Desert Surrender

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Desert Surrender Page 7

by Melinda Barron

  “Did you hear me? Quit holding out on me. Did he fuck you?”

  “Oh yeah, he did.” She grabbed her coffee and toast and went to the outside deck. “Jeez, it’s already over a hundred degrees here, and it’s not even noon. It’s like a furnace outside.”

  “Yeah, but it’s a dry heat.” They both laughed, and Clarissa took a sip of her coffee.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Last night was thrilling,” Clarissa replied. “I was feeling very satisfied until I saw the dozen messages from my father, mother, and Henry this morning.” There was a pause in the conversation. “Anna?”

  “Um, I hate to tell you this, but your dad’s already been here this morning—hotter than hell—wanting to know where you are.”

  Her friend’s voice held more than a hint of anxiety.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him you didn’t tell me.”

  Clarissa put down her coffee cup. “I’m sorry. I know you hate to lie.”

  “It’s for a good cause. How can I deny my best friend the chance to screw a really hot guy?”

  “And I appreciate it, in spades.” Clarissa burst into laughter and almost dropped the phone, grabbing it up before it totally slipped from her fingers.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, I’m just…happy.”

  Anna’s laugh was soft. “I’ll say. Might I put in that it’s a wonderful emotion to see, even if I’m really only hearing it over the phone.”

  “It’s a good thing you can’t see me. I’m half-naked.”

  “And where is Maddox?”

  “At work. I feel like Suzy Homemaker, eating breakfast after languishing in bed to recover from being banged to perfection last night. And it’s fantastic. I’ve never felt like this.”

  He’d left a note saying he was at the casino. He’d given strict instructions for her to “enjoy her day, explore, and make herself at home.” There was also a postscript saying a car would pick her up at five thirty to bring her to the casino. She was to dress for dinner. The words “no panties” had been underlined. Before then, though, he told her to use the car to go wherever she wanted. The keys to his sedan sat on top of the note, and a quick look in the garage showed the SUV was gone. Her bags had been left by the foot of the bed.

  She vaguely remembered him leaving that morning, leaning over to kiss her gently. “Make sure you come at least twice today,” he had said softly. “There’s a box of toys in the closet. Use anything you like. And think of me when you play.”

  There would be no problem with that. She’d done nothing but think of him, until she’d found her phone and seen the missed messages and calls. The only one she’d returned was the one she was on right now.

  “How long are you staying?”

  “If I had my way, forever. Or at least a few weeks, whichever comes first.” They shared a laugh.

  “What if he’s the one, Clarissa?”

  A soft sigh escaped her lips. “You know how I feel about that, Anna.”

  “Yeah, I’m just saying he seems like a pretty good catch. Your parents can’t complain. He comes from a very good family, and he has money of his own. Is he hung?”

  “He’s not too shabby.” Clarissa swirled her finger through the peanut butter on her toast. “Not too big, not too small. He’s just right.”

  “Goldilocks had words to that effect, if I remember. And that fairy tale has a happy ending.”

  She licked the creamy treat off her finger. “Yeah, well, it’s just that, a fairy tale.” Her words were muffled by the food, and Anna laughed.

  “Enjoy your peanut butter, and enjoy your time there. I’ll hold off the troops here as long as possible. If your father doesn’t find you within the next day, he might call the cops.”

  “Maddox will protect me.”

  “Oh really? Let’s see: he’s a good lover; he’s rich; he’s protective. Sounds to me like he has all the makings of a good husband.”

  Clarissa shook her finger at the phone, even though Anna couldn’t see the gesture. “Listen you, don’t go putting a ring on my finger. This is just fun. Nothing more.”

  A beep sounded on the phone. Clarissa glanced at the display. “Crap. It’s my dad.”

  “Answer it, Clarissa. You can’t hide forever. Besides, you’re a grown woman and can do what you want. Tell him you’re getting laid and to leave you the hell alone.”

  “Anna!” It wasn’t like her friend to say things like that, not as a suggestion as what to say to her father, that is.

  “Well, I really think you need this time alone with Maddox. I’m keeping my fingers crossed here.”

  Another beep signed a new voice mail. “I gotta go. Take care, sweets.”

  “You too, Rissa. I love you. Be safe.”

  “Love you too.” She clicked off, then dialed her voice mail.

  “Clarissa Marie Montgomery Alexander, pick up this phone. Right now.” The anger in her father’s voice made her cringe. There was a pause, then a sharp, “Damn it! You call me back young lady, this instant!” The recorded message signaled the “end of message,” and Clarissa flipped the phone shut. Then she opened it again and hit the Power button, turning it off.

  Maddox didn’t have the number, and besides Anna, she didn’t want to hear from anyone else. She would do exactly what he said. She’d enjoy her day, maybe shop or just lie around watching TV. Sometime during the day she’d masturbate twice and come hard while thinking of him.

  She’d dream of his cock in her pussy, her mouth, and in her ass. “Crap, I’m wet again.” She cupped her bare pussy, then groaned as her fingers found their way inside. She didn’t want toys. She wanted nothing inside her but Maddox, his fingers, his tongue, his cock.

  She rubbed her clit as she thought about his cock. She would tug on his ring with her teeth, tasting it in her mouth. She imagined it sliding inside her again, teasing her slick folds as he thrust in and out. What would it feel like when he took her from behind? It was a new idea that thrilled her to death.

  He would bend her over, sliding his hard dick into her ass, the ring gliding along her sensitive walls. “Maddox!” She came hard, grasping the side of the chair with one hand as her other hand continued to massage her clit. It pulsed under the attention, and when her orgasm passed, she slumped into the chair.

  Yes, definitely a day to lie around and play. Best to do it indoors, under the air-conditioning. She waited for her heart rate to slow, then picked up her coffee mug and plate and took them back inside. She rinsed them off, then turned to the house.

  “Time to explore and see what I can find. Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll come home early from work.”

  * * * * *

  Maddox gnawed on the end of his cigar as he finished the last of his paperwork. A quick glance at his watch showed it was just before six. Clarissa would be here soon. The thought made him smile.

  She’d been so wonderful last night, so accepting of everything. She had reacted to his teasings, to the ropes, to everything just the way he thought she would. When he’d slipped inside her, the look of surprise, and pure bliss, on her face had made it hard to hold back. He’d wanted to take her by surprise, gauge her reaction to his piercing. And it had been perfect.

  It crossed his mind that he’d found the woman who was just right for him, except she wasn’t a natural submissive. She wasn’t the type of woman to crave it or even wonder if it was what she wanted. She was willing to try. Last night had been a good start, and tonight would build on that start.

  His suite upstairs had been prepared, and everything he’d asked for had been laid out. By the end of the night, she would be screaming, just like she had last night. He loved the fact that she screamed. It sent shivers of pure lust up his spine when she did. And making her control her urges would be an incredible thing to watch.

  Not right now, though. Tonight he wanted her to test the soundproofing in his rooms. More than that, tonight was about building trust, about learning
to communicate, and reading her wants. About watching her react to what he had to offer.

  Tonight, more than last night, would show whether she was suited to a BDSM relationship.

  There was a knock at the door, and he swept the papers on his desk into a single pile. “Come.”

  Andrew pushed inside, looking around. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “No, come in. She’s not here yet.”

  “Too bad. I had hoped to see her again.”

  Maddox huffed out a short laugh. “She’s mine.”

  “I know, but she’s fascinating. Does she have a twin?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Too bad.” Andrew laughed, and Maddox shook his head in mock exasperation. The two had been friends for a long time, and their tastes in women were much the same. In this case, Andrew was on his own. Maddox had no intention of sharing.

  “You still planning on leaving for Laughlin Friday morning?”

  “Yup. I won’t be home until Monday afternoon now.”

  “Humph. You’re just trying to make me jealous, aren’t you?”

  “Yup.” Maddox glanced at the grandfather clock. “Who did you send to Henderson to pick her up?”

  “Lance. I told him to make sure the house was secured, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

  Maddox nodded. Lance was one of his most trusted employees, a top member of the security staff. He had no doubt the young man would get Clarissa here safely and on time.

  “Before she gets here, we need to talk about the man in eleven-oh-six. I’m pretty sure he’s cheating; I’m not sure how. Justin is checking the tapes to see if he’s counting or using another method. He might be working with someone else.”

  “Go on.” Maddox listened intently as Andrew discussed their guest.

  “We’ve already checked with the gaming commission. He’s not on their list of names. That doesn’t mean he’s not using an alias or something of that nature. I’ve got Bart working on it, to see what he can find.”

  Maddox nodded. Catching cheats was hard sometimes. And sometimes it was impossible to do, and you just had to live with it. He hated that fact. His cell phone beeped to signal an incoming text, and he smiled.

  “She’s here.”

  “Have a good time.” Andrew stood. “I’ll hold down the fort, and if you need any help…”


  His friend snapped his fingers and shook his head in dejection. “I was afraid of that.”

  “Get the hell out of here.” Maddox walked to the door, opened it to push Andrew out, and found Clarissa standing on the other side, her hand poised to knock. She looked stunning in a midnight blue dress. The bodice draped over her shoulders, dropping in loose material to her waist, where it clung to her hips and ended just above her knee. She wore four-inch fuck-me pumps that sent his blood rushing to his cock. One glance at Andrew showed her attire had done the same for him.

  “Hi.” Her voice was low and sultry. “I’m ready for dinner.”

  “Enjoy yourselves,” Andrew said, inclining his head toward her slightly before walking around her.

  “Don’t leave on my account.”

  “Have to.” He leaned toward her. “The boss is a real asshole and a slave driver. If I’m not working twenty-seven hours a day, he gets really pissed.”

  Clarissa’s giggle made Maddox’s cock swell even more. “Yeah, if you don’t get your ass to work, said boss is going to kick it for those missing three hours.”

  “Gotcha.” Andrew winked at her. “Good night.”

  “Bye.” She waved after him, and Maddox took her free hand and led her inside. “Will this work?”

  “Baby, you look good enough to eat.”

  “Promise?” Her blush accentuated her eyes and made him think of the way she’d flushed while he’d fucked her. “Of course, I guess Doms don’t eat pussy.”

  “Why would you guess that?”

  “Well, it just seems like something they wouldn’t do.”

  He shook his head. “On the contrary, I rather enjoy it. I can control orgasms that way.”

  “I see. Well, that makes sense.”

  He leaned toward her. “Denial can be a wonderful thing.”

  “Well, I’ll have a double helping of make me come, please.”

  He returned her smile, then stroked her hip. “This dress is gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. I hope it suits wherever we’re going.”

  “It’s very nice, although I would like to see the bodice a little tighter, to show off those breasts.”

  “Well, I would hate for the other diners to be jealous, so I’ll keep them just for you to see.”

  “What a wonderful idea.” He took her hand and led her toward the door. “Do you have any food allergies I need to be aware of?”

  “Just an intense dislike for pickles.”

  He stopped and turned to her. “There’s a story there, right?”

  “Yeah, but not one I like to talk about.” Her nod was slow. “As far as allergies go, no. I don’t meet food I don’t like. And I’m not a vegetarian or anything.”

  “Good.” He guided her toward the elevators, then pushed the Up button.

  “The cars are generally kept on the bottom floor, unless you have some new technology you haven’t told me about. Or are we flying to dinner?”

  Maddox turned slowly, narrowing his eyes at her. “Do you question everything?”

  “Sorry. Old habits and all.”

  He studied her for a few minutes, then nodded. “All you need to do is let me guide you.”

  “I can do that.” She nibbled on her lower lip, and his cock pulsed. “Maybe.”

  “Try, very hard.” Inside the elevator, he inserted a key for the top floors. Another couple already on there smiled, and he inquired about their trip.

  “Not too bad,” the man said. “Not exactly raking in the dough, but I haven’t lost that much either.”

  “Good,” Maddox replied. He gave them several suggestions for places to visit before they got off on the eighth floor. The elevator started back up, and he turned to her when she laughed.

  “I would think you’d want them to lose money. It would mean more money for you.”

  “I don’t want them to lose their shirts,” he said. “Then they wouldn’t come back. Yes, I make most of my money from the gambling. I want people to continue to play, so that means they need to win a little.”

  She nodded. “You want them to spend their money gambling. That’s why you have cheap food and why drinks in the bar are only four dollars, right? Because you want them to spend their money at the tables.”

  “You learn fast.” He leaned against the wall. “The bigger players—the whales—get comped. Which means they get freebies, and save their money for the tables.”

  “Which means more money for your pocket when they lose.” She leaned close to him, and the smell of her sweet perfume wafted toward him, making his groin tighten even more. “How capitalistic of you.”

  He shrugged. “If it helps, I donate lots of money to charity, and I pay my employees more than some of my competitors.”

  “I suppose I’ll cut you some slack then.” She leaned closer, putting her lips right next to his. “I want to suck your cock.”

  “I think I already knew that.” He moved his head just enough to gaze down at her. “And if you’re a good girl tonight, I might let you.”

  The doors opened on their floor, and he held his hand out in front of him. “After you.”

  He watched confusion light her eyes. “We’re not going out?”

  “No.” She stepped out of the car, and he put his hand on her arm right after the doors closed. “Take off your dress.”

  “Here? What happened to the man who didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his gaming permit? The door to any one of these rooms could open, and one of your guests could come out.”

  He watched her face. The idea excited her; he could tell. It still made her f
eel vulnerable. “There are four rooms on this floor. So the odds are high that someone might come out. I want you to do it. Now.” He didn’t tell her that he’d checked the security before she’d arrived, seen that the rooms had been empty most of the day. He’d told them to buzz him if anyone went upstairs. And they hadn’t, so the rooms were empty. The real danger was someone coming up in the elevator, and he was willing to take that chance.

  “The longer you wait, the more chance you have of being discovered.” He watched her process the probability of being discovered. “Do this for me. It’s not like you’ve never been naked before. I read about Rome.”

  “I wasn’t totally naked there, just down to bra and panties, and I’m not wearing any panties, if you remember.” Before he could say anything, she said, “Oh, what the hell.” She handed him her purse and wiggled out of her dress. His cock pounded with each jiggle, and he considered putting her up against the wall and taking her right there.

  He shook the idea away as he picked up her dress. “It’s nice to see you followed my instructions about not wearing panties. Good girl. Take your bra off. You can leave on your shoes and those lovely thigh-high stockings. We’ll have to find you a garter belt before we go to Laughlin.”


  “The longer you wait, the more chances there are of discovery.”

  Her gaze focused on a camera as she reached behind her back. “If one of your security guards posts this on the Internet, I’ll never forgive you.”

  Maddox took her bra and nodded. He didn’t need to tell her that he’d ordered the cameras on this floor to be turned off from six twenty to six forty-five. He glanced at his watch. That meant they had six minutes to get to his suite without her being seen.

  He reached into his pocket and withdrew a long silver chain, much like the ones he’d used on her the night before.


  “Spread your legs.”

  “No! Maddox, please, not out here.” She shook her head violently, and her refusal confused him. This certainly wasn’t the daredevil who had stripped in Rome while cameras rolled. “Listen, I was drunk that night, and that video made it everywhere, and my parents hated me, well, even more than they already hate me, and some people’s reactions, well…”


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