Loving Spirit

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by Linda Chapman


  Linda Chapman lives in Leicestershire with her family and two dogs. When she is not writing, she spends her time looking after her three children, reading, talking to people about writing, and horse riding whenever she can.

  You can find out more about Linda on her websites at lindachapman.co.uk and lindachapmanauthor.co.uk

  Books by Linda Chapman

  Loving Spirit




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  First published 2010

  Text copyright © Linda Chapman, 2010

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  ISBN: 978-0-141-93209-5

  Listen and I will speak

  Ask and I will answer

  Table of Contents

  Spirit …

  Two months earlier …

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sunset …

  Special Thanks …

  Spirit …

  The grey horse and Ellie faced each other in the stable. The horse was still, his long forelock falling over his eyes. His mane, once so tangled, reached halfway down his neck. He snorted quietly, the curved tips of his pricked ears almost meeting. Ellie felt a rush of intense love as she looked at him, love so sharp it almost hurt.

  Mine, she thought. For always.

  She and the horse belonged together. They had from the first moment they’d met. Ellie breathed in and out, calming and centring herself, letting her own unhappiness go, sending out great waves of affection.

  I’m here, she told the horse in her mind. I love you. I’ll listen.

  Stretching out his muzzle, the grey horse touched her hands. A stream of vivid images flooded into Ellie’s head – the horse being ridden up a stony track, one shoe missing, tack stiff with grease and sweat. She could feel her own back aching, just as his had with the large man riding him. She winced as she felt the reins pull back and the metal bit bang into his teeth. She heard the cursing from the rider and the swish of the stick as it lashed down. The horse’s confusion and pain broke over her. Why was the man hitting him? Why was he shouting?

  Please stop. Please. I’m trying …

  She was lost in the horse’s memories and feelings. Outside the stable, the wind blew down from the high peaks of the mountains, bending the bare branches of the trees and blowing up the fleeces of the black-faced sheep that huddled together near the stone walls. Wet flakes of sleet started to fall from the heavy sky, but in the stable Ellie didn’t notice. The rest of the world had faded away. It was just her and her horse …

  Two months earlier …

  Chapter One

  The estate car chugged along the steep, narrow lane, its green paint hidden beneath layers of mud. Ellie Carrington sat in the front, her feet jostling for space with old drink cans, empty sandwich packets, a grooming brush with hardly any bristles left and a frayed red headcollar. She hugged her arms over her chest and stared out of the window at the hilly countryside they were driving through.

  Falling-down stone walls divided the fields, topped with loose strands of barbed wire. Many of the fields were bare and empty. In others, sheep grazed the short grass, their fleeces a dirty grey-brown colour, their backs turned against the wind. In the fields lower down the mountains, a few shaggy cattle were grazing.

  I hate it, thought Ellie bleakly, looking at the snow-capped peaks to her left. I hate it here.

  An image of the lush meadows and the rolling hills of her home in New Zealand filled her mind. Not home. Her grey-blue eyes prickled as the thought slammed into her. Not any more.

  She stared fixedly out of the window and began to wind a strand of her long, wavy blonde hair round her index finger, counting in her head with each turn. By the time she reached seven, the band of hair was beginning to cut off the feeling in her finger, but thankfully the tears had started to sink down inside her again and she was back to just feeling numb. Numb was good. It was better than hurting. In the last six months she’d learnt lots of little ways like that to stop herself crying.

  The day her life had changed seemed both like yesterday but also a lifetime away. She’d been at the stables where she kept her pony, Abbey, and where her mum kept her three horses. She’d been there with her best friend, Rachel. Ellie’s parents had gone away for the weekend together, so she’d arranged to stay with Rachel that night. But from the moment Rachel’s mum had arrived at the yard, much earlier than arranged, Ellie had known that something was wrong. She knew she would never forget the words Rachel’s mum had said: Ellie, honey. There’s been an accident …

  She had gone on to explain how a truck had skidded across the road that Ellie’s mum and dad were driving along. Their car had been hit and they had both died instantly.

  Ellie could barely remember the months following. They were just a blur, moving out of her house, selling the horses, the discussions over where she should live. Her dad had been English, and had an older brother, Len, who lived in England still. Her mother was an only child from New Zealand. At first, Ellie went to live a short distance away with her New Zealand grandma, but she was old and not very well. A month ago her gran had fallen and needed a serious hip operation, and it had been decided that Ellie would move to England to live with Len at the start of the next year.

  ‘It’ll be the best thing for you, sweetheart,’ her grandma had said. ‘You’ll be with your uncle and cousin – Joe’s sixteen, only a year and a half older than you, and you’ll be living on a horse farm. Your uncle shows horses and ponies. Think how much you’ll like that.’

  Ellie had loved horses ever since she could remember, but even the thought of living with horses wasn’t enough to persuade her. ‘I don’t care. I don’t want to go to England. I want to stay here with you. I can help look after you, Gran. Don’t send me away,’ she’d begged.

  She’d heard the unhappiness in her gra
n’s voice. ‘The doctor says I’ll be in hospital for a long while and then a nursing home. You have to go, Ellie. I’m sorry.’

  None of Ellie’s arguments had made the slightest difference. Her grandmother and the other people in charge of her parents’ will had decided it was best that she went to live in England. She was fourteen and had no power to change their minds.

  So here I am, Ellie thought, staring desolately out of the window.

  She thought of Abbey, her pony, who had been sold, and a lump started to form in her throat. They had found a good home for the mare with two young girls – really she had become too small for Ellie in the last year and would have had to be sold anyway, but Ellie had thought she would get another pony. Now she had nothing. Just herself and her suitcases.

  She looked across at her Uncle Len. His face was lined and weather-beaten, his hair cut so short he almost looked bald. His eyes were the same grey-blue as Ellie’s, but they were hard. He hadn’t said much to her when he’d collected her at the airport, just looked her up and down as she came through customs with the flight attendant who had been looking after her. ‘You got here all right then?’ he’d said in his gruff accent.

  Ellie hadn’t really known what to say to that. It wasn’t a proper question. Of course she’d got there, otherwise she wouldn’t be standing in front of him. Desperately miserable, she’d just nodded.

  ‘Car’s this way.’ He’d signed the flight attendant’s forms, taken the handle of her trolley and then set off towards the car park.

  The flight attendant had called goodbye. Ellie thanked her and then hurried after her uncle.

  She studied him now across the car. She had never heard much about Uncle Len; she just knew that her dad, who had been four years younger, had never really got on with him. They had written once a year at Christmas, but otherwise hadn’t kept in touch and never visited each other. Her dad had gone to university, become a vet and then moved to New Zealand, whereas her uncle had left school as soon as he could, gone to work at a racing yard and now had his own stables in north Derbyshire near to where they had both grown up. The only thing the two of them seemed to have in common was that they had both chosen to work with animals. Looking at her uncle’s set face, Ellie felt glad that he wasn’t more like her dad; it would have been much harder to be with him if she was reminded of Dad all the time. She missed both her parents so intensely – her energetic, bubbly mum who had been a kindergarten teacher, and her quieter, more thoughtful father. She had often travelled around with him as he had done his vet rounds, seeing the animals, helping out. She stopped her thoughts there as the tears threatened again.

  Len seemed to sense her gaze and glanced across. Ellie dropped her eyes to her lap. But now eye contact had been made, the silence suddenly seemed to fill the car.

  ‘How … how many horses do you have?’ she asked, to break it.

  ‘Twenty-nine on the yard, some liveries, some mine,’ he answered. ‘You ride, don’t you?’

  She nodded.

  ‘Then you’ll ride the smaller ponies for me,’ he said. ‘You’re a good size for them.’

  ‘Ponies?’ Ellie echoed.

  ‘Four-legged creatures, head at one end, tail at the other, hay goes in, muck comes out.’

  Ellie’s cheeks coloured. From some people the comment might have been a joke, but her uncle didn’t seem the joking sort.

  ‘You’ll have to make yourself useful if you’re staying with me,’ he went on. ‘You’ll work just like everyone else. You’ll ride the ponies in the shows and when we have buyers round, and then you’ll work on the yard like we all do.’

  Ellie disliked the tone of his voice, but she had no energy to fight right then. She just wanted to be left alone. She shrugged, wrapping her arms tighter around herself.

  Her uncle turned his gaze back to the road.


  After another twenty minutes of driving through small villages with grey stone houses, the road twisted round a corner and began to head downwards again. There was a town just visible in the valley below. Len pointed across the fields to the left where there was an old farmhouse nestling beneath a ridge of bare-branched trees on the mountainside. ‘That’s it,’ he said. ‘That’s your new home.’

  Ellie swallowed at the word as her eyes took in the farmhouse. It was three storeys high. There was a large courtyard of stables and two big horse barns with stalls inside. Behind the barns the land had been levelled and there was an outdoor all-weather ring and a field with bright jumps in, the only splash of colour on the green and grey landscape. She could see horses and ponies grazing on the hillsides, wearing waterproof rugs and hoods over their necks.

  Len turned the car down a bumpy lane with a white and black sign saying High Peak Stables. As the car jolted over the rough pot-holed surface, Ellie looked at the house looming ahead and shivered. It looked very lonely.

  The drive ended in a tarmacked parking area with two horseboxes, a trailer, a motorbike and a few cars. There was a smaller outdoor school at the end of it. A dark bay pony with a white star was being trotted around. His ears were pricked and his eyes soft. The boy who was riding looked too big for the pony, but he was slimly built and he rode lightly. Sitting down in the saddle, he moved the pony into a flowing canter.

  Despite her unhappiness, Ellie couldn’t help but catch her breath. The pony reminded her slightly of Abbey, who had been a dark bay with a white star too. ‘That pony’s gorgeous,’ she murmured.

  Her uncle nodded briefly as he parked the car. ‘That’s Picasso. He’s only six but he took every novice 143-centimetre working hunter pony class he entered last year and went Champion at the BSPS Summer Champs. Got his Horse of the Year show ticket first time out and took third place there in October.’ His eyes narrowed appreciatively. ‘Not bad for a pony picked up for £500 as a four-year-old.’

  Ellie didn’t know what half of what her uncle had just said meant, but she didn’t really care. She wasn’t interested in what the pony had won; she was just captivated by its beauty and grace.

  Her uncle got out and Ellie opened her door. The cold wind whipped her tangled hair away from her face. The boy cantered to the fence and slowed the pony to an easy halt. Pushing her hands into the pockets of her fleece jacket, Ellie followed her uncle over.

  ‘He’s going all right.’ Her uncle gave a satisfied nod.

  The boy looked relieved.

  ‘This is your cousin, Ellie,’ Len told him.

  ‘Hi, Ellie.’ The boy’s hair was sandy brown, his eyes dark greeny-grey. ‘I’m Joe.’

  His smile was warm and Ellie felt a rush of relief. ‘Hi,’ she said.

  ‘How long was your flight then?’ Joe asked her.

  ‘Twenty-four hours.’

  ‘You must be whacked.’

  ‘She wasn’t flying the plane herself, Joe,’ Len said abruptly. ‘She was probably asleep most of it. Go on now, get working that pony again. Where’s Luke?’

  ‘He’s in the wash-barn, clipping.’ Joe smiled at Ellie. ‘I’ll catch you later,’ he said, moving the pony on.

  ‘Right, lass, come and see round.’ Len strode back up the car park and on to the large rectangular courtyard, which had ten spacious loose boxes, arranged on two sides. The third side had a tackroom, a rug room and a wash-stall, and the fourth side was the wall of a large airy barn. Everywhere was immaculate. Ellie gazed round at the horses who were looking out over their doors. They were all beautiful – greys, bays, chestnuts.

  ‘The main show horses have stables here,’ said Len, pointing around the courtyard. ‘The barn at the side there has the livery and younger horses, and the barn further up towards the ring is for the ponies. There’re three foaling boxes round the back too.’ A man in his forties with a bald head pushed a wheelbarrow across the yard. ‘That’s Stuart, ex-jockey,’ Len went on. ‘He’s been my yard manager now for ten years. You’ll meet the other grooms later – Helen and Sasha – and you’ll mind you do what they say.’

bsp; Ellie bristled slightly at his tone, but just then a tall boy who looked about eighteen came to the open door of the wash-stall. He had a pair of electric clippers in one hand and his jeans were covered with horsehair. A sandy terrier-type dog bounced around his heels, chewing at his boots.

  ‘That’s Luke,’ said Len, walking towards him.

  Ellie wondered who Luke was. Maybe he was another groom? His dark hair was slightly long and there was a swagger to his step. As she and Len reached him, Luke’s deep-blue eyes swept over Ellie assessingly and she felt something tighten inside her. Though he hadn’t even spoken yet, she felt a prickle of dislike. The dog came trotting over to her and Ellie bent down to pat it.

  ‘Luke, this is Ellie,’ Len said.

  Ellie glanced up and met Luke’s appraising gaze.

  ‘I thought she was supposed to be fourteen,’ he said to Len.

  ‘Just small for her age,’ Len replied. ‘Useful, though. Means she can ride the fourteen-handers – and exercise the smaller ponies.’

  ‘Yeah, guess there’s that,’ agreed Luke. ‘Now Joe’s not such a midget we need someone else. So she can ride then?’

  Ellie stared at both of them. They were talking about her as if she wasn’t there! ‘Yes, actually, I can ride,’ she put in before Len could speak. She could feel her temper rising, breaking through her numbness. ‘I’ve ridden since I was three. I had my own pony, you know.’

  ‘Oh.’ Luke raised his eyebrows. ‘So you’re the expert then? I’ll know who to come to if I want any advice.’ His eyes mocked her.

  Ellie glared at him.

  ‘Did you see to the kittens then?’ Len asked him.

  ‘Not yet. They’re in here still,’ Luke said, breaking eye contact with Ellie and jerking a thumb behind him.

  ‘Kittens!’ Ellie hurried to the door. She loved cats almost as much as ponies. There were some bales of straw inside, and in a pile of loose straw in the corner was a black mother cat with three very tiny baby kittens, their heads looking comically big compared to their small black bodies. ‘They’re so cute,’ she breathed as she watched the kittens padding round and feeding from the mother. ‘Can I pick one up?’ she asked Len eagerly.


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