The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake

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The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Open your legs for me, Vicki. Do everything I say. Is that understood?” he asked. His voice was hard. Her eyes opened as she imagined his commanding presence stood in her living room.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  “Good girl.” There was silence, some movement, and then he came back over the line. “Place your hand over your sweet pussy.”

  Vicki did as she was told.

  “Spread those plump, wet lips for me.”

  She gasped at the smallest of feelings.

  “I bet you’re so sensitive. My tongue and fingers would be too much for you.” She couldn’t argue with him. “We’ll have to get you used to the feel of touching yourself before I get hold of you,” he said.

  “I look forward to it.”

  “I bet you do, sweetheart. Take two fingers and press them to your clit. I want you to stroke yourself, feeling your wetness.”

  “I’m doing it,” she said, gasping for breath.

  “Good. I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do to you when I get my hands on you.” She continued to stroke herself while listening to what Tristan had to say. “I’m going to take you upstairs to your bedroom and strip every item of clothing from your body. When we’re both naked I’m going to take you to the bed.”

  Vicki pictured them both together. His hand touching her body, caressing her all over her body. They’d never been naked together. She looked forward to them being together.

  “Then I’m going to press you to the bed. The first time I get my mouth on you I won’t be able to keep you still so I’m going to tie you to the bed. When your hands are tied I’m going to tie your feet but just enough so I can move you to where I want you.”

  Her clit was swelling with every passing second. Her cream was dripping out of her pussy. Vicki pressed her fingers to her cream and coated her clit with more lubrication.

  “I’m going to lick your cunt until you come all over my face.” She’d missed some of his description. “When I’ve brought you to climax only then will I fuck you.”

  She cried out as her orgasm shot through her body. Holding the phone to her ear she bowed her back as her release took her completely by surprise. She rode her climax until she was panting for breath.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’m here.”

  “I love you, Tristan. I really love you.”

  “I know, Vicki. I’ll be with you soon. I promise.”

  After they said their goodbyes, Vicki allowed herself to cry. Her release was amazing, but it wasn’t enough. How much longer could she take without him in her life?

  Chapter Eleven

  Two months later

  Vicki let out a sigh as she pulled another month off her calendar with still no sign of Tristan back in her life. The summer months were gone in Law Castle, and they were back preparing for the winter. Fall was turning out to be one of the coldest ones yet. The baking festival around the town for the locals might still be cancelled. Every year there was a big fire in the town where people went and threw something on. They were riding the summer wave and getting ready for winter.

  It was a dangerous and stupid tradition but one Vicki attended regardless.

  “Another month has gone by. When was the last time you heard from him?” Zoe asked. Her friend was sat in the sitting room with her feet up. She was over eight months pregnant and very close to giving birth. Jake, Brent, and Connor were beside themselves with worry. Vicki couldn’t believe they let Zoe stay with her for any length of time.

  “It has been a couple of days since we last spoke.” She wasn’t going to mention the teary end to the last conversation. Tristan was adamant of hearing her touch herself during their phone conversation. The orgasm that came from their phone calls to each other left her unsatisfied.

  “What’s the matter, Vicki? You sound upset.”

  “I don’t know. I’m starting to think I’m being led on,” Vicki said, grabbing her hot chocolate and joining her friend in the sitting room.

  “How come?”

  “It has been over three months, Zoe. How long is a girl supposed to wait? This is not just about the divorce anymore. It’s about him cutting ties or something from his old life. Tristan has told me when he comes back that will be it. He could have come back to Law Castle at any time, but he hasn’t. Surely business doesn’t take this long. I’m all alone here, and I’m starting to think he’s having a laugh with his pain whore of a friend, and how he messed with the life of a small town girl.”

  Vicki let go of everything. There were no more tears to be spilled. She’d spent a great deal of time crying over him already. She wasn’t going to spend another day wishing for something she was never going to have.

  “You can’t mean that. Tristan loves you.”

  “Does he? I mean, what proof do I actually have that he loves me?” She raised her hand and started counting off the faults she recorded from her time spent with Tristan. “He lied to me about being married. At every opportunity he pushed me away. He’s gone, and I don’t even know if he’s coming back. He’s older than me, and his wife was way prettier than I will ever be, and I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  Zoe stayed silent as Vicki calmed herself by sipping coffee.

  “Can I remind you I’m supposed to the hormonal one?” Zoe rubbed her stomach.

  Moving to the sofa Vicki curled up against her friend. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m tired and stressed. Stefan’s getting irritable because Marla refuses to go on a date with him. He also hates acting as a Sheriff and is about ready to appoint someone else.”

  “Everything will be all right, Vicki. I know it will.”

  Zoe stroked her hair.

  “How is everything going with you?” Vicki asked, rubbing her stomach.

  “Connor is driving me crazy. Brent and Jake wait on me hand and foot, but Connor is reading all the books on what can go wrong with pregnancy. I sneezed the other morning, and he took me to the hospital for a check-up. I swear the nurses have got a bet going on how many times I go.”

  Vicki laughed. Connor was the most protective out of all of Zoe’s men.

  “Are you going to the baking festival this weekend?” Zoe asked.

  “Yeah. Stefan is letting me have the weekend off, and I’m going to bake ready for the event. I don’t know why we have so many events,” Vicki said.

  “You’re succumbing to sullenness. I didn’t think it was possible for someone so happy to be so sad.”

  “I can’t help it,” Vicki said. “There’s nothing to be happy about.”

  With her parents begging her to move closer to them and Tristan asking her to stay in Law Castle, she felt torn. Which way should she go?

  “You’re starting to sound like me before I let myself love. Don’t turn into me, Vicki. It won’t be healthy for you.”

  The door being knocked interrupted their conversation.

  “I bet that’s Connor. He can’t stand me being alone.” Zoe moved away from her. Vicki dropped her head onto the sofa. She heard the door opening and nothing else.

  “What’s going on? Has Connor passed out because you’re answering my door?” Vicki asked.

  When no answer came she moved up and looked over the back of her sofa. What she saw froze her in place.


  Tristan Carmichael stood in the doorway of her sitting room holding a suitcase and a bouquet of flowers.

  “Where’s Zoe?” she asked.

  “Connor was pacing outside when I came to the house. We agreed to make a trade. I’d take Zoe’s place, and he takes his very, heavily pregnant wife home.”

  She’d not seen him in over three months, but he looked the same. His hair was slightly longer, and his muscles appeared thicker than she remembered.

  “She’s due in the next few weeks,” Vicki said. She continued to stare at him over the sofa. “Are you really here?”

  “Come here and see for yourself.”

  He dropped the suitcase o
nto the floor and then placed the flowers on the stand closest to him. Vicki launched herself into his arms.

  Tristan was real. She pinched her arm and cried out in pain.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m finally here.” His arms surrounded her, and his grip tightened to the point of pain. Vicki didn’t care about the pain. She needed to feel him against her to know he was real.

  “I didn’t think you were going to come back,” she said, letting go of the tears she’d been holding back.

  “I gave you a promise. I always intended to come back, but I was only going to do that when I could give you something,” he said.

  He bent down with her in his arms to retrieve a piece of paper from his suitcase.

  “I’ll be getting everything through the post later. I couldn’t wait another day. I’ve been driving to get to you.”

  She didn’t let him go. Taking the paper from him she read the words that were most important to her. Tristan was divorced. He was no longer bound to Kate.

  “You got your divorce.”

  “I got my divorce, and now I can do this.”

  Before she got chance to say another thing, Tristan slammed his lips down on hers. Vicki didn’t want to fight him. Circling his neck with her arms she pulled him down in an attempt to deepen the kiss.


  After his last phone conversation with Stefan, Tristan knew it was only a matter of time before Vicki left Law Castle to be with her parents. With Cameron’s help he’d been able to get through the divorce but not without the expense of a court battle. Kate tried to take over half of his trust fund and money. She’d also found out about the business he’d invested in. All of his ties to the city and the businesses had now been cut. The judge listened to her tale of abuse and pain at his hands. There was a point when Tristan felt the judge believed Kate’s recounting of events. When Cameron entered the equation all bets were off. What he and Kate didn’t know was Cameron not only liked to give pain, he liked to watch.

  He’d made a tape of his and Kate’s time together. Tristan had to sit in court with several other people to watch Kate, who at the time he thought he was in love with, tell Cameron how bad he was in bed. His ego wasn’t broken at all. Any person who needed to draw blood to get them off was never going to be Tristan’s ideal of a bed partner.

  Kate didn’t have a leg to stand on. The divorce went through, and Kate didn’t get a dime of his money. She tried to ruin his reputation, and all she did was ruin her own reputation. No one would touch her. Once she was faced with losing her money bank, her true colours shone through.

  Tristan hated the fact he had to thank his old friend for help, but he did it because he was free. Cameron was the one to bring him the paper to go back to Law Castle.

  Tilting Vicki’s head back, Tristan deepened the kiss. He felt her moan against him and her body melt into his. She was his woman, and talking dirty with her over the phone lost its appeal quickly.

  “Tristan,” she said, sighing. “Do you remember what you promised me?”

  “I do.” He didn’t wait for her to give consent. Lifting her up into his arms, Tristan took her upstairs to her room. He kicked the door open and placed her on the feet on the floor. “I’ve not got the ties to bind you to me. I’ll have to improvise.”

  He walked over to her drawer unit. He opened the first drawer hiding her underwear. Pulling out a pair of tights he threw them to the bed.

  For five months he’d been gone. The moment they were together the months melted away. Tristan cupped her cheeks. Tears spilled from her eyes. He kissed her tears away and forced her to look at him.

  “Before I continue I need to know you want this.”

  “How can you doubt it?” she asked.

  “I’m older than you. After what I put you through I don’t want to take anything for granted.” He wiped the rest of her tears away with his thumbs.

  “I don’t care about the age difference. I love you, Tristan.”

  Her hands ran up his chest.

  “There’s something I want you to know,” he said. She lifted her gaze to his. “Vicki Burke, I’m so totally in love with you.”

  She gasped, and the smile on her face would stay with him forever.

  “You mean every word you say,” she said. “When did you know?”

  “I knew before I left Law Castle. I made you a promise, Vicki. I wasn’t going to say something and then leave you. I’m free.”

  Her arms went around his neck, and her grip tightened as she laughed.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Tristan worked the zipper at the back of the dress she was wearing. In the last five months her body had filled out in all the right places. Her thick hips and small waist were back. The added flesh he’d missed was once again part of her.

  He pushed the dress off her arms until it landed in a heap on the floor. She wore a pair of black tights. They were not flattering. The black lace underwear flattered her body shape. She stepped out of the shoes she’d been wearing. He tore his way through her tights until she stood in her underwear.

  Before he got her completely naked, Tristan started to remove his own clothes. His sweater, along with his shirt, went. The cold days made it impossible to wear anything else other than thick clothes. Vicki’s house was heated sufficiently for them to be together how he wanted.

  Her fingers stroked up his chest and circled his nipples as he finished removing his clothes. His cock thickened at the feel of her soft hands against him. He’d spent endless nights dreaming of this moment. In his mind he’d planned every reaction and possibility so he could give her a reunion to remember.

  She released her tits from her constricting bra. Tristan watched as the full mounds fell free. Her tight little nipples called to him. Reaching out he stroked each tight bud to ripeness.

  Vicki gasped.

  “You’re still so responsive,” he said.

  Unable to hold back, he tore the panties hiding the last of her body from him. Once she was undressed, Tristan pushed his boxer briefs down his thighs. Her gaze wandered over his body. He felt her stare like a sharp caress over his skin.

  He did the same with her body. Tristan memorised every inch of her. For the rest of the week he was banning clothes. He’d already been in touch with Stefan and organised for them to not be visited. Tristan wanted some alone time with his woman. When Vicki was under no illusions of who she belonged to he’d take back his role as Sheriff.

  With all the pain and hurt he’d caused Vicki, it was only fair he started adding to her list of good memories with him.

  Her hands reached out toward him. Tristan went straight into her arms. Her naked breasts were flush against his chest. Tilting her head back he slammed his lips on her. There was nothing he wanted more than to consume her. Picking Vicki up in his arms he threw her to the bed.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

  Chapter Twelve

  Vicki was more than ready for what Tristan wanted from her. She lay back on the bed resting her arms on either side of the bed post.

  “I’m ready for you,” she said. To emphasis her point she split her legs open so her pussy was on display. Vicki felt her wetness, and instead of being ashamed she relished the feel of Tristan’s hands on her body. Seeing the love in Tristan’s eyes was all the conviction Vicki needed. He’d come back for her, and he’d gotten a divorce. There was nothing to stop them being together.

  Her father didn’t approve of Tristan, but she didn’t care. Her love for Tristan couldn’t be changed just because he was older than she was.

  “I see your pussy glistening,” Tristan said.

  He moved to the top of the bed. Tristan took hold of her wrist pressing a kiss to her inner palm. She held her breath as he placed her arm next to the headboard. The stocking he’d taken from her drawer lay in his hands. She watched as he wrapped her wrist with the stocking then tied the rest to the head board.

  Once he was done Vicki tested the strength o
f the binding.

  Her hand didn’t move far. Tristan walked around the bed and tied her other wrist in the same position.

  “I don’t have enough rope for your legs. I’ll have to keep you in place with my arms.” He eased a pillow under her head. She stared down the length of her body and saw everything. His hand moved to circle her breast. “I want you to see everything,” he said.

  His hand dipped down to her stomach. “You’re fuller here as well.”

  She’d been eating properly and didn’t let a meal go to waste. Vicki wanted to be perfect for him. Taking care of herself was part of the bargain she made.

  Tristan cupped her pussy. She saw his large hand covering the mound of her pussy, which she kept neatly trimmed. Shaving her pubic hair never appealed to her. Vicki had tried it once, but the irritation afterwards was too much for her. She liked to have hair.

  Fingers separated her folds, and she gasped. His digits were cold to the touch. There was no getting away from him. He still stood by the side of the bed teasing her with his touches.

  “You’re so beautiful and wet.” One finger slid deep inside her cunt. Vicki moaned, thrusting up to meet the penetrating finger. The finger wasn’t thick or long enough to satisfy her. She needed more. So much more.

  “Watch me play with your pussy.”

  Her eyes were already open. Staring down at his hand on her most private areas Vicki felt a new wave of arousal leak out of her body. She was so turned on. There was no stopping the copious amounts of cream coming from her.

  He added a second finger stretching her wider. Tristan removed his hand and went to the base of the bed. She watched as he climbed up the bed settling between her thighs. He lifted her legs until she was splayed open.

  “Don’t move your legs.”

  “What happens if I do?” she asked.

  Tristan slapped her inner thigh. The sudden sharpness left her gasping. She shouldn’t be aroused by the spank, but she was. What did that make her?


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