Joash, 27
John, Gospel of, 22, 26
John 1:41, 26
John the Baptist, 135, 148
Josephus, 138
Josiah, 4
Judaism: “checklists” for members, 8–11, 19–20; Christianity’s separation/parting from, 13–15, 107–8; as name used by Christians, 2; as term, 2–3; theological differences with Christianity, xi–xii
“Judeans/Judaeans,” 181n10
judgment, final, 80–81
kashrut, laws of, 107, 112. See also kosher keeping
Kim, Seyoon, 168n35
King, Davidic, 29–30
King, Messiah as human, 26–31
King and Messiah as Son of God: Divine, Human, and Angelic Messianic Figures in Biblical and Related Literature (Collins and Collins), 97
King of Israel (Mashiach), 27–28
kingdoms/kingship, 41–3
1 Kings 1:34, 27
1 Kings 19:16, 27
2 Kings 11:12, 27
2 Kings 23:30, 27
2 Kings 25, 29
Klausner, Joseph, 130–31
kosher foods, 112–13, 181n9
kosher keeping: by followers of Jesus, 1; in Gospel of Matthew, 184n24; for religion membership, 8–9, 10. See also defilement; dietary laws
kosher rules, Mark’s Jesus and, 103
kosher status, of Jesus, xii, xiii, xvi, 103
Kotzker Rebbe, 122
kurios, 98
La Barre, Weston, 127
Lady Wisdom, 165n22
lament, Psalms of, 141
Lane, William, 172n41
Law of Moses, xvi, 168n36
Levitical law, 108
Lieberman, Saul, 190n22
“Little Yahu,” 51, 166n27
Logos tradition, 94, 178n25
Lohse, E., 171n41
Lord of Spirits, 78–79, 80, 81, 82, 85–86
“low Christology,” 53–55
Luke, Gospel of, 22, 105
Maccabean revolt/martyrs, 39, 76
Mal’akh, 166–67n27
Malakhi, 148
male/female distinction, xviii
Marcus, Joel, 108, 122, 146, 179n31, 187n14, 187–88n17
Mark: as Gentile, 105, 179n1; as Jew, 126; “Jewishness” question, 106–7. See also Gospel of Mark
Mark 2, 36, 138
Mark 2:5–10, 57
Mark 2:10, 59, 66, 67
Mark 7, 106, 109–11
Mark 7:3, 116
Mark 7:15, 108
Mark 7:18b–19, 108
Mark 7:19, 108
Mark 7:27–28, 169n37
Mark 8, 140
Mark 8:27–38, 135–36
Mark 8:31, 140
Mark 9:9–11, 147
Mark 9:11–13, 145–47
Mark 9:12, 136, 140
Mark 9:30, 147
Mark 14:61–62, 37
Mark 14:62, 29, 137, 140
Markan Jesus, 66, 67, 108, 118, 120
Martini, Raymondo, 190n22
Mashiach of YHVH, 27–28. See also anointed one, Messiah
Matthew. See Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 12, 63–64
Matthew 15, 184n24
Matthew 23, 183n21
Matthew 23:1–23, xv
Meier, John Paul, 121, 172–73n43
Mekhilta, 63, 171n41, 187n14
Mendel, Rabbi (Kotzker Rebbe), 122
Messiah: characteristics of, 33; in Christology, 22; of David, 5; in Hassidic movement, 17; as human king, 26–31; Jesus as, 1–2, 7, 21–22; Jews’ acceptance of, 72–73; Son of Man equivalency, 137–38; suffering of, 129–30; translation of, 26
Messiah/Christ: as Jewish idea, 44, 46; notion of, 46
The Messianic Idea in Israel (Klausner), 129–31
Messianic Jews, 133
Metatron, 166n27
Michael (Great Angel), 51, 163n6, 166n27
midrash, 76, 133, 141, 148–49
Minei (sect), 16, 18. See also Nazarenes, minim
minim: fight against, 20; term meaning, 18–19. See also Nazarenes, Minei
Mishna, 138
monotheism, 45, 49, 54, 99, 166n26, 166n27
Moses: commandments and, 108, 110; divine throne and, 87; as God, 72; Jesus’ defense of, xiv-xv; kosher laws and, 184n24; Law of, xvi, 168n36; in transfiguration, 145; YHVH and, 138, 167n27
mother: honoring of, 110, 180–81n7; support of, 119
murder, 169n39
muttar, 113
Natan, Rabbi, 63
Nazarenes, 16–17, 18, 20. See also Notzrim
Nebuchadnezzar, 29
Neirynck, Frans, 172n41
New Testament: as appropriation of Old Testament, 157; Book of Revelation, 31, 74; Christology and, 54–55, 90; references to Jesus in, 25; Son of Man term in, 36, 40; suffering Messiah in, 158
The New York Times, 3
Nicene Creed, 16–17, 20
“non-Christian Jews”: religious grouping of, 17; as term, 7
Notzrim, 18, 19, 20
offerings, 98
old God, 51–52, 165n21
Olson, Daniel, 176n14
Operation Shylock (Roth), xx
Origen, 152
Palestinian Jews/Judaism, 73, 125
Palestinian Talmud, 152–53, 189n19
Parables. See Similitudes of Enoch
parents, support/honor of, 119, 180–81n7
parousia, 36
“parting of the ways,” 12, 107–8
Passion of Christ, 155
Passover: celebration of, 11; Council of Nicaea and, 13, 14
pattern of religion, 167n28
Paul, xvii-xviii, 22
People of Israel: Gospels and, 22; history of, 29; Isaiah 53 and, 131; vs. Judaism, 2; Son of Man and, 39, 144; suffering of, 132, 152
People of the Holy Ones of God, 186n9
People of the Land, 5
Peter, 135–36, 140, 184n24, 186n7
Pharisees: definition of, xv; as hypocrites, 121; on impurity, 124–25; Jesus and, xiv-xv, 105, 117; kosher rules and, 115–16; as reform movement, xiii-xiv, 103–4; religious ideas/practices of, 4; Sabbath and, 59–60; traditional practices and, 109–11
Philo, 138
pollution, laws of, 113–14
Procksch, O., 168n35
proselytes, 23
Proverbs 8, 94
Psalms 2:2, 28
Psalms 2:6–7, 28
Psalms 110, 28–29
Psalms of lament, 141
Psalms of the Righteous Sufferer, 186n9
Pullman, Philip, 7
pure/impure foods, 112–13
Qumran, 138
rabbi, term usage, xvi
“The Rabbis,” 61–64, 120, 171n41
“race” checklists, 9. See also checklists
A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity (Boyarin), xvii-xviii
reciprocally settled identities, ix–xi, xii
Redeemer: Jews’ expectation of, 142–43; promised, 30; Son of Man as divine, 31–34, 76
redemption, Jewish beliefs about, 5
religion, idea of, 2, 8
religion, pattern of, 167n28
religious groups, checklists for membership in, 7–11, 19–20
religious vs. ethnic categories, 3
resurrection, 37, 84, 130, 144, 158, 160, 168n31
retribution, 154, 169n39
Revelation, 31
Roman Catholics, xvi
Roman Empire, 11, 14
Romans 11:1–2, xviii
Rosen-Zvi, Ishay, 168n35
Roth, Philip, xx
Sabbath: abrogation of, 68; as gift, 171n41; halakhic controversy and, 61, 64, 68–69; plucking of grain incident, 59–60, 172–73n43; Rabbis on, 61–64; Son of Man as Lord of, 60; violation of, 65–68, 169–70n39
Sabbath keeping, 8–9, 10
sacrifices, 169n39
salvation, 53–54, 158
1 Samuel 10:1, 27, 28
1 Samuel 16:3, 27
Sanhedrin 7:5, 138
rin 98b, 153
Saul, 27–28, 162n2
scribes, statements of, 146–48
sea vision, 96, 164n16
Second Temple period: binitarian theology in, 72, 100; Christology and, 168n31; divine throne image and, 72; Judaism in, 77; kosher keeping in, 114–15; New Testament and, 158; promised Redeemer in, 30; semi-divine mediator figures, 178n27; temple destruction, 4; younger god guises in, 51–52
Shemesh, Aharon, 64, 170n39
Similitudes 13, 96–97
Similitudes 48:2–3, 85
Similitudes of Enoch: authority of, 178n27; on final judgment, 80–81; Gospel of Mark and, 100; Gospels and, 74–81; Messiah designation in, 77–79; Palestinian Jews and, 73. See also Book of Enoch; Enoch citations
sin, forgiveness of, 57
Solomon, 27
Son of God: as Jesus’ title, xvii, 25–26; as name for Jesus’ divine nature, 47; Son of Man as stand-in for, 168n36; two-throne vision and, 46–47
Son of Man: as angel, 166n27; blasphemy of, 56–59; Daniel passages about, 135, 137; as divine Redeemer, 31–34, 76; dominion of, 87; Enoch as, 75–76, 82, 84–91; fate of Jesus and, 149; Fourth Ezra and, 95–101; Gospel passages, 137; as Jesus’ title, xvii, 25–26; as known quantity, 179n31; as Lord of the Sabbath, 60, 64, 68–70; Messiah equivalency, 137–38; People of Israel and, 144; preexistence of, 80, 85–86, 90; sovereignty of, 70; as stand-in for Son of God, 168n36; story/narrative of, 72–73; suffering of, 136, 146–48
“The Son of Man Problem,” 35
Son of Man term/designation: in Daniel 7, 38–39, 41–43, 52; linguistic usage, 35–36; as name of narrative, 37–38; in New Testament scholarship, 36; origins, 35
sovereignty, 168n33
Stephen, 139
Stone, Michael, 97–98, 99
stoning, 139
suffering Jesus: Christian/Jewish ideas, 129–30; prediction of, 141–42, 155
suffering Messiah: in Isaiah 53, 131–32, 135, 185n4; in Jewish traditions, 145–46, 150–56; vicarious suffering of, 131, 133, 134, 142, 153–54
suffering servant, 141, 150, 152, 154–55, 186n9
Sukkah 5:2 55b, 153
Synoptic Gospels, 105
Tacitus 2B, 131
tahor, 113
tannaim, 61, 64, 185n4
tannaitic midrash, 149
Temple, destruction of Jewish, xi–xii, 12, 30, 105, 130
Theodosius, 18
theophany, 40, 83, 91, 165
throne, 45–46, 71–72
Timothy, xix
Titus, xix
Torah: abrogation of, 68, 103, 109; Jesus as defender of, xiii, 103; Jesus’ upholding of, 107
torch, passing of, 32
transfiguration, 145
Trinity: belief in, 1, 8; doctrine of, 34; Father/Son relationship, 13, 14; idea of, xiii, xvii, 102; Son of God in, 25; theological views on, 10–11
tuma’h vetaharah (pollution), 114
two-throne vision, 45–46
unclean/clean foods, 113
vicarious suffering, of Messiah, 131, 133, 134, 142, 153–54
woe-sayings, 183n21
Yahoʾel, 51, 166n27
Yahwe, 166n27
Yavneh, Council of, 12
Yefet ben Ali, 155
YHVH: angel of, 167n27; anointed of, 27–28 (see also Messiah); Baʿal and, 164–65n21; golden calf representation of, 163n12; as “I am,” 138; Israelites and, 45; merger with El, 49–50
Yoma 8:6, 66, 174n51
Yoma 45:b, 66, 174n51
Yose, Rabbi, 40
Yose Hagelili, Rabbi, 62–63, 154
young God/gods, 40, 50–52, 164n20, 165n21
Zabim 5:12, 118
Zechariah 8:23, xx
Zechariah 12:12, 153
Zedekiah, 29–30
Zellentin, Holger, 189n19
Zunz, Leopold, 190n22
The Jewish Gospels Page 18