A Love of Vengeance

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A Love of Vengeance Page 36

by Nancy Haviland

  Gabriel barely moved.

  “How can I tell you that in the short time I’ve known you, you’ve become my world—without being terrified it’s too much for you? The career I’d wanted so badly has suddenly taken a backseat to how I can make”—she motioned between them—“this work. This has become my goal.”

  She looked up at him, uncertainty in her eyes. “I’m terrified of the way I need you. Even after everything that’s happened. Your life is violent and scary as hell. But apparently even this movie-of-the-week stuff isn’t enough to change anything. I know you agreed to step in as head of your family. Because of that, I’m sure a relationship with me is probably the last—”

  “You know about that?” he asked sharply.

  She gave him one of those looks of hers that made him feel he should be standing in the corner with a pointy hat on. “I’m injured, Gabriel, not deaf. No one has said anything to me directly, but I’ve overheard some of the whispered conversations around my father’s house the past couple of days.” She paused. “I’ve picked up a few Russian phrases in the last few days, too. Just basic stuff. But enough.”

  He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was. Impressed, too, goddammit. She was too smart for her own good.

  “And that’s okay with you?” he asked tightly, his life hanging in the balance. “My new line of employment?”

  “I love you,” she said as though it was as simple as that. “So, yes, I would find a way to deal. But, as I was saying, I understand that with your new role, a relationship with me is probably the last thing you want.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” He couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. She’d just given him the best gift he could ask for, and she was worried he wouldn’t want her?

  “No. Actually, I’m not.” Her jaw tightened, and her eyes narrowed. “Look at the trouble I caused you with your brother, my father. But it seems I’m as selfish as you think you are.” She waved off his raised eyebrows and moved to straighten a few of the chairs around them. “Yes. I heard you talking to Alek about how he let his girlfriend go. And you were wrong when you said it was something in our blood that allowed for the sacrifice, because I can’t let you go. To one day hear my father and Alek talk about you meeting someone else? To have to listen to them rave about the nice wedding you two might have? To sit over dinner and have Alek announce you and your ugly wife are having a baby?”

  She spun to face him; her jealousy was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. “I couldn’t take that, Gabriel. I want you for myself. If that makes me selfish, then so be it. I’m selfish. But at least I’ll be happy and selfish.”

  She inhaled deeply and seemed to settle, and then her fingernails started up again. “So, we’re here again. I’ve told you my deep, dark secret. Now why don’t you share one of yours?”

  He approached her, smiling at her reference to the night they’d met. “It’s not a secret to anyone but you that I’m in love with you, sweetheart. I’m so goddamn in love with you, it’s . . . Well, at the risk of sounding like a pussy, it’s unsettling and scary as fuck to realize the control you have over me.”

  Her eyes widened, her shield falling away to reveal a vulnerability that stole his breath. “Really?” she breathed.

  He rolled his eyes and glared down at her. “If you’re going to make it in this world—which you are, because I refuse to have it any other way—you’re going to have to pay more attention to what’s going on around you. I love you, sweetheart. Deeply. Now, put me out of my misery and say yes. Right now. Say you’ll be my wife.” His touch traveled down her neck to her shoulders, so gentle, bringing with it the usual sparks that were never far away.

  He’d been born into his family and raised as he’d been through no choice of his own. If not for her father’s sacrifice, this would all be normal to her. His past hadn’t been his choice, but it had made him the man he was.

  And she loved him, despite that.

  “So demanding, my man,” she said softly, coming up on her toes to kiss him gently. “You’re supposed to ask, not order me to marry you.”

  “Will you marry me?” he asked immediately, pulling her close.

  “There is nothing I would love more than to have you for my husband, Gabriel.” Her arm circled his neck. “Yes, I will so marry you.”

  The breath that left him was loud and long, the relief in his limbs near painful. “Thank fuck.” His stunned whisper was said against her lips as he claimed her mouth in the most intimate of kisses, a sharing of tenderness and love that left her shaking in his arms. When he finally released her, the look of utter victory he could feel on his face had a weepy giggle bubbling out of her throat.

  “You’re sure your friends will approve? They won’t think us coming together is a mistake? What if my father—”

  “Everyone already knows, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice gravelly. He ran his fingers through her hair. “Even your father.”


  He shrugged and craned his neck in that way he did when the tension became too much. “My boys know me. They knew I wanted you. And I asked your father for your hand on the flight back from Seattle.”

  “So you both knew for three days and only waited until now to ask me!” she shrieked and playfully punched him on his arm. He laughed and pulled her in for another kiss. She leaned into him, her body pressing against his in that delicious way that drove him crazy, but somehow he found the strength to pull back.

  “You need some rest. You’re still healing.”

  She scowled at him, clearly not pleased with his mandate. But she knew he was right.

  “Fine. I’ll go lay down.” She’d moved only one step when she turned and looked over her shoulder. “But only if you come with me.”

  He grinned at her. “Sweetheart, that’s a given. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Always.”


  Later that night, sitting across from his daughter in the huge room that was the main hangout in Gabriel and the boys’ home, Vasily felt his heart swell with pride that, even in her battered condition, his child was the most beautiful ever created.

  He glanced to the entrance when three of the home owners sauntered in. Quan did the same from where he was squatting to the side of the door, leaning forward on his chair. The Asian went back to his business, brows down, lips moving quickly as he read from the iPad resting in his big hands.

  With a couple of two-fingered salutes, Alek and Maks went over and started a noisy game of pool in the corner. Gabriel nodded a greeting and then saw nothing but the woman sitting curled up in the corner of the black leather sectional.

  More pride surfaced as Vasily watched Gabriel carefully gather Eva to him as he sat next to her. She gave a contented sigh and rested her dark head on a ready shoulder.

  “You going big with the wedding or keeping it small and private?” he asked, carrying on with his and Eva’s conversation, uncaring if he came across as a sap for wanting to know.

  His daughter looked over without lifting her head. “Definitely small and private. I’d rather leave the center-of-attention thing for someone else.”

  A quiet scoff came from the French doors where Vincente stood, staring out into the night. “Yeah, ’cause you blend so well, squirt,” he said without turning.

  Vasily smirked, but he felt his humor fade in the face of the changes he’d noticed in Vincente in the days since they’d returned from Seattle. The guy was pissy as hell with everyone—other than Eva, whom he treated with a warm affection that hadn’t been seen since Sophia was alive. He stared off into space more than he looked anyone in the eye. He’d even threatened Maks the other night when the perpetual chain-jerker had been leaving for work. Justified, Vasily had found out later, but then, when wasn’t it?

  He’d have to keep his eye on that.

  “A small wedding will be easier to plan in the limited time we have.”

  He frowned at
Eva. “Limited time?”

  She raised a brow. “Who am I marrying, Daddy?” she asked, as if that said it all. And it did.

  And even after having heard it all week, Vasily still marveled at the title. Who’d have thought he and his child would slip into such a comfortable, effortless pattern so early in their relationship? Amazing.

  “What about grandchildren? You think forty-three is too young for me to be a grandfather?”

  Greedy much? he thought, smiling at Eva’s blush. He’d just claimed his daughter and already he was asking for more. He looked at her as she smiled shyly up at her man, that look so familiar it made his throat close up. Kathryn had given him that same look countless times. The combination of the two of them in their daughter was stunning and comforting.

  He turned his attention to Gabriel, pride warming him that the Italian had had the nerve to claim the woman he loved as Vasily hadn’t.

  “Grandchildren? Change the subject,” Eva groaned. “Maksim is going to start throwing out random positions any second. I just know it.”

  He got to his feet, joining in Gabriel’s and Vincente’s chuckles, and headed for the bar to top up his drink, his eyes finally falling away from the couple. He’d done right bringing these two together.

  Finally, something in his life he could be proud of.


  First of all, I’d like to thank my family for their quiet support. As always, it means so much.

  A heartfelt thanks goes to my agent, Nalini Akolekar, for being the first to really give me hope that my characters might be interesting enough for others to want to get to know.

  Special thanks go out to everyone at Montlake Romance and Amazon Publishing, most notably JoVon Sotak, for your easy acceptance and encouragement.

  And, finally, massive thanks is reserved for my editors. Shannon Godwin and Robin O’Dell; this book would not be what it is without your expertise and diligence during a very tight deadline.

  Hugs to all!


  Photo © 2014 G.V. Spigos

  A proud and privileged stay-at-home mom, Nancy Haviland writes from her home near Toronto, Ontario, where she lives with her three children and one arrogant kitty named Talbot.

  Despite being an admitted INJT, she is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Canadian Authors Association. Sometimes she even finds the courage to add her two measly cents to discussions that interest her on her favorite online writers groups.

  When she’s not writing or reading, she can be found loitering around any body of water larger than a puddle, soaking up the peace.







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