CJ Box

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  4 AT THE SAME TIME, IN SADDLESTRING, WYOMING, MARYBETH Pickett saw the last thing she wanted to see through the living room window: her mother’s full-sized black Hummer as it roared into the driveway. The grille, a mouthful of chrome canine teeth, stopped inches from the back of Marybeth’s parked minivan. “Crap,” Marybeth said. “Excuse me?” Marybeth turned quickly from the window and felt her face flush. “I’m sorry,” she said into the telephone to Elizabeth Harris, the vice principal of Saddlestring High, “I didn’t mean you. I just saw something outside that . . . alarmed me.” “Goodness, what?” “A predator,” Marybeth said, immediately sorry she had voiced it. Harris said, “I read in the paper where people in town have been seeing a mountain lion. Did you see it?” “No, I was mistaken,” Marybeth said, and quickly moved on. “But you were saying?” What Harris was saying was that April Keeley, their fifteen-year-old foster daughter, was absent again for her math tutor. It was the third time she hadn’t shown up since summer makeup courses had begun the week before, she said. “This is news to me,” Marybeth said acidly. “I should have been informed before this.” “It sort of fell through the cracks,” Harris said. “We’re short-staffed in the summer and we thought you’d been called.” “I haven’t been.” “Obviously, we know she has plenty of making up to do,” the vice principal said, lowering her voice to sharing-a-conspiracy level. “We’re fully aware of her . . . difficulties

  . But if we want April to be able to be competent with her classmates at the ninth-grade level—and we do—she needs to be there on time and prepared to complete the remedial coursework before the school year begins.” “I’m sorry,” Marybeth said. “I had no idea. I mean, she left for school on time after breakfast. . . .” She recalled two of April’s friends, Anne Kimbol and Michelle McNamara, standing shoulder-to-shoulder together on the front porch waiting for April and clutching their math textbooks. Those girls were trouble. She looked up to see Sheridan, eighteen, standing in the threshold of the hallway in her maroon polyester Burg-O-Pardner smock, about to go to work for the afternoon. The logo for the restaurant—a hamburger wearing a cowboy hat and boots with spurs, and holding a carton of their special Rocky Mountain oysters—was on a patch above her breast pocket. Sheridan, like Marybeth, was blond and green-eyed and serious. Sheridan wanted to save some money for her senior year in high school, and she’d discovered to her surprise she was a pretty good waitress. She was juggling her part-time job with “optional” summer basketball practice. Sheridan played forward for the Saddlestring Lady Wranglers. Although she had her mother’s concentration and determination to make it all work, her basketball coach—a venal, sideline-strutting peacock of a man who interpreted Sheridan’s job and other interests as a personal affront to him

  and his potential success—had threatened to take her out of the starting lineup if she missed another practice. The coach, she thought, would make her senior year in high school miserable. Sheridan had overheard her mother and mouthed, “April, again?” Marybeth nodded to her daughter and said to the vice principal, “I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. I’ll drive her there myself if I need to and watch her go inside. I’ll deliver her to the classroom if necessary. And the good news is my husband will be back next week for good. If I can’t bring April in, I’ll ask Joe to do it. He’s used to shuttling kids.” And thought, Wherever he

  is. That he hadn’t called the night before still bothered her. There were so many things she needed to tell him, so many things they needed to talk about, starting with the fact their foster daughter’s behavior was spinning out of control. Mrs. Harris thanked Marybeth and said something about the unseasonably warm weather, and Marybeth nodded with distraction as if the vice principal could see her, said “Bye,” and disconnected the call. She placed the phone in the charger and asked Sheridan, “What is she doing, that girl? Where is she going and who is she with?” Putting Sheridan into the tough decision of ratting out her foster sister or maintaining the shared silence of the sisterhood. “Do you know what’s going on?” Marybeth asked. “It’s for her own good. . . .” Sheridan took a deep breath and prepared to say something when Missy knocked sharply on the front door. “Later,” Sheridan said. Marybeth thought she knew what was going on: Sheridan and April were battling. And it was going beyond normal sibling rivalry into full-fledged war. In the past year, Sheridan had assumed the old pecking order—with her in the top spot because she was the oldest and most responsible for April’s return—would resume. But April had come back with a trunk full of adult trauma and experience with which she challenged Sheridan. And everyone else. It was not the idyllic situation Marybeth had assumed it would be. And, Marybeth thought, as April herself thought it would be. “For now,” Marybeth said dourly. “Later, we talk.” She gestured to the front door. “Would you please let her in?” Sheridan welcomed the reprieve and shouted over her shoulder to her thirteen-year-old sister, “Lucy, there’s somebody here for you!” and ducked back down the hallway with a satisfied smirk. “I WAS SURPRISED to see your car home on a Wednesday,” Missy said, sweeping into the house with a kind of full-sized presence that belied her sixty-four years and petite figure. She wore a black silk pantsuit embroidered with the silhouettes of dragons, a purchase from China when she’d attended the 2008 Summer Olympics with her fifth husband, Earl Alden, known as the “Earl of Lexington,” who was a multimillionaire media mogul with a ranch outside of town and homes all over the world. With each husband, Missy had traded up. Her last husband, Bud Longbrake, had lost his ranch to her in the divorce when he’d discovered the handover was in small print in the prenuptial agreement he’d signed when he and Missy got married. “I took the day off,” Marybeth said, looking around for either of her daughters for help or support. But Sheridan had slipped out the back to go to work and Lucy was hiding behind the door she’d been tricked to open to let her grandmother in. “Joe will be back the first of next week, as you know. I’ve been putting boxes of the girls’ things in his office and I needed to clean it all up.” “Oh,” Missy said, “Joe. I’d so

  forgotten about him. I’ve gotten used to just you and the girls.” “I’ll bet,” Marybeth said. “There you are!” Missy said, turning and seeing Lucy behind her before her granddaughter could slither across the wall and dart up the stairs undetected. “Hi, Grandma Missy,” Lucy said. Missy enveloped Lucy in her arms, but turned her head slightly so her makeup wouldn’t smear on her granddaughter’s shoulder. Marybeth was startled to see Lucy was nearly the same height and build as her mother after a summer of fierce growth. Missy said to Lucy, “How’s my favorite granddaughter?” “I’m fine,” Lucy said, forcing a girlish smile she reserved for photographs and her grandmother. “Please, Mom . . .” Marybeth said. “You know what I mean,” Missy said, dismissing her. The animosity between Sheridan and her grandmother had almost reached the level of acrimony as that between Joe and Missy. So Missy no longer made an effort to pretend that she didn’t prefer Lucy. Like Missy, Lucy went for fine clothing and fine things. Missy disapproved of Sheridan’s nascent interest in falconry and science and her lack of interest in all things Missy. To Lucy, Missy said, “And are you wearing that silk dress I brought you from Paris? The electric blue one?” “School hasn’t started yet,” Lucy said. “But I will.” Missy nodded with satisfaction. Marybeth knew Lucy was fibbing. Lucy’d told her she was embarrassed by the dress. That it might as well have had MY GRANDMOTHER IS RICH embroidered on the back of it. That she’d never

  wear something like that to a seventh-grade dance. She’d also confessed she was getting more and more embarrassed in general by her grandmother, who sometimes acted as if they were contemporaries as well as allies. Marybeth still bristled at the memory of Lucy telling her Missy had said one of the bonds between them included the fact they “shared common enemies.” Meaning Marybeth and Joe. Marybeth thought, Not now

  . . . I don’t have time for this

  . MARYBETH’S business management company, MBP, had recently been purchased
by a local accounting firm looking to widen its base. They’d retained her to run the company for a year while they incorporated her employees and contracts into the firm. Now that Joe was being sent home, it should have been the best of all worlds. But it wasn’t. Managing the sale of her business, the transition into a larger and entrenched company, the running of the household with three teenage girls, and Joe’s yearlong absence had become almost unbearable. It was as if she were overseeing three full-time operations at once, she thought, and no one seemed to realize or appreciate the pace and scope of her responsibilities. Even Joe, who at least tried. The last time they’d talked, two nights ago over a scratchy satellite phone, Marybeth had declared that she was considering taking up heavy drinking. Joe had said, “You’re kidding, right?” They sat on opposite sides of the dining room table. Her mother reached across and grasped her hand and said, “You haven’t heard a word I’ve been saying, have you?” “I thought you were talking to Lucy,” Marybeth said. “No, Lucy managed to slip away,” Missy said, through a pearly-cold smile. “She’s never going to wear that blue dress, is she?” “Mom, I don’t know

  ,” Marybeth said with a sigh. “It’s not a trivial matter. I can sense her slipping away from me. Perhaps due to the influence of her older sister and her father.” “Please, not now.” Missy pulled her hand away and sat back in her chair. Missy had always won battles by withdrawing her affection. It worked almost every time. She knew her beauty—and now her wealth—gave her power over others. Missy dramatically studied Marybeth over the rim of her coffee cup. Marybeth anticipated what was coming. “You’re killing yourself,” her mother said, putting the cup down. “I hate seeing what I’m seeing. You have weary eyes, and I can see wrinkles where I’ve never seen them before. There, on the corners of your mouth from fretting. Now I hear through the grapevine you’re thinking of buying a new house.” “What grapevine?” Marybeth said, not answering the question. The down payment the accounting firm had paid for MBP was enough for them to look seriously for a new home outside of town, where Joe wanted to live. He’d never liked their house in town even though he refused to admit it. Marybeth wanted to have her horses accessible again, and to wake up with the possibility of seeing wildlife. Removing April from easy contact with whatever kids she was hanging around with would be a plus as well, she thought. Lucy would miss suburban living and access to her friends and social whirl, and Marybeth hadn’t told her about a possible move. “No one buys property in this county without The Earl or me hearing about it,” Missy said. “You should know that by now.” Missy and Earl Alden had combined their ranches and were now the largest landowners in Twelve Sleep and Big Horn counties. Joe had recently speculated Missy would likely be looking to add to her holdings now that she had access to Alden’s millions, and would likely soon acquire a Third World country. Missy said, “It just saddens me that . . .” “You don’t have to finish,” Marybeth said sharply and showed her palm as if saying Stop

  . “I know what you’re going to say.” Said Missy, “I’m sure you do. It’s just that you had—and have—such promise. And here you are . . .” Marybeth set her cup down with enough force that both women looked to see if she’d cracked it. “If you want to continue down this road with me right now, I’ll have to ask you to leave,” Marybeth said, keeping her voice even. “I’m not kidding.” Missy appraised her coolly. “I know you’re not.” “So what do you need, Mom? I mean, it’s nice you dropped by and all, but I took the day off of work so I could get some things done around here. I’m on edge waiting for Joe to call. And I know you well enough to guess that you didn’t just drop by to have my cheap coffee.” Missy nodded. “I do wish you would serve that coffee I brought you from Africa.” “Okay, that’s it,” Marybeth said angrily, pushing away from the table. “Please, sit down,” Missy said. “I’m sorry I said that. Everything I say seems to come out as an insult, even when I don’t intend it to come out that way. Please sit down.” Marybeth glared at her mother, pointedly looked at the clock above the stove, then back. Meaning, You’ve got five minutes. Missy said, “I’ll get to the point. You know that friend of yours—Nate? The falconer who got in so much trouble a while back? I need to talk with him.” “Why do you want to talk to Nate Romanowski?” Marybeth said, surprised. Missy didn’t break her gaze. She never

  broke her gaze. “Do I really have to spell it out?” “Yes, you do.” “Well, actually, The Earl thought of him,” Missy said, sipping and trying to conceal the displeasure she got from the last swallow of her daughter’s coffee. “I was thinking I’d take care of the problem myself.” “What problem?” “Bud.” “What about Bud? He’s a ruined man. You ruined him. Why pick on Bud Longbrake?” Missy said, “He can’t let go. He can’t move on. He just stays in Saddlestring and drinks the Stockman’s Bar dry every night. He tells anyone who will listen his pathetic story and he says terrible things about The Earl and especially me. He’s like a cancer.” “A cancer you caused,” Marybeth said. “Mom, you broke his heart and stole

  his ranch.” Missy made a tut-tut sound with her tongue. “The transfer was perfectly legal, sweetie. Men are so emotional these days. I long for the time when men were tough and stoic. Now all they do is cry and whine and vomit out their feelings

  . What happened to our warriors? Where have all the cowboys gone, Marybeth?” Marybeth was speechless. “Anyway,” Missy said, changing tack, “lately, Bud’s been calling the ranch and my cell phone. He’s threatening me. I want to hire Nate Romanowski to scare him off.” “Nate doesn’t do things like that,” Marybeth said, alarmed. Missy smiled. “Then there are obviously things about your friend that you don’t know all that well. You see, The Earl had some research done.” Marybeth looked at the clock above the stove. “I’ve got to get some work done now. You’ve got to go home.” “I’m not asking you to do anything to Bud,” Missy said. “All I’m asking is for you to pass along a message to Mr. Romanowski that I’d like to speak with him.” “I don’t see Nate anymore,” Marybeth said. “He’s in hiding. There are federal warrants out on him, Mom,” she said, practically pleading. Missy was undeterred. “Your husband talks to him. And Sheridan still does, doesn’t she?” “I don’t know,” Marybeth lied. Missy lowered her head slightly and smiled woman-to-woman. “Marybeth, if anyone can get Mr. Romanowski’s attention, it’s you. Do you forget what you told me a few years ago?” Marybeth sighed and shook her head. “You never fail to disappoint. That’s why I don’t confide in you anymore, Mom. It’s like handing you bullets to use on me at a later date.” “That’s a cruel thing to say. By the way, did Joe ever know?” Marybeth’s voice got hard. “Nothing happened

  . Besides, Joe and I don’t keep secrets from each other.” Missy chuckled and shook her head. “Oh, dear, you still have so much to learn.” “I have to get to work,” Marybeth said, pushing away from the table. “Besides, Nate’s in love these days. He’s different. He’d never consider your proposition.” “Honey,” Missy said, “how do you think he makes a living? Haven’t you ever wondered about that?” Marybeth had. But like Joe, she never wanted to find out. “Let Nate make up his own mind,” Missy said. “He’s got a mind of his own, doesn’t he?” Marybeth refused to respond. “Just pass along the word,” Missy said, standing up. “That’s all we ask. Tell him we’ll make it more than worthwhile for him. You know The Earl. He’s fed up with Bud, and money’s no object. As for Nate, my understanding is his lady love has a toddler she’s raising on a teacher’s salary. I’m sure she could use some support.” Marybeth snatched both cups from the table and took them to the sink so she could keep her back to her mother. “You owe me this one,” Missy said quietly. “Don’t forget what we’ve done for Vicki, the girl you pawned off on us last year. Vicki is getting the very best of care, thanks to us.” Marybeth closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Vicki was a foster child who’d entered their lives and needed extensive mental and physical treatment. Marybeth had only one place to turn: Missy. Since then, a pair of grandparents had shown up
and offered to take Vicki in when she completed treatment, but Missy still paid the bills. Marybeth knew at the time she was handing her mother more bullets. “Thank you for the coffee,” Missy said. “Have Nate call me on my cell.” Marybeth didn’t turn around. She heard her mother call good-bye to Lucy down the hallway and go outside. In a moment, the motor on the black Hummer roared to life. WHEN THE PHONE RANG she snatched it off the cradle, expecting Joe’s voice. Instead, a man said, “May I please speak to Mr. Joseph Pickett?” “This is Marybeth Pickett. Who may I ask is calling?” The man identified himself as Dr. Vincent DeGrasso of the Rimrock Extended Care Facility in Billings, Montana. Marybeth felt a chill sweep through her. “Joseph’s father is George Pickett, correct?” “Yes.” DeGrasso obviously made these kinds of calls often. “I hate to call with bad news, Mrs. Pickett, but Joseph’s father has taken a serious turn. Somehow, he convinced a friend to smuggle in a half gallon of vodka last Sunday, and from what we can tell he drank it all in one sitting. The alcohol reacted with his medication and he went into toxic shock. Right now he’s in the ICU and his organs are shutting down.” Marybeth closed her eyes. “How long?” “We doubt he’ll last the week. Even if we can keep him alive, he’s not ever going to be lucid or functional again. A decision needs to be made.” “My God.” “There was a moment of consciousness this morning,” DeGrasso said. “George asked for his son. He seemed to realize it was his last request.”


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