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Rhys Page 10

by Adrienne Bell

  “Hello, gentlemen,” Tessa said.

  Both men’s gazes zeroed in on her fading facial bruises right away.

  “What’s your name, ma’am?” the first cop asked.

  Rhys held his breath, praying that Tessa knew better than to tell him the truth.

  Then again, maybe she wanted to go with the cops. She’d tried to run from him just minutes ago…and that was before she knew what he really was. It wouldn’t be the smartest plan, but at this point he wouldn’t blame her.

  “Grace,” she said without missing a beat.

  “Are you okay, Grace?” the first cop asked. “Are you in any trouble?”

  Tessa shook her head, and Rhys felt his shoulders relax.

  “A neighbor said she heard someone screaming in the backyard a little while ago,” the cop said. “Was that you?”

  “We were back there,” Tessa said, biting into her lower lip. “But we were just messing around. Whoever heard us must have misinterpreted it.”

  Both men gave her a long look. It was obvious they didn’t believe her, but Tessa didn’t blink.

  “How did you get those bruises?” the second cop asked. There was something in his forceful tone that Rhys didn’t like. But he knew better than to show his true feelings.

  Besides, Tessa was proving more than capable of taking care of herself.

  “Motorcycle accident about a week ago,” she said.

  The first cop’s brows arched up. He obviously hadn’t heard that one before. Neither had Rhys. The answer was almost shocking enough to cover the lie.


  “You’re sure everything is all right?” he asked again.

  “You heard her,” his partner said, tapping him on the arm. “The lady says she’s fine.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Time for us to leave the nice couple alone,” the sunglass cop said, but his gaze stayed steady on Tessa.

  Rhys narrowed his eyes at the man, unable to shake the feeling that something was off.

  The first cop hesitated for a moment longer, but finally turned away. “Okay,” he said.

  “Sorry about the interruption,” the second one said. “Hope you two have a good day.”

  “No problem,” Tessa said.

  Rhys lingered in the doorway, watching the pair walk down the stairs and back to their patrol car, before shutting the door.

  “Well, that was easy,” Tessa said after a moment had passed.

  “Too easy,” Rhys agreed.

  “Do you think something is wrong?”

  Rhys watched out the peephole as the cop car pulled away from the curb. Maybe he was just being overly cautious.

  “Probably not.” He turned away from the door to look at her. “You didn’t tell them the truth. Grace.”

  “No, I didn’t.” She leaned her back against the wall as she met his gaze. “And Grace is my middle name.”

  He took a step toward her, even though his head told him to keep his distance. But there was something about the tilt of her chin and the playful sparkle in her eye that was downright irresistible.

  “So…you trust me after all?” he asked.

  “I was trying to tell you before the cops showed up, but you kept stopping me,” she said. “You should have been honest from the very beginning. I could have taken it.”

  “I was afraid,” he admitted, moving closer until he was pressed right up against her. “I thought you’d hate me, that you’d fear me. I didn’t think I could take that.”

  “I’m not scared of you, Rhys. I don’t pity you either.” Her low whisper brushed against his ear, fanning his quickly growing desire. “I just want the man who risked his life for mine. The one who took care of me. The one who was always there when the nightmares overwhelmed me. That’s the man I want to kiss.”

  “Are you sure?” His voice was tight.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. “It’s just a kiss, Rhys.”

  “Just a kiss,” he repeated, as he reached out and gently cupped his hand around the back of her neck. His eyes never left hers. Her tongue slicked out to wet her lips and he felt his core tighten with desire.

  He refused to rush this. He wanted to remember every second as he slowly pressed his lips to hers. Warm and soft, his head swam at the feel of her mouth against his.

  Tessa’s mouth opened. She drew his lower lip between her own, teasing it with the tip of her tongue. Desire roared up inside him. There was no holding it back this time.

  He lost himself in the kiss, the sweet taste of her, the rush of his own blood, the pounding of his heart. He fed off her response, the way she matched his intensity, his passion.

  Dear God, she was beautiful with her eyes closed, lips parted. There was a flush on her cheeks. He wanted to see how far down her body it went. Wanted to hear more of her moans. Wanted to taste more. Wanted all of her. Every inch. Every breath.

  This wasn’t a week’s worth of frustration. This was something more. Something primal and necessary. This wasn’t a kiss. This was air. Everything that he’d denied himself.

  This was life.

  He leaned down and hooked his hands under her knees, lifting her up. He didn’t waste a single second before starting down the hallway to the bedroom.

  Chapter Nine

  Tessa closed her eyes as Rhys laid her down on the mattress. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Not really.

  Maybe Rhys was right. Maybe her emotions had gotten the better of her. Maybe she wasn’t thinking straight. The funny thing was, she didn’t care.

  Her body had been used against her for too long. It had been cut and battered, and her mind was no better. All she wanted was to feel something she controlled, something that filled her with pleasure instead of pain.

  Rhys’ kisses did that. They reminded her that there was still sweetness in life.

  And how sweet it could be.

  Tessa slipped her hands under his shirt and slid her open palms over Rhys’ hard abs as he kissed her again. His skin felt warm and tight beneath her fingers. She wanted more.

  She pulled at his shirt, desperate to peel it off of him. After a second, Rhys gave her a hand and lifted it over his head.

  Tessa opened her eyes a crack, and her mouth fell open.


  Well, if she still needed proof that there was still good in the world, the sight of Rhys’ chest was a pretty good start.

  But only a start.

  She tugged at the button of his pants and pulled down the zipper. He hissed in a breath as she dipped her hand below his waistband. Tessa relished the sound.

  She slid his jeans down to his knees, and he kicked them off the rest of the way.

  Yeah, that was much better.

  Rhys laid his back down on the bed, and Tessa explored his body with her hands. Every part of him felt amazing, from the hard power of his thighs to the tight velvet feel of his pecs.

  When she got up to the thick column of his neck, Rhys wrapped his arms around her and pressed her close.

  “Now you,” he practically growled.

  He ran the tip of his tongue over her bottom lip, and Tessa felt a rush of shivers flow through her.

  Rhys lifted her shirt as she shimmied out of her pants.

  Tessa had never felt comfortable undressing in front of anyone, but this time was different. Even with all the angry marks and scars marring her torso, she didn’t feel the slightest bit self-conscious.

  Maybe it was because she knew that he’d seen them all before. Maybe it was because he was the reason they’d healed so well.

  Or maybe there was just something about Rhys. Something that made her feel comfortable. When she was by his side she couldn’t help but feel safe and protected, even from her own doubts.

  His breathing was low and hard as he swept his hands up the length of her arms. The heavy look of desire in his eyes told her that he wanted to do more, but he was holding himself back.

  “Are you sure you can handle this?” he asked, his
voice low and gravely. “Because we can wait if that’s what you need.”

  Tessa grinned as she slung her leg over his hips and straddled his prostrate body.

  “I’m done waiting,” she said.

  She reached down and wrapped her palm around his cock. A heady mix of lust and power swept through her as Rhys tilted his head back and growled through gritted teeth. His big hands curled around the swell of her hips.

  He reached toward the bedside table and opened the drawer. Tessa’s eyes went wide as he pulled out a box of condoms.

  “So, you just happen to keep those on hand in all of your safe houses?” she asked, not bothering to hide her giggles.

  “Carter believes in planning for every contingency,” he answered with a hint of a smile. “I never agreed with him until this moment.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Tessa gave him a teasing wink as she snatched the box away from him. “I bet that’s what you tell all your damsels in distress.”

  Tessa opened the foil packet and rolled the thin layer of latex down his length. All traces of humor left his expression as she propped her straight arms on his shoulders and angled her body above him. Slowly, she sank down.

  The air left Tessa in a rush as Rhys slipped inside her. Her fingers curled into his skin as her arms started to shake. Damn, he felt good. Better than she ever imagined.

  She gave herself a moment to breathe and adjust to his size. Rhys didn’t rush her. He allowed her to set the pace, letting her move when she wanted, how she wanted.

  His arms supported her as she rocked above him, slowly at first, then faster as pleasure spread through every part of her body, pushing out all the pain, all the darkness.

  Rhys looked up at her, his eyes lit like blue flames. He was burning just as hot as she was.

  She pivoted her hips against him, hungry for more, never wanting it to end. But the blaze inside her was too hot. There was only so much she could take.

  Tessa collapsed against Rhys’ chest as red-hot pleasure erupted inside her, rocking her to her core. Her body tightened around his cock, clenching it as the burning passion swept through her.

  Rhys must have felt it too.

  His arms came around her, holding her tight as he pulsed deep inside her, and he didn’t let go after.

  That was fine by Tessa. She was perfectly content to stay draped against his bare chest as she struggled to catch her breath. She listened as Rhys’ heartbeat gradually slowed. The blistering passion that had heated her blood started to morph into a warm sense of satisfaction.

  This had to be what heaven felt like. Tessa swore she could have stayed like this forever.

  Then her stomach grumbled…loud.

  Okay, maybe not forever.

  She lifted her chin and propped it on his breastbone.

  “Can I talk you into some lunch?” she said.

  Rhys lifted a hand and smoothed back her hair. “You might be able to twist my arm.”

  He didn’t waste any time getting out of bed. Tessa didn’t move quite so fast. She indulged in another moment lounging on the bed and watching his naked backside as he gathered up both of their clothes. He placed hers in a neat pile on the mattress before pulling on his pants.

  The moment he was covered up, Tessa finally felt her modesty start to kick in. She slowly got up and started getting dressed.

  Rhys had his shirt halfway to his head when he froze. His whole body tensed.

  “What is it?” She knew that look on his face. An all too familiar uneasy feeling tickled the back of her neck, making all the little hairs stand up.

  “Someone just pulled up out front,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” She should have known better than to doubt him. A second later, she heard a car door shut.

  And then another.

  Tessa tried to push down the fear swelling inside of her.

  “Is it the cops again?” she asked.

  “Don’t know,” Rhys said. He finished pulling on his shirt and reached for his gun.

  Tessa swallowed down hard as he tucked the weapon into the back of his pants. It looked like he wasn’t taking any chances.

  She rushed to finish dressing as he opened the bedroom door and cautiously stepped into the hallway. A second later, she ran to catch up.

  Rhys glanced behind him and Tessa pulled back a touch. All the warmth that she’d felt in his gaze a moment ago was gone, replaced by a cold stone mask that she hadn’t seen since the night he’d carried her out of Boyd’s house.

  “Stay close,” he whispered. “Do exactly what I say.”

  Yeah, it looked like he was pretty damned sure it wasn’t the cops out there. Which left only one other option.

  Her worst fears were validated a moment later when a loud crack resounded through the house and the front door flew open, crashing against the wall.

  “Get down,” Rhys shouted, pushing her to the ground in front of the couch.

  Tessa slammed into the hardwood floor, but she didn’t dare make noise. She pulled her legs in close and tried not to hyperventilate.


  He’d found her.

  The floor beneath her vibrated as several sets of boots stomped into the house.

  She looked up at Rhys. He stood firm—his legs braced apart, one hand cocked behind his back, ready to grab his gun. He held out his other hand, palm down to her, telling her to stay put and keep quiet.

  It sounded like pretty good advice.

  “Rhys.” Tessa’s stomach turned over as Dylan’s voice filled the room. “Told you I’d find you.”

  Rhys’ shoulders stiffened. “And I said I’d be waiting for you.”

  “Yeah, but I brought friends,” Dylan said. “Three against one. I’ll take those odds.”

  Rhys didn’t blink. “You should have brought more.”

  “You always were a cocky bastard,” Dylan said.

  “I don’t want to kill you, Dylan,” Rhys said. “Tell your men to turn around and walk out now, and I’ll let you all live.”

  “You really think you’re in a position to negotiate?” Dylan asked with a laugh that sent chills down Tessa’s spine. “All right, here’s my counter offer. You hand over Dr. Rosenthal this second, and I won’t order these guys to empty their clips into you.”

  “You know I’m not going to do that.” Rhys’ fingers tightened around the butt of his gun.

  Tessa’s heart clenched. She knew that Dylan wasn’t bluffing. He never bluffed. She wasn’t about to watch Rhys get shot. Not for her.

  “No,” Tessa shouted as she sprung up to her feet.

  Every face and gun snapped toward her. And, holy crap, they were big guns. Dylan’s thugs had only been armed with handguns the first time they’d abducted her, but this time around they’d brought the big boys—automatic rifles, by the look of them. Just a few shots would have shredded Rhys.

  “I thought that might get your attention, Tessa,” Dylan said, his oily smile growing wide as he looked her up and down. “You always did have a soft spot for other people’s pain.”

  She sneered back at him. “Not yours.”

  “You might want to rephrase that.” Dylan lifted the barrel of his gun so it was pointed straight at the center of her chest.

  “You’re not going to kill me, Dylan. I’m worth nothing dead.” Tessa straightened her shoulders. “Worse than nothing.”

  Dylan’s eyes narrowed before giving her a reluctant nod. “But I can kill him.”

  He shifted on his feet, aiming his weapon at Rhys.

  “You could,” she said, knowing how important that feeling of power was to Dylan. “But you’re not going to.”

  Rhys closed the gap between them, swinging his arm protectively in front of her. “Tessa, what are you doing?”

  Tessa didn’t dare look over at Rhys. She didn’t think her courage could stand meeting his strong blue gaze. She kept her eyes steady on Dylan instead.

  “Promise me that you won’t hurt Rhys, and I’ll go with you willingly,” sh
e said.

  “Like hell you will,” Rhys said, his voice was so low it practically rumbled through her.

  Dylan’s gaze slid back and forth between them. A degenerate grin lifted his lips.

  “So, it’s like that, is it?” Dylan said. “Rhys, you sly dog. And here I thought that when our plant in the PD passed on the news of you two being involved in a domestic disturbance I’d find you two fighting, but it wasn’t that kind of screaming was it?”

  “Shut your mouth, Dylan,” Rhys snarled.

  Dylan shook his head slowly. “You’re not half as noble as you make yourself out to be are you, Rhys? Looks like you didn’t waste any time with the good doctor here.”

  “I said, shut up, Dylan,” Rhys warned.

  “And, Tessa, you’re such a tease, giving it up to Rhys, when you wouldn’t so much as let me kiss you good night,” Dylan said. “Did she tell you about our little date?”

  “It wasn’t a date,” Tessa said, shaking her head. “Boyd told you to keep an eye on me, and you followed his orders like a good little lap dog.”

  “We all have our masters. You think your lover boy here is any different? Boyd cuts my checks. Carter Macmillan cuts Rhys’,” Dylan said. “The only difference is Rhys would still be a cold-hearted bastard even if no one paid him a single cent.”

  “That’s a lie,” Tessa said.

  “Is it, sweetheart?” Dylan said. “I’ve seen your lover here do things that would curl your toes.”

  “Sort of like you did to me?” she shot back.

  Dylan slowly shook his head. “Oh, sweetheart, I am nothing in comparison to this monster.”

  Finally, they agreed on something.

  “You’re right,” she said. “You’re not even half the man he is. And I’m not going to let you kill him.”

  “Come with me, and I won’t,” Dylan said.

  Rhys swept his arm back, pushing her behind him. “That’s not going to happen.”

  Dark humor filled Dylan’s eyes.

  “That’s sweet,” he said. “Stupid, but sweet.”

  “Dylan’s men are not going to shoot me, Tessa,” Rhys said.

  Dylan laughed. “If you think that sentiment is going to keep me from giving the order to shoot your sorry ass then you’re more delusional than I thought, Rhys.”


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