God in the Dock (Lewis), 77
God’s plan, 211–12, 237
“God thing,” 28–29
Goffard, Christopher, 259–60
Graham, Billy, 167–68, 178, 182, 194–95
Graham, Franklin, 194–95
Grant, Mary, 97–98, 100
Grant, W. V., 176
gratitude, 237–38, 243, 278
Gray, James, 118
Great Divorce, The (Lewis), 14, 163–64
Gregory, Dick, 10–11
Hammer, MC, 195
Hanegraaff, Hank, 71–72
Harris, Father Michael (“Father Hollywood”), 61–62, 89–90, 91–100, 107–20, 137, 138
charisma and style of, 91–94
loyalty to, 99–100, 115, 116
psychiatric evaluation of, 111–13
Harris, Sam, 270–71
Harvard University, 208
Harvest Crusade, 83
HBO, 187
healing prayers. See prayer hell, 163–64, 166–70, 218, 247
Hewitt, Hugh, 22–23, 25–26, 28–31, 127–28, 202, 203, 204, 244
background and beliefs of, 15–16
Hinn, Benny, 177–88, 192, 195, 212
Hitchens, Christopher, 270–71
Holy Trinity, 6, 22, 84
homosexuality, 29, 50, 192–94
Hubbard, Jen, 71–72
Huffman, John, 55, 235–43
Huffman, Suzanne, 237
Hunsinger, George, 168
If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me! (Schuller), 167
Ignatius of Loyola, St., 120, 203–4
intercessory prayer. See prayer Internet, 139
Isaac, 52–53, 248
Islam. See Muslims
“Jack Mormons,” 131
Jakes, T. D., 178
James, St., 203
Jefferson, Thomas, 269
Jesuits, 203, 204, 218–20, 227–30, 232–33
Jews. See Judaism
Job, 201–2, 240
John (apostle and saint), 13
John XII, Pope, 161
John, Gospel of, 39, 209
John of the Cross, St., 120, 198–99
John Paul II, Pope, 93, 118, 142, 166, 256
Jolley, Clifton, 280–82
Jones, J. P., 49
Joshua, 50, 141–42
Joyce, James, 212
Judaism, 64–65, 72–76, 80, 121, 122, 128, 267, 271
Karcher, Carl, 54
Karcher, Father Jerome, 54
Kobuk, Peter (“Packy”), 215, 229–30, 231–34
Krol, Cardinal, 143
Laboure, Catherine, St., 225
Lamanites, 122
Latter-day Saints. See Mormonism
Laurie, Greg, 195
Law, Bernard Cardinal, 136–38, 142
Lazarus, 133
Leap of Faith (movie), 178
Lenihan, Father John, 97
Leo IX, Pope, 147–48
Letting Go of God (Sweeney), 247–50, 262
Levada, William Cardinal, 165, 256, 257
Leviticus, 50, 249
Lewis, C. S., 13–14, 76, 77, 163–64, 170, 275–76
Lobdell, Greer, 27–28, 54, 55, 258, 265
birth of sons to, 2, 26
character and hard work of, 244–46
marriage of, 2
religion and, 14, 54, 55, 85, 145–46, 159, 160, 245–46, 247
Lobdell, Jim, 6
Lobdell, Matthew, 270
Lobdell, Oliver, 270
Lobdell, Taylor, 2, 14, 270
Lobdell, Tristan, 26, 245, 270, 271, 272, 278
Lockwood, John, 230
Los Angeles, Archdiocese of, 95, 101
Los Angeles, Diocese of, 62, 94, 95–96, 117
average sexual abuse settlement in, 227
Los Angeles Times, 57–65, 86–94, 137, 140, 176–95, 225–34, 244, 253–59, 259–60, 280–82
coverage of clergy sexual abuse charges in, 102–18, 144–48, 151–59, 171, 226–27, 230
Lobdell’s spiritual journey essay in, 260–74
Orange County edition of, 33–37, 39–53, 58, 60
Loyens, Father William (“Lom”), 220–22
Lubavitchers, 73–76
Lundowski, Joseph, 229–30, 232, 234
MacLeod, Gavin, 195
Mahony, Cardinal Roger M., 118, 151, 152
“Manifestation of Conscience,” 218–22
Manly, John, 108, 110–11, 113–14, 118, 215–28
Mariners Church, 8–12, 14, 54
Mark, Gospel of, 50, 209
Martin, Steve, 178
Mary, mother of Jesus, 140, 225, 233, 249
Mater Dei High School, 61, 92, 93, 108, 110, 114
Matthew, Gospel of, 10–11, 63, 125, 135, 166, 195, 209, 280
McAndrew, Father John, 87, 88
McCain, John, 195
McFarland, Bishop Norman, 86–87, 223–24
Christian, 187, 195
clergy sexual abuse cases and, 36–37, 93, 95, 97, 98, 102–3, 135
coverage of religion in, 28–37, 45–47, 121–22, 143, 144–45, 146
Ten Commandments for religion journalists, 80–84
See also televangelists
mega-churches, 8–12, 14, 54, 68–71
Melthratter, Randy, 186–87
Mencken, H. L., 259
Mere Christianity (Lewis), 14
Milla, Rita, 100–102
Miraculous Medal, 225
Moorlach, John, 36–37
Mormonism, 122–33, 271, 280–82
Mormon Tabernacle, 130
Moroni (angel), 122
Moses, 31
Multmann, Juergen, 242
Muncaster, Jan, 42
Muslims, 48, 80, 121, 128, 267, 271
National Catholic Reporter, 144, 157, 206
Native Americans, 122, 123, 280, 281
Nephites, 122
Newport Beach–Costa Mesa Daily Pilot,
15, 26, 27
newspapers. See media; specific publications New Testament, 13, 84, 126, 168, 195, 249
New University (student newspaper), 59–60
Nixon, Richard, 14, 15, 55
Noah and the Ark, 248
Norbert, St., 43
Norbert, Sister Mary, 43–44
Norbertine nuns, 43–44, 85
Norris, Chuck, 195
Occam’s Razor, 213
O’Grady, Father Oliver, 218
Orange, Diocese of, 33, 62, 85, 151–55, 218
clergy sexual abuse cases and, 92–97, 98, 109, 110, 113–17, 119, 223–24
Osteen, Joel, 194–95
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 88–89
Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, 85, 88
papacy, 147, 161–62
papal infallibility, 140
Pascal’s Wager, 213
Pasco, Jean, 61–62, 89–90, 100, 107
Paul (apostle and saint), 52, 104, 198
Peale, Norman Vincent, 55
Pecharich, Father Michael, 151–56
Peter (apostle and saint), 91, 206
Peters, Justin, 181
Philadelphia, Archdiocese of, 143–44
Pius XII, Pope, 140
Portland, Archdiocese of, 256
Poynter Institute, 282
prayer, 13, 14, 25–
28, 160, 202–3, 246–47, 276
divine intervention from, 244
evangelical 24-hour vigil, 31–32
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