The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake

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The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-494-8

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This book and entire series is dedicated to Stacey Espino. She is an amazing writer and provided the inspiration for this book. Thank you so much and I always look forward to your next release.


  The Law Castle Bad Boys, 3

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013


  One year before the shooting at The Dugout

  Tristan Carmichael looked up to see Vicki Burke walking out of the Sherriff’s office. Night had fallen in Law Castle, and he didn’t like the thought of the young woman walking home. He was over twenty years older than she, but he couldn’t think of a single reason why he shouldn’t be helping her. He was the Sheriff of the town, and Law Castle was a town he loved.

  The day he’d been elected as the Sheriff was the day he finally settled down. Gazing down at his hand, he noticed the bareness of his finger where once a wedding band had been. He knew he should wear the ring that bound him to another woman, but he couldn’t bear to wear something that no longer symbolised anything to him.

  Going against his better judgement he followed Vicki out into the night. Her long blonde hair fell down her back in glorious silken waves. The summer heat meant she wore the smallest white summer dress he’d ever seen. All of her curves were on display. She was only twenty, yet those curves made his mouth water, and he yearned to reach out and claim her for his own. He didn’t doubt she had men knocking at her door, panting to get close to her.

  “Vicki,” he said, gaining her attention.

  She turned around at the sound of her name. The frown on her face evaporated as she saw him. “Sheriff? What can I do for you? I’ve not been causing any trouble. I’ve been a very good girl.”

  Her hands went to her hips, which made him look at the flare of those curves. Tristan could imagine gripping those hips as he thrust inside her tight cunt. He had no doubt she was a good girl, but he’d bet money she could be bad if she really wanted to.

  “What are you doing in the station at this time of night?” he asked.

  Her smile widened.

  “Go and check the front desk. I figured you’ve been keeping this town clean, so you all deserve a reward.”

  Vicki turned away. Tristan took a few seconds to admire the sway of her backside before going after her.

  “It’s dark, and it’s night. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you,” he said.

  “It’s Law Castle. Nothing ever happens here.” She folded her arms under her breasts.

  “Still, a young lady like yourself shouldn’t be walking alone tonight. Let me walk you home.”

  Cocking her head to the side, Vicki observed him. “Okay, you can walk me home.”

  Tristan fell in beside her. The lemony scent he associated with her wafted over to him in the breeze. He’d never smelt anything so amazing before. At forty-five years old he’d seen it all and done it all. He’d fucked many women and had even experienced being under a male. When he’d been training to be a dominant in the city he’d taken everything the club he’d been a member of threw at him. Fucking men, check. Taking on two subs, check. Learning everything they could teach him, check.

  Getting that pesky divorce, not checked. He couldn’t bring himself to divorce Kate even after five years of separation. She wanted something he couldn’t give her.

  Forcing the thoughts of Kate to the back of his mind, Tristan followed in step beside Vicki.

  “It’s a lovely night,” she said. Her arms swung out in front of her. Tristan wished he could be as carefree as she was.

  “It certainly is.”

  “The bikers’ festival and picnic are in a few weeks.”

  The Law Castle Bad Boys were a group who took protecting the town very seriously. Tristan had a lot of respect for the group, the main reason being they brought a lot of revenue to the town. The group were known for double- or triple-teaming women. Some women from the city went to Law Castle to get away from the stifled life that civilisation expects. In Law Castle you could be what you wanted and do what you wanted, as long as it didn’t break any laws.

  “It is. I’ll be there,” Tristan said. “Will you be?”

  “I’m always there. I try to get Stefan to let me have a go on his bike. He always refuses.”

  Stefan Jackson was one of the men in charge of the Bad Boys group. Tristan didn’t like him for the interest Vicki showed in the man. From what he’d heard Stefan had been put in charge of taking care of Vicki in her parents’ absence. The Law Castle Bad Boys took the care of their children, especially daughters, seriously.

  She stopped outside her house. Vicki lived a few feet away from the main square of town. Her car was parked in the driveway. He’d learned her parents had moved away as they couldn’t handle the small town life, and her mother wanted a change. Her father wasn’t too happy about being away from his only daughter. Vicki had stayed in Law Castle and turned down a higher education to remain in town.

  “This is my stop, Sheriff,” she said.

  “When we’re alone call me Tristan.”

  Her smile lit up his whole world. She ran fingers through her blonde tresses. The only fault he saw with the young woman was the lack of meat on her bones. Tristan didn’t understand women’s needs to be super slender. He loved a woman he could hold on to.

  Hold up. She’s not yours to hold on to.

  “Erm, would you like to come in for coffee?” Vicki asked.

  Everything inside of him was screaming at him not to go inside. Vicki was too damn young for him, and he was still fucking married.

  “I’d love to.”

  Those words were going to haunt him for the rest of his life. Tristan knew it down to his very soul.

  She walked up the driveway. He watched as she slid the key into the lock and walked inside. Her hand rested on the drawer unit next to the door as she removed her sandals. She went from being below his chin to the top of her head reaching his chest. Vicki was so tiny. Too tiny.

  “Follow me.”

  His mouth had gone dry. The flare of her skirt revealed her smooth tan legs. He wanted to know if she was wearing any panties. Fuck, he was insane.

  The age difference between them was really messing with his head. He liked Vicki. She was a sweet woman, and the way she talked he almost forgot she was only twenty.

  Cradle robber.

  She leaned over the sink and filled the kettle. He watched as her hand reached for two cups. Her hands were shaking.

  Was she as aroused by him as he was by her? His cock refused to go down. Thinking about numbers or anything wouldn’t stop the erotic image of her spread out on his bed. Tristan felt like he was losing his mind.

  He needed to do something to stop the ache inside. Against his better judgement once again, he took a step closer and then another.


  Vicki couldn’t believe she’d invited Tristan into her home. She’d been crushing on him for as long as she could remember. He was
powerful, handsome, and everything she’d dreamt about in a man. Her parents would disapprove of the age gap. They didn’t want her to ever suffer, and so they tried to protect her the best way they knew how—by dictating everything she did. Staying in Law Castle was her only guarantee that she could live the life she wanted instead of what her family wanted.

  She turned around and cried out as Tristan stood right in front of her. Vicki dropped the cups, and they smashed on the floor. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto the counter. She couldn’t speak as his hands went to her thighs.

  “I’ve seen you watching me, Vicki,” he said.

  “I like watching you. You’re a handsome man.” Her voice sounded breathless even to her. She tried to hide her inexperience, but her whole body quivered at the touch of him. Her body had never known the touch of a man.

  “Do you want this?” he asked. She knew what he was asking. How could she tell him she’d never had sex? This was all new territory for her. Her heart pounded as she nodded her head.

  “I need a little more than that, princess. God, I want you so fucking much. I ache to be inside you.” He slammed his lips down on hers. Even with her on the counter he was taller than she was. His fingers sank into her hair. She moaned, closing her eyes as he ravished her mouth. The only way to describe the kiss was ravishing.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait. I was only going to have a coffee and leave, but I need you. I need to feel your snug cunt wrapped around me.”

  “Yes,” she said. He pushed the dress of her skirt up her thighs. Vicki moaned as he tore at her panties. There was no controlling him. He was like a force to be reckoned with. She didn’t want to stop him. If she was going to lose her virginity to anyone it was going to be Tristan. He was strong and caring. She’d seen him at the diner and during her walks through the town square. He cared about this town.

  Her panties were gone, and in the next instant his cock was free from the confines of his jeans. Tristan was perfect. She’d seen cocks on the television and a couple of the porn movies she’d stumbled onto on the internet. Tristan put all other cocks to shame. He was long, thick, and the tip was leaking pre-cum.

  She licked her lips, and Tristan chuckled. “There will be more of that later. I’ll fuck your sweet mouth soon.”

  Tell him now. It’s moving too fast.

  “Fuck, you’re wet,” he said. His fingers ran through her folds. She cried out at the slightest contact. “That’s it, baby. Feel what I do to you.”

  Two fingers pressed to her clit, stroking her. She cried out from the pleasure.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll have you screaming for more.” His hands disappeared, and then the tip of his cock was running over her clit.

  “So damn good. I can’t wait.”

  You should tell him.

  Before she got a chance to even speak Tristan plunged inside her. Vicki cried out as pleasure and pain combined. Her grip tightened on his shoulder.

  He sank to the hilt inside her. She couldn’t believe how big he was. He shouldn’t be able to fit inside her. The walls of her pussy felt pinched from the pain.

  “Shit, you’re a virgin,” he said. She closed her eyes. Tristan sounded angry. “Look at me.” He gripped her face in his hands. “Look at me!”

  Opening her eyes she saw the anger and the lust shining in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I should fucking stop. I don’t do virgins, but I can’t.”

  “There’s no need to stop. I’m not a virgin anymore.”

  Tristan slammed his lips down on hers, stopping her from speaking. He pulled out of her body only to thrust back inside. Tristan fucked her on the counter inside her kitchen. She held onto his arms as his body jolted her.

  His thrusts quickened, and the fire in the pit of her stomach spiralled out of control. She felt herself getting closer to climax.

  Suddenly, his cock jerked, and Tristan growled. His hand tightened in her hair as he came. His seed spurted inside her. She felt each wave as it pulsed through her.

  She didn’t reach her release. The pleasure in her body ebbed away as fast as it had come. Their heavy breathing was the only sound that could be heard.

  “Fuck!” Tristan yelled the word making her jump. Vicki became aware of the tears spilling out of her eyes. He pulled out of her body, and Vicki winced at the pain. “Fuck!” He kept yelling the word. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a fucking virgin? You’ve been panting after me for months.”

  The shame his words caused made her cheeks fill with heat. She looked down at her exposed legs and pulled her skirt down.

  “You didn’t give me the chance,” she said.

  He rinsed out a cloth and pressed the damp cloth to her exposed pussy. Vicki cried out.

  “Stop.” She pushed his hand away.

  “This wasn’t supposed to be anything.” He looked tormented.

  “I didn’t want anything from you. I invited you in for coffee not for anything more. This just happened. I didn’t plan this.” She’d only been expecting coffee, nothing else.

  “I’m not the kind of guy you stick with.”

  Tears filled her eyes. The pain inside her pussy and in her heart consumed her. “Please, get out,” she said.

  “I need to know you’re all right,” he said.

  She slapped him away as he came toward her. Throwing the towel at him, which was stained with her virgin blood, she growled. “There, keep it as a fucking trophy, but get the fuck out of my house.” If she thought it would work she would have threatened to get Stefan, but she really didn’t want Tristan to be hurt. She cared about him too much to hurt him.

  Tristan stared at her for the longest time. He turned away, placed the towel on the counter and left. She heard the sound of her door being closed and then nothing.

  Vicki gave herself over to the pain. She’d been in love with Tristan from the moment she first met him. Why did she have to fall in love with a man who was older than she and a man who wouldn’t care for her?

  Chapter One

  Six months after the shooting

  Tristan watched as Vicki walked out of the station like she did every Sunday without even looking at him. She’d turned twenty-two years old three days ago. He’d sent flowers and a present only to have them sent back. The first time he’d been with her Vicki had been days away from turning twenty-one. That night seemed so long ago after everything that had happened since. The shooting at The Dugout had been a big turning point for Vicki. It had been six months, and Vicki still refused to have anything to do with him. Six months ago she’d been pulled into a fight with a known drug user in Law Castle. The subsequent fight ended with her being shot and him almost having a heart attack because of it. She didn’t speak to him even after she’d been shot. He thought about the baby she’d lost. His baby. Vicki had kept the knowledge of her pregnancy from him.

  Seeing the blood coming from the bullet wound had almost undone him. He hated seeing Vicki in pain and would make sure she never was again. The sadness in her eyes when he’d discovered she’d lost the baby would stay with him forever. No woman should ever have to go through what she’d gone through.

  You’ve put her through worse hell than losing a baby.

  The first night he’d taken her virginity hadn’t been the last night he spent with her. Vicki was like an addiction to him. One taste was never enough for him. He’d taken her again and again until he’d finally pushed her away. The memory of admitting he was married still plagued him. He shook it off.

  Getting up from his desk Tristan caught up with her as she was leaving.

  “You’re not even going to come and say hi to me?” he asked. She stopped and turned toward him. The sadness on her face never disappeared. He couldn’t recall a time when she’d smiled since losing the baby. Tristan constantly kept an eye on her. He knew he shouldn’t and that he should give her space, but he couldn’t stop himself. Vicki meant everything to him. />
  “Hi,” she said.

  That one word made him angry.

  “Is this how it’s going to be between us?” He reached out to touch her. Vicki flinched away from his touch. “There was a time you wanted my touch.”

  “Those days are gone. I’ve got nothing else to say, Tristan.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts. He noticed how much weight she’d lost in the last six months. When they’d been together Tristan had watched her curves fill out. She looked like skin and bone now. When was the last time she had eaten?

  “It’s Sunday, and I’ve got work to do,” she said.

  “Working for Stefan Jackson is not a job.” Anger and jealousy consumed him. She’d quit working at The Dugout days after she’d been shot and had immediately gone and worked for Stefan, who was one of the Law Castle Bad Boys.

  Stefan wasn’t the head or a leader, but he was there amongst the ranks. He organised the parties and the events that brought tourists to their small town.

  “I get paid, and right now that’s all I care about.”

  Vicki turned on her heel and walked away. He watched her walk away like he’d watched every Sunday morning when she gave baked goods to their receptionist. Going back inside, he saw Marla on the front desk. The middle-aged woman always had a smile on her face, and he’d hired her a few months back.

  The woman had a lot of history, and he’d offered her a safe place to live as long as she kept a low profile.

  “Every time I see that girl I swear she’s thinner,” Marla said.

  “I’ll be in my office. Let me know if anything else happens.” He didn’t wait for an answer. Walking back to his office, he closed the door and sat behind his large desk.

  Tristan loved his large desk. The desk is what separated him from the others. It was like his throne in the small town. He despised violence, and this was his control over it.


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