Getting Out

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Getting Out Page 14

by Afton Brinkman

  “Babe we need to talk about what happened.”

  I nodded, “I know.”

  “I will come pick you up after practice.”

  IT WAS early evening when Charlie pulled into the dorm parking lot. I got in the truck and he headed in the direction of the highway. Normally I scooted over close to him while he drove but this time I stayed on the passenger side. We had sort of made up but I wasn’t sure how this talk was going to go.

  Charlie kept his eyes on the road. We had been driving for about five miles when Charlie finally spoke. “Why you sitting way over there?” Looking at him, I smiled slightly. He was handsome as he drove. He had on a blue, long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves pulled up just below his elbows. I could see the muscles in his forearms flex as he drove and the sun reflecting off those green eyes. I needed to be near him. I scooted over to my familiar spot and hugged his arm and laid my head on his strong shoulder. He rested his hand on my thigh.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, we were a ways out of town now and I had no idea where we were.

  “When I need to think I always go for a drive, helps clear my head.”

  “So we are driving aimlessly?”

  He smiled, “yeah pretty much.” He pulled off a little while later at a small deserted rest stop and killed the engine. We both stayed quiet for a moment and then he turned and faced me.

  “Do you regret it?”

  “Not at all.” I didn’t regret having sex with him, it had been a good thing even though I had a funny way of showing it. He searched my eyes before kissing my lips. He pulled back slightly resting his forehead on mine.

  “I meant what I said. I have fallen in love with you Ashton but you can’t keep pushing me away and running.”

  I pulled him to me tightly and hugged him. “I don’t want to run. I have been doing it for most of my life and it’s hard to just shut it off.”

  He kissed my cheek and my jaw “Remember that day with Noah, when he kissed you, and you met my mom for the first time?”

  “Yeah that was a crazy day.”

  “Remember what you said that night? You said, ‘isn’t the whole point of us being together, to stick things out together.’ I’m here for you, I’m not going anywhere, but baby please don’t run from me. If you feel like running just tell me and we will work it out together. I love you but I need to know you’re in this just as much as I am.”

  My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I was so completely head over heels in love with him. “I need you.” I kissed him passionately on the mouth so he knew just how “in this” I was.

  “I think I will always need you.”

  “I LIKE the beading on that one,” Tess said as she scanned through racks and racks of homecoming dresses. I had finally agreed to come dress shopping with her after she promised me that there would be absolutely no frilly ruffles of any kind. She then went on to tell me that it was not the 80’s and to chill out. Yup still clueless at fashion, but that’s why I had Tess as my friend.

  Mike Posner’s song “Please Don’t Go” started ringing from my back jean pocket and I smiled. Charlie had programmed it as his ring tone to remind me not to run away from him. It was pretty damn cute. “Hello Charles,” I said in my sweet voice. There was a pause on the other end before he spoke.

  “Babe please don’t call me Charles, only my dad calls me that and I hate it.” Smacking myself in the forehead with my palm I cringed.

  “I so knew that, my bad. See what happens when I try and be cute, epic failure.”

  He chuckled lightly. “You don’t have to try to be cute beautiful girl.” I secretly loved it when he called me beautiful girl.

  “So what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to check with you and see what color your dress was?”

  “I will have to get back to you on that, Tess and I are at the dress shop now but nothing is catching my eye. I better choose something soon or Tess will pick for me and that would not be good.”

  “Okay, well just text me or something so I know what color corsage to get you.” I was opening my mouth to object but he beat me to it. “And don’t even tell me I don’t need to buy you one.”

  Shaking my head I grinned like a fool at the fact that he already knew me too well. “Fine then, I won’t.”

  “Ashton!” Tess yelled.

  “I heard that, better get back to shopping before Tess has a meltdown.”

  I giggled, “Will I see you later?”

  “Yup later babe.” Pushing the end button on my cell, I glanced up to see Tess holding a black dress that was way too short.

  “This is the one.”

  “For you? Looks good.” She shook her head no. I glanced at the dress again “Nope, no way, not going to happen Tess.” It was strapless with a beaded neckline and on the bottom there were…“What the hell is that Tess? Looks like frilly ruffles to me”

  “That, for your information, is beautiful rosettes. With your long blonde hair and killer legs, I am telling you that Charlie will need a bib to stop from drooling all over you.” I did like that idea, I wanted Charlie to be proud to have me as his date at the dance.

  “Guess it won’t hurt to try it on.” Taking the dress from Tess, she bounded away saying something about accessories.

  It, being homecoming, and Charlie, being student body president, he was extremely busy with all of the preparations and events, so I found myself with a lot more free time. We had been doing great since our talk. We hadn’t had sex again but I hoped that would change soon. Back at the dorms, I had just plopped down on the couch in the lounge area, ready to lose myself in a book, when Noah came striding in sitting by me.

  “What are you reading?” He asked, taking the book from my hand and holding it with his long fingers. Glancing at the title and cover page he smiled handing it back to me. “You girls and your romance stories.” I loved reading and it wasn’t just romance books, I loved a good thriller too.

  I nudged him with my shoulder, “hush you! I mean it’s not ‘The Great Gatsby, but this is good stuff maybe you should read it and take some pointers” I said in a teasing tone.

  He made a disapproving grunting sound. “Pointers? Me? I could write that book,” he said cockily. “You like ‘The Great Gatsby’?”

  “Yeah, it is one of my favorites. So who’s the lucky girl you’re taking to homecoming?”

  He glanced from my eyes to my mouth and back again before looking away sheepishly “I didn’t ask anyone. Figured I would just go by myself and if someone wanted to dance with me they would have to ask.”

  “Like I said,” tapping my book, “pointers.”

  He flashed a devious look at me, “I will give you pointers.” Then his long fingers were on my sides, tickling me mercilessly.

  I tried to push his hands and squirm away but I was laughing too hard. “Noah,” I could barely breathe. “Stop,” I begged. He was on top of me, both of our chest heaving as we laughed. He straddled me and held my arms down as he starred at me. His eyes were wild. “Let me up.” I wiggled under him still trying to get free. He leaned down until his mouth was so close to my ear that his lips touched me when he talked.

  “Better stop wiggling like that Ashton or I won’t be able to get up.” My face flushed, this friendly little exchange had become very flirtatious and a wave of guilt hit me. Anyone walking in on this situation could easily misconstrue it. He released my arms and I swatted his chest.

  “Jerk,” I said playfully, as I pushed his long frame off of me. He laughed as I began walking in the direction of my room.

  “Who needs pointers again Ashton?” I was glad to still have Noah’s friendship, I enjoyed hanging out with him, but I worried his feelings for me would become a problem again. Not just for Charlie and I’s relationship but it was not healthy for Noah to still cling to hope that we might be together someday.

  TESSA HAD gone all out for homecoming, including a limo for all of us. She had made us both appointments to get our hair a
nd nails done. She said her mother’s credit card needed to be exercised thoroughly. I knew she still felt some resentment towards her mother for shipping her off to this school in the first place but I was grateful. Tess was the best friend I ever had, with the exception of Dee of course. I needed to call Dee soon, I had been slacking in that department. I made a mental note to call her after all this homecoming hoopla was over so I could tell her all about it. I had gone with the dress Tess had found that day. As usual, she was right, it looked pretty damn good on me. Charlie had to be at the school so he wouldn’t be picking me up or riding in the limo. I was a little bummed but I understood that his presidential duties called. We had decided to go to his family’s cabin, like he originally wanted. So we would have an entire weekend, just the two of us.

  The limo ride to the dance was fun. Tess and Zach were both singing at the top of their lungs and jumping around being crazy. Tess as usual took a gazillion pictures. I hadn’t been able to see Charlie for the past two days because he had been so wrapped up in this and making it perfect, so I was beyond excited to see him. When we stopped in front of the hotel, Tess and Zach and got out of the limo first. I stepped out slowly and pulled my dress down; I still couldn’t believe I was showing this much leg. Glancing up my eyes fell on Charlie. He was standing on the steps that lead to the front doors with his hands in his pockets smiling as he watched me approach. Instead of a tux he had opted for a crisp white dress shirt with a black vest matching tie and matching dress slacks. His hair was styled in that spikey, bed-head way he always had it. He looked so good I couldn’t wait to get him back to the cabin and be alone. I walked slowly up to him, making sure I didn’t stumble and fall on my face in these ridiculous shoes Tess had me in, but with the added height I found I could easily kiss Charlie when I got to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I had missed him more than I would ever admit.

  “You look so beautiful.” He told me that all the time but it truly never got old. Resting my hands on his biceps I took a step back and scanned him up and down once more.

  “I can’t wait to get you alone later.”

  His eyes grew bigger, “baby, are you hitting on me?” He asked with a smirk.

  I laughed, “I can’t help it, have you seen yourself? I am the luckiest girl here.” He sealed his lips over mine in a sweet kiss and even though there were tons of people around us, and walking by, we were in our own little bubble. In that moment nothing existed but him.

  Once inside, we were able to dance together for a few songs before the homecoming committee pulled Charlie away. I walked over to the large tables full of finger foods and drinks. I grabbed a bottle of water and was about to find Tess and Zach when I felt someone behind me. Thinking it was Charlie, I turned and brushed up against Noah’s chest; he was standing so close. He eyed me up and down and smiled that wolfish smile of his like he wanted to devour me alive.

  He placed his hands on my hips, leaning in close to my ear. “You are so sexy tonight,” he practically growled in my ear. He was so close, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. Placing my hand on his hard chest I gently pushed him back.

  “Have you been drinking?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “maybe a little. Come on, you said you would dance with me.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. I was glad it was a slower song, I did not want Noah to get grabby or think he could grind on me. He held me tight and close to his long body, I could feel every inch of him. We swayed to the music which was hard because Noah was off balance. He bent down and put his mouth close to my neck.

  “Doesn’t this feel good? You in my arms instead of his.” I automatically tensed; leaning back I found his watery eyes.

  “Noah please don’t do this.” The music changed to a faster more upbeat song I took that as my opportunity and stepped away from him. “I’m sorry Noah, have fun okay? I will see you later,” giving him a little smile. I only got two steps away before he grabbed my arms and turned me towards him, a little too forcefully.

  “No wait you have to listen to me please!” The next thing I knew I was pushed to the side as Charlie came barreling past and punched Noah in the face, causing him to fall backwards and land on his back. Charlie got on top of Noah and punched him again before Zach was able to pull him off.

  “I warned you if you touched her again,” Charlie yelled at Noah. Noah was still on the ground clasping his bleeding nose. I hadn’t moved from my spot, I just stood there and watched the scene unravel. Tess was at my side holding my arm asking if I was alright but I barely heard her. Charlie stepped in front of me breathing hard he clasped my face in his hands looking into my eyes.

  “You okay? Did he hurt you?”

  Shaking my head, I pulled my face away from him. “Of course he didn’t hurt me, he wouldn’t do that!” Charlie clenched his jaw. I looked down at Noah, he looked so sad and broken I wanted to go to him.

  “Ashton we need to get out of here before we get in trouble,” Tess said as she pulled on my arm. She was right, the chaperones were already making their way through the crowd. Noah’s eyes found mine and I mouthed the word ‘sorry’ to him before turning and leaving.

  I had been silent the entire ride to drop Tess and Zach off, only telling Tess I would text her, before she got out of Charlie’s truck.

  “You didn’t have to hit him.” Were the first words out of my mouth the moment we were alone.

  “The hell I didn’t.” He said, as he slammed his gear shifter, accelerating onto the highway.

  “I had him under control.” Charlie didn’t say anything else and neither did I. The ride up to his family’s cabin was a couple hour drive, spent with just the soft hum of the radio.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Charlie was nudging me awake. “We’re here.” Picking my head up from the passenger window I rolled my neck. How long had I been asleep in such a weird position? It was dark outside, I couldn’t see much of the house but the moon was shining and glistening on the lake. It was beautiful. Charlie got out and picked up the two small bags we had packed for our little weekend getaway. I got out of the truck and followed him to the door of the house. He fiddled with the key and pushed the door open. It was a rustic style cabin with an open floor plan and a large loft. Everything was built from all different types and shades of wood; the floors, the cabinets, everything. It was simple yet gorgeous. The living room spilled into the kitchen, with large windows everywhere and a breathtaking view of the lake. I could tell it had been updated over the years. Even the furniture all looked brand new.

  “Where is the bathroom?”

  Hesitantly, Charlie rubbed the back of his neck. “The bathroom house is just outside, next to the house. Toilet, Shower and Jacuzzi. My granddad built this place a long time ago and instead of tearing the original walls down and adding a bathroom, my mom and uncle just decided to build a separate house for all of that. I hope that isn’t a big problem for you.” He looked sheepishly at me. For most girls it probably would have been but for me it was not a big deal. To me it only gave the place more charm.

  “This place is beautiful.”

  He smiled for the first time since I got out of the limo. “I’m glad you like it.” Pausing, he looked at the floor and then back at me. “Ash I’m sorry okay.” I bit the side of my lip and nodded my head.

  Noah had been a sensitive topic for Charlie since the beginning of our relationship and I understood because I felt the same way about Jaimie. We were both wanted by other people, I just hoped that in the end our feelings for each other would be enough to look past all of that.

  I held out my hand to him, “come here.” He happily obliged, walking up to me, wrapping me in his arms, engulfing me in his pheromones that I was absolutely obsessed with. Pulling back slightly from our embrace, my mouth found his; slow sweet kisses. Enjoying him being so close, I opened my eyes and found him looking at me.

  I smiled against his lips. “You’re not supposed to watch me kiss you.

  He smiled and kissed me again. “You’re not supposed to catch me.” I giggled.

  I had changed out of my dress and heels putting on a pair of sweats and a camisole. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and brushed my teeth. Coming back inside from the bathroom house Charlie had changed too, now he was wearing only a pair of athletic shorts. No shoes, no shirt and heating some food up for us. My mouth watered immediately and it was not from the food. Walking into the kitchen, I noticed that it was completely stocked.

  “Who usually lives here?” I asked sitting down at the small breakfast bar.

  Getting some paper plates out, he glanced at me. “Nobody lives here. It’s just kind of the family get away. My mom used to bring me up here every summer. Sometimes my uncle brings his family.”

  “How come there is food and everything than?”

  “I drove up a couple days ago and made sure we had everything we might need.”

  He had taken care of everything, completely surprising me. I sat there utterly astonished by this man in front of me. He walked over to me and kissed my temple, placing a steaming plate of food in front of me.

  “It’s not a big deal, now eat.” We ate side by side, mostly in silence. It was already after midnight when we got all our dinner cleaned up and were settled in the large bed that was upstairs in the loft. A small lamp set a soft glow around the room. I was a little nervous, Charlie and I hadn’t had sex since our first time and I knew this time would be completely different.

  “Are you tired?” He asked as he lay down on the bed, putting his arms behind his head. I stood at the foot of the bed and shook my head ‘no’. As I watched his abs move up and down with every breath he took.

  “Come here my beautiful girl,” he said quietly. I crawled up the bed and straddled his lap. He began to move his arms from behind his head but I gave them a gentle push back down.


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