A Most Improper Proposal

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A Most Improper Proposal Page 10

by Gail Whitiker

  'Your momentary weakness was Miss Nash's gain, Aunt,' Sebastian said gallantly. Then, holding out his arm to both ladies, he smiled and said, 'Shall we go?'

  Desiree had never been invited to such a fine house before, nor had she ever been part of such an elegant assembly. Ladies dressed in finery equal to her own drifted about the room, while dashing gentlemen resplendent in formal black attire moved among them. Thousands of candles placed in overhead chandeliers and wall sconces bathed the room in a warm, golden light, and the sweet perfume of flowers hung in the air.

  To Desiree, standing in the shadow of Lady Charlton and her nephew, it was truly a magical sight. 'It is almost too breathtaking for words,' she murmured.

  'As are you, Desiree,' Sebastian whispered in her ear. 'I daresay there will be many people wondering at your identity tonight.'

  Desiree nibbled anxiously at her bottom lip. She had already noticed the curious glances being sent her way, and began to think she should have insisted on staying at home. But it was too late for that now. She was here as Lady Charlton's companion, and the least she could do was act the part.

  'As I told you, I have no desire for such recognition,' Desiree said, trying to ignore the nervous flutterings in her stomach.

  'Perhaps not, but I fear it will come regardless.'

  After passing through the receiving line, Lady Charlton and her party moved slowly through the crowded room, stopping here and there to have a word with a friend, or to nod a greeting to an acquaintance.

  'Before you are besieged by fawning young gentlemen intent on discovering your identity, might I beg the pleasure of a dance?'

  Desiree glanced at Sebastian in alarm. 'I do not think that would be appropriate, my lord. I am not here as a guest.'

  'No, you are here as the companion of a guest, and one who really has no need of your services this evening. And it would be foolish to stand idle along the wall when that is the case. See there, even now Aunt Hannah is engaged with Lord and Lady Merton, and I can assure you that once she and Lady Rumsden get together, they will be chatting for some time. So, I shall ask you once again. Will you grant me the honour of a dance?'

  Desiree sighed. She wanted to dance with Sebastian very much, but did she dare? What would society think of a lady's companion dancing with a lord?

  'No, I am sorry, Lord Buckworth,' Desiree said reluctantly. 'I do not think it would be correct.'

  Sebastian frowned in annoyance. 'I am not at all pleased with your answer, Desiree. Nor by this insistence of yours at addressing me by my title. I thought we had agreed that when we were alone, you would call me Sebastian and I would call you Desiree.'

  'That was true when our relationship was to have been of a different nature, my lord,' Desiree informed him. 'But now that our circumstances have changed, it is not fitting that I address you by your Christian name. Nor that you address me by mine.'

  'Ah, Desiree,' Sebastian murmured close to her ear. 'I do not think I shall ever be able to think of you as plain Miss Nash, whatever the circumstances we happen to find ourselves in. You will forever be Aphrodite to me. And I would like to think that because of the nature of our first meeting, you would have felt at ease calling me by my name. Come say it, Desiree. Let me hear my name whispered upon your lips.'

  A curious swooping sensation in the pit of Desiree's stomach halted her words and brought the blood rushing to her cheeks. His voice was so sweetly persuasive—but the smile playing about his sensuous lips so decidedly wicked, that Desiree frowned at him in mock annoyance. 'Now you are trying to discomfort me, Lord Buckworth, and I will not have it. You must call me Miss Nash and I shall call you Lord Buckworth. Any other form of address is quite unacceptable.'

  'To the ears of polite society, perhaps, but I am not concerned with such things. Neither, I thought, would be a lady who was willing to shed her clothes and swim in the River Steep in the middle of the afternoon.'

  Suddenly, Desiree's lips trembled with an urge to laugh. 'Lord Buckworth, I wish you would not keep reminding me of the folly of our first meeting.'

  'I will as long as it continues to bring such a lovely pink flush to your cheeks.'

  'I should have remained at school that afternoon.'

  'Then you would not be standing here flirting with me.'

  'I am not flirting with you, sir!'

  'There, that is better,' Sebastian said with satisfaction. 'I prefer to see you with a sparkle in your eyes and defiance in your tone, than to hear you going about meek and mild and in fear of what society has to say. You are not like other women, Desiree. You never will be: You have passion in your heart and adventure in your soul. Who else would have agreed to be my mistress simply in order to change her life? You should celebrate that uniqueness as much as I do. Now come and dance with me.'

  As much as she wanted to ignore his teasing remarks, Desiree knew that she could not. Just being around Sebastian set her pulse to racing. His conversation was so stimulating, and certainly, his appreciation of her was flattering in the extreme.

  'My lord. Whatever the nature of our...past relationship, and however much you might feel I have qualities which other ladies do not, I would ask you to be mindful of the circumstances in which we find ourselves now. You are Lady Charlton's nephew and I am her companion. And in the eyes of society, you will be seen as paying too much attention to a servant.'

  'Bother society!'

  'All very well to say, my lord, but do you see the faces of the ladies around us? Look closely. Even now, they are watching us from behind the cover of their fans.'

  Sebastian did not bother to look. 'I care little enough for what society thinks about me, Desiree. But I do care about your feelings, and for that reason alone, I shall leave you. But I shall be back, and I will ask you again for the pleasure of a dance. You shall not escape me so easily, Aphrodite.'

  With that, he offered her a formal bow, a mischievous smile, and then moved off to seek other acquaintances.

  In spite of herself, Desiree had to smile. Lady Charlton was right. Sebastian Moore was a terribly likeable rogue—and a devastatingly handsome one at that. His massive shoulders strained at the seams of the tailored black coat he wore and he carried himself with such commanding presence that people invariably moved aside to let him pass.

  But it was truly more the character of the man which had her senses spinning. Sebastian possessed a gentle heart and a depth of sincerity seldom to be found among the dandies and fops of London society. He was exactly who he appeared to be. And Desiree knew she would have been lying if she'd said she wasn't grateful for a job that caused her frequently to be in his company.

  She turned with a smile of bemusement on her lips—only to feel it freeze solid when she saw the man standing before her.

  'Well, this is a most pleasant surprise,' Lord Perry said smoothly. 'We meet again, Miss Nash.'

  For Desiree, time suddenly seemed to stop—and go tumbling backwards. In that instant, she was once again trapped in the darkness with a man intent on her ruination. She felt the oppressive weight of Lord Perry's body against hers, heard the sound of her gown ripping, and remembered the loathsome touch of his hands on the softness of her skin.

  Desiree felt the trembling begin deep in the pit of her stomach and prayed that she would not faint. 'Lord... Perry.'

  'My daughter informed me that you were no longer at Guarding's, but I was not aware you had removed to Town.'

  The peer's smile was as confident as it had always been; his manner that of a man completely in control. Desiree had to fight back the urge to run as far away from him as she could. 'No. Very few people did.' She knew that Lord Perry was waiting for an explanation, but she would see him in hell before he would have one from her. As far as she was concerned, the less this repulsive man knew about her and her life, the better. 'Now if you will excuse me—'

  'I do not believe you have met my wife, Miss Nash,' Lord Perry cut in smoothly. 'Permit me to make you known to her.'

  Desiree's co
mposure was little more than a fragile shell around her. In her agitation, she had not noticed the tall, slender woman who was standing just behind Lord Perry. A woman as beautiful as any in the room, but one whose dark eyes were filled with suspicion as her husband turned to draw her forward. 'Lydia, my dear, this is Miss Nash. One of Elizabeth's teachers at the Guarding Academy. Miss Nash, my lovely wife, Lydia.'

  Because she had no choice, Desiree curtseyed gracefully. 'Lady Perry.'

  'Miss Nash.' The lady's greeting was as reserved as her manner. 'How can it be that a schoolmistress from Steep Abbot should come to be a guest at a London ball? Should you not be at school?'

  There was a note of accusation in the woman's voice, and Desiree stiffened. 'I am no longer employed by Mrs Guarding, Lady Perry. I reside in London now.'

  Lady Perry's eyes widened in surprise. 'Do you indeed? My, my, quite a change in circumstances for a woman of your position.' She glanced coldly at her husband. 'I wonder how such a thing came to pass?'

  It was an agonizing and humiliating moment for Desiree. She had no way of knowing whether Lady Perry suspected the nature of her husband's conduct towards her, for while she doubted that Lord Perry would have told her, she was not at all sure that Elizabeth would not.

  Thankfully, Lady Charlton chose that moment to make a most timely entrance.

  'Ah, Miss Nash, there you are. I have been looking for you.' She glanced at the couple standing beside Desiree and the expression in her eyes cooled. 'Good evening, Lord Perry, Lady Perry.'

  'Lady Charlton, a pleasure to see you again.' Lord Perry bowed formally. 'You are acquainted with Miss Nash, I see.'

  'I am indeed.' Lady Charlton's glance at Desiree was so quick, and her smile so warm, that none could have perceived the depth of concern behind it. 'I do apologise for leaving you on your own, my dear, but Lady Rumsden was of a mood to chat. However, she has expressed a desire to speak with you about the Oracle at Delphi.' Lady Charlton turned to smile in a rather condescending manner at the other two. 'If you will excuse us, Lord Perry, Lady Perry.'

  His wife managed a cool smile, but Lord Perry was all gracious humility. 'But of course.' He bowed politely towards Desiree. 'I hope you enjoy your evening, Miss Nash.'

  Desiree inclined her head, but offered no reply. She could not bring herself to utter the empty words that were usually expected at such a time. Because she was not pleased to see Lord Perry again, nor was she happy to have made the acquaintance of his wife.

  It seemed that Lady Perry too, felt no need of social politeness. She moved away without speaking, her expression no warmer than it had been at the onset.

  'Are you well acquainted with Lord Perry and his wife?' Lady Charlton enquired as they themselves moved away.

  'Not at all, Lady Charlton,' Desiree said stiffly. 'I was introduced to Lord Perry at Mrs Guarding's, where his daughter, Elizabeth, is a student. I made the acquaintance of Lady Perry only this evening.'

  'I see.' Lady Charlton was silent for a moment. 'And...would I be correct in assuming that you do not hold either of them in esteem?'

  Desiree walked quietly at Lady Charlton's side, but her formerly white cheeks were now ablaze with colour. 'You would be very correct in your assumption indeed, Lady Charlton.'

  The lady nodded in understanding. 'Yes. I thought perhaps I was.'

  Sebastian too had observed the meeting between Desiree and Viscount Perry and his wife, and while he had not been able to hear any of the conversation which had taken place, he could tell from Desiree's expression that she was extremely ill at ease. Her lovely face had gone deathly pale, and then reddened with angry colour. She was clearly uncomfortable with the situation and had his aunt not appeared upon the scene when she had, Sebastian would have intervened himself.

  Nevertheless, when half an hour had passed and he spied Desiree once again standing on her own, he casually walked across the room to talk with her. 'So, Desiree, how are you enjoying your first London ball?'

  Initially startled, Desiree glanced up into his familiar face and slowly felt herself begin to relax. She had been horribly on edge ever since her encounter with Lord Perry and all but flinched when anyone came near. Thankfully, she suffered no such worries with Sebastian. Indeed, she was astonished at how comfortable she was beginning to feel in his presence. 'It has been an interesting experience, my lord, but I will be glad when it is over,' she admitted. 'I am anxious to get home.'

  Sebastian saw the frown creasing her forehead and wondered what had put it there. Lord Perry perhaps? He wished he could have asked, almost as much as he wished he could have smoothed his fingers over her brow and erased the lines of worry and concern he saw there. The knowledge that he had no right to do either disturbed him.

  'I shall ask Aunt Hannah if she is ready to leave,' Sebastian said softly, 'and then I shall return with your wrap.'

  'Oh, yes, thank you, Lord Buckworth, I should be most grateful.'

  Desiree watched him stride away, more affected by the concern in his voice than she wanted to admit. It would do her no good to develop feelings of affection for Sebastian. They were worlds apart in so many ways and it would be foolish of her to harbour hopes that he might some day think of her with anything more but the most passing of interest. But it was so easy to like him. He was truly a good and admirable man. There was no arrogance in his manner and no mockery in his speech. When he smiled he did so honestly, and when he frowned he left no one in any doubt as to his displeasure. Desiree hoped that his displeasure would never have cause to be directed towards her.

  'Miss Nash?'

  She turned to see a young footman standing at her side. 'Yes?'

  'Lady Perry asks if she might have a word with you on the terrace.'

  Lady Perry? A cold knot formed in the pit of Desiree's stomach. There was only one reason why the woman would have requested a meeting. Elizabeth must have told her what had happened in the classroom that night—and Desiree could just imagine what a horrid picture she would have painted.

  For a moment, Desiree considered refusing. Why should she subject herself to the unfounded accusations of an angry and suspicious woman? But then, knowing that Lady Perry would only continue to harbour such beliefs if she did not meet with her and try to set the record straight, Desiree relented. Did she not owe it to herself to try to make the woman understand? For surely, as a woman, Lady Perry would understand what it was to be put upon by a man.

  Not holding out much hope that she could, Desiree nevertheless followed the footman into the darkness of the warm summer evening. He led her to the far end of the terrace and then bowed politely before turning and walking away.

  Desiree glanced around. At the moment, she seemed to be the only one here. 'Lady Perry? It is I, Miss Nash. You wished to see me.'

  'Lady Perry is not coming, Miss Nash,' came a familiar voice. 'It was I who requested this meeting.'

  Desiree whirled to see Lord Perry standing behind her and once again felt anger rise in her breast. 'How dare you trick me like this,' she said in a low, tremulous voice. 'What do you want?'

  'You do not seem pleased to see me, Desiree.'

  'My name is Miss Nash. And I am not pleased to see you. How could you expect me to be after what happened at the Academy?'

  'Ah, yes. A most regrettable incident our being discovered like that,' he said in a voice which evidenced no signs of regret at all. 'But how fortunate to have discovered you here in London.'

  'The discovery bears no pleasure for me, Lord Perry. Now if you will excuse me, I must return to the ballroom. Lady Charlton will be looking for me.'

  'Lady Charlton can wait.' Lord Perry's fingers closed around her wrist. 'We have much to talk about, Desiree.'

  'I told you, my name is Miss Nash. And we have nothing to talk about.' She glared down at his hand. 'Unhand me, sir.'

  'All in good time, my dear. All in good time. Right now we have a few things to settle.'

  Desiree tried to pull free, but Lord Perry only tightened his gri

  'You're hurting me!'

  'And I shall continue to hurt you until you stop fighting and listen to what I have to say.' His eyes turned hard and unyielding. 'You have a very slender wrist, my dear. It would be a pity to snap it.'

  Desiree paled, recognising the very real threat behind his words. She reluctantly stopped Struggling, but remained purposely cold and distant. The man might have the physical advantage of her, but she refused to give him the emotional one as well. 'Very well, I shall listen to what you have to say. But not until you release me.'

  'I would advise you not to run.'

  'I give you my word that I shall not.'

  The silence grew tight with tension. Lord Perry gazed down into her face, and then reluctantly released her. Desiree drew back her hand and prayed it would not bear evidence of bruises in the morning. 'Why did you trick me into coming out here?'

  'Because I wanted to talk to you. And because I knew that if I made you think my wife had asked to see you, you would not refuse.'

  'You sound very sure of yourself.'

  Lord Perry began to smile. 'On the contrary, it was you I was sure of. I knew that you would agree to see her, if only to try to convince her of your innocence. Which, I might add, would be a waste of time. She already suspects that you are, or were, my mistress. But that is of no concern to me. What is, is how you came to be in London, and where you are residing now.'

  'And that is none of your business.'

  'On the contrary, my dear, it is because I choose to make it so.'

  'Lord Perry, I agreed to listen to what you had to say but I refuse to engage in conversation with you,' Desiree said coldly. 'I despise the sight of you and if you asked me here for a specific purpose, then state it and be done. I am anxious to return to the ballroom.'

  Lord Perry studied her in silence for a moment, and then slowly began to smile. 'Do you know, I never realised how truly beautiful you are, Desiree—'

  'Miss Nash.'

  'Such glorious eyes, such tempting flesh.' His eyes dropped lower, lingering darkly on the swell of her breasts. 'You make my blood boil, Desiree. You always have.'


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