Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)

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Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1) Page 31

by Heather D'Agostino

  “This never has to change, ever,” he reinforced as he leaned over and kissed her temple.

  “Mmmmm,” she sighed and closed her eyes.

  Even though the sun was now up in the sky announcing that it was morning, the two lovers began to drift into a deep sated sleep. As her breathing began to slow and move in to a rhythmic pattern, Austin pulled the covers over them.

  “Sleep, we’ll get up later,” he whispered as he snuggled up to her back and pulled her flush with him.


  Around noon she slowly began to come out of the most wonderful dream. As she began to blink her eyes against the harsh sunlight, she glanced around the room. A slight panic began to set in when she realized that she was in bed alone. A rumpled pillow and bunched up sheets were the only sign that Austin had been there. She slowly slid to a sitting position and took in her surroundings. A discarded t-shirt caught her eye, and she stood up to collect it. After pulling it on, she dug through her luggage for a pair of panties and made her way out to the living space.

  As she crept down the hall, she began to hear whistling. Pausing in the doorway, she watched Austin at the stove. He appeared to be deep in thought as he stood stirring something. He’d obviously been down to the beach. His hair was damp and tousled and he was wearing his board shorts. His bare back glistened in the light filtering through the slider as he swayed from side to side. Melanie smiled and began to tiptoe closer trying not to alert him of her presence. When she made it over to the breakfast bar, she slid herself quietly onto a barstool. She sat and watched as he continued to think he was alone. After several minutes, he turned to get something out of the fridge and caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eye.

  “Man you scared me,” he gasped when he caught sight of her.

  “I was just admiring the view,” she giggled. “What are you up to?”

  “Well I thought that was obvious, but I’m making us some lunch,” he smirked.

  “Lunch,” she cocked her head to the side. “What about breakfast?”

  “It’s noon babe, breakfast time is long gone. I was wondering if you were going to get up,” he chuckled.

  Melanie blushed, “I guess I must have been more tired than I thought, I wonder why?”

  “I don’t have the faintest idea,” he grinned. “Here, eat up.”

  He placed a plate in front of her with some pasta and marinara sauce, “This should help.”

  “Thanks, it looks delicious,” she smiled.

  “I thought maybe after lunch we could spend the day on the beach. Seeing that we have to leave tomorrow I thought that you might want to be outside as much as possible. I know when we get back to Boston, we’re going be dealing with snow again,” he frowned slightly.

  “What’s with the glum face?” she pouted. “I’m sure there’s plenty of indoor activities that we can engage in until spring,” she gave him a wicked smiled.

  “I’m sure there are,” he moved behind her and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. “Now eat,” he pushed the plate closer to her.


  “Do you really have to wear that one?” Austin glanced over at Melanie as she continued to rub sunscreen on her body.

  “What’s wrong with this one?” she cocked her head to the side and grinned at him.

  “I think you know,” he pouted.

  “I think it looks good,” she moved to her stomach and rubbed the lotion in.

  “Yeah, too good,” he groaned as he flopped down on his towel. “There’s people in the water today so I can’t touch you. Then you decide to wear that one. You’re not playing fair,” he mumbled.

  She smiled to herself as she began rubbing the lotion across her chest. She was wearing a white bikini that had small pink polka dots on it. The top was a triangle style with a small ruffle across the top of each. The bottom had a ruffle that went around the top and tied over each hip with pink ties. The colors and design were almost innocent, but Melanie looked anything but innocent in it. She giggled to herself as she watched the pained look on Austin’s face as she coated her skin in sunscreen.

  “Do you have to keep rubbing yourself like that,” he shifted on the towel and adjusted himself so it was a little less obvious to how she was effecting him.

  “You mean like this,” she ran her hands down her chest between her breasts dipping into the top slightly. “I have to make sure I’m covered good. I don’t want to burn.”

  “Now you’re just being mean,” he glared.

  “Good things come to those who wait, Mr. Montgomery,” she giggled.

  “Well I’m not waiting too much longer if you keep that up. I’ll drag you back inside if I need to,” he shook his head as she grinned at him from her towel.

  “I’ll be good,” she sighed as she tossed the bottle of sunscreen back in the beach bag beside them. “Are you actually going to stay on the beach with me today, or do you plan to hang out in the water?”

  “Well I already went for a run on the beach this morning when you were dead to the world in our bed. I thought I might see if there’s a surf board in that storage shed though,” he glanced in the direction of the house.

  “You surf, too?” Melanie leaned up on her elbows and looked in his direction.

  “Well I learned years ago. Colin taught me. We used to go in college on spring break. I haven’t in years though. It’s like riding a bike. You don’t forget, you just get rusty,” he shrugged. “Wanna learn? I could teach ya?” he looked at her with a hopeful look in his eyes.

  “I don’t know,” she glanced around apprehensively. “That might be more adventure than I’m ready for.”

  “Suit yourself,” he shrugged as he stood up and headed for the shed. “The waves are perfect for it today,” he shouted over his shoulder as he made his way toward the house.

  When Austin returned to the beach he was carrying a bright yellow surfboard under his arm and a giant grin on his face.

  “Must be my lucky day,” he smiled. “Found a board, and I got a hot woman staring at me.”

  Melanie blushed and turned over onto her stomach. Austin plopped down in the sand a few feet away and began rubbing the board down with wax. Deciding to up the ante, Melanie reached back and pulled at one of the ties on her top. Austin saw the movement out of the corner of his eye and froze. Pretending that she didn’t see him, she pulled the strings to the side and then wiggled on the towel to settle herself.

  “You are so gonna get it,” he mumbled under his breath. “Not fair at all.”

  He stood and began carrying the board in the direction of the water, “See you in a bit.”

  Once out in the ocean, Austin submerged himself and began making his way into the deeper water. It’d been several years since he’d attempted to surf, but he figured after a few tries he’d be back on top of things. He glanced up at the beach and noticed that Melanie had put her top back in place and had turned over onto her back. He snickered to himself thinking about her little game. He’d have her begging by the end of the night, he was sure of it.

  As he climbed up on the board and began to paddle himself into position, he noticed a perfect set of waves coming in from the horizon. He turned quickly and got into position. As the first wave began to crest, Austin paddled fiercely. He pushed himself into a standing position just as the wave began to break. Before he knew it, he lost his balance and crashed down into the water.

  Melanie was up on the beach watching through her sunglasses. She didn’t want him to know she was spying. Secretly she wondered how many things he knew how to do. Every time she thought she had him figured out, he’d show her something else that she’d been unaware of. His athletic abilities were beyond anything she’d ever known. It thrilled her to have such a manly man as her husband. Before she knew it, she saw him pop up on a wave, only to see him crash back down right away. At first she was worried, and she sat up on her towel scanning the water. Within minutes though, she saw his head pop up in the waves along with the yello
w board.

  Austin sputtered as he broke the surface of the water. He shook his head and ducked just in time to avoid being drug under by another wave. This was harder than he remembered. When the set had passed, he climbed back on the board and made his way back out in the water. He was determined to do this, now more than ever, with Melanie watching. He knew she thought she was being sly by not taking off the glasses, but she didn’t have him fooled in the least. She was watching, he was sure of it.

  As another set loomed on the horizon, Austin got back into position. He began paddling and moved to push himself up as the wave was cresting. This time he was able to stay up as the wave unfurled under him. He crouched and rode it in until it died out causing him to leap off the board. Pride soared into his chest as he looked up to the beach and saw an open mouthed Melanie gawking at him.

  “Just like riding a bike,” he shouted in her direction and then grinned.

  She shook her head and threw it back as laughter bubbled out of her shouting back, “You’re like a big kid.”

  Hearing this, Austin began to jog back up the beach to where she was sitting. When he reached her, he stood in front of her dripping wet with seawater. He grinned down at her and then smirked, “There’s nothing about me that’s a kid. I’m all grown up. I think I’ve proven that over the last several days.”

  Melanie’s eyes bugged out as she glanced around. Then she mumbled, “I guess so.”

  “Come on, try it with me,” he reached for her. “Please? I’ll teach ya.”

  “I don’t know,” she looked around frantically trying to come up with an excuse.

  “I promise you’ll have fun,” he winked.

  “Fine, but I better not get hurt,” she groaned as he pulled her up to a standing position.

  Hand in hand they made their way back down to the water.


  The next morning was a cloudy and rainy day on the island. Melanie’s mood seemed to fit the weather. After so many beautiful days over the past week, they were bound to have some rainy ones. It seemed fitting that it would come on the day they had to leave.

  “You about ready?” Austin walked into the room looking around one last time.

  “Yeah,” Melanie sighed.

  She grabbed her pull behind suitcase and made her way back out into the living area.

  “I can’t believe that we have to leave today,” she mumbled. “I wish we could stay longer, but I guess it’s back to reality, huh?”

  “Yeah it is, but we can always come back,” Austin moved to place a kiss to her temple.

  He grabbed the bag from her hand and went to put it in the car. Melanie glanced around one last time at the tropical hideaway that had been a dream come true over the past five days. She would always remember it with fond memories. Memories of Austin and his love for her, all the new things he’d taught her, and all the new ways she’d learned to trust him. Her life seemed perfect in every since of the word. A once broken heart had been pieced back together in the most perfect way possible.

  She sighed as she walked through the door one last time, pulling it closed behind herself. She climbed in the car and looked deep in his eyes. “Thank you. You’ve fixed me in ways I don’t even think you knew I was broken in.”

  He smiled and patted her knee, “You too, baby. You too,” he leaned in and placed a light kiss to her lips.

  He started the car and drove them to the airport to head home where their future was going to be anything but heartbreaking.


  3 years later…

  May 2016

  Melanie stood at the counter by the stove and huffed. She was completely exhausted and covered in flour. She’d been tirelessly baking all afternoon. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so busy. As she pulled the last tray of cupcakes from the oven, she sighed to herself. Never again!!! She placed them on the counter and then picked up the list she put nearby.

  “Cupcakes baked, check,” she mumbled.

  She continued to scan the list and mark off other accomplishments that had been made. She still needed to cut up veggies for a vegetable tray, and cook the baked beans. Hotdogs and hamburgers would need to be grilled later, and the drinks needed to be iced.

  “Where is he?” she shook her head and glanced at the clock on the wall.

  Austin should have been back from the store by now. Melanie had sent him out for ice and charcoal. That should have been a quick trip, no longer than a half hour tops. She shook her head again as she rummaged through the fridge for a drink.

  Just as she turned back around to start preparing the frosting for the cupcakes, she heard them.

  “Melanie, we’re home,” Austin shouted as he came in the front door.

  “In here,” she hollered back.

  “Mommy,” he ran into the kitchen and attached himself to her leg.

  “Did you have fun at the store with Daddy?” she leaned forward and ruffled his hair.

  He nodded his head, “Up, mommy.”

  “Hang on there, Joe, your momma’s busy,” Austin chuckled.

  Melanie leaned over and picked him up. “It’s ok. Mommy needs a break anyway.”

  She walked around the kitchen island carrying him and took a seat at the table. It had been a crazy day. The girls were graduating today and they had talked her into hosting a barbeque. Hannah and Katie had invited all their friends and Austin had offered to take Joey out to run errands with him. She loved her son, but she had forgotten just how much a toddler could get under foot when you were busy. Melanie rubbed her eyes.

  “You, okay?” Austin leaned in and kissed her temple.

  “Yes, just tired. It’s been a busy day,” she slumped back as Joey scrambled to get down.

  “That one will wear you out doing nothing,” Austin chuckled.

  She giggled and rose to embrace him. “Yep, I know”.

  “Well the good news is, after this party is finished I bet he’ll crash for the night. Katie’s already asked me if she and Hannah can hang out with Patrick. That means we’ll have a quiet house to ourselves,” he smiled and placed a kiss on her neck.

  “What could we do then?” she smirked.

  “I can think of a few things,” he chuckled.

  She rose on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss to his lips. He tightened his grip and pulled her to him pressing the entire length of her body into his. His hand slowly trailed down her back and rested just below her waist. As he began to deepen the kiss even further, the front door flew open.

  “Mom, mom!” Katie screamed. “It came!”

  Katie rushed into the kitchen flailing an envelope around in her hand. Hannah was hot on her heels. Austin groaned and pulled away from Melanie, resting his forehead on her shoulder.

  “There’ll be more of that later, if you’re good,” she giggled.

  She turned toward Katie, “Well, what does it say?”

  Katie shrugged and held out the envelope with a shaky hand, “I can’t, you do it.”

  She handed it to Melanie, but Melanie pushed it back to her. “You’ve waited too long for this, you do it.”

  Katie glanced down and nodded, “Here goes nothing.”

  She ripped the top off and dug out the piece of paper inside. She began trembling as she continued to read.

  Suddenly she jumped and launched herself into Melanie’s arms.

  “I got in!” she squealed. “I did it, I can’t believe it!!!”

  “I’m so proud of you, sweetie,” Melanie kissed her cheek and tightened her embrace. “You deserve this.”

  “Thanks Mom, I’m gonna go tell Patrick. I’ll see you later,” she ran to her room to toss the letter on her bed and dashed back out the door.

  Hannah sat down beside Melanie at the table, “I’m going to give her a minute, and then I’ll go over there.”

  Melanie smiled at her, “I’m so proud of both of you. You’ve both worked so hard.

  “Thanks,” Hannah smiled. “I’m just glad that o
ne of us knows our way around.”

  “It’ll be nice having you both close by, too,” Melanie rubbed Hannah’s shoulders.

  Hannah had been accepted to several good schools, but had decided in the end to stay near home and attend NYU. She wanted to major in veterinary science and the athletic department had all but offered her a soccer scholarship. Katie had been wait listed at Columbia, but had just received the letter letting her know she was in.

  Hannah smiled at Melanie, “Well, I’m going to head next door. I think Katie’s had enough of a head start. We‘ll be back soon to help set up.”


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