A Most Improper Proposal

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A Most Improper Proposal Page 2

by Gail Whitiker

  Still, there was little she could do to change society as a whole, and, unwilling to harbour such dismal thoughts on such a wonderful day, Desiree blithely cast them—and her clothes—aside. Dressed only in her shift, she made her way towards the edge of the pool. She took care not to lose her footing on the Slippery grass and slowly made her way in until she stood about waist-deep in the water. Then, putting her arms together, she pushed off with her legs and competently began to swim across the widest part. Her slender arms cut cleanly through the water, her long legs kicking effortlessly behind.

  When she reached the far side of the pool, Desiree gracefully turned and started back. Most of the glade was in shadow, but even so, she was not cold. However, when she spotted a sunny patch of grass close to where she had entered the pool, she decided to head that way, knowing it would help to dry her body more quickly.

  As soon as her feet touched the bottom, Desiree stood up and slowly began to emerge from the water. Water poured off her body in silver rivulets, her sodden shift clinging to her breasts and hips like a diaphanous veil. The sun felt gloriously warm on her face and the gentle whisper of the breeze against her bare arms and legs was like a soft caress. She closed her eyes and reached her arms up over her head, stretching her fingers to the sun.

  'What vision is this?' a deep voice said suddenly. 'A young Aphrodite rising from the waves? For surely, the goddess herself could not have looked more magnificent.'

  The teasing yet undeniably masculine voice shattered the peaceful silence of the glade and caused Desiree to utter a sharp gasp. 'Oh!' Dropping her arms protectively over her chest, she anxiously looked around for the source of the voice. 'Where are you, sir? I demand that you show yourself at once!'

  The gentleman did—and as soon as he moved, Desiree realised why she had not seen him. He was sitting in the deep grass no more than thirty feet away from her, but he was hidden in the shadows at the base of a huge oak. And it was immediately evident from his appearance that he too had been enjoying the refreshing waters of the pool. His black hair glistened like polished jet against his head, and his wet shirt clung to a chest and shoulders that were altogether too large for her liking.

  Thinking only to conceal her nakedness, Desiree quickly stumbled back into the pool. 'You are no gentleman, sir, to sit and watch a lady in such a state of undress!'

  'Perhaps not a gentleman, but a man nonetheless. And one not so foolish as to turn away from the sight of a beautiful woman as God intended her to be seen.'

  The fact that the man did not even attempt to hide his enjoyment of her scantily clad body brought the blood rushing to Desiree's cheeks. 'Who are you, sir, and what is your business here?'

  'The same as yours. The day is fine, the air is warm, and the waters of the river are refreshingly cool. I succumbed to its pleasures the same as you.'

  'But...why did you not speak out when first you saw me?'

  'I think I must have been asleep,' he admitted sheepishly. 'The first awareness I had of you was when I awoke to the sound of splashing and looked up to see you halfway across the pool. Then I was afraid to speak out lest I startle you and cause you to drown.'

  Desiree snorted. 'I am hardly like to drown, sir.'

  'How was I to know that?'

  'By watching me swim,' she said in a tone that indicated he must either be blind or simple. 'However, that is no longer of import. What is, is that you remove yourself from my glade at once!'

  'Your glade?' The man chuckled softly. 'Forgive me, Aphrodite, I was not aware that I was trespassing on private property.'

  'Well, it isn't private...precisely, but I have every right to ask you to leave.'

  'Oh? And why would you think so?' he challenged. 'You are obviously enjoying your day, and I am certainly enjoying mine.'

  'I was enjoying it until you came along to spoil things,' Desiree told him curtly. 'As to why I am asking you to leave, you must realise that, dressed as I am, I cannot get out of the water.'

  The man sat forward and locked his arms around his knees. 'Let me be the first to assure you that I have no objection to the manner of your dress, my dear. As for asking me to leave, surely you would not wish me to endanger my safety by pushing me beyond the limits of my endurance?'

  Desiree frowned. 'The limits of your endurance have nothing to do with me, sir, and I am hard pressed to understand why you would bring them up. You look fit enough to me. Surely it would be no great effort to rise, turn and walk away.'

  'Ah, but unlike you, fair Aphrodite, I did not walk to this tranquil spot. I swam here from Bredington.'

  Desiree gasped. 'From Bredington?'

  'Yes. And once having reached this peaceful glade, I thought to take the opportunity of both enjoying its beauty, and of catching my breath.'

  'You swam all the way from the lodge?' Desiree repeated in surprise. Mercy, no wonder he was tired. Viscount Wyndham's hunting-box was more than half a mile away and, as fit as this fellow looked, it was a considerable distance for any man to swim. 'I apologise, sir. I can understand your wish to catch your breath before setting off again. However, it does not excuse your conduct in remaining silent. You should have made yourself known to me as soon as you saw me in the water.'

  'If it makes me seem any less of a cad, I did think to say something when you began to emerge, but soon after that, I was lost in such wonder that I was robbed of the ability to speak. I could do naught but watch in reverent silence as a lovely water sprite rose from the woodland pool to dry her tender limbs in the golden warmth of the sun.'

  Desiree rolled her eyes. 'That, sir, is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, and a true gentleman would not have said it.'

  'Ah, but I have already told you that I am not a true gentleman, Aphrodite. And I am beginning to think that you are not a true lady either.'

  'I beg your pardon!'

  'No lady of my acquaintance would see fit to divest herself of her clothes in a public place and swim in a manner that would make an Amazon proud.'

  Desiree blushed hotly. 'I do not swim like an Amazon! And this is hardly a public place.'

  'But it is not wholly private either. Therefore it is not impossible that someone might have passed by, as you or I have done today.'

  'But in all the times I have come here, I have never—'

  'Good Lord, do you mean to tell me that you have been here before and that I have missed the pleasure of your loveliness? Dear me, had I but known, I would have left Wyndham to his sport and gone for a swim to see to mine.'

  The insinuation that she had suddenly become his 'sport' was the final straw for Desiree. 'I resent you speaking to me in such a manner, sir, and I demand that you leave here at once!'

  The man deliberated upon the idea for a moment, but when at length he spoke, his answer was hardly encouraging. 'Well, I suppose I should be heading back. No doubt Wyndham will be wondering where I am. But tell me, fair Aphrodite, how is it that I have not seen you before? Do you live in one of the quaint little villages hereabouts?'

  'I do.'

  'And have you a handsome husband and several children at home?'

  'I am...not married, sir,' Desiree said stiffly, wondering why was she was even bothering to answer his questions.

  'Really?' He sat up a little straighter in the grass. 'You live with your family then? A mother and father perhaps.'

  She swallowed hard and glanced away. 'No, my parents are...both gone.'

  'Are they indeed? Then...what holds you here, sweetness?'

  Desiree had not expected the question, nor the sudden softening of his voice. She might even have told him had not the fear of reprisal kept her silent. For in spite of what she accused him of being—or more correctly of not being, Desiree had no doubt that the man sitting opposite her was a gentleman. His tone of voice and the manner of his speech left her in no doubt as to his position in life. And the fact that he might well have a wife and children, perhaps even a daughter who was, or might some day be, in attendance at the very
school at which she taught, made her think twice about revealing her identity.

  Unfortunately, by the time she had formed an evasive answer, the gentleman had reached his own. 'So, there is nothing and no one keeping you here. What a shame. To be so young and so lovely and with no one to appreciate it, is a waste indeed.'

  'I do not see it as a waste, sir,' Desiree said, lifting her chin in defiance. 'I have no need of a gentleman's appreciation to make my life worthwhile. I am content with it just as it is.'

  'But there is so much more than just contentment to be had from life, Aphrodite,' he told her softly. 'So very much more.' Then, with an alacrity that left Desiree gasping, the man stood up—treating her to a brief glimpse of muscular legs clad in buff-coloured breeches—and dived into the water. He disappeared for a few moments, and then surfaced no more than two feet in front of her.

  Dear heavens, what a giant of a man he was! The width of his shoulders was striking from a distance, but up close, Desiree could see just how ruggedly developed his chest and arms were. There was no doubt that, should he wish it, he would have the advantage of her on land or in the water.

  Desiree gasped and stumbled backwards, struggling to get out of the pool.

  'No, wait!' he urged, quickly reaching for her arm.

  The hand that closed around her wrist was like iron. 'Let me go, sir!' Desiree cried, trying not to sound as alarmed as she felt.

  'If I do, will you stop floundering about like a freshly landed fish and listen to what I have to say?'

  The less than flattering description did nothing to lessen the colour in Desiree's cheeks, but it did serve to bring her struggles to a halt. 'I make no promises, sir. How do I know that you do not intend to take advantage of the situation?'

  'Because I give you my word as a gentleman that I will not. You have nothing to fear from me, Aphrodite,' the man said softly. 'All I wish from you is a moment's conversation.'

  For some reason, Desiree believed him,. Though she was woefully inexperienced when it came to men, she did not see the darkness of lust in his eye. But she knew that he was studying her. She saw his eyes drop down below the waterline and knew that she might as well have been wearing nothing at all for what little protection the shift was giving her.

  'By God, you're a beauty,' he whispered huskily. 'You have a body that was made to be loved. Come, Aphrodite, let me take you back to London with me. I shall show you a life unlike any you have ever known. You will have a comfortable house with a maid to attend you and servants to do your bidding. I shall dress you in fine clothes and give you pretty jewels to wear. And all I ask in return is a few hours of sweet pleasure for us both.'

  Desiree stared at him, speechless with shock. Take her back to London with him? But...surely he was not suggesting...that is, was it possible that he was saying...

  'Are you asking me to be...your mistress?' she finally gasped out.

  A decidedly sensuous smile curved his lips. 'Would that be so terrible? I would never hurt you, sweetness. Indeed, I would be exceedingly gentle and give you all that a woman could ask for.'

  His hand moved slowly through the water towards her and Desiree gasped as the tips of his fingers brushed lightly across her breast. 'You forget yourself, sir!' she cried, thrusting his hand away. 'And not only in your conduct! How dare you speak to me in such an inappropriate manner!'

  'Why? Do you truly find the idea of being my mistress so very objectionable?'

  'I do indeed! You are sadly mistaken if you think that the lure of fine clothes and jewels would be enough to tempt me into becoming your courtesan. Did Cleopatra go with Caesar merely because of his wealth? Did Isolde spurn her beloved Tristan for a king's gold?'

  The man quirked one dark eyebrow in surprise. 'What's this? My beautiful water sprite possessed of a learned mind as well as an enchanting body?'

  'I am no more your beautiful water sprite than I am your sweet Aphrodite,' Desiree snapped. 'And I would thank you to refrain from addressing me in such ridiculous terms. I am not one to be moved by such empty words of flattery. Much to your disappointment, I am sure.'

  'On the contrary, I am delighted to find a questioning mind behind so beautiful a face.' He paused for a moment to assess this new piece of information. 'But perhaps I was wrong to try to tempt you with the promise of pretty jewels and fine clothes. Perhaps I should have mentioned the abundance of fine museums and libraries which are to be found in London, all of which are filled with books and artefacts from all over the world. I should have piqued your curiosity with the promise of lectures from learned historians, and teased you with talk of political assemblies held in the homes of some of London's most entertaining hostesses, all of which I could make available to you.'

  His hands had stilled but his words were evoking a different kind of excitement in Desiree's breast all together. Oh, how she had longed to visit the cultural centres of London; to see the British Museum, and Westminster Abbey where the tombs of the former kings and queens of England were on display for all to see. To view centuries-old sculptures and priceless collections of Greek and Roman artefacts.

  And surely the political hostess he referred to was Lady Holland; a woman who was well known for hosting scintillating parties attended by some of London's most interesting people. Desiree knew that some of the sharpest minds in England took part in the lively discussions to be had at her home, and though Lady Holland might not be deemed quite acceptable to the highest levels of society, she was, nevertheless, a fascinating woman.

  'Come, Aphrodite, what do you say?' he whispered persuasively. 'Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove.'

  The misuse of the Marlowe poem, originally intended for a passionate shepherd to the lady he wished to court, brought sparks of anger to Desiree's eyes. 'I do not doubt that you expect me to be flattered by your estimable offer, sir, but I am not a simple shepherdess to be so persuaded, nor some willing lightskirt who exists only to pander to your pleasures.'

  'Pleasures for us both,' he reminded her smoothly. 'For I assure you, I enjoy both the giving and the taking in love.'

  It was suddenly too much for Desiree. She was submersed to her neck in a woodland pool, wearing a shift that was as transparent as a fairy's wing, and she was having a conversation with a stranger in the most normal of tones about going to London and becoming his mistress!

  Truly, he was no better than the old Marquis of Sywell himself, for he, too, had believed that any girl in the neighbourhood was ripe for the picking.

  'I have no desire to become your mistress, sir, nor that of any man,' Desiree said in a voice not unlike that which she had used to chastise Elizabeth Perry earlier in the day. 'I am an intelligent woman and one .who thinks too highly of my own worth to debase myself in such a manner. But do not fear. I am sure there are many who would be only too eager to accept your offer. And now, if you will kindly turn your back and allow me a few moments of privacy, I shall be on my way.'

  After a moment's hesitation, the man reluctantly inclined his head. 'Very well. Never let it be said that Sebastian Moore would force a lady to do anything she did not wish to. For there must be mutual respect and affection for a liaison to achieve any level of satisfaction—even in one such as this.'

  Then, without warning, he bent his head and kissed Desiree full on the mouth. His lips were warm and possessive over hers as his arm closed firmly around her waist and drew her against the long hard length of his body.

  'Farewell, Aphrodite,' he murmured against her mouth. 'I shall not soon forget you or our chance encounter here.'

  Then the man called Sebastian Moore turned and began to swim back in the direction from whence he had come.

  In the quiet of the woodland pool, Desiree stood and gazed after him long after he had disappeared from view. She knew that she should dress and make haste to return to school, but somehow, thoughts of duty and obligation were far from uppermost in her mind. She kept thinking about the way his fingers had brushed ever so li
ghtly against her breast. She had never been touched like that before; never been made to feel as though her body was burning hot yet icy cold at the same time.

  Then she thought about the way he had kissed her, remembering how incredibly soft yet firm his mouth had felt against hers. The heat of his lips against the coolness of hers had evoked the strangest feelings of excitement and breathlessness.

  But who was this Sebastian Moore whose touch had sparked such a traitorous response from her body? Why did the sound of his voice yet linger in her mind? He had asked her to be his mistress! He had treated her with a complete lack of respect, speaking to her in a way that no gentleman would ever speak to a lady. He had even kissed her— without so much as a by your leave! Surely she should be repulsed by a man who took such liberties, and who clearly thought so little of her as an individual.

  Yes, of course she should. And she would go back to Guarding's and laugh about this with Helen. She would tell herself that she was glad she would never have cause to see such a reprehensible gentleman again.

  'And maybe in time, I might even come to believe it,' Desiree whispered as she slowly climbed out of the pool and started to dress.

  Chapter Two

  14 May, 1812

  The occasion of Desiree's twenty-fifth birthday was not a cause for celebration. All it signified to Desiree was the passing of another year and one which had been difficult for any number of reasons, not the least of which was Miss Elizabeth Perry—or more specifically her father, Viscount Perry. Desiree had been introduced to Lord Perry at the time of Elizabeth's enrolment at Guarding's, as were all of the teachers to the parents of every new student. On first acquaintance, she had thought him to be a handsome man with pleasant manners and was not surprised when some of the other teachers had professed themselves quite taken with his charm.

  But Desiree had soon come to realise that beneath the guise of the gentleman lay a man who was both disreputable and untrustworthy. He seemed to have a knack for appearing in a room when she was in the presence of only the younger girls and more than once she had felt his eyes upon her, only to see him glance away when she turned to look at him.


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