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Interviews and Private Sources
Letters of Louis and Myrtle Darquier to René Darquier: given to me by members of the René Darquier family
Family letters of the Arteil, Constanty, Vayssade and Darquier families 1880– 1954: given to me by Mme Paulette Aupoix, Darquier family friend
Simone Reste, former employee of Louise Darquier: her own account of 1937–44 and of the Darquier family
Interviews, in person or by telephone, were conducted by myself, by Sylvie Deroche, and by Pierre Wolf.
Albert Atlan, prison guard, representative of the Jewish community at the Museum of the Resistance, Cahors; Paulette Aupoix, Darquier family friend; René Bergougnoux, Maison Diocésaine des Œuvres, Cahors; Jacques Bertrand, shopkeeper; Nicole Bousquet, bibliothécaire; Colette Calmon, daughter of Elie Calmon, former Deputy for the Lot, with Pierre Gayet and alone; Bernard Charles, Deputy Mayor of Cahors; Pierre Combes, Director of the Museum of the Resistance, Cahors, former resistant; Philippe Deladerrière, Secretary of the Society of Studies for the Lot; Alain Dubrulle, Principal du Collège Gambetta, président de l'Amicale des Anciens de Gambetta; Pierre Gayet, son of Darquier family friend; Pierre Laborie, école des Hautes études en Sciences Sociales; Yvonne Lacaze, Darquier family friend, former lawyer and magistrate; Père Lucien Lachièze-Rey; Alexandre Marciel, Mairie de Cahors; Pierre Orliac, doctor; Pierre Pouzergues, horticulturalist; Hélène Raimondeau; Simone Reste, former employee of Louise Darquier.
M. Michel Blum, Philippe Ganier-Raymond's lawyer; Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac; Maud de Belleroche; Anne-Marie Fiel, companion of Philippe Ganier-Raymond; Henri Fernet, former member of the Waffen SS Division Charlemagne; Nathalie Ganier-Raymond, daughter of Philippe Ganier-Raymond; Jean Gayet, son of family friend, brother of Pierre; Serge Klarsfeld, lawyer and author, with his wife Beate responsible for bringing to trial many Nazi and Vichy war criminals; Bertrand Leary, grandson of Henry Lèvy; Auguste Mudry, former employee of the CGQ J; Pierre Pujo; Emile Cabié, formerly Examining Magistrate, in charge of the Darquier affair in 1978.
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