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Finding Us

Page 10

by Allie Juliette Mousseau

  “He’s in his element,” I said with a grin for him.

  “He certainly is.” Caleb stood next to me with his arms folded over his chest. “So, you and Nate, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I felt my face redden and light up. Nate had gone for beers for everyone and Piper had left us to find the ladies’ room. I guess Caleb thought this was as good a time as any for a bro/sis chat.

  “That poor guy has had it bad for you for forever.”

  “Really?” That made me melt.

  “When Jake was falling all over Livie last winter, Nate barely talked about anything unless your name was associated with it. Even Dad was waiting for him to make it known how he felt about you.”

  “I didn’t know. I hoped. It seemed like we’d gotten close for a while there, but he’d never cross that line. Wish you’d told me a little sooner, Caleb.”

  “You know it’s gonna be rough though, right?”

  I looked up at him. He just kept his sights on Sam.

  “He’s kind of messed up, Jules. He’s never had a girlfriend before.”

  “He’s had all kinds of girlfriends!” I swung back.

  “No. He’s had girls, partners, nothing more than a few nights with one here and there before he set them loose. Nate has never been in a real relationship, let alone a seriously committed one.”

  I’d never thought of that. But he was right; all of my jealousies were over the girls who’d come in and out of his life, and none had lasted for any length of time.

  “By that I mean that he’s never learned to love like that. Honestly I’m concerned for both of you. Julia, he’s broken in a lot of ways, courtesy of Dillon. Are you prepared to help him heal?”

  “Of course I am.”

  “There’s a difference between loving him unconditionally, really helping him heal, and having a boyfriend that you just believe you love.”

  “I’m not a child, Caleb.” What was he getting at? “Do you think my love for Nate is shallow or some kind of infatuation?”

  “Oh, no, not at all, Jules. I know you two have been a long time coming. I’m just trying to brace you for what might be ahead when the honeymoon phase passes and you both start peeling back the layers and discover what makes each of you tick. Nate’s layers are hard, thick and dark.”

  “I know.” My tone was sad.

  “I know you do, but I’ve been working with the guy day in and day out for years. He’s my best friend and I love him, Jules, like one of my own brothers, but I’ve seen him at his best and his worst. He has serious bouts of moodiness where he won’t talk to anyone for days while he fights what’s going on inside of him. He’s been conditioned to internalize and deal with his shit without anyone else. He’s going to have to learn to let you in, and that’s going to be one hell of a process for him, and for you.”

  I nodded. “I get it. Do you have any specific advice?”

  “Yeah, when he pushes you away, don’t take it personally. When he gets moody or angry about something, know it’s not really you, it’s him going through a storm.”

  Living on the prairies all my life I knew storms. The open plains were rather bi-polar; one minute it was clear and the next the skies were sizzling with lightning, or it was sunny and warm and five minutes later we were being dumped on with ice and snow.

  “Good advice.”

  “I want to see the two of you make it.” Caleb nudged me with his shoulder.

  I playfully shoved him back. “I like Piper too. No, I love Piper.”

  “Good, ’cause so do I.”

  “What are you two so deep in it about?” Nate came walking over with a six pack in his hands.

  “Talking about Piper, of course.” Caleb grabbed a beer and popped the top.

  “Yeah, okay,” Nate conceded as he put the six packs under his feet, took one out, opened it and passed it to me.


  An announcement came over the loudspeakers, and soon the drivers got into their cars and started them up. Piper had caught up to us, and we all took to our seats.

  Metallica’s “Fuel” rocked the P.A. while Sam brought Lady up to the white line next to a Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500. Both were modified and revving their engines, ready and waiting to leave one another behind. A sleek black helicopter flew low overhead and circled the cars. An officiator in the raceway’s balcony cage waved the green flag, and the two cars tore away from the starting line.

  Sam was an NHRA National champion in Pro Mod and Super Street and Stock. He traveled all over the country to different speedways. This race was more for show and only consisted of ten laps.

  Sam had found a comfortable high groove but the Shelby had gotten up in front of him during the fourth lap and was now giving him a run for his money. I knew Sam loved it! He thrived on challenge.

  Oh, that gave me a good idea! I reached into my bag and pulled out my purple notepad and pink pen and started jotting down notes.

  A few minutes later Nate leaned over to my ear. “What are you writing?”

  I’d been holding his hand but took it back to write the notes before I lost the thought.

  “Nothing important,” I lied.

  He squinted his eyes to see what I’d scrawled.

  I tilted the notebook to my body. “No!”

  He smiled playfully. “No what?”

  “No for you. It’s sort of like a journal.”

  “Oh.” He nodded. “Am I in it?”

  I laughed. Oh yeah! “Maybe.”

  “Hey, you two, Sam’s about to kick ass!” Caleb interrupted.

  They were on the eighth lap and Sam was knocking on the Shelby’s back door, drafting behind him. I could see he was about to make his play. Sure enough, Sam performed a slingshot, dropping to the inside and steering around the Shelby, breaking the vacuum the drafting had created to give him the burst of speed he needed to gain the lead! We all screamed and leaped from our seats!

  They were close finishing that eighth lap! I wondered if Sam was doing it on purpose for the sake of the Motor Trend show or if the Shelby’s driver was just that good.

  Don’t even know why I second guessed it; on the final two laps, Sam left the Shelby in his rearview and burned up the track.

  When the checkered flag fell, Sam and Lady were victorious.

  Our small party screamed and shouted and smacked our beer bottles together in celebration!

  Caleb said, “Come on, let’s get down there and congratulate him.”

  I finished making my note and threw the stuff back into my bag. Nate grabbed my hand, and the four of us rushed down into the pit.

  Motor Trend and the companies involved with the “vs.” title were happy the race went so well and believed the footage would turn out great. Sam introduced us to several of the VIP’s, and someone even popped a bottle of champagne.

  We could tell they were going to keep Sam for a little while longer, and we were coming up on the afternoon, so Nate and Caleb excused us to get back to the rodeo. Sam said he’d meet us there and we all went our separate ways.

  While we were in Nate’s truck heading back to the expo “Any Way You Want It” by Journey came on the classic radio station. It was just me and Nate, and a surge of adrenaline kicked in. I couldn’t stop myself from truck dancing—singing and playing air guitar as I performed in the front of Nate’s cab.

  I sang the words directly to him while I touched his face, shoulder and leg, soft as a feather. His face brightened as he watched me from the corner of his eye. I decided it was time to make him have a hard time keeping his eyes on the road. By the second verse I was out of my seatbelt and on my knees in the seat, rocking my shoulders until I was all the way back, with my shoulders on the seat, before I came back up nice and slow, caressing myself from my ribs up the sides of my breasts, until I sunk my hands into the back of my long brown hair and fanned it out behind me. He watched me like I was good enough to eat. I felt so sexy with him here so close, remembering what had happened last night and what I could
bet would happen tonight; I was lap dancing—without being directly on his lap, he was trying to drive after all.

  “You’re going to make me have to pull over and get on top of you,” he warned.

  “Do you promise?” I moved my hands sensually up my thighs.

  “Hot hell, woman!” he said before he took a quick look at the road and swerved the wheel hard to the left, causing me to be thrown into him.

  A lap dance after all. I straddled his lap, facing him, and made sure my head was out of the way so he could see the road. Beginning little love bites by scraping my teeth over his neck, I let my hips move to the beat of the song. I had never done anything like this before and was having the time of my life! But this was Nate and I felt so safe.

  A minute later, Nate pulled the truck off the road, and I could smell the dirt getting kicked up from the spinning tires, floating through the open windows. The truck jerked to a stop, and Nate’s hands were all over me.

  “You’re killing me …” He was out of breath. “I’m trying to wait and you’re killing me! Since when were you such a wild little thing?”

  “You make me like this.” His hands on me made me crazy! “Where do you want to touch me?”

  “Oh my God, Jules, everywhere!” So far his hands had been urgently clawing at my back, shoulders and ass.

  I leaned back against the steering wheel. “Then do it.”

  He let out a long breath, set his hands on my shoulders and let them slowly follow down to the curve of my breast. With one hand on my breast, he gripped the back of my head with the other and pulled me into a smoldering kiss.

  A second later I felt the warmth of his finger tickle over my ribs and sneak up under my shirt, until he reached my lacy bra and worked his thumb over my nipple.

  Holy hot fuck! Immediately it was like he’d started my ignition and injected hot fuel from my breast, down through my stomach and into my sex.

  “You have a bull to ride,” I mumbled into his mouth.

  “You’re the one who started this, Miss North.”

  I smiled proudly. Yes, yes I had.

  Next thing I knew he deftly maneuvered us so I was laying on my back across the cab and he was on top of me with his long lean body between my legs. I could feel the hardness of his shaft beneath the denim, pressing into my belly.

  Oh my God, was this going to be it? On the side of the road? I wondered if anyone could see us.

  “I cannot get you back into our room fast enough, but I do have a bull to ride in”—he looked at his watch—“one hour.”

  I don’t know what the hell came over me, but I pouted.

  He leaned in and put my bottom lip between his teeth, nipping it gently.

  “Tonight, you’re all mine,” he assured before he got back up into his seat and clicked off the radio, shooting me a warning look.

  Like the good girl, I sat back up and straightened myself before pulling on my seat belt again. “Can I hold your hand?”

  “No!” He held out his hand in a stop gesture. “Every inch of my flesh is on fire, and if you touch me again anytime soon I’m going to combust.”

  I folded my hands in my lap.

  A moment later we were pulling into the parking lot at the expo. Nate let himself out then came around to open my door.

  “You’re a mysterious little hellcat.” He took my hand.

  Good. Exactly what I wanted him to think.

  “By the way, you look like a country music star in that outfit.” He pulled me along next to him.

  “Thank you, I bought the shirt with you in mind.”

  “I love it.”

  We got into the expo and headed around to where the cowboys prepared for their rides. Caleb and Piper were there.

  “What took you so long?!” Caleb scolded. “We have forty-five minutes before I have a date with Crazy Train and you get another go around with Smackdown!” He turned on me. “You cannot be distracting him!”

  Nate laughed, “And it is all her fault.”

  Piper took my arm and began to drag me away. “I got her, good luck boys.”

  “Wait!” Nate grabbed me back. “I need a kiss for luck.”

  “I’m so happy to oblige,” I said as he scooped me into his arms and kissed me tenderly before whispering in my ear, “Just wait until tonight.”

  The feel of his breath in my ear caused my flesh to goose bump.

  I hoped the look in my eyes conveyed that I couldn’t wait. Then I turned and followed Piper.

  “Girl, you look so happy,” Piper observed.

  “I am so happy.” Happy sounded so subdued though; I wasn’t just happy, I was delirious! I was so full of Nate’s voice and touch, his kisses and his heat. His very life force felt like it had become a part of me. Talk about high! I was soaring.

  “Let’s get some drinks and get to our seats.” Piper and I got in line for sodas and pretzels and climbed through the arena to our seats.

  The energy was sizzling. Camera crews were milling about the arena floor.

  “Look, its Caleb!” Piper squealed and pointed at the Jumbotron. The Canadian Broadcasting Company and PBR were filming the event live and interviewing the riders.

  “We have here with us the Bud Light Cup Event Champ, and Denver and Tacoma PBR Champion, Caleb North,” the commentator, Shane Powers, introduced.

  Everyone in the arena cheered—not as loud as Piper, though. “THAT’S MY BABY!” she screamed.

  “How do you feel about taking on Crazy Train, who has bucked off two world champs and six rookies of the year? And do you have a strategy coming into the ride?” Shane asked.

  “Crazy Train is a career bull who has earned my deepest respect and it’s an honor to get to ride him here today. As for my strategy, I plan on holding tight and not letting go until those eight seconds are up.” Caleb smiled, a natural in front of the camera; he could have been a model if he’d chosen to be.

  “Thank you for your time, Caleb, and good luck on your ride.”

  “Thank you, Shane,” Caleb replied, and the screen went to black as the song “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne riled up the crowd.

  “I see I made it just in time.”

  “Hey, you!” I jumped up and gave Sam a squeeze and was not really surprised to find the famous race commentator right behind him.

  Sam smiled his Hollywood grin and said, “You both know Mary Nicole.”

  “Hello, I’m Sam’s sister Julia. Nice to meet you.” We shook hands.

  Piper leaned over for half a sec, waved and said, “Hey there, welcome to the party,” and turned her attention back to the arena floor.

  “He’s going up against Crazy Train,” I explained as Sam and his date sat down.

  “Yeah, I caught that interview. Fucking lunatic,” he laughed.

  “Lunatic? Didn’t I just go watch you inject Lady with nitrous and speed at over 200 mph? That was you, right?”

  “Ah, yes it was.” Sam smirked proudly.

  “You should try rodeo,” Piper said as her leg bounced up and down in anticipation of Caleb’s ride.

  “Hell no! I like what I can control—fast cars, fast bikes, fast boards—but crazy ass bulls with horns? No way.”

  Caleb’s ride song, Motorhead’s “The Game,” started up and we knew he’d be out of the chute any second. We all stood up and leaned over the railing for a better view. The noise in the arena was insane! Music, shouting, whistling, commentators explaining points and athlete’s motions filled our ears. A second later the crowds cheered, screamed and clapped as Caleb and Crazy Train came out of the chute like a bat out of hell.

  That bull was rank! He leaped into the air, twisted and bucked with the ferocity that gave him his name. 5.12 seconds later Caleb was thrown off, and came down under Crazy Train’s hooves! Piper and I both gasped as Caleb tucked and rolled away from him, but Crazy Train took a turn and moved toward him with incredible speed, horns down! The arena ushers ran over to distract the bull and, with some coaxing, got Crazy Train safely gat
ed. Caleb hopped to his feet, took off his helmet and waved up at the crowd.

  “Freaking bulls.” Piper dropped into the seat, shaking her head.

  “I wonder whose adrenaline is pumping more, Caleb’s, Crazy Train’s or yours.” I rubbed her shoulder.

  “Me too.” Piper got up. “I’ve got to go check on him.”

  “How many more contestants before Nate?” Sam asked.

  “Two more guys,” I answered. “So what’s your plan anyway? Are you sticking around Edmonton for the rest of the finals or are you heading back to Seattle?”

  “I figured I’d hang with you guys for a while but I have to be back in two weeks—I’ve got a few gigs in August. What’s going on with Josh?”

  “He’s on the main card for a UFC night in Vegas next weekend,” I told him.

  “Are you guys heading down?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Awesome. I’ll tag along.”

  “Cool!” Sam made everything fun. “Hey, what’s going on with Will, is he still in Sun City?”

  “Yeah, the little shit,” Sam said.

  “Little shit? He’s your twin!” I laughed.

  “I’m seven seconds older, which makes him the little shit,” Sam explained.

  I rolled my eyes. Will had won bronze in MotoX at the Summer X-Games—right before Jake and Livie’s wedding—then he took off with a group of friends to go zip lining in Sun City, South Africa. “When’s he supposed to be back?”

  “I’m not sure.” He shrugged.

  “Our next rider is the North Dakota native who has been awarded the 15/15 Bucking Battle Victory, ranked number two on the PBR Built Ford Tough Series at the Monster Energy Invitational and is a serious contender for the coveted PBR World Champion belt buckle, Nathaniel Morrisey,” the commentator announced, and Nate’s picture came up on the Jumbotron with his stats. The crowds erupted in cheers! “He’ll be taking on Smackdown”—now the bull’s photo came up on the screen—“who has a career streak of 24 straight buck offs. The last man to sit atop him was world champion Jamie Farmington, who lasted only a mere 4 seconds.”


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