Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)

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Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance) Page 7

by Alli Sims



  Brody waited patiently, well as patiently as one could be when being smacked in the face with the most foolish mistake he had ever made, as the elevator descended ten floors and the moment the doors slid open he charged out into the dry desert heat. He looked left, then right, unsure exactly where he was going but knowing that he needed to go somewhere else, anywhere else that would get him as far from Gemma Rochester as he could be. He couldn’t believe it, just could not fucking believe that this job he’d been guilted into taking was protecting Gemma Rochester. Wild child, socialite, rich bitch, who was apparently in some sort of danger. Go figure.

  He turned left and walked and walked until sweat began to seep through his grey t-shirt. He stopped on a random bench and purchased the overpriced bottle of water being sold by a street person. “Thanks,” he mumbled as he gulped down half the bottle.

  Gemma Fucking Rochester. That girl, now woman, was the biggest mistake he’d ever made. Five years ago he was at home on leave, trying to figure out what he was going to do with his life. He could re-up for another four years as a Ranger or he could leave the service and start his life as a civilian. He wasn’t ready to leave the service but he wasn’t sure he wanted to do another tour either, so he did what any 24 year old on leave in Las Vegas would do. He partied his ass off. He went with a few other Rangers and they hit up all the clubs, getting sweaty with hotties of all stripes.

  Then he’d seen her.

  First he spotted tanned legs that went on forever before noticing a sweet round ass hidden behind a small piece of cotton that he guessed was supposed to be a skirt. Her back was bare except for a few strings and her midsection proudly displayed a tight and toned belly. She was a fucking knockout and before Brody realized what was happening, his nose was buried deep in thick chocolate waves, hands softly gripping her small waist. “You are by far, the hottest fucking thing in here,” he practically yelled in her ear over the bass.

  She turned in his arms and he was hit with the force of how beautiful she truly was. Her smile was bright and without artifice, her blue and gold eyes as mesmerizing as her legs, high cheekbones gave her an exotic look and she smelled like a woman. A soft woman he could bury his cock deep into. She leaned in and he could see her dilated pupils and quick breaths. “You’re pretty easy on the eyes yourself.”

  Brody smiled and pulled her in closer so their bodies were flush against one another. He felt her hard nipples through his shirt. “I’m Brody,” he leaned in to introduce himself, punctuating it with a nip to her earlobe. She giggled, which he thought he hated until her heard the sweet melody of her giggle.

  “I’m Gemma.”

  The smile she sent him clutched and twisted in his chest and he couldn’t have left that dance floor without her under threat of death. They danced for two hours, glued to one another as if they were the only two people on the dance floor. They swayed and grinded and got freaky in the middle of the nightclub until finally Gemma leaned in and whispered, “Let’s get out of here Brody.”

  He grabbed her hand and practically dragged her off the dance floor and out of the club. Ten minutes later they were at his hotel where they stayed for three days.

  Brody snapped out of his trip down memory lane when he realized he’d squeezed the water bottle until it was a mangled mess of plastic. Dammit the last thing he needed was to remember how the woman he now had to protect with his life had completely humiliated him and shredded his heart.

  It was his last day in Vegas before heading back to base. His bag was packed and sitting by the door as he prepared to say goodbye to Gemma. He’d wrapped his big arms tightly around her small frame and kissed the side of her head. “What would you say if I told you I was thinking about staying?” He looked at her with so much hope in his eyes and he felt her stiffen.

  “Brody I had a great time but this was nothing more than a fling,” she was uncomfortable he could tell as she tried to slither out of his arms.

  “A fling? So are you saying you felt nothing this weekend? Nothing but my cock sliding in and out of your pussy until you squeezed me dry?” He took a few steps back and crossed his arms. “That’s all?”

  Gemma wrapped her arms around her in a protective measure. Her sigh was heavy and full of indecision. “Look Brody I like you, I really do. But you and I are too different.”

  “What the hell does that mean? You don’t date soldiers or is it because you’re obviously loaded and I’m not.” Her guilty look away told the truth and he nodded. “So what was this, your weekend to slum it?”

  She shook her head vehemently. “It wasn’t that at all Brody, I told you I really like you. But if I’m being honest there is no future for us. You have no money and I do. It will come between us always from choosing a restaurant to where we’ll live and how we’ll live.” She grabbed onto his biceps, pleading with him. “You know it’s true Brody.”

  He nodded but he had been so angry he couldn’t look at her so he looked at the view just beyond her shoulder. “I see.” He turned and walked to the door, picking up his bag before he turned to face her, eyes bleak. “Thanks for the fuck Gemma. Have a great life.” He walked away and while he had thought about her, he hadn’t laid eyes on her again. Until today.

  No matter. He would get through the next ten days, somehow, and he would never have to set eyes on Gemma Rochester again.


  Gemma was scrambling around her bungalow in search of the charger for her laptop. The past three days had not gone according to plan, at all. Instead of writing and packing her bags and spending time with Liana, she had spent most of the weekend thinking about the strange look in Tad’s eyes and Brody. If she was honest, her thoughts were mostly about Brody Keller. Looking good as hell and torturing her senses and wreaking havoc on her ability to sleep.

  Not that she hadn’t sleep, she had, but her sleep was filled with memories of Brody and his scent and the way his body felt buried deep in hers. Goddammit! She wished Daddy had chosen anyone but Brody to be her bodyguard. His reaction to her made it clear that he still hated her and she couldn’t really blame him. It could be easily solved and it would. Gemma would apologize and they could at least be friendly to one another while they were on the island. She heard a knock at the door and checked her cell phone for the time. “Shit. Coming,” she yelled as she spotted the charger and tossed it in her bag.

  She swung the door open and was met with a glorious early morning sight. Brody looking like sex on a stick in a thin white t-shirt that hugged the delicious muscles in his arms and chest and faded jeans that hugged his powerful thighs so temptingly. “Brody.” His name came out on a breathy sigh that made her wince but she couldn’t control it. She couldn’t see his eyes behind the mirrored sunglasses he wore, which she figured he’d done on purpose. “I’m almost ready,” she rambled on and left him at the door as she threw a few last minute things in her bag. “If you get those bags by the door, I’ll finish up here.” When he said nothing she looked over her shoulder.

  “Ms. Rochester I am your bodyguard, not your butler and not your valet. Get your own bags. I’ll be in the car.” He turned and seconds later she heard a car door slam shut.

  “Well that went well,” she mumbled to herself as she zipped the last bag and slung a beach bag over her shoulder. She locked her door and tossed her bags in the open trunk. “Okay I’m ready,” she smiled at him when she slid in next to him.

  “Put your seatbelt on,” he grunted before putting the car in drive and exiting the compound.

  Gemma sighed in frustration, dammit. This trip was supposed to be a reward, the kickoff to her professional writing career. It was not supposed to begin with tension and it did not feature a handsome man who seemed to hate her guts. “Is it going to be like this for the next ten days?”

  “Like what Ms. Rochester?”

  She wanted to scream at him! “Like this. You being rude and hardly saying two words to me?”

  “I’m here to prot
ect you Ms. Rochester, not to entertain you.”

  Well that was more than two words. “And stop with the fucking Ms. Rochester bullshit!”

  He sighed, biting back a laugh. “Fine Gemma. Better?”

  “It’s a start, I guess.” She crossed her arms and stared out the passenger window for a long quiet moment. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you back then and I said such awful things. It’s just th--,”

  “There’s no need for all that Gemma. I’ll still keep you safe.”

  She glared at him, wanting to smack some sense in his stupid sexy face. “I’m not apologizing so you’ll protect me, I’m apologizing because I’m sorry you jackass.”

  Brody put the car in park and sighed heavily as he got out of the car and walked around. “Apology not necessary, but accepted.” He took her hand out of the car and led her to the private plane belonging to Rochester Holdings.

  She sighed but said nothing, just climbed the stairs of the plane thinking about what he said and what he hadn’t said. It was obvious Brody was still upset with her but his indifference baffled her. That weekend had been the hottest she’d ever had, still was, and she handled it poorly. She’d hurt him when he’d been nothing but sweet and sexy and oh so satisfying. She let out a frustrated breath and took a window seat, plopping her bag on the table in front of her. “What are you doing?”

  Brody checked every single nook and cranny of the jet even though his people had already been through earlier and declared it safe. “I’m doing my job.” He heard her sigh and grumble under her breath and a small smile touched his mouth. He shouldn’t be so brisk with her but he needed to keep himself protected as well. A little bit of kindness and he’d be snared in her web again.

  “I’m doing my job,” she mimicked. Gemma knew she was being childish but he was also being unnecessarily curt with her. She decided to ignore him, popped in her ear buds and curled up for a nap. He’s not the only one who can act like an asshole.

  Chapter Three

  “Wow.” Gemma stood just outside the bungalow reserved for her at Indigo Dreams and took in the view. The bungalow looked like a rustic little shack on the outside, complete with wood that looked as though it had lost more than a few battles with a hurricane and palm thatch leaves. The front had large windowless openings with a wicker slider on the porch. She stood on the porch, impatient to get in, while Brody did a silent sweep of the bungalow.

  “It’s all clear, you can come in now.” He picked up his small suitcase and one of hers, walking back inside without acknowledging her.

  Gemma tried to hide her frustration, there was no reason for it, not really. She deserved everything he dished out, that didn’t mean she had to like it. She walked in and dropped her bags in the main room, her breath caught at the view of the back. The bungalow was on stilts so the ocean crashed underneath. “This is amazing!” She turned to see Brody staring at her. “What?”

  “Nothing.” His voice was gruff.

  “Okay then,” she sang the words while she stepped onto the back porch and let the warm salty breeze wash over her. “So Brody,” she waited for him to look at her in silence. When he finally caved and removed his sunglasses she spoke, “Do you care which room I’m in?”

  “It’s your vacation Gemma.”

  This time she did scream. “You are an annoying, gruff, mean…douchebag!” She twirled and picked up a pillow from the sofa and threw it at his head. “What I meant you pompous jerk is,” she threw another pillow, “is there a room that would be safer? You know, because you’re some type of security expert these days.”

  Brody swallowed visibly, his face flushed. “Right.” He ran his hand over his almost buzzed brown hair and blew out a breath, this place was a security nightmare. “Honestly neither room is ideal since there are no windows. I’d prefer you sleep in here where I can keep an eye on you but…” he trailed off, waiting for her to pitch a fit.

  “What if we share a room?” She bit the inside of her jaw to keep from laughing. What possessed her to blurt that out, she had no idea but it was a pretty good idea. “Before you say no, think about it.”

  Brody looked at her as he thought about it, knowing it would be a horrible idea. Gemma was a lot of things, a snob mostly, but she was also smoking hot with long legs peeking out from her tropical print sundress, molded to her curves with her full breasts almost spilling over the top. She looked like a goddamn wet dream and as much as he wanted nothing to do with her, sharing a bedroom would lead to one place. Him buried deep inside her until she was screaming his name and scoring his back until he bled. He growled and stalked off while her laughter tinkled in the behind him.

  “Is big bad Army Ranger afraid of lil’ ol’ me?” She kept laughing behind him. Her eyes widened when he stalked back into the main room and past her to look in the other bedroom. He stopped a few inches from her until his heat surrounded her, making her heart kick up a notch and her throat dry. “What?”

  “The bedroom facing the ocean is larger and only one wall is open. It’s a better option.” He picked up his bag and looked at her. “I’m sleeping closest to the door.”

  Gemma watched him walk away, her mouth open in shock. “Well, damn.”


  Two days. It had been two days, sharing a bed with Gemma Rochester and waking up with her soft, feminine body curled up against him. Two days of her walking around the suite in the world’s tiniest bikinis and smelling like coconuts and vanilla. Two days waking up with the most painful hard-ons of his life. She was driving him mad and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  So far there had been no threats or any signs of trouble, which was good but it also meant he spent his days trying to keep his hands off her and keep his distance. Throw in a few perimeter sweeps and this was the most boring job he’d ever had. With the best view.

  “I want to have dinner at the resort tonight.” Gemma stood so close to him he could see the way her tummy fluttered and her pupils dilate by his proximity.

  Today she wore a white bikini—thong bikini—held together by nothing but strings. One pull, one tug and she would be gloriously naked for his perusal. He stood and looked at her, stared at her. “What time?” She told him and he disappeared into the front bedroom on the phone for about fifteen minutes. He came out later and told her, “We’re all set.”

  Four hours later they were walking back from Ilsa’s Sea Snacks with a smile on their faces and a little tipsy from the strong tropical cocktails. “That was a magnificent meal,” she smiled up at him like his hands prepared the food.

  Brody patted his belly. “Best seafood I’ve had in a good long while.”

  Gemma shivered at his warm hand on the small of her back. She untied the knot of the sarong and whipped the fabric away, letting it flutter against his face. “Let’s go splash in the ocean, I bet the water is still warm.”

  He chased her to the water’s edge, capturing her with the sarong. “Not so fast Gemma. You’ve been drinking.”

  She turned and leaned in until she was close enough to kiss him. “Then I guess you better keep an eye on me.” She ducked under him and walked into the water, tossing her bikini top at him before diving into a wave.

  She was going to be the death of him. Brody removed his shorts, sandals and shirt and waded into the water after her. “Dammit Gemma, you’ve had too much to drink to splash in the damn ocean.” She stood and turned and Brody felt his cock get stiff as a steel rod at the sight of her plump teardrop breasts. “Gemma,” he groaned.

  Her smile was wide and her steps slow and steady, even in the movement of the waves, as she made her way to him. “Brody,” she ran her hands up and down his chest, letting her hands memorize the planes of corded muscles in his shoulders and the valleys of his abs. My goodness, he is all man. She leaned forward and flicked a tongue over his nipple. She smiled at the hiss out of his mouth and squealed when his hands tightened on her waist. “Brody.” One hand snaked down his stomach and slipped i
nside the waistband of his boxer briefs. “I guess at least parts of you are happy to see me.”

  Brody groaned and squeezed her waist even tighter as her small hand gripped him hard and stroked, making him so hard he thought he would burst. “Seriously Gemma, this isn’t a good idea.”

  “It feels like a fantastic idea to me.” She reached further and cupped his balls, gave a small tug that drew him down, fusing her lips to his. A moan came from deep within her when she felt Brody’s tongue reach out and swipe against her bottom lip. Her arms snaked around his neck squeezing as though she couldn’t get close enough.

  Brody growled when Gemma’s long legs wrapped around his waist and gripped her ass to hold her up and grind his erection into her. “Gemma,” he ripped his mouth away. “Stop,” he urged as he kissed and licked the column of her neck.

  “No.” She pulled at the strings on the side of her bikini bottoms in an exaggerated fashion to make sure he saw what she was doing. She sucked in a breath at the feel of her bare pussy grinding on the fabric covering him. “Brody, please.”

  It was that breathy plea and hot breath of her moaning in his ear that was his undoing. The hand holding her right side snaked down her round ass and he sank one long finger into her wet heat. “Please what, Gemma?” But she said nothing, instead she tossed her head back so her brown waves were kissing the water and ground down onto his hand. His jaws clenched at the beautiful sight she made with her eyes closed in ecstasy, the moonlight beaming down on her as she gyrated against his hand, his cock. Brody couldn’t stop himself, he leaned forward and pulled one perfectly pink nipple into his mouth, circling the peak with his tongue.


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