by Holt, Jason
“Down with the Sickness,” 73
divided mind, 119
divine command ethics, 23
Donne, John, 89
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The Brothers Karamazov, 21
double positives, as negatives, 134
duck/rabbit drawing, 140
Dudek, Louis, xii
duende, 75–79, 81, 83–85
Dylan, Bob, ix, 27, 36, 39, 58, 60, 78, 249
“Highway 61,” 22
Eastwood, Clint, 32
Eckermann, Johann Peter
Conversations with Goethe, 83
Eichmann, Adolf, 160–62, 164
eironeia, 90
Elijah (biblical), 135
Eliot, T. S., 132, 139
Four Quartets, 218
Elrod, Suzanne, 223, 237
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 47
as body-based, 203, 211–12
cognitive theories of, 207–14
embodied metaphors for, 205
as mind-based, 203–5, 207
parallel systems of control in, 214
Empedocles, 123, 126–28
Epictetus, 6
on death, 11–12
on desires, 11
Epicurus, 11
episteme, 108
existentialism, 17, 126
as humanism, 21
and individualism, 21–22
and relativism, 20–21
Ezekiel (biblical), 42
Faithfull, Marianne, 61–62, 67
Vagabond Ways, 61
Falla, Manuel de
Nocturno de Generalife, 79
feminism, 29
flamenco music, 75, 82
Footman, Tim, 130
Freud, Sigmund, 119, 159
on dreams, 157
on pleasure, 185
friends, as mirrors, 109
Frost, Robert
“Fire and Ice,” 134
gala, 46
game, as concept, 77–78
Gender Studies, 30, 35
Genesis (biblical), 233
Genet, Jean, 239
Gnosticism, 48, 221
Godot, 18
Goebbels, Joseph, 162
Goering, Hermann, 162
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 79, 83
Faust, 129
Grant, George, 151
Lament for a Nation, 146
Grice, Paul, 71
Guantanamo Bay, 222
Hafferkamp, Jack, 170
Hamilton, Helen, 251
Harper, Stephen, 152
Hegel, G. W. F., 107, 123, 134
Heidegger, Martin, 135, 185, 186
on death, 184
Helen of Troy, 114
Hellenistic philosophy, 3, 6
end of 12–13
Heraclitus, 133, 135
’hesed, 223, 228
high art/popular art distinction, x–xi
Hitchcock, Alfred, xi
Hitler, Adolf, 156, 162, 221
Holocaust, 155, 221, 226
repression of rediscovery of, 159–61
as symbol of evil, 162–63
Homer, 63
hubris, 18
Hume, David, 58
on aesthetic judgment, 59, 61
on taste, 63–64
Husserl, Edmund, 103, 104
Hypatia, 12, 13
Iago, 208
Ibn al-Arabi, 236
Ibn Gabirol, 234
I Ching, 252
iconography, in Judeo-Christianity, 232–34
Ihlen, Marianne, 223
indexicals, 61
and best readings, 140–41
and context, 70, 72
intersubjective relations, 105
irony, 90–92, 121
danger of, 99
and personality, 91–92
Isaac (biblical), 22, 23
Isaiah (biblical), 42, 46, 176, 217, 233
Isis, 152
Isserman, Dominique, 223
James, William, 204
on fear, 204
James-Lange thesis, 204
Jensen, Marianne, 170
Jepsen, Carly Rae
“Call Me, Maybe,” 128, 131
Jeremiah (biblical), 217
Jesus Christ, 174, 219, 220
Jewel, ix
Jewish men, stereotypes of, 32–33
Jikan, 172, 228
Joan of Arc, 13
John, Elton, 67
John the Apostle
Apocalypse, 42, 50 (see also Book of Revelation)
John the Baptist, 217–18
Jones, Tom, 61–62, 67, 70, 73, 74
Spirit in the Room, 61
Joplin, Janis, 39, 68, 170
“joyful sorrow” (Christian mysticism), 25
Kabbalah, 221, 231, 234, 236, 238
Kafka, Franz, 182
Kagan, Rabbi Ruth Gan, 250–51
kairos, 43, 45
Kant, Immanuel
on aesthetics, 80
Critique of Judgment, 84
karuā, 223
katechon, 41, 43
Keats, John, 89
Kennedy, John F., 146
Kennedy, Robert F., 213
Khrushchev, Nikita, 160
Kierkegaard, Søren, 90–91, 94
The Concept of Irony, 90–92
Fear and Trembling, 22–23
ethical/religious distinction in, 23
Fear and Trembling, 22–23
on personality, 91
The Sickness unto Death, 24
transcendence in, 24
Kimmel, Michael
The Gendered Society, 30
Knight, Frederick, 46
Kurzweil, Arthur, 172
Kyozan Joshu Sasaki, Roshi, 19, 31, 218
Lamberville, Pierre de, 147
lang, k. d., 73, 97, 132
Lange, Carl, 204
Lawrence, D. H.
Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 139
library at Alexandria, loss of, 12–13
Lie to Me (tv show), 205
Light, Alan, 248–49, 251
The Holy or the Broken, 242, 248
Lightfoot, Gordon, 58
Locke, John, 43
Lorca, Federico Garcia, 78–79, 82–83, 85
In Search of Duende, 78
as cognitive, 209
contradiction in, 134
epistemic value of, 108–10
as subjective, 118–19
lovers, as fickle, 125
love songs, sadness in, 75
love/strife cycle, 123, 126–28
Lucretius, 10–12
Lynch, Kelley, 227
“lyrical self” (literary studies), 28
Machiavelli, Niccolò
The Prince, 241
Maimonides, 234
Manson, Charles, 42
Mas, Javier, 37
Masculinity Studies, 30
materialism, mechanistic
world of, 193–94, 199–200
The Matrix (film), 165
McCabe and Mrs. Miller (film), 32
Me First and the Gimme
Gimmes (band), 73
memes, 243–45, 252
religious, 247–48, 252
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Phenomenology of Perception, 103
Merton, Thomas, 219
Meysenbug, Malwida von, 169
Milgram, Stanley, 161
Miller, Henry
Tropic of Cancer, 139
Miłosz, Czesław, 159
minds touching bodies,
possibility of, 192, 200–201
Minkowski, Eugene, 184, 187
Mitchell, Joni, ix, 152, 223
Mnemosyne, 79
Monk, Ray, 120
Morganbesser, Sidney, 134
Morrison, Jim, ix
Morrison, Van, 78
Moses (biblical), 19, 42, 233
mother as m
irror, 106
Mount Baldy Zen Center, 219
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus, 56
music, and religious enchantment, 80–81
music world, luck in, 241
Nagel, Thomas, 195–96
on consciousness, 196–200
Mind and Cosmos, 195
Natural Born Killers (film), 32
“nature’s irony,” 92
negative mysticism, 231
Neo-Platonism, 234–36
Ney, Elisabet, 169
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 30, 32, 41, 83, 125, 232
The Antichrist, 131, 135
Beyond Good and Evil, 45, 129
Birth of Tragedy, 80
The Gay Science, 129, 130
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 127
Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, 134
on waiting, 45
nirvana, 174, 239
nothingness, and compassion, 239–40
Novick, Peter, 161
Nussbaum, Martha, 208
Olivier, Laurence, 58
Ondaatje, Michael
The English Patient, 143
Leonard Cohen, 27, 143, 149
O’Neill, Eugene
Beyond the Horizon, 229
Othello, 208
Paganini, Niccolò, 79
Palmer, Amanda, 252
Pareles, Jon, 227
Parmenides, 126–27
Proem, 126
Paul (biblical), 41
perception, as bodily action, 103
Phaedo, 94
phenomenology, 101–3
philia, 111
Plato, 4, 6, 48, 90, 117, 119, 123, 183, 195
Meno, 94
Phaedo, 94
Phaedrus, 99
Republic, 94
Symposium, 94, 109
Theaetetus, 94
platonic love, 94
Porter, Cole, 57
pre-reflective self-consciousness, 104
priestly blessing, Jewish symbol of, 218
Prinz, Jesse, 205
Proclus, 236
“Gangnam Style,” 128, 131
Pyrrho, 9
Reed, Lou, ix, 78
reflective functioning, 102
reflective self-consciousness, 105
religion, evolution of, 245
religious memes, 247–48, 252
repression, 159
Richman, Jonathan
“I Was Dancing in the Lesbian Bar,” 132
Robinson, Jenefer, 208, 211
Robinson, Sharon, 170
Rodriguez, Juan, 59
Roquentin, Antoine, 183
Rorty, Amelie, 110
Rorty, Richard, 120–21
on irony, 121
Rosenthal, Alexander, 169
Roshi. See Kyozan Joshu
Sasaki, Roshi
Rousseau, Henri, 186
Rumi, 236
Safranski, Rudiger, 169
Samsa, Gregor, 182
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 21
Being and Nothingness, 105
Existentialism Is a Humanism, 17
Nausea, 183
Savile, Anthony, 149
Schaya, Leo
The Universal Meaning of Kabbalah, 234
Schneider, Pat
How the Light Gets In, 123
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 30, 135, 167, 170, 171, 175
on asceticism, 173
and Buddhism, 173–74
on Christianity, 173
“Further Psychological Observations,” 178
and Hinduism, 173
on Judaism, 173
on love, 169
On the Basis of Morality, 174
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, 168
“On the Sufferings of the World,” 172–73
“On Women,” 168–69
Parerga and Paralipomean, 169
and women, 169–70
The World as Will and Representation, 168
Scobie, Stephen, 144–45, 149, 151, 239
Scott, Frank, 210
Second Letter to the Thessalonians, 41
self-awareness, through perception by others, 105–8
self-deception, 119
“selfish gene” (Dawkins), 243, 252
self-knowledge, through love, 108–10
Seneca, 43
sephiroth, 236
sephirotic tree, 236
Sextus Empiricus, 8–10
Shakespeare, William, 129, 181
Shakur, Tupac, ix
Shrek (film), 72, 242
siguiriya, 82
Silentio, Johannes de, 22
Simmons, Sylvie, 39, 42, 44, 127
I’m Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen, 101, 114
Simon, Carly
“Nobody Does It Better,” 73
“You’re So Vain,” 128
Simone, Nina, 67, 128, 130, 131
Sinatra, Frank, 57
singer-songwriter, 58
Sisyphus, 17–18, 20, 24
Skeptical school of philosophy, 9
Smith, Patti, ix
Snyder, Zack, 32
Socrates, 4–6, 33, 90–92, 94, 99–100, 117, 195
as gadfly, 4
and personality, 91–92
Socrates of Constantinople, 12
Socratic irony, 90–94
solitude, 134–35
Solomon, Robert, 208
Sol y Sombra, 81
Spinoza, Baruch, 42
Stalin, Joseph, 41, 160
Sternberg, Robert, 118
Stoic philosophy, 6, 43
Stone, Oliver, 32
style prejudice, 60
Suger, Abbot, 233
sunyata, 240
Surrealists, 83–84
taste, problem of, 56, 63
Tekakwitha, Catherine, 141–42, 146, 150
teleology, 194–97
and consciousness, 200
terrorism, 222, 226
theological traditions
“way of affirmation,” 233–34
“way of rejection,” 233–34
Third Noble Truth (Buddhism), 174
Thomas, Anjani, 170, 223
Thoreau, Henry David, 47
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, 228
Tindersticks (band), 78
Titus, 236
Torre, Manuel, 79, 82, 83
transcendent ideal, danger of, 18–19
The Treasure of the Sierra
Madre (film), 244
Trudeau, Pierre, 148
Unetanneh Tokef, 132–33
Upanishads, 173
Vaughan, Henry, 238
Vedantic tradition, 174
Venus, 114
Verdal, Suzanne, 101, 110
Villaincourt, Armand, 101, 110
von Trotta, Margarethe, 161
Wachowskis, the, 165
Wagner, Richard, 129, 169
Wainwright, Rufus, 72, 73, 132, 242
Waits, Tom, ix
The Heart of Saturday Night, 60
Walsh, Nick Paton, 170
Warnes, Jennifer, 69–70, 170
Famous Blue Raincoat (tribute album), 60
Watchmen (film), 32
“way of affirmation,” 233–34
“way of rejection,” 233–34
Webster, Jason
Duende, 77
Williams, Charles, 233, 234
Williams, Hank, 98
Winnicott, Donald
Playing and Reality, 106
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
on games, 118
Philosophical Investigations, 118
on religion, 120
women, projections upon, as
distancing, 129–30
word made flesh, erasure of, 237–38
Wynands, Sandra, 159, 165
Yetnikoff, Walter, 242
Young, Neil, 58
Zahavi, Dan
Husserl’s Phenomenology, 103
Zeno of Citrium, 6
Zeus, 247
> Zohar, 234