Getting Out

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Getting Out Page 12

by Afton Brinkman

  “So Ashton.” Jaimie said as she lowered herself to the empty seat next to me. “I noticed you been hanging out with Charlie Ingram a lot lately.”

  I nodded my head, “yeah we are dating.”

  She frowned blinking her eyes a few times like what I just said was very confusing. “But Charlie doesn’t date.” She stated as a matter of fact. “He never has, he only hooks up; so don’t be surprised when he drops you.” I couldn’t believe this little girl. I understood she had a crush on Charlie, most girls did, but to go this far was a little sad and I couldn’t help but to automatically go on the defensive.

  “Not that it’s any of your business but Charlie and I are not just hooking up. He is my boyfriend and I am his girlfriend.”

  “It’s true Jaimie, they hang out with me and Zach all the time. They been together officially for like a while now.”

  This caused Jaime to narrow her eyes at me and her voice came out as almost a threat. “He will get tired of you and when he does I will be ready and waiting. I am his favorite, always have been, always will be.” She pushed herself back to her original seat as her friends whispered and giggled behind me. She was trying to push my buttons and damn it was working. The buzzer went off alerting us that the game had ended. We had won, but I felt anything but victorious. This is why I never had any girls for friends, the drama that usually came with them was just not worth it. Tess and I rose from our seats and followed the line of people heading for the exit. I knew the boys would want to see us after they showered and changed but I was not in the mood anymore. I was angry with myself for letting Jaimie’s words bother me but they did, I couldn’t help it. Charlie dropping me, like he did all the other girls in the past, was always in the back of my mind. Now that she stated that she would be waiting for him to run to her I was mad at her; I was angry with myself, and I was even a little angry with Charlie for being that kind of person in the past.

  Tess broke me from mentally abusing myself. “You want to go wait in Charlie’s truck for them? Listen to some music it could be a little while?”

  “Tess I don’t really feel good all of a sudden, I think I am going to go back to the dorms. Here,” placing Charlie’s truck keys in her hand. “Give these back to him, and tell him I will call him later.”

  “Ashton, don’t let her bother you. She is just jealous like every other girl in school, don’t let her ruin the night.”

  “It’s not that, I really don’t feel good. I will see you later.” Turning away from her I crossed my arms hugging them tightly to myself. I could still smell Charlie on the sweatshirt and for the first time it did not comfort me.

  IT FELT great to be on the ice tonight. We played well and the fact that I had my mom and Ashton watching me made me feel like king of the mountain. I showered and changed in record time, just wanting to get out and see my girl. When we got out to my truck the door was open and I could see Tess playing with my IPod but I did not see Ashton. That’s weird. Tess noticed us and bounced out from my truck and ran and jumped into Zach’s waiting arms, kissing him hard on the lips. He picked her up off the ground and returned her kiss. I put my bag in the back of my truck and glanced around the parking lot. Where was my girl? Did she go in to use the bathroom or something? I waited for Tess to be done gushing about how great Zach was.

  “You were good too Charlie. I loved watching you guys play, I am going to be at every home game.”

  “Thanks, where’s my girl at?”

  Tess’s face fell a little and I could already tell I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear. Tess handed her purse to Zach, “babe can you put this in the car for me? I will be right there.” Once Zach was out of ear shot she came close to me and spoke softly. “She walked back to the dorms, she said she wasn’t feeling good.”

  “What do you mean? Was she sick? She looked fine during the game.”

  Pausing before she spoke, “she got a little upset when Jaimie said some things to her.”



  That girl was turning into the biggest regret of my life. Running a hand through my hair I looked at Tess. “Thanks for telling me.” She nodded before walking away. I sat in my truck for a little while, trying to decide the best way for me to approach the situation. She had left without talking to me, so whatever Jaime had set must have really pissed her off. I decided to send her a text and feel her out.

  Me: Hey babe Tess said you left because you weren’t feeling good are you ok?

  Ash: Yeah just tired.

  Me: Ok well we still on for this weekend right?

  I had told her that I needed to take her on a real date since we technically hadn’t been on one yet. She was noticeably excited when I mentioned I wanted to drive to the neighboring town that had this really nice restaurant.

  Ash: I don’t know I will see how I am feeling tomorrow.


  Me: Ok well let me know feel better ok babe text me or call me if you need anything.

  Ash: Goodnight.

  This was bad. I tossed and turned all night hoping she would text me or call, but deep down I knew she wouldn’t. She wasn’t like that. Suddenly an idea popped into my head and I just hoped to god it would work.

  The next morning I met my mom downstairs. “Mom do you think you could whip up some of your chicken soup? Ashton isn’t feeling very good.”

  “Oh that’s too bad, I was wondering why I didn’t see her last night after your game. I will make a big pot, you can take some to her this afternoon.”

  Part one of the plan was in play now to text Tess.

  Me: Tess I need Ur help I am going to come to the dorms do u think u can get Ash to come outside in a couple hours?

  Tessa: Im not sure Charlie she hasn’t got out of bed yet. When I got back she was already in bed….let me try my magic. I will text ya.

  Me: thnku

  I knew Ashton was mad about what Jaime had said to her, so first things first, I needed to know what Jaime said. I would get Jaimie’s lies first and then go talk to my girlfriend. I dialed Jaimie’s number.

  “Charlie!!” She answered all excited on the second ring.

  “What exactly did you say to my girlfriend last night Jaimie?” I was trying to keep my voice calm but I knew it wasn’t coming off that way.

  “Girlfriend?” She said in an obviously mocking tone, like the word itself tasted horrible on her tongue.

  “Charlie you don’t need to pretend with me, I know you better than anyone, you don’t do girlfriends or relationships. The new girl was obviously misinformed, all I did was fill her in.”

  I took the phone away from my ear and rubbed my hand over my face. If Jaimie and her jealous bullshit had cost me my relationship with Ashton, I wasn’t sure what I would do. Taking a calming breath I put the phone to my ear again.

  “Listen to me Jaimie, I want you to really hear the words I am saying. Ashton is my girlfriend. I am her boyfriend. We are in a relationship. I don’t want you, or anyone else. Next time you talk to her behind my back, about some bullshit that’s all in that little messed up head of yours, you and I are going to have a problem.” There was a long pause on the line and then it went dead. For a moment I felt bad. Jaimie could be a sweet girl and we had known each other our whole lives, but the person she was shaping into was not a good one. I was to blame for some of her actions; in a way I had strung her along but no more.

  My mom had finished her soup just when Tess had texted me the go ahead. With the soup in Tupperware and a bouquet of flowers, I proceeded in the direction of the dorms. Ready to get myself out of the dog house and hopefully back in my girl’s good graces. I shut my engine off and walked in the direction of the picnic area that Tess had told me to go, hoping Ash would be there.

  WHEN I got back to the dorms I changed into sweat pants and crawled in bed. I contemplated calling Dee but I didn’t want her to worry about me; especially because of a boy. I was so frustrated, one minute I was on cloud nine, I loved my relationship w
ith Charlie. Being with him made me feel things I didn’t know I was capable of feeling. Then Jaimie had to open her slutty mouth and bring all my insecurities, which I had tried locking away, to the surface again.


  Why did Charlie have to be the biggest man whore before I met him? Why did I feel like, at any given moment, he would get bored with me and drop me like a sack full of rocks.

  I slept in late not wanting to face any of it. I finally was awakened by Tess shaking me. “Get up! Get up!” She said, as she shook me and my bed.

  “Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Tess go away.” I slapped at her but was not successful.

  “Nope, get up. You been wallowing long enough and you didn’t even talk to him, you just ran away.” Yeah, I had run away, so what? There was no way I would have been able to face him last night. I would have done something stupid like cry. Nope not happening.

  “Tess, just stay out of it please.” Tossing my pillow over my head.

  “Sorry, can’t, he called me so I’m involved, get up,” as she ripped the covers off of me.

  Charlie wanted me to meet him in the picnic area that was in the back of the dorms. It was a scheduled area and I wasn’t sure if that was Charlie’s idea or Tess; my guess was Tess. I sat there trying to figure out what I was going to say to him when he cleared his throat behind me. I looked at him and he was as handsome as ever.

  Damn him.

  I WALKED into the wooded area, my heart beating out of my chest. The trees were pretty thick minus a little walking path. Just when I thought the path was leading me into nothing, the trees parted and there she sat in a wide clearing at one of five picnic tables surrounding a fire pit. Her back was to me so I continued to walk, when I got close enough I cleared my throat causing her to jump and swing her body around to face me.

  “Hey,” wishing I could have come up with a better opener.

  “Hey.” Guess she didn’t know what to say either. She turned and faced away from me again. With soup and flowers I sat down alongside her straddling the bench, facing towards her. I sat the soup on the tabletop and presented her with the flowers. It was warmer out with a little breeze, causing her hair to dance in the wind, all around her, and her blue eyes were glistening in the sunlight. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

  “These are for you, and my mom made you her famous cure all soup.” She lifted her hand and nervously pushed some hair behind her ear. She took the flowers and put them to her nose.

  “Thank you.” She still wasn’t looking at me. It was a defensive move. I wouldn’t make her, she had to do it on her own time.

  “My mom was worried about you and so am I, are you feeling okay?” She played with the petals on one of the flowers for a long time before she finally raised her eyes to mine.

  “I’m not sick, I mean, I wasn’t I’m fine physically.”

  I nodded, “I know you talked to Jaime.” Her head fell down again.

  “Babe listen, I’m sorry she said anything to you, I straightened her out it won’t happen again.” Her eyes shot up to mine from the ground. She looked angry I had never seen her look this way before. I braced myself.

  “That’s funny, you used those same exact words when the guys from the hockey team whistled at me.” I was caught off guard. Had I? I wasn’t sure.

  “Tell me something Charlie, whenever you and I have a problem, you want to go away, are you going to ‘straighten it out’. Do I not have a say in it? You didn’t even ask my side, you just went straight to her first.” She shot up from the wooden picnic table, walking off.

  “Ashton wait, you didn’t even give me a chance to explain.” Catching up with her I grabbed her arm. She stopped. I already knew what I had done was wrong. I released her arm and it fell lifelessly to her side. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to grab you, I just wanted you to stop. Don’t leave, can we please just talk?” She crossed her arms over her chest she took a couple deep breaths calming herself down.

  “Say what you want to say but I am staying right here and do not touch me again.” Hearing her say she didn’t want me to touch her was like a slash to my insides. If she only knew how it felt for me when I touched her, held her, kissed her…

  “Jaimie has a crush on me she; has had it for a long time now. Yeah, I have messed around with her, but that was before I met you. It never meant as much to me as it did to her and I was usually drunk. I know that makes me sound like a dick but to tell you the truth, before I met you, I was a dick. A big one. I slept around and didn’t care at all about anyone’s feelings but my own. I liked it that way. I was king of the school and no one could touch me. Then I walked into senior year, thinking I had my crown sitting high on my head, and there was this gorgeous blonde trying to get into her locker and she completely took my breath away. Since then I have not been the same person. I am no longer that dick. I no longer want the same things. Right now all I want is to play hockey and…to have you. Being with you has made me the happiest I have ever been and I don’t want to lose you. Please tell me I haven’t.”

  I WANTED to stay mad but it was just not possible after that. I searched his face for any trace of deceit or bullshit and I was not able to find any. All I saw was fear. Charlie was really afraid that he was losing me. Losing us, and what we had together. Reaching up, I placed my hand on his cheek. Just the small connection to him made my insides buzz to life.

  “You haven’t lost me,” I said quietly. He lowered his forehead to mine and breathed in.

  “I was so worried last night when you weren’t there after the game, and then Tess told me about Jaimie and I… I just wasn’t sure what to do, so I gave you a little time to figure out how you felt.”

  Grabbing his hand, I led him back to the table and sat down. “I was mad. Jaimie had caught me off guard, I mean Tess introduced us one minute and the next she is going on about how you are going to drop me and run back to her like you always do.” He winced but I continued on. “I think what made me so upset wasn’t the fact that she said it, it’s the fact that I sometimes get scared that you might do just that and I don’t want you to, Charlie I am really happy with you. You make me feel safe and that is something very important to me.”

  Neither one of us spoke for a few moments, then he scooted closer to me, I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. He was straddling the bench but I was sitting facing straight. His legs grazed mine and I could smell his cologne that I loved so much. He gently turned my face to his.

  “I have to kiss you right now or I am going to go insane.”

  I smiled at him because I felt the same way. “Better get to it then.” He touched his lips to mine so softly at first being so delicate giving me soft closed mouth kisses. But when I opened my mouth, urging his tongue inside, our kiss became something else entirely. He pulled me closer to him, it felt like we couldn’t get close enough, we both needed this. I could feel the tension melting away with every second. Charlie made a noise that was half gasp, half groan when my hands found the bare skin under his long sleeve shirt.

  “We better stop before I lay you down right here on the ground and have my way with you.” His green eyes danced when he said it.

  “Speaking of having your way with me, when do you think that is going to happen? I told you I am ready.” Brushing my bangs away from my face he gave me a little peck.

  “I was actually going to bring this up on our little date I had planned.” I looked at the clock on my cell phone, I had slept most of the day away and we had been sitting here for over an hour, there was no way we could make our reservations now.

  “Damn it. Charlie! I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, its fine, we can go another time.”

  “I know but I still feel bad you went to all the trouble and I go and ruin our first real date…..again.” I let out a frustrated sigh; sounds about right, I always managed to screw up everything.

  “Ashton it doesn’t matter, we can have our date anytime.”

  “So what were you going to
bring up on our date exactly?” His eyes roamed anywhere but me for a moment. He looked unsure but spoke anyway.

  “I was going to wine and dine you, and then ask you to homecoming. I was thinking we could go to the dance together and then afterwards go to my family’s cabin. Just the two of us, for a couple days. To tell you the truth, I have been dying to get you all to myself with no distraction.” God I felt the same. I wanted Charlie all to myself. I wanted to get to know every inch of him intimately.

  “Homecoming, huh? You know I have never been to a dance before.”

  “This year will be the first and last, that I will have a date. I have gone before but always stag and then went to the after party and got wasted.”

  “Where is this cabin you want to take me to?” I whispered in his ear before nibbling on his lobe.

  “It’s on my family’s property, about twenty miles out of town, kind of out in the boonies. It will be just you, me, and the trees.”

  “Just how many girls have you brought to this secluded cabin?” I was suddenly feeling like I did not want to go if it was a place he always went to screw girls. Cupping my face he looked me straight in the eye and then kissed me softly.

  “You. You’re the only one, beautiful girl.” Kissing me again he held me in his arms. “I wish I could somehow get you to stop doubting me. I know I had a ‘not so great’ reputation when we met but it’s not like that with you. You are so different Ash, I want you to be able to trust me.” I squeezed his arms that held me. I wanted to trust him so much but I was insecure. Charlie was very wanted and I was a small town virgin that was broken on the inside. How in the world would I ever keep someone like him? I was completely opening myself up for possible heartbreak. I had broken my own rules and let my wall crumble weeks ago and here I was cursing myself for it. As much as I wanted Charlie, I did not want him to hurt me.


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