On Probation

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On Probation Page 4

by Malone, Misty

  "Excellent. Phil, you're okay with her staying here with you?"

  "Of course. This extra bedroom will be hers."

  "Can you provide it rent free for a while?"

  "She doesn't have to pay me anything. I'd pay for my apartment if she were here or not, so she can stay here as long as she wants without paying me rent."

  "As her PO, probation officer, I'll probably insist she be responsible and pay something, probably a minimal amount once she's been working awhile, but if you can go without rent for a little while it will be easier to convince a judge to let her move here."

  "No problem."

  "Kelli, we've got to try and get you transferred here as soon as possible, because I get the impression your probation officer is just looking for a reason to get you back in front of the judge. I'm going to use college to our advantage. I'm going to tell the judge that I've looked over your file, and since you don't have a job at the present, I agree it would be in your best interests to go back to college. I'll stress how important I think it is that you be transferred here in time to start classes this semester, and they start in three weeks. That means you need to get here to register for classes.

  Phil was concerned. "Do you think you can get her transferred that fast?"

  "I'm going to try, Phil. I can't promise, but I'll put it through as a rush transfer. The judge will usually fit a hearing in his schedule if it's a rush, so I think the only person we have to worry about is your probation officer, Kelli. We'll just hope he doesn't try to block it for some reason."

  Her eyes were big. "Can he do that?"

  "He can try, yes. Unless he has a good reason why you shouldn't be transferred, though, the judge usually allows it if the new PO is the one requesting it. You just have to be very, very careful until then, though, because if you're late to a meeting with him again and he files a violation, I probably won't be able to do anything to keep you out of jail."

  He felt her stiffen and knew she was scared. He tightened his arms around her a bit, hoping to make her feel safe again. She took a deep breath before responding. "Okay, I'll be careful."

  "Good. Watch your temper and your language," he warned, with a stern look on his face.

  Her face flushed again, but she nodded.

  "I want you to know, Kelli, when we get you transferred over here, you're not off the hook. I'm going to set up rules for you, and you better follow them. There are certain rules I have to set for your probation, and we'll talk about them later, but if you violate those it's out of my hands. You'll be at the judge's mercy then. There are also going to be rules that I'm going to set for you as a friend, to try to help you get on track, and I expect them to be followed, as well. Failure to follow those will be paid for over my knee. Understand?"

  Her eyebrows raised, but she said, "Yes. What kind of rules?"

  "Kelli, I think your biggest problem has been your friends, and the fact that you let them use you instead of telling them no. When I looked at the records, it seemed to me that pretty much every time you got in trouble it involved one or more of your friends. You need new friends, ones who will encourage you instead of bringing you down with them." Derek was glad to see Kelli and Phil both nodding their heads in agreement.

  "It also seems you've been late for work a few times, which tells me you need to be more structured, or scheduled. I'm going to set rules about your friends and where you go with them. That's not something I could or would do as your probation officer, but I'm going to do as your friend. I want your brother or me to meet any friends you want to do things with before you get involved with them. Is that agreeable?"

  She frowned a bit, but agreed. "All right. I guess some of my friends have gotten me into trouble."

  "I also want you to let me know where you are at all times. If you can't reach me, call Phil. Once you have your schedule of classes, if you aren't in class or at work or at home, I want to know where you are and why. I want you to call or text me to tell me when you're leaving for class or work, so I know you're on time."

  She looked surprised, but nodded in agreement. He continued, "Lying is a big problem with me. If you tell me you're leaving at 9:30 for a class at 10:00 and I find out you were late, you better have a good reason. To go along with that, I want you to have your phone with you all the time, so one of us can reach you if we need to. Is that acceptable?"

  "I have to call before I go anywhere?"

  "Yes, at least for a while." He could feel her tense, and was pretty sure she was not liking some of his restrictive rules. He hoped an explanation would help. "The reason for that, Kelli, is you have to learn to live with rules. I also want to make sure you're not tempted to go somewhere and get into any kind of trouble, so this is helping with both. You can practice following rules by calling me before you go somewhere, and it will make you stop and think before you go shopping with someone who might drop something into your purse."

  "But that—"

  "I know, that wasn't your fault. But a good friend wouldn't do that to you. That's why we want to know who your friends are. You need to be around good people who will help you, support you. I think in your heart you mean well, but sometimes your friends have talked you into things you wouldn't have done if you would have stopped to think first. This will help you do that. It will help make you accountable. If you know you have to call me first, you won't want to go somewhere that could be dangerous for you."

  Derek was glad to see her thinking that concept through before answering, "Okay, I guess that makes sense."

  "Good. We'll go over the rest of the rules when you get moved in, but I want to be sure you are well aware of what will happen. If you don't learn to follow rules you'll never make it through this probation, and you'll end up in jail. I don't want that to happen, so I'm going to be strict for a time, at least. If you don't follow the rules, you'll be spanked, plain and simple. This is honestly the best way I know of to help you. It's quick, but carries a lasting message. As long as you understand and accept that, I'll file the paperwork tomorrow morning."

  "Thank you, Derek. When will I hear something?"

  "I'm not sure how quickly your court works. If you want, I'll call you as soon as I hear anything, one way or the other."

  "Would you, please?"

  "Sure." The three of them visited a little longer, before Phil took his sister back home.


  Eight days later, Phil and Derek made a trip to the court where she was currently on probation so the judge could meet them and assure himself this was an acceptable transfer for Kelli. Her probation officer opposed it, saying a transfer was a right and she hadn't earned it. Derek was persuasive, though, in convincing the judge she was ready to change her life and had already taken the first step, by accepting her brother's kind offer, and finding a college close by and applying and being accepted. The judge agreed with Derek that a new city, away from the people she'd been associating with, and going back to school was a better track. He talked with all of them at length, but finally approved the transfer. They went to her apartment and loaded her belongings up and moved her to Phil's.

  After an enjoyable dinner, Derek got down to business. "Kelli, since you don't have a license right now, Phil and I did some checking. You're lucky. There's a bus stop two blocks from here, and one right in front of my office, so that will be convenient. Phil got you a bus schedule. When you have a meeting with me at my office, you better be on time. I always tell my clients to aim to be fifteen minutes early, so if something delays you it's not a problem. Therefore, I'll expect to see you in my reception area fifteen minutes before your appointment time. Understand?"


  "Good. Your first appointment is tomorrow at 4:00, which is my last appointment of the day. I'll bring you home afterward, because I'll have a few things to go over with Phil, if you'll be here then?"

  "No problem," Phil quickly assured him. "I'm usually home by 5:30. If I'm not here yet, come on in, and I'll try to leave a few minutes early

  "You don't have to do that. Whenever you get home will be fine. Kelli, we'll be going over your rules tomorrow, but let me tell you something now so you can be thinking about it."

  She looked a little skeptical, but she dutifully answered. "Okay."

  "At first it will probably seem like I'm giving you way too many rules. I'm warning you now, I am going to be strict, especially at the beginning. You need to take this very seriously, right from the start, and I intend to see that you do. Following rules and doing things you don't want to do is going to be a new concept to you, and the best way to tackle it is head on. If I overwhelm you with rules right from the start, you'll be thinking about them a lot, which will make it much easier for you to remember them. If I just give you a few, you'll forget them because you won't be focused on them. Do you see what I'm saying?"

  "Yeah, I think."

  "A lot of rules will keep you focused. It will be a new experience, but it will keep you on your toes, keep you thinking. As you get into the habit of following the rules, it'll become easier. You'll also prove to me then that you're seriously changing, and as I see that, I'll ease up on some of the restrictions, a little at a time. In other words, you'll earn more freedom as we go along. I'll reward you for good behavior."

  She smiled, until he continued, "But remember, I'll also make sure you suffer the consequences for bad behavior." He paused a moment. "The choices are yours. Make good choices and you'll be rewarded. Make bad choices and you'll be spanked. Do you have any questions?"

  Her face had turned red again, as she mumbled, "I don't think so."

  He reached over and picked up one of her hands and held it, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "I want you to understand why I'm doing this, Kelli. Probation is not easy, especially for someone who's lacking the self-control you need to follow rules. Once you've learned that self-control, you'll be happier, and life will be a lot easier for you. I want to help you get there, and see what you accomplish."

  She was blinking back tears as she said, "Thank you, Derek. That's encouraging."

  "Good. Just remember that the first time you're over my knee, okay? I'm just trying to encourage you to make good choices." He smiled at the stunned look on her face, and watched as it turned red. "What's wrong; why are you blushing?"

  "It's just embarrassing, you know, that you two know I'll be—"

  Phil jumped in and finished it. "Spanked? Little sister, let me explain what my thoughts were when Derek suggested this. My first reaction was to say no. You're an adult, after all. Then he explained that spanking is a very effective way of getting your attention, much better than merely talking, and that it's quick, and then it's over with, and you can both go on. Compare that with most things. Taking away privileges, like grounding you, is a long drawn-out process. It takes a couple weeks or more for the severity of it to have an impact on you and get you really thinking about what you did. Not so with a spanking. It gets your attention quickly, and if you know you can expect it again if you repeat the mistake. A spanking makes a lasting impression."

  Kelli was listening and considering, and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right there."

  "Of course I am," he confirmed. "Plus, Derek got me thinking about this, and Mom and Dad sort of did an injustice by withholding them from you, not spanking you when we were growing up."


  "Well, I'm four years older than you, so I don't know how much you remember, but they certainly didn't withhold them from me."

  She looked at him a few moments before saying, "I only remember a couple times when Mom spanked you. She used a wooden spoon from the kitchen." She giggled a little and said, "You really screamed."

  He smiled at the memory, and said, "Mom usually sent me to Dad. If she did it herself, it was because she was really upset right then, and when she got her wooden spoon, I knew I was in deep trouble. Those things sting, especially when she was really mad."

  Laughing, she asked, "So you were better off being sent to Dad?"

  "Not necessarily."

  "But I don't remember ever hearing you scream or cry with Dad. I don't even remember him ever spanking you. All I ever remember is hearing him yell at you."

  "Oh, little sister, the things you never knew. When Dad spanked me he always took me out to the garage so it wouldn't worry you or Mom. If you'd have been out there, you'd have heard me yelling, for sure. I always thought his hand was as hard as a paddle, until I got older and he actually got a paddle. Yeowch!"

  Smiling, she said, "See, I never knew any of this. I wondered why you always said my problem was that Mom and Dad were too lenient on me."

  "I said it because I believe it. I honestly think that's the reason I never did some of the dumb things you've done."

  "Gee, thanks."

  "Sorry. But I knew if I did dumb things there was likely going to be consequences. I've had the consequences, and I didn't want any more."

  Kelli was considering this, and said half to herself, "But I've never had any consequences for anything I've done."

  "Bingo," Phil agreed enthusiastically. "Therein lies your problem."

  Derek said, "But we're about to remedy that situation. I think you're a smart girl, though. I have a feeling you'll catch on quickly."

  "I hope so," she murmured.

  He smiled. "Well, I gotta get home, but I'll see you when, Kelli?"

  "At four o'clock tomorrow."

  He frowned, and asked, "When?"

  She studied him, and smiled and said, "3:45 tomorrow."

  Smiling he said, "That's our girl."

  "Derek, if you're going to bring her home tomorrow, why don't you stay and we'll order a pizza." Phil suggested.

  "Sounds good to me," he agreed. "I'll see you then, Phil. See you at 3:45 sharp, Kelli." He smiled as he left for home.


  The next afternoon Derek got a text at 3:10 from Kelli. He smiled as he read, "You said one of my rules was to tell you when I leave home. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to start that today or not, but just in case, I'm leaving to go to your office. The schedule says if I catch the 3:25 bus I'll be at your stop at 3:35. See ya." That was definitely encouraging. He worried a bit about how today would go. He had quite a number of rules he was going to implement, and he hoped she accepted them and didn't rebel against them. He was determined to follow through if need be, but sincerely hoped it wasn't necessary.

  He had a client with him, but made it a point to go to the reception area to retrieve a document at 3:45. He smiled when he saw her sitting in the reception area. He finished his meeting and walked his client out to the reception room, where he said, "Miss Matthews, I'm glad to see you here so promptly. I'm going to take Mike here for a drug screen. Since this is your first visit, I need a drug screen from you, as well. I've asked Melody, one of our female officers, to escort you. She'll be out in a minute. When you get back, just come on into my office, okay?"

  Derek was impressed when she said, "Yes, sir." He rewarded her with a big smile, before leaving with his client.

  He was in his office going over her paperwork when she knocked on his open door. "Come on in, Kelli. Have a seat. Thank you for the text today, and your promptness. You're getting off to a great start."

  "Good. I am serious about this, and I hope I can prove it to you."

  "I hope so, too," he agreed. "It's going to be rough the first little while, but it will get easier, I promise." He knew her little smile was forced, and he jumped right in. "First, let's go over these written rules for your probation. They're pretty much the same as you had with the other court, but we'll go over them. It's important that you understand all of them completely, so stop me with any questions you have."

  He got up and closed the door to his office. Sitting back down, he said, "Kelli, remember, any infractions to these rules have serious consequences, not just a spanking. If you violate any of them, there's not a whole lot I can do to help you. You need to understand that, and understand, also, that even t
hough Phil and I are friends, it's my job to report any rule violations, and I will do that. I will encourage you any way I can, and if there's anything I can do to help, please ask, but I will not turn my head and ignore any violations. Do you understand?"

  She nodded her head and assured him, "Yes, I do. I appreciate your encouragement, but I understand what you're saying."

  "Good. Okay, let's go over these and get all the paperwork signed. Then we'll go over your special rules." They spent the next hour doing just that. When they were finished, Kelli's head was spinning.

  She was trying to digest all the rules he'd set for her, when she realized Derek was talking. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

  "What's wrong, Kelli?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, sure. I'm fine."

  Derek studied Kelli a few seconds, and knew she wasn't fine. "Kelli, remember what I said about lying? I will not allow it, without serious consequences. We talked about that last night, and we just went over that again. For us to work well together, we have to be able to trust each other. Now, I can tell you're not fine, so I'll ask again, what's wrong?"

  He watched her struggling with her feelings, and offered, "Kelli, my number one objective here is to help you. I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong. One last time, what's wrong?"

  She looked over at Derek and saw the stern look she'd seen the night he'd spanked her, and she panicked. "Last time or what? You may as well wail on my ass for not answering you, too. You're going to for everything else. Now that I think about it, we may as well just make a standing appointment for every damn night. That way, you'll know where I am every night."

  "Kelli," Derek said in an ominously quiet voice, "watch your language and your attitude. Take a deep breath, and tell me what's bothering you."

  He watched her ball her fists before she spurted out, "You have a hell of a way of encouraging people."

  "Kelli, I'm not warning you about your language again. What are you talking about?"


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