The Shadows Trilogy Box Set: A Christian Romance

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The Shadows Trilogy Box Set: A Christian Romance Page 6

by Juliette Duncan

  “He’d like a word, if that’s okay.”

  Lizzy’s chest tightened. She glanced at Daniel before answering. “Okay. Put him on.”



  “Elizabeth, as your mother said, your news shocked us.” He paused. “Your mother and I have been talking. We don’t approve of your choice. I dare say we never will, however, you are our only daughter, and we would like to give you a proper wedding. Please think about it.”

  Lizzy’s eyes widened and she stared at Daniel, unable to speak.

  “Elizabeth, did you hear me?”

  “Ah, yes, Father. You took me by surprise this time. I’m not sure what to say. I’ll need to discuss it with Daniel.”

  “Very well, then. I guess that was to be expected. You’ll need to think about it quickly, given your condition. Good-bye, Elizabeth.”

  “Good-bye, Father.”

  Lizzy placed the receiver on the hook and leaned back on the couch, deep in thought. Daniel joined her. “What did he say?”

  She took a deep breath and looked at him. His eyebrows were drawn together and his gaze intense. “Father and Mother would like to give us a proper wedding.”

  His mouth gaped. “You mean, with all the bells and whistles?” Lizzy nodded. “Forget it. I’m not going to be paraded around for his benefit. That’s all he’d be doing it for. To save face. I’m sorry, Lizzy, I can’t do it.” He shook his head vehemently.

  Lizzy wasn’t sure what she wanted. She’d always dreamt of a fairytale wedding, especially when she thought she’d be marrying Mathew Carter. It was tempting. But Daniel was probably right. Father wouldn’t be offering this for their benefit. And she wouldn’t want to expose Daniel to all the dramas of a society wedding, with all its snobbery and melodrama. No, she didn’t want this either.

  “It’s okay, Daniel. I’ll say no.”

  He hugged her and whispered in her ear, “I love you, Elizabeth O’Connor.”

  They remained in each other’s arms for several minutes before Daniel pulled away. “Let’s go out, Lizzy. Let’s go dancing.”

  Her eyes lit up and her smile broadened to a grin. “That would be lovely, Daniel!”

  “It’s wonderful to be out, Daniel. I’d started thinking my dancing days were over,” Lizzy whispered into Daniel’s ear as he led her around the dance floor of the Mariat Hotel.

  “We need to do it more often, while I can still get my arm around you.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “I can’t say I’m looking forward to being fat.”

  “You’ll look beautiful, Mrs O’Connor.” Daniel leaned forward and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  The music picked up, and they transitioned easily into a jive. Lizzy didn’t care they were being watched. She was out with Daniel, and she was going to enjoy herself.

  “I think I need to sit,” she said breathlessly when the music finally stopped.

  Daniel helped her to a seat. “I’m sorry, Lizzy. That was stupid,” he said as he poured her a glass of water.

  Lizzy took a gulp before looking at him. “But it was fun.” She laughed and her eyes twinkled.

  “Yes, it was fun.” He leaned back and smiled at her.

  “Let’s take a walk, Daniel. I’m not ready to go home yet.” Lizzy stood and took his arm, and led him outside towards the river. She clung to him, breathing in his manly scent - a mixture of sweat, after-shave, and cigarette smoke. The intoxicating mix sent a shiver through her body.

  “Are you cold?” Daniel wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  She looked up at him, her eyes full of love. “No. It’s just what you do to me.”

  He spun her around and looked deeply into her eyes before he kissed her.

  “Maybe we should go home.” His breath on hers was warm and inviting.

  “Not yet,” she whispered. “Let’s walk a little further.”

  She leaned close as they strolled along the path. If only this night could go on forever. She squeezed his arm and when he kissed the top of her head, Lizzy thought she was in heaven.

  “Let’s never have a week like last week ever again,” she said as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

  The flashing neon lights ahead caught her attention. “Oh look, Daniel, an ice-cream stand! Can we get one?”

  “Of course, sweet girl.”

  As they sat on a bench watching the boats puttering up and down the river, licking their ice-creams, Lizzy turned her head and asked Daniel in a soft voice, “Why did you decide to come to church with me last Sunday?”

  Daniel stopped mid lick. “Where did that come from?”

  “It’s just been on my mind this week, that’s all. You said you didn’t like going, so I’m curious about the change of heart.”

  Daniel slumped on the bench. Her question had thrown him. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked.

  He sighed heavily. “I’m not sure, Lizzy. It was a spur of the moment decision. I think I just wanted to be with you.” He pulled her close and hugged her.

  Lizzy leaned her head on his shoulder, her heart fallen. That wasn’t the answer she’d hoped for.

  Chapter Nine

  “Don’t forget Nessa asked us to lunch today,” Lizzy said as she climbed out of bed the following Sunday morning. “Are you coming to Church again?”

  Daniel rolled over and stared out the window while she stood waiting for his answer.

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to come. No pressure.” But God, I pray he will.

  She jumped into the shower and while she washed her hair she prayed. ‘What a week, Lord. I’m so glad we’re back on talking terms. Please be with Daniel. I know he’s got stuff going on inside. He needs you, Lord. I don’t know what’s worrying him, but he needs to let go of whatever it is. Please help him. And help me to help him too. And please can you help my parents, especially my father, accept our situation? And lastly, Lord God, bless this little baby. Keep him or her safe and well. Thank you Lord God for this day and for loving me.’

  She caressed her tummy and began to hum, allowing the Spirit to cleanse her soul while the warm water cleansed her body.

  Lizzy smiled when she re-entered the bedroom. Daniel was up and dressed and looking as charming as ever.

  “I guess you’re coming, then?

  “Yes, I’m coming. I can’t let you go on your own. Too many single men prowling around.”

  Lizzy’s heart fell a little. “Well that’s an interesting reason for going to church. I don’t think any man would be interested in me if they knew my condition, though.” She looked down at her baby belly which was still barely noticeable.

  “Lizzy, any man would find you attractive, regardless of your condition.”

  “Are you flirting with me, Daniel O’Connor?”

  “Maybe.” She shook her head when he winked at her.

  Sitting in church a little while later, Lizzy looked around and saw her good friends, Colin and Linda, and also Nessa and Riley. Two people she didn’t know sat beside them. She guessed they were Nessa’s brother and sister. Having just sung an old hymn and holding Daniel’s hand, her heart was full. She turned her head and smiled at him. Mmm, I could easily get used to this. God had a lot of work to do, both in her own life, and in Daniel’s, but it was a start, and for that she was thankful.

  “It seems a long time since we met at Nessa’s party,” Lizzy said to Daniel in the car on the way to Nessa and Riley’s a little while later.

  “I’m glad you were there, Liz. You captured my heart the moment I saw you.” He glanced at her and winked.

  She laughed at him. He was so easy to love when he was like this. Playful and funny. Easy to get on with. She leaned back in her seat and relaxed. But how long will it last if he doesn’t deal with whatever’s worrying him?

  For now, she would just enjoy the moment, and leave the rest to God.

  “Nessa, thanks for inviting us!” Lizzy said as Nessa hugged her and showed her and Daniel in
to their living room.

  “A pleasure, Lizzy. It’s good to see you both. And you’re looking well. As are you, Daniel.”

  Lizzy couldn’t help but notice the look that passed between the two of them. I need that talk with her. See if she can fill me in on anything I should know.

  “Come and meet my sister, Lizzy. She’s visiting with my brother for a week. I think you’ll like her.” And with that, Nessa drew Lizzy away from Daniel.

  Lizzy’s mind wasn’t on what Nessa or her sister, Fiona, were saying. She was focused on what Daniel was saying to Riley, and hoped she replied appropriately at the right times.

  She held her breath when she overheard Daniel asking Riley for a beer. Why is he asking for a beer? He hasn’t had a drink for a whole week. Her body relaxed a little at Riley’s reply.

  “Why don’t we just stick to the soft stuff today?”

  But then she could have throttled Daniel when he pressed Riley further.

  “Oh, come on Riley. What’s wrong with you? Just get a man a beer will you?”

  She stared at Daniel, not caring if Nessa or her sister saw her. Lizzy’s body tensed as Daniel walked to the refrigerator and helped himself to a beer.

  “Are you okay, Lizzy?” Nessa asked. “Do you want to sit down? You’re looking very pale all of a sudden.”

  Lizzy quickly turned back to Nessa and Fiona. “Sorry Nessa. I’m fine. I was just a little distracted. Where were we?”

  “I was just saying we should go for a girls’ night out while Fiona’s here. Are you up for that?”

  “Ah…I guess so. Depends on when.” She glanced at Daniel before continuing. “I’ve got a busy week at school, but I’ll see if I can make it.”

  Daniel had been joined by the man who’d sat beside Nessa in church, who she assumed was Nessa’s brother. Nothing tangible, but a bad feeling settled in her stomach.

  “Can I help you with lunch, Nessa?” Lizzy asked once having pulled herself together. It was only one beer, after all. But it was the way he’d demanded it that concerned her.

  “It smells wonderful, Ness. Lasagne and garlic bread. Lovely!”

  “Yes. It’s Fiona and Liam’s favourite. Some help would be good, thanks Liz. Your morning sickness must be better?”

  “Mainly. I still get a little queasy now and then, but much better than a few weeks ago. Where are your two, by the way?”

  “Oh, they’re in their rooms. Liam brought them over some new games. They haven’t stopped playing with them since.”

  Nessa put the tray of vegetables back in the oven after checking them, and then stood with her arms folded, looking at Lizzy. “So how are things really, Liz? Has Daniel been behaving himself?”

  Lizzy looked up, trying not to look startled. How much should she say? Should she tell her everything? Maybe not. Not the time or the place, anyway. But then, Nessa obviously knew more than she was letting on. And she did want to talk to her. She sighed heavily and looked away.

  “Please tell me he’s not mistreating you.”

  Lizzy turned her head back with a surprised look on her face. “No. He hasn’t been perfect, put it that way, but he hasn’t mistreated me. He’s been great this past week.” She paused, and took a deep breath. “Not so good the week before. My parents stopped in last Saturday, and I think he was anxious about it. So was I, to tell the truth.”

  “Mmm. He’s never been too good in sticky situations. I’d hoped he’d improved. But you’re good for him, Lizzy. And he loves you. You can tell just by the way he looks at you. Be patient with him.”

  Lizzy felt tears well up in her eyes and tried to push them back, but when Nessa walked over and hugged her, they began to fall.

  “If ever you want to talk, Liz, just let me know.” She pulled her closer and than grabbed some tissues.

  “Now, let’s get this lunch sorted.”

  Lizzy squeezed Daniel’s hand while Riley gave thanks. Now seated beside him, she could keep an eye on him, and maybe encourage him to stick to the soft stuff. He seemed okay at the moment. Happy and jovial, the life of the party. But maybe it was just a facade, a cover up, and underneath he was actually insecure. Where did that thought come from? She looked at him. Was he being slightly louder than normal? Oh Daniel. What’s going on inside you?

  “This is a lovely meal, Nessa,” Fiona said. Yes, it was a lovely meal. She should just relax and enjoy the fantastic spread Nessa had prepared, and enjoy being outside on such a lovely summer’s day. But something wasn’t right. An underlying tension, but she didn’t know what was causing it.

  “My pleasure, Fiona,” Nessa replied. “It’s lovely to have you all here. Eat up everyone. There’s plenty to go round.”

  Lizzy began to eat, but looked up when Liam, sitting opposite Daniel, spoke to him directly.

  “You haven’t properly introduced me to your wife yet, Daniel.”

  Liam’s eyes held a glint. How many had he drunk? More than a few, by the looks of it.

  Daniel straightened, his body tense beside her. What would he say? His words played back in her mind. Was he thinking that Liam was one of those prowling single men he meant to protect her from?

  “Liam, this is Elizabeth, my wife.” Their eyes locked. “Keep your hands off,” Daniel leaned forward and hissed.

  Lizzy stiffened as everyone stared at Daniel.

  Riley broke the silence. “Come on everyone. Don’t let Nessie’s good food go to waste. Eat up.”

  Lizzy breathed a sigh of relief when Daniel picked up his fork and began to eat.

  “Daniel, we need to go. I’ve got preparation to do for tomorrow.” He was swaying. How many had he had? She’d only left him on his own while she helped with the dishes, but he must have downed one after the other in quick succession if his demeanour was anything to go by. A sickness developed in the pit of Lizzy’s stomach.

  “Just let me finish this one, Lizzy love.” He draped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She resisted him, and instead sent him an unwavering glare.

  “I think you’ve had enough, Daniel,” she hissed into his ear. “We need to go.” Riley and Liam stood together, watching. She turned her head quickly so they couldn’t see her face. “Daniel, we really need to go.”

  She grabbed his arm. It was going to be awkward. She guided Daniel towards the gate, and called out to Nessa through the door as they passed. Riley offered to help, but she thanked him and continued on her own.

  Lizzy directed him into the passenger’s seat, although he put up a fight. He wanted to drive, but there was no way she’d let him. Once she’d pulled out onto the road, she turned her head and took a quick look at him. She didn’t like what she saw. His whole manner had changed, and she didn’t feel comfortable or safe with him. She remained quiet, hoping he’d fall asleep on the way home.

  She fought to control her tears. How had this happened? What had gone on between Daniel and Liam? She wanted to shake him. This wasn’t her Daniel.

  He moved beside her and sat forward. His eyes bored into her. Lizzy gripped the wheel tighter.

  “Why d’you make a scene like that for, Lizbeth?” he spat at her. “Didya want to impress that young cousin of mine? I saw the way he looked at you.”

  Lizzy glanced at him. His eyes were glazed, and she didn’t like the way he was talking.

  “Don’t talk rot, Daniel. I just needed to get home, you know that.” She looked straight ahead, and concentrated on driving, but her heart was racing.

  “Tell me what was going on, Lizbeth.”

  “What do you mean? Where?”

  “Don’t give me that nonsense,” Daniel spat at her.

  “I don’t know what you mean, Daniel.” She tried to remain calm on the outside, but inside her heart pounded.

  “I don’t believe you.” He moved his face closer to hers. “What was going on?”

  “With what? I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “With that cousin of mine, that’s what. I saw the way he
looked at you. You stay away from him. I’m warning you.”

  “You’re talking rubbish, Daniel. Nothing was going on.” Lizzy gripped the wheel tighter to steady her shaking hands. What had gotten into him? Maybe she should pull over.

  Seconds passed. Would he let it go? She daren’t look at him. When Daniel at last sat back in his seat, she exhaled slowly.

  What had happened to make him act like that? The look in his eyes had scared her. She liked nothing about the Daniel she’d just seen. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she drove the remaining distance home.

  Lizzy was tempted to leave him asleep in the car when they pulled up outside the apartment a short while later. Her arms slumped over the wheel, she closed her eyes and wiped the tears that had continued to fall. God, where are you in all of this? I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to cope. Please help me.

  Daniel stirred beside her. She sat up and studied his face. Would he remember what had happened? She certainly would. It didn’t make any sense at all. What did he think she’d done? What if he did remember and apologised? Could she forgive him again? Should she consider leaving him? But what about her vows? She’d promised to love him, in good times and bad. Even though they hadn’t said their vows in a church in front of God, to her it was as if they had. She was married to Daniel, for better or worse. And this was certainly worse. But how could she go on? How could she forgive him? Expecting his baby made it worse. Maybe she should leave for the baby’s sake. But no, maybe the baby would help Daniel come to his senses.

  Wiping her face, she drew a sober breath, and hung her head. I don’t know I can forgive him, Lord. You’ve got to help me. I really don’t know how to handle this. She looked at her hands. Their shaking had lessened, but her heart was heavy.

  Daniel shifted in his seat and her body tensed. His eyes opened and he turned his head to look at her.

  “What are we doing here?”

  Lizzy hesitated before answering. It was all too fresh in her mind. It’d be so easy to respond angrily, but then what would he do? She was no match for him. She breathed deeply and stilled herself.


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