Malevolent Hall 1666AD

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Malevolent Hall 1666AD Page 4

by Rosemary Lynch

  “Hey, who’s there?” she yelled, grabbing a broom and running out into the foyer. She was seriously beginning to think she was not alone, and Matilda gripped the broom handle tighter. Maybe there was a vagrant living in the building?

  With a cautious step, and moving towards the day lounge she pushed the door open, her breath held in her throat as she stepped inside. It was empty. She breathed and closed the door firmly. Moving past the front door, and heading along the rear hall, she opened her father’s study door and peered inside. Nothing, she closed it and moved on.

  The next door led into hers and Teddy’s playroom and to be perfectly honest she had been avoiding it like the plague. She adored her little brother, Edward junior, or Teddy as the family always called him. The guilt held within her heart over his death haunted her the most.

  As she lifted her hand to the doorknob, it shook.

  “Come on get a grip, Matilda,” she said to herself. “It’s just a stupid room.” After a moment of hesitation, she turned the knob and pushed the door open, it creaked, and cringing at the noise, she reached for the light and switched it on. Her eyes misted over at the sight of all their toys. One-half was full of Teddy’s cars, trucks and Lego bricks, the other her dolls, an empty painting easel and a desk. She took another step, and to her relief there was no one in here either. Lifting her hand and wiping her tears, her heart felt so heavy, this room was full of her brother, and for a second she actually thought she heard his laughter. Giving a shudder and hurrying out of the room, she closed the door firmly behind her, not able to face it.

  The last room was the dining room. She turned the knob, walked in, and stopped dead. Light streamed through the floor to ceiling arched windows, showing speckles of dust dancing in the air. The golden drapes were open and held back with large, black, and gold rope ties.

  “Oh no,” she wept, dropping the broom to the floor as her hands rose to her mouth. The room decorated for her birthday lunch, even had balloons, although now shrivelled, hanging from the ceiling. A Harry Potter tablecloth covered the oak dining table and streamers hung from the ceiling with a ‘Happy Birthday Matilda’ banner strung across the back wall. Presents sat on the table waiting for her and birthday cards piled high in the middle, along with decayed remnants of sandwiches, cakes, and other birthday treats presented on her mother’s best blue china.

  Matilda collapsed to her knees in a tormented heap, and wept, having had no idea her parents had done this for her. As far as she remembered, they were just having cake and then going to McDonalds.

  She felt a hand press her shoulder as if comforting her. Matilda’s heart leapt to her throat and spinning around she fell backwards onto her hands.

  “Who’s there?” she called, but her eyes saw no one and clambering to her feet moved further into the room. “Is there – someone in here?” she begged in a sob. The room remained silent. Glancing behind her to the gifts on the table and wiping her nose, and eyes with the back of her hand she picked one up.

  “To our darling Matilda, all our love Aunt May, and Uncle Joe xxxx”

  Her trembling hands opened it, her lips pursing together when she saw what was inside. Discarding the wrapping paper on the table and opening the book, she read, ‘First Edition’, and cried. Her Aunt must have searched and searched for this copy of Alice through the Looking Glass, and how much she must have paid for it, she dreaded to think.

  As a very young child, Alice through the Looking Glass had been her favourite story, reading it so many times that her own copy had worn away. Her fingers fumbled to open the note inside. It read.

  ‘Darling Matilda,

  This book is very special, just like you.

  xxxx (p.s don’t scribble on it!)’.

  Matilda gave a chuckle, as in her old book she coloured in some of the pages, the white rabbit she clearly remembered colouring blue when she was five years old.

  There were other present from friends of the family, but unable to bear the pain of opening them, she left them where they were. There were nameplates on the table, and picking one up it read, Emily, another, Rose, another, Jenny. Her parents must have invited her best friends to her birthday. She put them down thankful they were not here when the demon had attacked.

  She picked up the broom, took one last look at it all, and left, closing the door behind her. Her heart ached so much, as not only had she lost her family that day, Matilda lost her best friends too.

  She wandered back to the kitchen, having decided to clean up the mess and pop into town to do her shopping. Entering the kitchen, she stopped dead.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake what is going on!” she yelled to no one and shoving the broom back against the wall. The bags were full and tied, and sitting by the back door where she had left them previously. She lifted her hands to her head and groaned - this house was making her crazy. She grabbed her bag, coat, and van keys and left.

  Arriving in town just after ten and whizzing around the tiny supermarket, Matilda loaded her shopping into the boot. Remembering she needed to get a mop, and recalling seeing a hardware store when driving down the high street earlier, she nipped back into town.

  “Good morning,” she said, to the assistant at the till. The young girl looked up and smiled.

  “Morning,” the assistant replied.

  “I’m looking for a mop and bucket?” Matilda asked.

  “In the third aisle,” the assistant replied, pointing.

  “Thanks.” Matilda ventured to the third aisle and located the mops and buckets. She grabbed a blue set, along with some extra strong floor cleaner.

  “Is there a tearoom in the town?” she asked, pulling off her glove and paying for her shopping.

  “Yeah, Old Mrs Potts, right at the end of the high street,” she replied, pointing left of the door.

  “Great, thanks,” Matilda replied, taking her change and slipping back on her glove.

  She stuck the floor cleaner inside the bucket and left to look for the tearoom.

  Matilda eventually found it tucked back from the road, it was quaint, and double fronted with ‘Old Mrs Potts Tearoom’ written across the front. Pushing the door open, a bell tinged and a wave of heat covered her, the scent of coffee and toasted teacakes pleasuring her nose. Closing the door, she made her way to a table at the back of the shop and near to a warm roaring fire crackling away with a welcoming glow. Putting her mop and bucket down, she took off her coat, pulled off her gloves and sat down.

  Matilda perused the menu and decided on tea, and a piece of chocolate cake. Waiting for the server to take her order, she glanced around the room, observing a couple of elderly women having tea and cakes, and a young mother with her two children eating sandwiches. Her eyes stopped and settled on a woman about her age with short, cropped fiery red-hair, and a huge pregnant bump.

  “Are you ready to order?” a voice interrupted.

  Matilda looked up and the server tapped her order pad with a pencil.

  “Oh, yes, can I have a tea and a piece of chocolate cake please,” Matilda, replied. The server jotted it down and headed back to the kitchen.

  Matilda’s gaze turned back to the woman and her heart did a little skip. Was that Jenny Turner?

  For a minute, Matilda contemplated what to do, unsure if it was her old school friend, but if she were wrong, she could just apologise saying she had made a mistake.

  Matilda picked up her bag and walked to her.

  The woman looked up at her and for a moment, they stared at each other.

  “Matilda Rhiamon?” the woman asked, her eyes widening in disbelief.

  “Hello, Jenny,” Matilda replied with a huge smile.

  “Oh my God, it is you!” Jenny squealed standing and flinging her arms around her, as best she could with her huge pregnant bump. Matilda laughed hugging her back.

  “Oh my god, where have you been, how long have you been back?” Jenny rushed.

  “I got back yesterday, and as for where I have been that’s a long story,” M
atilda said.

  “Sit with me?” Jenny asked. Matilda nodded, and quickly went back to her table to collect her belongings.

  Sitting down, the old friends smiled at each, and then both went to speak at the same time.

  “You first,” Matilda laughed.

  “I still can’t believe it’s you, you look amazing. How long is it, ten years?”

  “Eleven,” Matilda replied.

  “Eleven, gosh are you back for good?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I inherited the old hall, and it’s the first time I’ve been back since, since, well you know,” she said, lowering her eyes to the table. Jenny’s hand reached across the table and placing it over Matilda’s she squeezed.

  “I never even had a chance to tell you how sorry I was. You just vanished overnight and it was nearly a week until I found out that you were still alive. I thought you had died too.”

  “Oh Jen, I’m sorry. I had nothing when they took me to London, no phone numbers, no addresses and I just couldn’t bring myself to come back here until now. It’s been too difficult – too painful.”

  “I understand, I’m just so glad you’re here now,” she said with a smile.

  “Hey what about you, when are you due?”

  “In four weeks,” Jenny replied.

  “So who’s the lucky fella, anyone I know?” Jenny shook her head.

  “No I met Jase when I was at college. We got married last year, my new name is Mrs Cravell,” she said with a grin. “We weren’t quite expecting to have a family quite so soon, but were both really excited.”

  “I bet you are. Oh, Jen, it’s so great to see you,” Matilda said, and looking at her old friend tears welled in her eyes.

  The server placed her tea and cake in front of her.

  “Thank you,” Matilda said, glancing up to her. Jenny looked at her watch and frowned.

  “Look, Tilly I’m really sorry to cut and run but I have to go to my doctor’s appointment now, but can we catch up tomorrow?”

  “Sure, why don’t you pop over to the Hall in the morning for coffee?” Matilda suggested. Jenny rose to her feet, and moved to her side. Matilda stood.

  “I can’t wait,” Jenny said, throwing her arms around her and hugging her. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too,” Matilda replied, releasing her and waving as Jenny left the teashop.

  Matilda sipped her tea, still not quite believing she bumped into Jenny, especially after just seeing her nameplate on her birthday table. She had very few friends; in fact, she didn’t really have any except for Mike - well he was kind of a friend.

  Chapter Four

  Mike drove through the gates and stopped the van. He turned to his dog sitting on the passenger seat.

  “Now stay there,” he said with emphasis, pointing to the seat, and giving him a look with his eyes. The dog tilted his head to one side and barked. Mike jumped out, his booted feet splashing in a puddle as he landed with a thud. As he walked towards the lorry following behind him, he scratched the back of his head. Even though, he measured the width between the two gate columns, he was still a little anxious as he watched the lorry manoeuvre its way through.

  “Left,” Mike yelled, his hands beckoning the driver as he began to walk backwards. “Stop, okay, forward, keep it straight.” With inches to spare, the lorry carrying his portacabin squeezed through. After letting out a relieved breath, he gave the driver a ‘thumbs up’ and hurried back to his van. He opened the door.

  “Parker, move,” he said, his dog now sitting in the driver’s seat. The collie jumped back into the passenger seat, and Mike climbed into his van. He gave Parker’s head an affectionate rub and started the van. That was the biggest in the convoy of lorries and cars following behind him so he knew there would be no problem with the others. He slipped the van into first gear and continued along the long weed ridden drive.

  As he pulled up outside Malevolent Hall Mike took in a deep breath, not sure if he was trembling because he was going to see Matilda again or because of that damned Hall. He never told Matilda about the voices and the shadows he heard and saw when he was at the Hall the last time. None of his men had heard or seen anything, so he tried to convince himself he had been imaging it.

  Parker barked and Mike gave him a gentle stroke, his finger twirling on the scruff of the dog’s neck.

  “Yeah, I know boy, back to this creepy old Hall.”

  Eleven years ago, something happened to him here he was unable to explain and he had never spoken to anyone about it. Mike spent years trying to find Matilda, the girl who survived the murders. When she unexpectedly contacted his father’s company and asked if he would renovate the hall, he knew fate had brought them back together.

  The day he first met her to discuss the renovation plans, it was as if his eyes opened for the very first time. Her very presence enchanted him and sent his heart into a crazy spin. Now, he had the opportunity to be with her over the next eight to twelve months; he would be able to get to know her better, find out more about her, and the tragedy that befell her and her family. He had a sense of familiarity with Matilda, of purpose of destiny. Mike was certain today was just the beginning of something that would change his and Matilda’s life forever.


  Matilda got back just after 11.30 and quickly put away her shopping. At twelve o’clock prompt, Mike and his team began to arrive and the front drive was soon in chaos as it filled with cars and lorries. From the door, she watched Mike guide the crew as they lowered two static caravans in place on the front lawn. On seeing three Portaloos Matilda was glad she was not going to have to share her one toilet with around twenty men.

  Mike was twenty-five, quite young for a construction manager, or so she thought. She knew his age as he had invited her to his twenty-fifth birthday bash a couple of months ago. It was there Matilda found out that his father had started the construction company over twenty years ago and at his sudden passing two years ago, Mike had taken over the family business. He lost his mother a year before that, so he was wealthy in his own right after inheriting not only the family business, but also a substantial sum of money from his parents.

  Matilda found he had no airs or graces. Instead, he was down to earth, polite, and conscientious, and she knew as soon as she met him that he was what the Hall needed. Her eyes followed his every move as he calmly co-ordinated the arrival of even more trucks. He was tall; around six foot two, with dark wavy hair, a strong, but not overly muscly physique, and he had the most gorgeous hazel eyes that Matilda thought shone like stars.

  She ran her hands through her hair, tidying and smoothing it down as he started towards her.

  “Hi, Matilda, all ready for us?” Mike asked with a grin as he climbed the steps to the porch. Parker sniffed at the stonework as he followed behind.

  Leaning on the doorframe, her eyes took him in. He wore blue denim jeans, and a thick, black cable-knit jumper. A yellow hardhat covered his dark hair and steal-capped boots thudded up the steps as he came towards her.

  The dead plants, shrivelled to a stump in the terracotta plant pots on the window ledge beside her, suddenly grew and burst into flower as her heart swelled at the sight of him.

  “Yep,” she said, greeting him with a smile and inhaling deeply as his aftershave wafted over her. “Hi ya, Parker,” she said, squatting down and fussing the dog. Giving a chuckled as he licked her face, she kissed the top of his head. “Oh, I got the Aga working this morning,” she said glancing up at him.

  “Great, see I said it would work,” he replied with a grin, watching her fuss his dog. He stopped in front of her.

  As she rose to her feet, he caught her eyes with his and they were the most amazing shade of green. Deep and thoughtful and at the same time mysterious and sexy and for a second or two he was unable to look away. Mike swallowed as a rush of arousal washed through him.

  “Do you think you could check the chimney in the kitchen?” she asked, sweeping a loose curl behind her ear as hea
t rose to her face at his gaze.

  “Of course, no problem,” he said, giving her a smile that made her stomach flutter. He lifted his hard hat and swept his fingers through his dark hair, it was a simple move, yet so sexy.

  “I’ll take a look now if you like,” he added, plonking his hat back on.

  “Um, really, oh okay, thanks that would be great,” she replied, clearing her throat after regaining her composure.

  “In return for a cuppa,” he added, with a rise of both his eyebrows at her in expectation.

  “I knew there would be a catch,” she groaned sarcastically.

  “I’ll just go and grab my torch, back in a sec. Come on, Parker.” He turned and hurried down the steps, his dog at his heels.

  Watching him, Matilda took a deep breath - it wasn’t only the hall that needed him, the more she saw of Mike the more she longed for him. He disappeared into his van and leaving the door ajar, she walked back to the kitchen. Filling the kettle, Matilda grabbed a couple of mugs out the cupboard. After pouring in the milk, she chucked in a couple of teabags.

  “Erm, do you think it would be too much trouble?” Mike asked from behind her. She spun around, and in his hands, he carried a bowl full of mugs.

  “No, of course not, how many are there?” she asked, with a laugh in her voice and a shake of her head.

  “Seventeen please,” he replied, plonking the bowl containing the mugs and a pint of milk on the worktop. Matilda busied herself making the tea.

  “What the hell happened here?” Mike asked as his eyes took in the burned boiler.

  “It caught fire, last night,” she said, sneaking Parker a biscuit. The dog wagged its tail in appreciation as he woofed it down.

  “What? Oh my God, are you okay?” he asked with concern as he examined the old boiler.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. There was an old extinguisher in the cupboard under the sink.”

  “I’m so sorry. It looked fine when we checked it over,” he apologised.

  “Don’t worry about it, it was old,” she replied, watching him as he continued to examine the damage. He shook his head walking to her.


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