The Billionaire Cowboy's Love: A Billionaire BWWM Western Romance

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The Billionaire Cowboy's Love: A Billionaire BWWM Western Romance Page 1

by Joanna Jacobs

  Table of Contents














  The Billionaire Cowboys Love


  Blake Nathaniel wore his sunglasses as he made his way out of his personal jet. Blake was a 35-year-old billionaire who was born and brought up in Texas till his teenage years and currently lived in New York. He was an oil exporter, but his money wasn’t the only thing attractive about him. Instead, his manly features, muscular build, and green intense eyes with dark brown hair were the qualities that most women lusted for. He was also awarded to be the most desired billionaire bachelor of New York. Besides his money and good looks, his attitude is what helped him in being successful. Unlike other diplomatic business tycoons, Blake was an outspoken confident man who knew how to impress people. His stare alone was usually enough to make anyone shiver but his personality itself, was very interesting. Despite being too busy in his life, Blake made sure that he visited his hometown, Texas, from time to time. Similarly today, Blake was visiting the town where he grew up to meet his family.

  “Sir you have a meeting after a week, will you be heading back to New York by then?” Blake’s assistant, George, asked as he followed Blake.

  “Yes” Blake answered as he headed towards his car.

  “Good evening sir” the driver held the car door open for Blake and greeted him.

  “Good evening” Blake greeted in a rush, as he quickly sat in his car.

  “Sir?” George looked at his boss once he sat in the car.


  “I have been working for you since many years, I don’t understand why a billionaire like you, takes out time from his busy schedule just to visit this town?”

  “George, you know how important this town is to me. It is where my roots are and I believe no matter how much a person gets successful, he should always stay in touch with his roots. It helps him stay grounded and aware of what is important.”

  “And for you, this town is important?” George asked.

  “Yes, because this is where my family is from.”

  “Sir, but this time you rushed over here so unexpectedly, I mean you suddenly cancelled all the meetings to come over here.”

  “Because I received a call from my mother earlier. She informed me that my father is unwell, which is why I needed to get over here quickly.”

  “Oh” George spoke in a low voice.

  The car finally came to a stop and Blake got off his car. The car was parked in front of a huge bungalow and a lady stood on the door with a welcoming smile.

  “Jane!” Blake exclaimed and walked towards the lady. This lady had a sleek structure with beautiful green eyes and her golden whitish hairs were tied in a bun. Her face had wrinkles but her beauty was boundless.

  “Blake” The lady smiled and walked towards Blake to hug him. They hugged and smiled.

  “Oh I missed you my big boy” The lady smiled and looked at her son in admiration.

  “I missed you too mother” Blake smiled as he spoke.

  “Oh George, how are you?” Blake’s mother saw George standing behind Blake and greeted him in a friendly tone.

  “I am well ma’am. How have you been?”

  “I am well too “Jane smiled, turned her glare towards Blake and spoke, “Common lets head inside. Your father has been waiting for you”

  Blake nodded and headed inside while his mother and George followed him.

  “Dad?” Blake spoke in a sad voice as he entered the room.

  The room was huge and was furnished with cream-colored furniture. In the middle of the room, a king size bed was in place where an old man was laying and resting. Besides the bed, there was a drip stand with a drip line connected to the man. The room looked bright as it was lighted by the sunlight coming in from the glass window.

  “Hey son” Blake’s father, named Mathew looked at Blake and could barely smile.

  “How are you, you don’t look well at all” Blake spoke in concern as he sat beside his father.

  “Nonsense, who said so? I am healthy as a horse” The man tried to sit straight as he spoke.

  “Yes, an old horse” Blake spoke as he quickly approached his father and stopped him from sitting straight by politely holding his shoulder.

  “You and your mother worry too much really, I am fine Blake”

  “You are not fine, you fainted yesterday Mathew”. Jane spoke in a livid tone, while approaching his bed.

  “Honey, I am fine. You didn’t need to worry and I know you are the one who must have told Blake to come all the way here.”

  “Yes of course. I called him and told him about your condition.”

  “But you didn’t need to do that.” Mathew spoke politely to his wife.

  “Dad, I am your son. I have every right to be here. I am glad about mom calling me and telling me about your health.”

  “But Blake, what about your business?”

  “Leave that worry to me sir. I will take care of that while Mr. Blake gets to spend time with you” George spoke in a friendly manner.

  “Thank you George, glad to see that you are still standing by my son’s side.”

  George and Mathew nodded and exchanged smiles.

  “Besides, I needed someone to handle you since I cannot do that alone. I know Blake and Sara are the only two people who can handle you” Jane spoke as he teased her husband.

  “Wait, who is Sara?” Blake asked with a confused look.


  “I am.” A lady spoke as she entered the room and stood besides the door. Everyone turned and looked at her. Sara had a tall and slim structure with long dark hair and luscious pink lips that matched well with her dark hazel colored intense eyes and caramel skin. All in all, she was a total beauty.

  “Blake, this is Sara Cameron, she is your fathers nurse. And Sara this is my son, Blake and his assistant George” Jane introduced.

  “Oh hello.” Sara walked gracefully towards Blake and offered him a hand shake. “I have heard a lot about you from your mother.” Sara’s voice was as delightful as crimson.

  Blake stood frozen looking at the beautiful lady standing in front of him.

  “Umm Blake, you are staring at the nice lady” Blake’s mother spoke in a low embarrassed voice.

  “Oh I am sorry. Hello.” Blake stopped staring and shook hands with Sara.

  When Blake did not let go off Sara’s hand for a while and continued to stare, she politely said, “I need to change your father’s drip.”

  “Go on.”

  “Well I sort of need my hand for that.”

  “Of course” Blake blushed a little and quickly let go off her hand.

  She changed the drip while everyone stood silently in the room.

  “Mr. Mathew you are now going to feel sleepy so you need to rest all right?” Sara instructed.

  “But I need to talk to my son.”

  “That can wait dad, I am staying here for a long time don’t worry” Blake assured.

  “Well, all right.” Mathew agreed.

  “I hope nobody minds, but all of you need to leave the room. The patient needs rest now.” Sara spoke with a smile.

  “Sure Sara, common Blake let’s get you settled in.” Jane spoke and headed out the room.

  As everyone walked out of the
room, Blake said, “George cancel that meeting which you were talking about. The one that is after a week.”

  “Do you plan to extend your stay sir?”

  “Yes absolutely. So just cancel all my meetings until my further instruction.”

  “Sure sir.”


  Blake tried to rest in his room but thoughts about Sara kept him awake and all he could think about was her beauty. Because he felt anxious to meet the lady again he got out of his room and went downstairs to check if she was still around. As he entered the kitchen, he ran into his mother who was telling the servants about what to cook for dinner.

  “How about some ribs? I am sure Blake loves to eat that and…” Blake’s mother was giving instructions when Blake interrupted.

  “Yes, I love to have ribs.”

  “Hey Blake, I thought you slept” she walked towards Blake as he sat down on a chair.

  “No I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Oh is something wrong?” Jane questioned in a concerned manner.

  “No no, it’s nothing at all. I will sleep later on. By the way, where’s that Sara lady? I mean is she still looking after dad?”

  “No your dad is resting now. Sara must be out, at the back.”

  “What is she doing there?”

  “I don’t know, let’s go and see.”

  Blake and his mother walked towards the back door and headed out. As they stood on their back porch, they could see Sara putting up wet clothes on a string in the backyard.

  “Why is she hanging up cloths? I thought she is a nurse” Blake asked as he looked at the beautiful lady who did not even notice them standing on the porch as she continued with her task.

  “Yes. She is your father’s personal nurse but she helps around the house in different chores.”

  “Mom, you have servants for that.”

  “I know and I insist her not to perform all these extra tasks but she is an amazing lady and loves working around the house when your father is resting.”


  “Yea, she spends almost the entire day taking care of your father but whenever she is free for even a while, she does not like sitting idle which is why she does small chores around the house. Besides that, she is a good nurse, and takes really good care of Mathew. In a nutshell, she has been a great help really.”

  “You say she spends her entire day here?”

  “Yes mostly, why?”

  “Doesn’t her husband mind that?”

  “Husband? Oh no, she isn’t married. In fact, I think she doesn’t even have a boy friend. As far as I know about her, she isn’t the sort of a woman who needs a man in her life to survive.”


  “Anyway, I will just check on your father and be right back” Jane excused Blake and headed back inside. Meanwhile, Blake gazed at Sara, who was still unaware that Blake was gazing at her.

  “So you are an independent sort of a woman who doesn’t need a man in her life. Hmm, let’s find out more about that” Blake thought and headed inside the house too.

  “George?” Blake looked at his assistant who was eating in the dining room.

  “Yes sir?” George stood up in respect.

  “George I have a task for you, I need you to find information about Sara”

  “Sara? You mean your father’s nurse?”

  “Yes. Find out everything about her that you can, all right?”

  “Right away sir.”

  “Thank you.” Blake turned to walk away but stopped and spoke in a friendly manner, “and oh George, you can do this task after you are done with your meal.”

  “Thank you sir” George smiled and settled down.


  Next morning, Blake was still in bed when George knocked on his door.

  “Sir may I come in?”

  “Yes” Blake spoke in a drowsy voice.

  “Sir you have an important call from New York.” George spoke in a haste as he held a phone in his hand and stood in front of Blake.

  “Can’t you tell them to wait or call later?”

  “Sorry, it’s an urgent call sir,”

  Blake laid out his hand without further argument and took the phone from George.

  “I will be waiting outside” George headed out of the room.

  After a while, as Blake continued to speak on the phone, Sara entered his room without knocking.

  “Excuse me?” Sara spoke in a soft voice.

  Blake turned and looked at her. He was shocked and delighted to see her standing in his room.


  “I am sorry to disturb you but breakfast is served and your parents are waiting for you downstairs.”

  “I don’t need breakfast yet. I am busy, tell them to continue eating without me.”

  “I am sorry but I really think your parents would like you to join them for breakfast and I don’t think you should disappoint them.” Sara spoke confidently.

  “But as you can see, I am on a very important business call.” Blake pointed at the phone in his hands.

  “Yes I can see that but I think the people who are waiting for you downstairs are more important than any business calls. Of course, furthermore, it is your decision” Sara spoke while eye balling him and soon left the room without further conversation.

  Blake stood frozen for a while and then got back to his phone to say, “I will talk to you later.”

  Meanwhile, downstairs, Sara entered the dining hall where Blake’s parents were seated around the table.

  “Did you call Blake, Sara?” Jane questioned as Sara approached her.

  “I did but he is busy and maybe won’t be coming down to join you for breakfast.”

  “Who said that?” Blake spoke from behind as he entered the dining hall, “Good morning everyone” he greeted politely and sat beside her mother.

  “I thought you were on an important business call.” Sara taunted and raised an eyebrow as she looked at Blake.

  “Not really. I think the people who were waiting for me downstairs are more important than any business calls.” Blake spoke flirtatiously and smiled at Sara.

  “Well, you are here now, let’s start the breakfast” Jane spoke by looking at Blake and then turned her glare at Sara, “And Sara why don’t you join us please.” Jane offered and insisted on Sara joining them as well. Sara agreed.

  As the breakfast proceeded, the family ate while gossiping a little and after the breakfast was done, everyone headed back to their rooms.

  “Sir?” George followed Blake as he headed towards his room after the breakfast.

  “You gave me a task about Sara yesterday and well I have the entire information.” George spoke contently with a smile.

  “Great! Tell me everything but not here. Let’s head outside.” Blake walked out of the house and George followed him. They stood in the backyard and their conversation started.

  “Now tell me?” Blake stood and looked at George to continue.

  “Her name is Sara Cameron. She is 30 years old and lives alone in a small house downtown. She took her medical degree from the local college of this town and she was the top student of her class. After her degree, she has worked around different hospitals where she was admired for her work. Your father is the first patient that she has been privately working for and…”

  “George, George, tell me about her personal life, not her work achievements please.” Blake interrupted.

  “Oh yes sir, I was just getting to that sorry. She has never been married...”

  “Does she have a boyfriend?” Blake interrupted again.

  “No sir. In the past she had two to three boyfriends over time but she never had a long-term serious relationship with anyone. According to her neighbor, Sara is not a man pleaser and was too mature as compared to the sort of boyfriends she had, which is why none of her relationship really worked out. Anyway, she is currently single and has not been in a relationship for over more than a year. In fact, as far as my research goes, s
he is not even in a budding romance with anyone.”

  “Anything else?” Blake was smiling by now and felt contented with the information that George had provided him with.

  “Nothing much. But there’s one small detail; she is the sole supporter of her mother, emotionally and financially. Since she doesn’t have any other siblings, and her father died due to an illness when she was very young, she is the only one left who earns and supports her mother.” George concluded and awaited Blake’s response.

  “Well thank you George. As always, you managed to make me happy with the effort you put in your work. That will be all for now” Blake spoke with a smile and George nodded with a smile too.

  “Damn! Everything about you is so appealing. I was waiting to know everything about you first, but now, its time to work and make you mine.” Blake thought contentedly as he headed back inside the house and looked around for Sara. He finally found her in his father’s room where Sara was adjusting his father’s drip.


  “Hello.” Blake greeted Sara as he entered the room.

  “Sshh.” Sara quickly turned and silenced Blake.” Please keep your voice down, your father is finally resting now.” Sara whispered as she walked towards Blake.

  “Oh sorry. I came here to talk to you.” Blake spoke in a low voice.

  “Well sure but not here. We can talk outside while your father rests.” Sara spoke as she headed out the door.

  Once outside the room, she said, “You wanted to tell me something?”

  “I just came in to tell you that I find you gorgeous and…”

  “You made me come out here so that you can tell me that?” Sara interrupted and felt surprised at Blake’s sudden advance at her.


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