Kyle (Hope City Book 4)

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Kyle (Hope City Book 4) Page 13

by Maryann Jordan

  Dr. Chaudra nodded, not giving any outward expression of surprise or irritation. Instead, she inclined her head politely and said, “Of course. It was originally developed as an opioid pain medication. Opioid, of course, means it is a compound that resembles opium and its addictive properties or physiological effects. It was created for cancer pain that was not controlled by other medications. In other words, it was never meant to be prescribed for headaches or pain after surgery. It’s very potent, very addictive, and has multiple side effects.”

  “With such power and strength, Dr. Chaudra, isn’t it very risky to use, even for cancer pain?”

  Nodding, she said, “Absolutely. Very risky. But, originally, it was for the pain management of someone who was at the end of their life.”

  Understanding dawned, and her breath rushed from her lungs. “Oh, I see. We often hear of morphine being used to help someone who’s in a great deal of pain at the end of their life to pass more peacefully.”

  “Yes, and for some patients, morphine and other opioids are not enough.”

  They continued talking for several more minutes about the research and development aspect of pharmaceuticals, but a niggling question remained in Kimberly’s mind. Uncertain how the topic could be perceived, she knew she had nothing to lose by asking. “Dr. Chaudra, do you sometimes find an ethical dilemma in your research? I’m thinking specifically of fentanyl. Its original use was very narrow in focus, and yet has exploded into the world of illicit drugs.”

  Dr. Chaudra's lips pinched ever so slightly as she nodded. “What you have to understand is in research and development we are focused on finding the chemical combinations that can be used to help. That help might be a cure or a treatment. When researching, we constantly hope to use chemistry to assist. Yes, there are those out there that will take our research and products, not use it according to our standards or even duplicate it illegally. Doctors all across the world began prescribing fentanyl as a go-to pain reliever for patients that never should have experienced it. Illegal drug manufacturers began duplicating the chemical process. And, of course, drug dealers will steal the prescription medicine and sell it on the black market.”

  “And adding it to heroin and other drugs?”

  “From a biochemical standpoint, this makes the drug much more potent. Someone taking it will become addicted much quicker, and with no regulations on illegal drugs, it will be sold and used at will. Am I aware that people do these things? Yes. But in answer to your original question, Ms. Hogan, I’m still going to continue my pharmaceutical and biochemistry research and development to find the combinations that cure or treat patients.”

  The sincerity resonating from Dr. Chaudra moved through Kimberly. “Thank you so much for talking to me today. I’d love to showcase you in one of my stories. I think you’re an inspiration, especially for little girls who are interested in science.”

  With the heavy part of the interview over, she shook Dr. Chaudra’s hand and accepted the invitation to have the assistant give her a more detailed tour of the facility. She jumped at the opportunity to speak to more of the researchers and workers on the front line.

  Once she was back in her office, she continued to scribble notes of what she’d seen and who she’d spoken to. With one eye on the clock, she leaped from her chair as soon as her day was over. With Marcus’ laughter and well wishes ringing in her ears, she hurried out to her car.

  Now, two hours later, she felt foolish standing by her front window, looking out as she waited for Kyle to drive up. Geez, you’d think I never go out on a date! The truth was it had been a while since she’d been on a date that she was excited about. She had rushed home, showered, dried her hair in soft waves, and applied makeup with a light hand. That had been the easy part. The hard part has been deciding what to wear.

  She had sent a text to Kyle asking how to dress, and in a typical guy manner, he replied with one word—casual.

  Casual? That could be a dress or jeans or anything in between. She knew he had sisters and couldn’t believe that he didn’t realize her question had great import. Checking the weather app, she discovered they were in for a slightly cool evening so she decided on a dress with a little length while showcasing her figure. Over the top, she added a light denim jacket. Foregoing heels, she slipped on platform sandals that looked cute but didn’t make her feel as though she was going to topple over.

  She grabbed a cute cross-body purse and stood at her kitchen counter, changing the items over from the backpack bag she had taken to work.

  Now, she paced in front of her small front window overlooking the street. As several SUVs and trucks came down the road, it dawned on her that she had no idea what he would be driving. Huffing, she looked down at her phone and started to send him another text.

  Just then, she spied a midsize SUV expertly parallel parking down the street from her front door. It pulled into a space that she would never have been able to maneuver into. She was so focused on the parking job, she jolted when she saw Kyle climb from the driver’s seat. She threw open her front door as he was approaching and said, “I’m sorry you had to park. I was planning on just running out.”

  He stood at the bottom of her steps and looked up, his gaze roving from the top of her head down to her feet and back up again. She blushed under his perusal but, from the look on his face, it was evident she had chosen her outfit well.

  “If you’d just run out to the street, I would’ve been robbed of the chance to stand here and admire you like this.”

  Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she inwardly preened at his words as she locked her front door. His hand reached out and she linked fingers, walking beside him as he escorted her to his SUV. Once inside, her gaze scanned the interior. While it didn’t smell like a brand-new car, it was very clean and showed no signs of wear and tear. As soon as he climbed back into the driver’s seat, she asked, “Is this new?”

  “It’s only a few months old. I’ve got a pickup truck that’s a clunker and use it for work. I never know where I might get called to and some of the places I go are pretty rough. I don’t want to take this vehicle to a crack house.”

  Her eyes widened. “Yeah. I can see where you wouldn’t.” Unable to think of anything else to say at his mention of a crack house, she sat silent for a moment.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “I guess I hadn’t really thought very much about where your job takes you. I know that’s foolish, but I hate to think of you being in danger.”

  “Does my job bother you?”

  With an emphatic shake of her head, she said, “No. You’re a lot braver than I am, but I do hate the idea that you’re in danger.”

  “I’m good at what I do.”

  With her head leaned back, she rolled it to the side to peer at him and waited.

  “I don’t take undue risks. I know what I’m doing when I go into a situation. And, while anything can happen at any time, I am good at what I do, Kimberly.”

  By now, they had pulled onto a small side street where he executed another perfect parking maneuver. “Are you like a parallel parking guru?”

  Now it was his turn to twist around and stare at her. “What?”

  “I know how to parallel park my little car, especially on my street. But, even then, I’m sometimes a foot away from the curb or I bump my tire onto the curb.”

  “Do you really want to know the truth?”

  “Of course.”

  “I had a driver’s ed teacher in high school that must’ve lived on one of these rowhouse streets. He was determined that every single kid he taught how to drive knew how to parallel park. I swear I think we did it for a solid week. He was a pain in the ass, but by the end of the week, I could parallel park. Been doing it ever since.”

  "Hmm, I think my driver’s ed teacher must’ve skipped that lesson.”

  Barking out a laugh, he climbed from behind the wheel and walked around the front, assisting her down. Bending, he kissed her lightly and said, “By the
way, you’re beautiful tonight.”

  Smiling, she squeezed his fingers before looking around, not recognizing where they were. Following his lead as he held her hand, they turned the corner at the end of the block, and she spied a large red awning extending from a small storefront. Chino’s Pizza was written in script on the awning. “Chino’s?”

  “Ever heard of it?”

  She shook her head. “Is it good?”

  “Babe, would I bring you on a date to a place that didn’t have good food?”

  Scrunching her nose, she laughed. “Maybe,” she said with exaggeration. He pretend-growled and she said, “You gave me Chinese last night and pizza tonight. Next date, I need to fix dinner for you.”

  “I’ll take you up on that.”

  He held open the door, and as soon as they stepped inside, she was immediately charmed by the interior. Red and white checkered tablecloth covered the tables, and servers wearing jeans and bright red shirts bustled around, trays of pizza pies held high over their heads as they weaved between patrons. A rotund man in a crisp white chef’s jacket and red apron was behind the counter, and when he caught sight of Kyle he threw his hand up in a wave, calling out his greeting. A pretty teenager with long black hair pulled up in a ponytail hurried to them and smiled. “Hey, Kyle! I’ve got a table for you over here.”

  Kimberly glanced at him and grinned. “Oh, I’m impressed. You must have called ahead!”

  “I knew it was the only way we could get seated right away.”

  The young server smiled at Kimberly before shifting her gaze back to Kyle. “You never bring a lady in.”

  “Kimberly, this is Louisa, the daughter of the best pizza maker in town. Louisa, this is my lovely date, Kimberly.”

  Smiling up at the bright-eyed young woman, she said, “It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry to say that I’ve never been here, but I’m excited to try your pizza.”

  “Oh, you’re in for a treat because Dad’s pizza is the best.” Taking their drink orders, she looked toward Kyle again and asked, “Your usual?”

  He looked across the table and cocked his head to the side. “Is there anything you don’t want on your pizza?”

  “I’m not crazy about anchovies, but everything else is good.”

  He grinned up at Louisa and nodded. “My usual will be perfect.”

  She bounced away, her ponytail swinging as she maneuvered through the tables with ease.

  “I like this place already, and I haven’t even had the food,” she said.

  “I went to school with Chino’s nephew. He worked here every summer and after school, so I’ve been coming around for a long time. Everybody kept telling Chino he needed to expand and open up other restaurants, but he refused. He says he only wants to have a restaurant that’s as big as what he can handle. I called ahead to make sure we got a table. If this had been the weekend, there would have been a line out the door.”

  Louisa came back with their drinks and set a platter of fried zucchini and mozzarella sticks with homemade marinara sauce on the table. One bite and Kimberly was in love. Her granola bar had long since worn off hours ago, and she was starved. Not wanting to overstuff on appetizers, she ate slowly. Soon, Louisa came back with a large pizza with homemade crust, loads of cheese, Italian sausage, and onions.

  The scent wafting from the pie was enticing, and if she had not been afraid of burning the roof of her mouth on the hot cheese, she would’ve jumped straight into a bite. Instead, she pulled it apart, blowing on the top to cool. Taking a big bite, her eyes immediately widened. Kyle was grinning at her from across the table as he helped himself to his own piece.

  “Oh, my God! I think I’ve died and gone to pizza heaven!”

  Chewing the huge bite he’d taken, he said, “I told you so. Best pizza in town.”

  When the meal was finished, she smiled as he drove toward the harbor. Remembering the last time they were there, it felt special… almost like their place, even though that was ridiculous since this was technically their first date and they had only been to the harbor one other time. As she stared at the handsome man sitting next to her, a twinge in her chest built at the realization of how much she truly liked him.

  Beginnings were scary. Full of doubt. But he’d told her the night before that he considered this to be the start of something between them. As they parked near the harbor, they linked their fingers once again as they began their walk.


  Kyle always enjoyed eating at Chino’s, but tonight’s date was by far the most entertaining. Not only was Kimberly beautiful, she was also so damn real and funny. The mirth they shared over his being the parallel parking guru had immediately taken away some of the drudge left over from his day. He knew a lot of people in law enforcement whose marriages had not been able to withstand the stress. He also knew many who made it work and, for them, their life was so much better. Hell, my parents and the Kings are perfect examples.

  Feeling his hand jiggle, he looked down to see her staring up at him.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” she asked.

  “That I’m walking around the harbor with the most beautiful woman in Hope City.”

  Her laughter ended in a snort, which in turn caused him to start laughing as well. “I can’t believe I just did that! I never used to snort when I laughed… at least, not when I was younger. Now, I do it all the time!”

  “I think I’ve heard that’s something old women do,” he said, then grunted when her elbow hit his middle.

  “That kind of comment will take away any chance you have of getting lucky tonight.”

  Leaning back in horror with his hand over his heart, he shook his head. “I’ll take any punishment but that!”

  They fell into an easy pace as their arms were wrapped around each other and they continued walking around the Inner Harbor.

  “Oh, look! It’s the Pirates!”

  They turned and faced the water, watching as a tourist boat was now surrounded by smaller boats with playacting pirates shouting threats. “I wonder if my niece has ever been out to see this?” he mused aloud.

  “How old is she?”

  “She’s seven now.”

  “Oh, that’s the perfect age to get excited about pirates on the water.”

  The sun was beginning to set behind the skyscrapers toward the west, casting long shadows on the water. As they strolled along, they avoided the storefronts, keeping closer to the least-traveled path near the edge of the harbor.

  He led her over to a streetlamp, stopped, and turned so that they were facing each other, bodies pressed together. She looked up at him and smiled as he bent to kiss her. Because there were still so many people around he kept the kiss light but, even so, his body tingled with her lips on his. Leaning back, they said nothing, their eyes holding an entire conversation silently.

  She finally glanced around and grinned. “This is where we shared our first kiss.”

  “I’m glad you remembered. That’s why we’re here.”

  “I could hardly forget that kiss. Or you.”

  “What about what happened after that? Were you able to forget that?”

  Twisting around to glance at the hotel, she laughed. “Oh, I haven’t forgotten a moment of that.”

  Kissing her again, he mumbled against her lips, “Your place or mine?”

  “Whichever is closer.” Her breath was warm against his face and he shivered.

  “That’ll be mine. And this time, you’d better not disappear in the morning.”

  She grinned. “Hey, you’re driving so you’ll have to take me home. But you’d better not plan on kicking me out too early!”

  Taking her lips in another kiss, he squeezed her and they began walking back around the harbor toward his SUV. This time, their pace was hurried.

  Kyle’s townhome was an end unit, so he did not have to worry about being the king of parallel parking. Pulling to the side, he turned off the engine, threw open the door, and his feet had barely hit the pavement before he j
ogged around to Kimberly’s side. She must have been in an equal hurry because she was already out of the vehicle by the time he reached her. He grabbed her hand and they raced to the front door. He fumbled with the keys and cursed under his breath. She pressed her body against his and he groaned. “Not helping, babe.”

  Her laughter met his ears, and he finally managed to open the door. Dragging her inside, she had just looked around and said, “Oh, how nice—”, when his lips hit hers again. He angled his head, licked her lips, and as soon as she opened her mouth, he plunged his tongue inside. This woman, this taste, was what he had been aching for since he’d seen her the previous day.

  His hands moved to the lapels of her jean jacket and slid it down her shoulders, letting it puddle by the front door. Barely taking the time to make sure the door was locked, he bent and swooped her into his arms. Mumbling, “I’ll give you a tour tomorrow,” he stalked toward the stairs.

  Her arms wound around his neck and she pulled his mouth back to hers. He started up the L-shaped stairs, then dragged his lips away. As much as he hated to end the kiss, he did not want to slam her head against the wall. Her weight was slight in his arms, and he easily made it into the master bedroom.

  Setting her feet onto the floor, he glanced toward the two windows facing the street, glad he’d already pulled the blinds. He reached around the side of her and turned on the light by the bed, casting a pale glow over her face.

  They stood for what felt like an eternity but could have only been a few seconds, their bodies close but not touching, their eyes pinned on each other. He leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on the tiny beauty mark next to her eye.

  Her hands slowly moved upward, resting on either side of his waist, her fingertips digging in slightly. Mimicking her actions, his hands continued higher, cupping her face.


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