Desert Surrender

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Desert Surrender Page 11

by Melinda Barron

  “Clarissa!” She closed her eyes and counted to ten, praying what she’d just heard was a call for someone else with her name. But it wasn’t. She knew that voice. She opened her eyes to see Henry walking toward her as fast as possible without seeming like he was running.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” She held out her hand to stop his progress when he tried to close the gap between them. “Get away from me, Henry.”

  “What am I doing here? What are you doing in this…place? Your parents are worried sick. They’ve been trying to reach you for days.”

  She shrugged. “Good for them. And good for you, their loyal retriever; you found me. Now, let’s go to the kitchen, and I’ll ask the cook if he has a spare bone. You can take it and crawl back home.”

  Anger boiled inside her as she watched him shake his head. “Your father sent me to collect you, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  Her anger increased with each word. “How did you find me?”

  “Your credit card company, of course. They said there was a charge here that was immediately taken off. They became suspicious and tried to call you, and when they couldn’t reach you at your home or on your cell, they called your father.”

  “How dare they!”

  “Clarissa, the bank has his name as the person to call in case of emergency. You know that. They were worried someone had stolen your credit card.”

  She snorted, laughing when he looked around to see if anyone noticed her unladylike noise. “Yeah, thieves often charge something on a credit card, then have it taken off.”

  “They said there were also numerous charges at stores here in Las Vegas, and in Henderson.”

  Clarissa made a mental note to close that account and get a new credit card that her father wouldn’t have access to. The one she’d always used had originally been opened in his name, which was why the bank so readily gave him the information, she was sure.

  “Henry, you’ve done your duty. Tell my father I’m fine, and if I wanted to talk to him, I would have answered my phone. Maddox is showing me the time of my life, and I’m enjoying myself immensely. So shove off.” She pushed at him when he tried to close the gap again. “I mean it, Henry, get the hell away from me.” Her voice rose with each word, and people stopped to see what was going on.

  She strode around him and headed for the bar. Screw getting the car. She could have the concierge send Anna’s package out today. Right now she needed a drink. She had a nice, juicy erotic novel nestled in her purse. She’d sit and read and drink, and if she got bored, she’d take a walk down the strip or maybe play some slots.

  “Perry?” he said in disbelief as he followed her into bar. Clarissa signaled Nicole, the waitress who’d waited on her before. She held up her finger and mouthed the words, Butter baby.

  Nicole nodded, and Clarissa found an empty table and sat in one of the chairs. When Henry slid into the seat across from her, she groaned. “What did they teach you at Harvard? Did ‘get the hell away’ mean something there that it doesn’t mean here?”

  “Is that what this is about? Maddox Perry? He’s not a nice man, Clarissa. Your father is worried.”

  Nicole sat her drink on the table and turned to Henry. “Can I get you something?”

  “He’ll have a large ‘I was just getting the fuck out of here.’” Clarissa handed Nicole a ten-dollar bill. “Keep the change.”

  The waitress nodded and hurried toward the bar. Clarissa had no doubt that someone in the hotel, Nicole or one of the security guards who’d been in the lobby, was now reporting to Maddox that she was fighting with an unidentified man.

  “Listen to me very carefully, Henry. You have about ten seconds to get out of here before you’re wearing my drink. Understand?”

  “He’s been in jail; did he tell you that?”

  Her heart leaped in her chest, but she managed to control it, keeping her anger in check, something that was a minor miracle for her. Still, his words stung. He was lying. She and Maddox had bared their souls to each other last night. They’d talked about everything. Surely if he’d been in prison, he would have told her, wouldn’t he? He wouldn’t be able to get a gaming license if he had a record, would he? No, it was just another trick from her father, trying to get her to toe the line.

  “Go back to my father, Henry; tell him I’m a grown woman who can make her own choices. Right now my choice is Maddox Perry.”

  “I can’t believe you’d embarrass your family this way.” His voice sounded just like her father’s, and it turned her anger into rage. “Get your things, now, and—”

  “You can’t tell me what to do. Get the fuck away from me!” The room grew silent except for the bells and whistles drifting in from the casino. People turned to stare at them, and the hold she had on herself snapped. She picked up her drink and threw it in his face.

  He sputtered and stood quickly, brushing liquid from his shirt. “Clarissa!”

  She heard the telltale click of cell phone cameras as she turned to the table next to hers and grabbed their drinks. She tossed the first one in his face and was about to throw the second one when Maddox grabbed her wrist.

  “Enough.” He turned to Henry. “Mr. Isaacs, I think it’s best if you leave. Now.”

  “I’m not leaving without Clarissa,” he said, his voice deep.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you, asshole; don’t you get that yet?”

  Maddox inserted himself between them. “You may leave on your own, Mr. Isaacs, or I will have you escorted from the building. It’s your choice.”

  For a moment, she thought Henry would tell Maddox to go ahead and make him leave. He straightened his jacket and picked up a napkin, wiping his face. “This isn’t over.”

  He pushed his way out of the bar, and Clarissa watched two security guards fall into step behind him. Maddox turned to her and shook his head. “I can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I?” There was a smirk on his face and humor in his voice.

  The din in the bar rose as people discussed what just happened. Clarissa shrugged her shoulders. “He started it.”

  “Really? You don’t look wet.” He eyed the empty glasses on the table and glanced back at her. “He’s going to be looking for a way to catch you alone again, which means he’ll be waiting outside. If you want to leave, have Andrew paged. He’ll have my car brought round back and you can leave from there. I’d rather you not put yourself in his path again.”

  “That’s fine with me.” She put her hand on his arm. “This time I am sorry for causing a scene in your hotel.”

  “Don’t worry about it; you’ve heard the term even bad publicity is good publicity? Well, it’s true. It’ll be just fine.” He leaned toward her and kissed her gently, his lips lingering on hers. “Now behave until we’re ready to leave. Or I may have to spank you in front of all these nice people, really give them something to talk about.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She held up three fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

  “You were never a scout.”

  “You’re right, I wasn’t. How did you know?”

  “You’re using the wrong hand for the salute. It’s a dead giveaway.”

  Desert Surrender

  Chapter Ten

  Clarissa tightened her grip on the door handle, then reached for the window button, pulling her hand back at the last minute.

  “Would you like me to turn up the air?” She glanced over at Maddox, who expertly wove his way through traffic. “Or would you like to talk about your conversation with your father?”

  She shook her head. “Oh no, I think going through it the first time was plenty for me, thank you.”

  Her father had screamed at her at first, calming down only when she hung up and he had to call back. He’d called her ungrateful, berated her for embarrassing Henry, since there was now a video on the Internet of her throwing drinks in his face.

  “You were cussing like a drunken sailor,” he’d yelled. “Your mother is beside herself with grief.”
r />   Clarissa had resisted the urge to sing the old Irish ditty about what she could do with a drunken sailor. Instead she’d said, “You sent him, so this is your fault, not mine. Plus, you never should have shown Mother the video. It’s not my fault she saw it.” Her calm words set her father off again, reminding her that she “never took responsibility for her actions.”

  “They said you were in jail,” she said abruptly. “I know all they’re trying to do is discredit you. I told them it wasn’t true.”

  “You’re right, it’s not true. They had to dig deep for something resembling that. They must have forked out some good money for a PI. I was arrested once when I was eighteen after getting into a fight on the UNLV campus. I paid a fine, spent no time in jail. It was a misdemeanor. I’m not a felon, if that’s what you’re worried about.

  “It’s the only trouble I’ve ever been in. My father said it would be good for me, teach me to keep my nose clean. He was right.”

  She laughed, the first time she’d laughed since Henry had appeared, and it felt good. “That’s good to hear. I’m telling you the truth when I say I didn’t believe them. If I had, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “Good.” He put his hand on her knee and squeezed. “We have about an hour-and-a-half ride until we get to my house outside Laughlin. Why don’t you tell me, what’s really bothering you? Besides the incident with Henry this morning.”

  “It’s something you said last night. Why are they so caught up in my life? Why won’t they just leave me alone? Like you said, I’m of age, and it seems to me that they should have just given up by now. I didn’t really think of it until you said that last night. Now I have to wonder.”

  “You have money of your own, right?”

  “Yes, remember I came into my trust fund when I was twenty-five.”

  “Who did the money come from?”

  “From my mother’s parents. They died in a plane crash when I was five. They had trust funds set up for every one of their grandchildren. It was about four million apiece. Add onto that twenty years of interest, and it became a nice, tidy sum.”

  “I’ll say. Maybe I should turn around so you could put some of that money into the slot machines at my casino.”

  “You wish, buster. Keep driving.”

  “Buster,” he said. “Not sure I care for that name.”

  She put her hand on his thigh, inched it up to his crotch. “Shall I soften the sting of my words?”

  “Soften’s not a term I’d use right now.” He clasped her fingers and squeezed gently. “Keep your hands to yourself for the time being, missy.”

  The words “I’m sorry,” almost slipped from her mouth. She caught herself at the last minute and said, “I’ll try and do better next time, Master.”

  “Good girl.”

  The traffic wasn’t bad, and Clarissa settled into her seat to watch the scenery. It really was beautiful, with brown sand and green yuccas and bushes. Cacti dotted the landscape, and she marveled at the different shapes and types.

  “Let’s go over the rules, shall we?”

  She nodded, licking her lips. “What you say goes; isn’t that the rule?”

  “The main rule, yes. There are others. You will be naked at all times while at the house. If we are in Henderson, the same rules apply, but here, in the desert, you will remain naked indoors and out. The only thing you will wear is the training collar I put on you when we arrive and any chains or clamps I use. And sometimes shoes, depending on the activity.”

  She nodded slowly.

  “You will follow my commands at all times.”


  “You will refer to me as Master when we are alone.”

  “Got it.”

  “You will maintain eye contact with me when speaking, and when I tell you to remain silent, you will.”

  “Got that too.”

  “You will not climax without my permission.”

  “That one’s going to be tough. I come easily where you’re concerned.”

  His nod was barely perceptible. “I’ve noticed, and I like that. Just the same, you will learn to control it until I give permission. Understand?”

  “And if I don’t, do I have to draw a card?”

  “The card system will be used for punishment when I deem it necessary, yes.”

  She took a sip from the soft drink they’d stopped for. “What else?”

  “I want a submissive, Rissa, not a doormat. I expect you to retain your spirit while serving me.”

  “In other words, I don’t have to just lie there and take it.”

  “Exactly.” He exited onto another highway. “So many people think BDSM is about abuse or just being able to bend a person to your will. What it is, is an exchange of power that is mutually enjoyable for both parties. If you’re not enjoying it, neither will I. Which means if something bothers you, I expect you to tell me.”

  “Don’t worry, I will.”

  “Good. Now tell me the pickle story.”

  Clarissa snarfed her drink, the liquid going into her nasal cavity as she coughed and choked. When she was finally in control of herself again, she sniffed. “That came out of left field.”

  “The best way to get a reaction. I can beat it out of you, you know.” The humor in his voice made her laugh.


  “We’ll see.” He pulled off the highway onto a side road, riding a little ways on pavement before it turned to dirt. They bumped their way a little farther before coming to a gate. He hit a remote, and the gate opened. It closed after they drove through, and he went about a hundred yards and stopped the car.

  “I don’t see a house.”

  “It’s up a ways.” He switched the car off. “You need to get out and step to the front of the car.”

  Clarissa nodded, anxiety grabbing hold of her. This was it. The things they’d done until now hadn’t really been BDSM, just play BDSM. Now he would have control of her. Complete control. She could back out now. She knew she didn’t want to.

  She opened the door at the same time she heard his opening; then she stepped around to the front. “Take off your clothes. All of them.”

  It was still light outside, and she had no doubt this was private land. After what had happened today, she wouldn’t put it past some enterprising paparazzi to try and follow them and snap some pictures to make some money. Wouldn’t her parents love this?

  Undressing was easy. She pulled her sundress over her head, then unsnapped her bra and placed both items of clothing on the SUV.

  “Shoes too.”

  She looked down at the rocks in the road. There were a few, most of them small. He wasn’t planning on making her walk barefoot out here, was he? What had he said earlier? “I expect you to follow my commands.” She took off her shoes and placed them on the SUV, her feet now pressing into the dirt.

  “Hands on the car hood, legs spread.” That one was easy. “Back up just a little. More. More. There.”

  Clarissa felt very exposed now. Her breasts hung down, and her pussy and ass were on display for him.

  “Delicious. You’ve done very well, missy.”

  “Thanks, Master.” His chuckle made her smile.

  “Not exactly respectful. We’ll work on that.” He ran his finger up her spine. “Stand up, drop your hands to your side, leave your legs spread.”

  She exhaled nervously as he walked around, placing himself between her and the SUV. He held out a leather collar, wide with a silver D-ring in the middle. “Kiss it. Show me you accept my collar and your servitude toward me.”

  Clarissa swallowed hard, then looked into his eyes. They shone down on her with resolve and extreme desire that made her clit twitch. It’s just a training collar. He’s made that clear. You’ll be fine, and you know you want to do this. Try this.

  She leaned over and placed her lips on the leather, which was not as cool as she thought it would be. He stroked her hair with one hand as he held it close to her face with the other. “Good gir
l. Do you accept my training collar, missy?”

  “Yes, Master.” The words rushed out, and she didn’t regret them one bit.

  He placed the collar around her neck, doing the catch slowly. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small lock. He placed it on the catch and snapped it into place. He showed her the key, dangling from his finger.

  “I have the only key.” She nodded, and he turned the collar so the lock was in the back, the ring in the front. He reached into his pocket again and took out the chain he’d used on her pussy, then attached it to the D-ring. “This will change from time to time, depending on my mood. Sometimes I’ll attach your leash to your pussy, sometimes not.”

  Leash. She was on a leash. He had used it before, but this was different. Before it had seemed like play, since it had been attached to her clit ring. Now, with it attached to a collar around her neck, it felt permanent. It made her feel like Maddox’s pet. It was a feeling she hadn’t expected, but one that she definitely enjoyed.

  Was it just an adrenaline rush or was it something that would continue? Only time would tell, she knew.

  “Get back into the original position.”

  “Yes, Master.” She put her hands on the hood, bending and then spreading her legs.

  “Very nice,” he whispered, stroking her back. “Good girl. Do you remember this morning?”

  “What about it? When you fucked me or when I played with my pussy?”

  “When you disobeyed me.”

  “Oh, that part about this morning.” The clink of his belt buckle made her stiffen. “Yes, I remember.”

  “Five swats ought to do it, don’t you think? Sort of a ‘welcome to your new home, but sorry you disobeyed me this morning’ spanking.”

  She wasn’t so sure about the leather thing anymore. This morning, when she’d been hot and ready for action, it had sounded like an interesting idea. Now, standing naked out in the desert, she wasn’t so sure. “It sounds like you’re up for negotiations. How about two?”


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