Star Maker

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Star Maker Page 10

by J. M. Nevins

  She chuckled. “I dunno, you tell me. Are we?”

  He laughed quietly. “I’ll make sure you guys all get the passes. Tell Max to bring her camera. She’ll be all access like you guys so she can shoot from the stage. I’ll have ‘em sent to you. Tell Sull I’ll call him this week. We’ll hang out when I’m back in town before I go to Antigua for Christmas and New Years.”

  “Antigua? Why?”

  “Want to spend time away with the new, high-fashion, model girlfriend. Rented out a villa for us and my uncle is letting us borrow his sixty-foot sailboat. You and Sull should join us. I can fly you both out. Think about it. I’ll talk to him.”

  She shook her head. “I dunno, Joe. And would you stop trying to push Sully and I together? We’re not a couple, nor will we be.”

  He mumbled. “Whatever.”

  She ignored him and continued. “He’s a great friend. And besides, I’ve got a new boyfriend.”

  He interjected. “Not another yuppie suit, I hope.”

  She giggled. “No comment. Speaking of which, I need to cut this short. I have a brief to finish and then I have to get ready for my date.”

  “Ok. I’ll get that package out to you. Call you again soon.”

  “Hang in there, Joe. I’m sure things will settle down once the tour is over.”

  “Yeah, ok. Bye, Kitty.”

  She hung up the phone and frowned. That nagging, uneasy feeling wouldn’t leave her. She wanted to dismiss Joe’s qualms about his newfound stardom, but knew she couldn’t. She forced herself to push it down and get her work done.

  Later that evening when Kit was returning from another wonderful date with Seth, she noticed Sully at the top of the stairs, propped up against her front door, his head hung low. She frowned.

  Seth looked ahead. “Is that Sully?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yep. This doesn’t look good.” She let go of Seth’s hand and approached Sully. She crouched down in front of him. “Sull, honey, what’s wrong?”

  He looked up at her, his steel blue eyes sad and flat. “Can we talk?” He then noticed Seth and stood up, feeling awkward. “Oh sorry, I didn’t know you were, uh, not alone.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and forced a smirk. “Hey, Seth.”

  He nodded. “Hey, Sull. If you need to talk to Kit, it’s cool.” He looked at her and grinned. “Call you tomorrow?”

  She nodded and smiled, leaning forward to give him a kiss. “Yes. Thank you, baby.” She waved and watched him head down the stairs as she unlocked the front door and stepped in. Sully walked over to the sofa, sat down, and sighed. Kit sat down next to him and patted him on the knee. “What’s up with you, mopey? What’s going on?”

  He looked at her briefly and then looked away, sighing again. “She dumped me.”

  Kit stared at him. “Crystal?”

  He kept his eyes cast down and nodded. “Yes. She dumped me and kicked me out. Threw all my shit in the street.”

  Kit’s eyes widened. “What did you do to piss her off?”

  He looked at her and glared. “I didn’t do anything. She flipped out. Said she couldn’t handle me flirting with other women or how women were all over me after a show. We were out on the Strip and I got the attention I normally get, nothing out of the ordinary. She told me she wanted to leave. When we got back to the apartment, we got into a huge argument. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your night. All the guys are out, I didn’t know where else to go. I didn’t want to go back to the Strip.”

  She grinned. “Let me get you a drink. What do you want? Your usual?”

  He shook his head. “No rocks, neat.”

  “Ok. I’ll be right back.”

  She returned moments later and handed him his drink. She took her seat again next to him and held her glass up. “To your freedom.”

  He reluctantly clicked her glass and then took a sip of his drink. “I really liked her, Kit.”

  She chuckled. “Did you really like her or did you really like the sex? Sull, she’s a stripper. What kind of decent conversation could you really have with her? I’ve talked to her, you know. She’s not all that smart and she was always kinda mean to you. I didn’t like that. I didn’t think that was cool.”

  He sighed. “I guess. I dunno. Just thrown off by the whole thing. I don’t like change.”

  Kit chuckled. “Who does? The important thing is that you can handle change. Change will always happen—that’s life. It’s inevitable, especially in this business.”

  He stared at his drink. “I need a girlfriend.”

  Kit laughed. “What? Is this Sully Foxx I’m talking to? What the hell? Look at me.” He shifted his eyes up to meet hers. She stared into his eyes. “You are one of the most desirable frontmen on the Strip right now. You don’t need a girlfriend, honey.”

  He chuckled and took a sip of his drink. “Ok, maybe you’re right. Kit, how am I going to pull this off? I haven’t had a job in months. She was kind enough to pay my way with everything. She took care of me. Let me tell ya, my track record for holding down a job isn’t all that good in this town.”

  She smiled. “What are you talking about? How long have you been the frontman for Gypsy Tango?”

  “Almost three years.”

  “See, you’ve held a job for three years.”

  He chuckled. “Never looked at it that way.”

  “Work is work, babe, whether you’re paid or not. And it’s my goal in the New Year to turn you guys into a band that gets paid to play. I did it with Scorcher. You guys are next on my radar. Don’t worry about the money, Sull. We’ll figure it out. I’ll help you.”

  He stared at her and a faint grin surfaced. “You will?”

  She faced him and took his hands in hers. “Listen, you told me you need me to make you a superstar. Let me. We’ll do this together. It will be amazing!”

  He chuckled. “You’re a maniac, Kit McKenna, but I love your enthusiasm.”

  She smiled. “So, is that a yes? Sull, tell me right now. What is your biggest dream?”

  He shook his head and grinned. “Aww, see. Now you’re getting to me. How do you know me so well already? Jeez, I only met you like four months ago and you’ve already got my number.”

  “You’re here to talk, so let’s talk. Tell me your vision from beginning to end.” She grabbed her drink and took a sip, grinning. “I’ve got all night. Start talkin,’ Foxx.”

  Kit awoke at six, hopped into the shower, drew her wet hair back into a ponytail, and threw on the closest outfit she could find. She didn’t care what she looked like. She had to study. She had only gotten two hours of sleep. She had been up all night talking with Sully.

  She was buried in a mess of law books and notes when Alexa padded by her, headed to the kitchen to make coffee. She returned a few moments later and gazed into the living room, frowning. “Kit, why is Sully sleeping on our sofa? Doesn’t he live with his slut girlfriend?”

  She looked up at Alexa and put her finger to her lips. “Shh! Don’t wake him up. He’s a little fragile right now. Got his heart broken last night. It’s over between those two. He needed a place to stay. I told him he could stay here.”

  Alexa’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She put her hand over her mouth and shook her head, glaring. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Kit! Are you crazy? He’ll turn this place into party central. He’ll be having sex with groupies on our sofa. Especially now that he’s single! Ew!”

  Kit giggled and shook her head. “No he won’t. I set very clear ground rules for him. He agreed and he knows that if he violates even one of them, he’s out on his ass. Absolutely no women at any time and if he wants to have a party, he has to clear it with both of us beforehand.”

  Alexa took a sip of her coffee and sighed. She smirked. “Ok, but if he messes up, he’s out!”

  “I know, Lex. He’ll be good. Remember how you said you’d be willing to front me to help the band?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Well, you�
��re starting now if you agree to this. He needs us. Lex, he has it in him to be one of the biggest rock stars this planet has ever known. I don’t know why I feel so strongly about this, but I do. I had the same feeling about Joe and look what happened with his career. We have to at least try to help Sully get there. Please, Lex?”

  She stared at Kit and noticed the pleading look in her eyes. “Ok, but only for a little while. I don’t want to be having this conversation a year from now figuring out how to kick him out.”

  Kit shook her head. “That’s not going to happen. I don’t want that either.”

  Sully had only been living with Alexa and Kit for two days and already Alexa had changed her reluctant attitude. She was thrilled. Since he didn’t have any money to contribute, he cleaned their entire apartment and was now cooking her dinner.

  Kit walked in and smelled something delicious wafting through the apartment. She heard laughter coming from the kitchen and headed in. She smiled when she saw Sully at the stove cooking while he and Alexa talked and laughed.

  Alexa took a sip of her wine and looked over at Kit. “Guess who is going to help me cook Thanksgiving dinner this year.”

  Kit chuckled. “You cook, Sull? Where did this come from? I didn’t know this about you.”

  He giggled and grinned mischievously. “There are lots of things you don’t know about me, Kit-Kat.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Lex, pour me a glass of wine, please. It’s been a day.”

  Alexa poured a glass of wine and handed it to her. “Are you working tonight?”

  She shook her head and took a sip. “No. I quit.”

  Alexa’s eyes widened. “What? When?”

  “Yesterday. I can’t handle it. It’s too much with school and managing. I have enough to float me until the New Year, I think, and I’m pretty sure Scorcher’s deal will come through.”

  Alexa smiled and clapped her hands. “Good! Then you can have dinner with us and hang out. Sully and I are going to watch a movie.”

  Kit chuckled. “No you’re not. Sully is going flyering with me.”

  He looked at Kit. “Not until ten or eleven. There’s no point in going out to the Strip earlier than that. We’ll eat dinner, watch a movie, and then go.” He pointed at her with his wooden spoon.

  She shook her head. “I have to study. I have finals in two weeks. No way. Watching a movie is not in the cards. Ok, enough about me. Sully, how do you know how to cook?”

  He kept his attention focused on the sauté pan in front of him. “My mom had a café when I was growing up. She needed an extra short order cook from time to time. She showed me how to do it and it went from there. I’ve had a few jobs in L.A. doing this since I arrived, but my ‘doesn’t play well with others’ attitude inevitably gets me canned. Either that or daydreaming and letting the food burn.”

  Alexa laughed. “You’re doing just fine here. That smells delicious.”

  Sully grinned. “I have better company. It’s easy to cook when you’re doing it for people you like.”

  Alexa walked up to him and hugged him from behind. “Aww, Sull, I had no idea you were so awesome. I’ll be your sugar momma. You’re awfully cute.” She kissed him on the cheek and they both burst into giggles.

  Kit leaned against the counter, drinking her wine, and laughing. As she watched them the wheels started turning in her head. Maybe having Sully around would be better than they thought.

  Thanksgiving Day proved to be one of the best experiences Kit had ever had. She thought her Thanksgiving Day celebrations with her college friends in Philadelphia had been fun, but this Thanksgiving with Alexa, Maxine, and all of Gypsy Tango had been one for the record books. The food was delicious, courtesy of Alexa and Sully teaming up in the kitchen, and fun had ensued—from a morning touch football game in one of the local parks to a food fight after dinner followed by a long drinking game. They had all passed out by midnight.

  Alexa was the first one up and made a large pot of coffee, taking out mugs for everyone, and waking them. She yelled. “Ok, guys, get yourselves together. Do whatever you have to do. We’re leaving in one hour. No excuses.”

  Kit heard Alexa and padded out of her bedroom, squinting from the bright light, and noticing all the longhaired rockers in her living room, rousing. “What did you say, Lex?”

  She handed Kit a cup of coffee. “One hour. Melrose.”

  Kit yawned. “Oh yeah. I forgot we were doing that today.” She grinned and patted Alexa’s hand. “Thank you. I really appreciate this. I’ll get this back to you with interest.”

  Alexa smiled. “I know you will. I dunno, I’m starting to feel like these guys are the brothers I never had, y’know? Jimmy’s always been like my big brother and even though Sull is the same age as you and me, I feel like he’s my little brother sometimes.”

  Sully walked over sleepily. “You talkin’ about me?” He rubbed Alexa’s back.

  She giggled and playfully shoved him. “No. Why do you think everyone is always talking about you? Think you’re a rock star or something?”

  He smiled. “Yes.” He walked past her and headed for the bathroom.

  Kit and Alexa giggled. Kit nodded. “That boy is gonna be famous one day. And it’s one day really soon.”

  Alexa leaned on the doorjamb that led to the kitchen. “You know, I didn’t realize how nice he is until he started staying here this week. I mean really nice. Good manners too. The guy has a big heart. He plays off like a real hot-shot, gigolo, bad boy, but deep down inside he’s this kind, polite, hardworking Midwestern boy who wants to do right.”

  Kit nodded and took a sip of her drink. “They’re all good guys, that’s why I like working with ‘em, but you’re right. Sully has a big heart. Double-edged sword. He’s also super sensitive. Keep that in mind while he’s living here. He may not show it, but he gets his feelings hurt really easily, especially when it comes to his writing. I’ve seen it play out with he and Jimmy constantly.”

  Alexa nodded. “Got it. Where is Max?”

  Kit chuckled. “In my room. She crashed in my bed with me last night since the sofa and the floor in the living room were occupied by all of our longhaired gentlemen. Was Jimmy with you?”

  “Yep, passed out on the floor next to my bed. Oh shit. I need to go wake him up. He’s probably still totally passed out! Crap!” She set her cup of coffee down and made a beeline for her room.

  An hour later, the band trailed Kit, Alexa, and Maxine as they took them on a shopping spree on Melrose. Kit was reinventing their image. They were scheduled for a photo shoot a month prior, but Kit pulled the plug on it, knowing they weren’t quite ready. With new wardrobes and some restyling to their hair, the guys would be ready for their photo shoot the following day in a large warehouse in the meatpacking district of Los Angeles. 1985 was going to see a new and improved Gypsy Tango.


  Kit had a great strategy for her Christmas break from school that didn’t include going to Antigua on Joe’s dime. She planned to work with all of the guys in Gypsy Tango personally, but mostly Sully, so they would hit the ground running in the New Year. First though, she had to get through her first round of law school finals.

  She walked through the door and noticed Sully standing on one of their kitchen chairs, the attachment from the vacuum cleaner in his hand, extended into the corner of the ceiling while he sung at the top of his lungs a cappella. He didn’t hear her come in. He kept on going until he caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye. He turned off the vacuum and looked at her. “You know how many cobwebs were up there? It was disgusting. Have you guys done any vacuuming up there since you moved in?”

  She chuckled. “No. But thank you for doing it. I’m standing here trying to figure out how a guy who is so anal about a few cobwebs can’t seem to pick up his wet towels off the bathroom floor after he showers.”

  He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.” He jumped off the chair and walked over to her. “Are you home for the day? How was school?” />
  She sighed and shook her head. “I start finals tomorrow. I’m a little freaked out. Most of them will be a breeze, but there’s one that I’m a little worried about. I’ve got a B in the class right now.”

  Sully feigned a horrified look. “You have a B? Oh my God, Kit, the world’s gonna end! You have to do something about this at once! Armageddon will be upon us before we know it!”

  She chuckled. “Shut up. I’m serious, Sull. I cannot have a B or worse. If I bomb the final my grade could drop even lower.”

  He walked up behind her and started massaging her shoulders. “You’ll be fine. When is this big final exam?”


  He walked around to face her. “Are you gonna meet up with your law school pals tonight to study?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, later. Right now I have to dig in on my own. I don’t want to.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean? That’s not like you.”

  She sighed. “The advantage of the study group is that my classmates and I quiz each other. You know, test each other on the material. I don’t want to wait until tonight. That’s still five hours away. Studying notes on my own isn’t all that effective for this type of coursework.”

  He perched on the chair. “How hard could it be? Just someone else looking at your notes and asking questions?”


  He folded his arms in front of him and smiled. His brilliant, steel blue eyes lit up. “I’ll do it.”

  She smiled. “What? Really? Or is this you being a smart ass?”

  He shook his head. “I’m serious. Kit, you’ve done so much for the band and me already. Let me help you do something. I don’t have anything to do this afternoon. I’m all yours.” He opened his arms wide and smiled.

  She grinned. “That’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever offered to do for me. I’m taking you up on that and you’re probably going to be sorry. Let’s grab some lunch first and then we can hit the books. Deal?”


  As Kit and Sully headed out to lunch, he glanced over at her. “What law class am I going to help you study for?”


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