The Winning Side

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The Winning Side Page 10

by C. M. Doporto

  It was evident that counseling was helping him, but it was also the excitement around Pro Day. Over the past few weeks, Josh had been literally bouncing off the apartment walls, keeping Raven pumped up for the big day. The day where scouts come to the university to see the football players on the field and assess their talent for the pros. They watched recorded games, studying their weaknesses, and practicing every day as they honed in on their strengths. Josh was a positive influence on Raven and I was glad he had him in his life.

  “Oh my god. I’m so freakin’ nervous.” Shelby sat next to me on the bleachers inside the indoor practice field. “And this weather isn’t helping.”

  “I know. It definitely makes everything feel more intense.” The white canopy protected us from the treacherous rain and hail that beat down on the dome-covered facility. Mother Nature Texas decided that March fifth marked the beginning of spring. But inside, the vibe was much different. An electric buzz floated through the air as ten seniors took turns proving their skills for America’s top pro football teams. The media lined up and down the sideline with their cameras, capturing all of the player’s moves.

  The practice field was setup with bright orange cones and other equipment ready to test the agility of the players. Coach Anderson stood on the sideline with his tablet in hand, proudly showing off his top-trained talent. The assistant coaches scrambled around, shuffling players on and off the field and being attentive to the scouts and pro coaches as needed.

  “I hate when I get this nervous.” Shelby shook her right leg, causing her blonde curls to bounce up and down. She leaned forward, clutching her knees for support. “That’s why I had to sit over here. Josh’s mom isn’t any better and between the two of us, we drive Josh’s dad crazy. We’re like two hyped-up cheerleaders.”

  I glanced at the can of Red Bull in her hand. “I’m sure that’s not helping.”

  She took a huge gulp. “Yeah, but I need it.” She looked around the complex, trying to spot Josh. “What’s taking so long? Why haven’t they started yet?”

  The adrenaline-junkie’s vibes were passing over me, revving up my blood. I had nothing to be overly anxious about since Raven wasn’t actively working for a spot on a national football team — he still had one more year left to play. It was great exposure for him, though. I was thankful that Coach Anderson had invited him to throw the ball for Josh and a few other teammates. No doubt, Raven had already caught the attention of several pro teams, despite his off the field issues. Since PHU had recently been named one of the top five universities for developing talent, this was an opportune time for Raven to show off his talent as well. “Relax. Josh has this. He’s going to get drafted. I just know it,” I reminded Shelby as I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

  “He has to nail this.” She looked at me with an intensity that made me scoot a little to the right. Even though she was a small girl, I didn’t want to get in the way when her arms went flaying about as she cheered on Josh. “Ya know, since he didn’t get to go to the Combine.” Shelby glanced over her shoulder to where Josh’s parents were standing. “I know his family is worried, too. If he doesn’t land with a team, they’ll be devastated.”

  Josh had a different take when it came to football. Where Raven’s attitude was playing for the fun and love of it, Josh took it dead seriously. He lived and breathed football — making his ultimate goal to go pro. And, obviously, so did Shelby. That must have been why he was so mad when Raven was expelled from the bowl game.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. His stats are good and several teams are talking about him.”

  “Yeah, but if he doesn’t get picked up, then all of this was for shit.” Her high-pitched voice quickly transformed into a deep, serious tone. “The training, the workouts…” she threw her hands up in the air, “don’t mean a damn thing unless he lands a contract.”

  I nodded, knowing there was nothing I could say that would lessen the tension. Raven had recently given me another crash course because I knew very little when it came to pro football. My whole life had revolved around baseball because of Luke and Collin. But I was a quick study and with the help of Google, I was picking up on the particulars of the sport. The best part was that I liked football more than baseball. I don’t know if it was seeing Raven suited up in tight spandex as he ran up and down the field, or the speed associated with the game as guys rammed into each other, but I loved it.

  “Girl, I know what you mean. This mama’s been preparing her boy since he was ten years old.” Shawn Jackson’s mother and father were sitting next to me since the exhibition started. “Betty Jackson,” she leaned over me and I moved back to give her more room, “nice to meet you.”

  “Hi, I’m Shelby Scott, Josh Marshall’s other half.” She shook her hand.

  “And this is my husband, Ron Jackson.” Betty slapped her husband on the arm when he didn’t acknowledge her. Ron tipped his Desert Storm Veteran ball cap and then turned his attention to the field. His perfect posture and quiet demeanor explained his ex-military training. It was even present in the way Shawn stood and responded to people.

  “Shawn’s a great player. I was watching him with Josh’s parents. I heard that Tampa is really interested in him.” Shelby kept one eye on the field.

  “Yes, ma’am. We’re excited about that, but I just want my boy to be happy. If none of this works out for him, then that’s okay by us. It’s all in the good Lord’s hands.” She pressed her hands together and then raised them to the ceiling. Shelby gave her a stiff smile and then turned her attention back to finding Josh. “I’ve been praying my heart out for Raven, too. That poor boy. I’m so glad he met a nice girl like you, Lexi. You’re exactly what he needed to get his act cleaned up.” She wrapped her arm around me and squeezed me tightly.

  “Thank you.” I smiled, happy to know that they supported Raven and were proud that he was working hard to make a change. “I really appreciate Shawn being there for him. He’s a good friend, just like Josh.” I shot Shelby a quick glance and she cracked a quick smile at me. Unsure of what Betty knew, I decided to end the conversation at that.

  “I’m glad they’re friends.” She patted my leg, allowing her long, painted red nails to brush against my thigh. Thankfully, I didn’t feel a thing through my jeans, but they still gave me the heebie-jeebies with the way they curled at the tips.

  Since he’d been throwing the ball for several of his other teammates, Raven was already on the field when Josh made his appearance.

  “There’s Josh.” Shelby grabbed my hand and perched on the edge of the bench. “I think I’m going to hurl.”

  “Relax, he’s going to do fine.” I gave her hand a tight squeeze and she released mine before I lost all feeling in my fingers.

  “Come on, Josh. Show ‘em what you got!” Shelby held up two crossed fingers at his mom and she showed Shelby hers as well. It must have been a little ritual they did for him. His mom was an average sized woman, with short, red hair that was teased all over, giving her that big-Texas-hair look. With all the makeup she had on, she fit the wife role of a big Texas oil and gas tycoon perfectly. Josh’s dad resembled his brother, Will Marshall, with the exception of having a full head of hair. His belly was nearly the same size of the attorney’s and they had the same stance that demanded authority and showed power.

  The chatter settled to a low murmur as Josh got into place. Raven tossed the ball in his hands as he waited for the signal to start. The scouts waited eagerly as several assistant coaches raced to set up the field for a three-cone drill, placing markers at the twenty, forty, and sixty yard lines.

  “Here we go.” Shelby clapped her hands and rubbed them furiously together. Her bony shoulder blades protruded through her off-the-shoulder shirt and her eyes narrowed as she kept her gaze steadily on Josh. With that game face, she sent a clear message — nobody better mess with me or my guy.

  “You can do it, Josh,” I cheered as I waved to him and Raven. Afraid that if I didn’t show Jos
h enough support, she might rip me in two.

  “Come on, Josh. Come on.” She ranted as he got prepared to catch the ball. The scouts, coaches, and spectators watched intently as Raven passed the ball to Josh in several different plays. For fifteen minutes, Josh displayed his skills, showing his sound hands, quick feet, and impressive balance while luring in the emissaries not only from Cleveland, but several other teams as well. Shelby clapped after each obstacle, managing not to yell her head off, as they instructed us. But I could tell it was killing her. The girl was definitely hardcore when it came to her man and football. Not that I wasn’t, but I managed to keep myself a little more on the subtle side.

  I kept a watchful eye to see if any of them took note of Raven’s abilities. As I suspected, several scouts were evaluating his talent and commenting on Raven’s prized possession — his throwing arm. It was no secret, with a top twenty ranking and throwing on average six touchdowns per game last season, and leading his team to the bowl even though he didn’t get to play, Raven was one of the most talked about quarterbacks. He would be a top contender in next year’s draft, as long as he continued on the right path. But, could he?

  The whistle blew and Josh tossed the ball back to Raven. Every one gave him a round of applause and Shelby stood up and let a loud “whoop, whoop”. Raven hi-fived Josh as he dashed off the field.

  “Hell. That was so freakin’ nerve racking.” She exhaled a long breath, as if she’d been holding it in for the last fifteen minutes. “He screwed up on that twenty yard dash.” She shook her head. “He’s going to pay for that. I just know it.”

  “I know I don’t know as much as you, but by the nods and smiles coming from the opposite side of the field, I think he did well.”

  “We’ll see.” Shelby jumped off the bleachers and pulled up on her skinny jeans. “I’ll be back.”


  She walked toward Josh’s parents and hi-fived them. For a few minutes, they spoke, their emotions clearly indicating they were reviewing how Josh did. Josh’s father didn’t show as much emotion, keeping somewhat of a straight face. His wife and Shelby clearly made up for it.

  We stayed until the end and waited for Josh and Raven to come out of the locker room. The second Josh appeared, Shelby ran to him, yelling, “There’s my guy!” She jumped into his arms, clamping her legs around his waist. They kissed like no one else was in the room and it made me feel a little awkward as I stood next to his parents. They clapped, nonetheless.

  Raven walked out next and I waited patiently for him, although a part of me really wanted to barrel into him like Shelby had Josh. His hair glistened, still wet from the shower. He brushed his hand through it, giving it a messy look. Damn he was sexy. He wore running pants and a tight, purple Under Armour shirt with a large dragon across the front. Every bulge and ripple showed through the fabric and I couldn’t wait to land my hands on him tonight.

  “You were great!” I threw my arms around him, locking my fingers tightly around his neck.

  His hands rested on my waist. “I did well?” A huge smiled spread, like he already knew the answer. Seeing Raven happy warmed every part of me, in every right way.

  “Hell yeah, baby. You had those scouts turning their heads even though they were supposed to be watching your teammates.”


  “Yep.” I pressed my lips to his and he kissed me, unable to stop the grin from ear to ear.

  “I just have to keep playing well and next year, I’ll be here.” Raven glanced over at Josh and Shawn who were being hailed by the media. “Better them than me.” His eyes widened and he sighed in relief.

  “Yeah, well, they just saw you.” I winked.

  He shot a quick glance at the familiar reporter making her way toward us. “Are you alright with all of this?” His eyes pleaded for forgiveness.

  “Of course. I’m excited. You’re going to have a kick ass year.” I released my arms and took a step back. It was his time to shine, not mine.

  He leaned his forehead to mine. “Baby, as long as I have you by my side, I know it will be.”


  Chapter 10

  “Wow. This tastes really good.” Delaney stuffed another sushi roll into her mouth.

  The seaweed wrapped roll with shredded crabmeat and avocado slices neatly placed inside the tightly formed circle, stared at me. I felt for the person that spent so much time crafting the perfectly displayed piece of a food just so she could tear into it. Tiny sesame seeds speckled the white rice that looked like it was glued together. “Is it really that good?”

  She moaned and closed her eyes, chewing slowly like it was the world’s best aphrodisiac.

  “Delaney.” Luke nudged her and she finally stopped acting like the food was turning her on. “You’re making a scene.” He looked around the table, gauging the reaction from others close by. No one was paying any attention to her hideous love of Asian food.

  “Sorry. I can’t help it. It’s just so damn delicious.” She pointed to the little black tray in front of me. “If you’re not going to eat them, I will.”

  “I guess I’ll try one.” I picked up my fork and stabbed it.

  “Damn, it’s not alive.” She picked up another one and fed it to my brother. He took the entire roll in his mouth and I wondered why he’d been introduced to this so-called mouth-watering food and I hadn’t. “I still can’t believe you haven’t tried Sushi before.”

  I shrugged. “My mom doesn’t like fish, so we never ate it.”

  “How is it that Luke’s eaten it and you haven’t?”

  Should I bring up the fact that Collin wasn’t a fish eater either? I picked at it, unsure whether I should try it. The only fish I really ate was fried catfish because mom couldn’t stand seeing it on our plates and the batter somehow masked the shape of it ever being a creature that swam in the water. “I don’t know? Luke, care to tell us?”

  Luke stopped chewing for a moment before swallowing. “Dad and I go out and eat it sometimes.” He took a drink of his water and then picked up the chopsticks, carefully capturing the delicately formed roll between the two wooden sticks like a pro.

  “That sucks.” I watched as he dunked it in soy sauce. “Why hasn’t dad taken me?”

  “I don’t know,” Luke said, his mouth full of food. “Ask him next time.”

  I’d told Luke that Dad and I had made up and he was glad to hear that he’d accepted Raven. Even though he sounded supportive at the time, I picked up on the slight disappointment that flickered in his eyes. Did he still wish I were with his friend? For the most part, he didn’t blame me for not calling mom, agreeing that she needed to be the first to apologize.

  Stepping outside my comfort zone had become more common, so I took a bite of the roll. Half of it hit the plate as it fell apart. Using my fingers, I tore the seaweed with my teeth.

  Delaney laughed. “You’re supposed to put the whole thing in your mouth.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand. “I don’t know how to eat these things.” I chewed, surprised at the flavor. I continued to eat the rest of my rolls, liking each bite more and more. From now on, I was making it a point to try different kinds of fish and definitely more Sushi rolls. Raven would be happy to hear that I was onboard for eating seafood, since it was his favorite. Picking up my phone, I sent him a message:

  Me: Hey, when you get out of class, stop by the new cafeteria. I’m here eating with Delaney and Luke.

  Raven: Okay. Class just got out. On the way.

  “Did you tell Raven to stop by?” Delaney asked.

  “Yes.” I tossed my phone in backpack. “He’s on the way.”

  Delaney swiveled in Luke’s direction. “So, what’s the plan for Spring Break?”

  Luke gazed at her through the corner of his eye as he continued to eat. “Practice and games.”

  “Are you serious?” Delaney pouted her lips and crossed her arms, clearly disappointed.

  Luke wiped his mouth. “Yeah, I told you.” H
e tossed the napkin on his tray.

  “You did? Because I don’t remember.”

  Luke lowered his head and shot her one of his I already told you looks. “But the good news is I’m free after Monday’s game.”

  “You are?” Delaney jumped in her seat and clapped her hands. “So what are we doing?”

  “My parents want me to join them in Breckenridge for the rest of Spring Break,” Luke said, in a low tone. The breaking news seized her celebration and her body slumped forward.

  “Oh, I thought we might do something together. Ya know, since it’s our senior year.” She looked at me. “Are you going, too?”

  I shook my head.

  “You’re not going?” Luke whipped his head around, causing his hair to fall in his eyes.

  “No. Didn’t Dad tell you?”

  “No.” He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned forward. “How did you get out of this trip and I didn’t?”

  I shrugged. “Mom didn’t buy me a flight.”

  “Shit. You suck.”

  “Think about it, Luke. It would be totally weird if I went.” Our Spring Break skiing excursion had been a family outing for the past five years with the Norris’. This would be the first year that I wouldn’t be joining my family. Since the dynamics had changed, it didn’t make sense for me to go. I was relieved because going on the trip with my mom would be disastrous. I was certain she would still be on her get-back-with-Collin scheme.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He turned to Delaney. “It’s only for a few days.”

  Delaney faced dropped. “I guess I’ll be hanging out with you.” She looked at me with hopeful eyes and I felt sad for her. I was surprised that Luke didn’t invite her to go with him.

  “I guess. I don’t have any plans for Spring Break.”

  “We do now,” Raven whispered in my ear and a shiver shot through my body. His sexy voice never ceased to turn me on. His smell traveled over me as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.


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