Tease - A Stepbrother Sports Romance

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Tease - A Stepbrother Sports Romance Page 14

by Caitlin Daire

  “Okay, Charlotte, let’s get started,” Greg said, once Tina had headed back down the hall with my phone and computer. “Easy questions first. Birth date, list of any schools you’ve attended, and current occupation.”

  I answered the initial questions easily, and the interview went quite well for the next hour or so. I’d never been asked so many personal questions before, but none of them were too invasive, and I’d finally started to relax when Tina came back into the room and whispered something to Greg. He narrowed his eyes, scribbled down some notes, and then waited for her to leave before speaking to me again.

  “Any relationships we should know about?” he asked.

  “You mean like a boyfriend?”

  “Or girlfriend. Or multiple partners. Doesn’t matter; we just need to know for now.”

  “I…uh….no boyfriend. Or girlfriend,” I said, forcing a smile. “I’m not dating anyone at all.”

  Greg was quiet for a second, and then he smiled. It wasn’t a friendly smile; he looked like a shark circling its prey. “Tina has been checking your social media profiles. There were some messages on Facebook from a few weeks ago…some college friends of yours talking about an accusation that a girl made at a party. About you and your stepbrother Cade.”

  I could hear my heart thumping in my ribcage, but I managed to keep a blank face. “What accusations?” I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. “Sorry, I don’t remember those conversations with my friends.”

  “Apparently a girl called Nicki Damon accused you and your stepbrother of having a sexual relationship.”

  “Oh, that,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I totally forgot about that.”


  Greg arched an eyebrow. “You forgot?”

  “Yeah. It was so stupid, I barely even thought about it afterwards. Nicki was trying to stir up drama because she had a crush on Cade, and she got jealous because Cade and I get along well, so she made up that rumor. That’s all it was.”

  “So it’s just that. A rumor.”

  “Of course,” I said. “There’s nothing going on between me and Cade.”

  I swallowed hard, hoping he bought my story.

  He was silent for a moment, and then he nodded and made a note on his papers. “Good. That’s a relief. Some things are easy to spin for presidential candidates. Having a child and a stepchild in a romantic or sexual relationship is not one of them.”

  “I can imagine,” I said, nodding as red-hot guilt lanced through me.

  I felt awful for lying—and equally bad for acting like Cade meant nothing to me other than a brother—but I knew it needed to be done. Like Greg had just said, if the public found out about our relationship, then it would be very difficult to spin it in any positive way, and that could seriously dampen Keith’s chances at securing a win.

  The whole thing had made me begin to confront the reality that Cade and I might have to end things, but I’d tried to push those thoughts as far back in my mind as possible. I didn’t even want to think about ending it. As long as we could hide it well enough, there was a chance that it would all be okay. I dreaded thinking about what would happen if Keith was actually elected, though. There was no way we could hide a relationship for four years, or eight if he ran for two terms.

  I suppose we’d cross that bridge when we came to it. Right now, I just wanted to bury my head in the sand….and also bury certain parts of Cade between my legs.

  The rest of the interview went smoothly, and I was finally allowed to leave the house so I could go to class. As I headed out to the garage, I wore a black knit cap and dark sunglasses to hide my face as best as possible from all the media vultures outside the fence, but it was no use, and my presence soon caused an excited flurry amongst them. It was a wonder they were even still here; it was freezing, and the house was so far out that there was really nothing for them to do here other than sit around and wait.

  “Charlotte!” one of the journalists called out from the other side of the fence. “Can we get a statement from you? How did it feel when your stepfather announced that he was running for president?”

  I ignored the question like I’d been told to, and I walked into the garage before getting in my car and starting it up. Parts of the driveway hadn’t been shoveled properly over the last couple of days, and the patches of snow coupled with the flashing cameras almost made me swerve right into the gate as I pulled out.

  “Crap!” I cursed to myself as I quickly regained control, my heart beating wildly.

  I’d never been a bad driver, but having these journalists stalking me and my family around was really throwing me off my game. One of these days, they could cause a serious accident.

  Trying not to think about that, I put some music on and hummed along as I made the drive to campus. I only had one class today—a chem lab—and when I arrived, I was grateful to see that there weren’t any media people hanging around.

  It was a different story after the lab finished, though. I’d originally planned on heading straight home afterwards, but as I walked towards the parking lot, I saw a bunch of people standing around my car. Dammit. They must’ve written down my plate details after seeing me leave home earlier, and they’d managed to find my car here as a result.

  “I’ll cover for you,” my friend Kate said. She’d been in the chem class with me, and she was walking with me. “You go hide in the library for a while, and I’ll tell them you let me borrow your car and got a ride home with someone else. Hopefully then they’ll leave.”

  “Good idea. Thanks.”

  I ducked behind a sign and watched her try to distract the journalists for a minute, and when she seemed to have their attention, I pulled my knit cap as far down as possible and made the twenty-foot dash across the quad to get to the library. None of them saw me—Kate’s plan had worked. As I slowed down and walked towards the main library entrance, I could still hear her indignantly telling them off, and I breathed a sigh of relief and stepped into the warmth of the building.

  My phone buzzed in my jeans pocket a moment later. It was Kate.

  I managed to convince some of them, but a few are still suspicious and hanging around your car. Wait in the library for half an hour or so. That should be enough time for them to finally give up and go.

  I quickly texted back. Thanks so much, Kate. You’re a legend. I’ll see you at the bio lecture tomorrow.

  I booked out one of the private study rooms on the third floor and trudged up there, and just as I locked the door and took a seat, I heard another buzzing. Assuming it was Kate again, I checked my phone, but there were no new message notifications. It had to be Cade, texting me on the other prepaid phone we’d bought to secretly communicate.

  I pulled the spare phone out of my bag and looked at the message. Hey, babe. Where are you? Everyone’s left the house, so we’ll have a couple of hours to ourselves if you get home quick ;)

  Sorry, I replied. Stuck in the library. Media pricks hanging around my car. Hiding here until they leave.

  That sucks. Hope you can get home soon. How did the interview with Dad’s staff go?

  It was mostly fine. Part of it scared the crap out of me, though. Greg asked in a roundabout way if I was sleeping with you.

  His reply came quickly. I wish you were sleeping with me right now ;)

  That was two wink emojis he’d sent me now….I guess he was seriously horny. That wasn’t exactly surprising considering how little time we’d had to hook up in the last couple of weeks, and he wasn’t the only horny one. I’d been finding myself snappy and irritable for the last few days, especially earlier when I’d had the run-in with the media and almost crashed my car into the gate at home. Part of my frustrated mood could definitely be blamed on the fact that I was missing out on getting more of the best sex I’d ever had, and I smiled to myself and sent back a coy reply as a naughty idea struck me.

  What would you do if I was there right now?

  He replied immediately. I think you know exactly
what I’d do.

  Tell me. I want to hear every single detail…

  Aren’t you in the library?

  Private study room. The door is locked….and I’m sliding my hand down my pants…

  As I hit send, I unbuttoned the top of my jeans and unzipped the fly, slipping one hand inside and stroking it over my lacy panties. This time Cade’s reply took slightly longer—I must’ve surprised him with my overt sexting invitation.

  You dirty, dirty girl. This kind of naughty texting is unacceptable. I think you’re in dire need of a spanking.

  The thought of him pulling my panties down, throwing me across his lap and slapping my tender ass-cheeks made a frisson of pleasure jolt through my body, and I slid my hand inside my panties and ran it over my mound, drawing in a deep breath as I felt the wet warmth gathering there. My body shuddered, and I tapped out a response to Cade.

  Tell me what you’d do to me if I was there….please?

  His reply came a moment later. I’d slowly pull your panties down your legs and sink down, kissing your stomach and thighs as I move lower and lower. Then I’d press my lips against your pussy and taste you while your fingers pull on my hair, pulling me tighter and tighter against you…

  I read the message and pressed the pad of my index finger against my sensitive bud, circling it around and around as I pictured Cade’s lips feasting on me. Soon my hips were rocking gently on the chair, my knees already week and my body shaking with need.

  Another message lit up my phone screen. Then I’d put you on the bed and lift your legs over my shoulder, gripping your ass, and I’d tell you to ride my mouth until you came…but that would only be the first orgasm ;)

  I let out a whimper as I saw myself clamping my legs around his head, pleasuring myself with his tongue until my inner thighs pulsed, and I trembled through my climax. I couldn’t wait to return the favor to Cade when we got our next chance to be together in private, and I gasped and opened my eyes to see another message from him.

  As soon as you come on my face, I’d move up your body, and I’d hold my hard cock right up to your clit and gently rub it, teasing out every last bit of pleasure from your first orgasm….then I’d slide my cock up and down your lips, bumping it right up against your pussy until you’re begging me to stop teasing you. Beg, Charlotte….

  Frustrated already at the mere thought of being teased so mercilessly, I tapped out another reply. Please, Cade!

  Please what?

  Please fuck me…

  I’m still not convinced…my cock is still right at your pussy, about to push in, and I’m squeezing your nipples in my hands. Beg me some more if you really want it…

  Please! Cade, I need you to fuck me hard.

  That’s good….as you moan and cry out, begging me to fuck you hard, I thrust right in, so deep inside you that you don’t even realize you’re calling my name.

  I kept rubbing my throbbing clit as I read his messages, and they kept pouring in, one after the other.

  I’m slowly moving inside you and back out, then in again, feeling every ridge and contour of your tight pussy walls as they grab me. You’re so warm and snug, and fuck….you make me want to cum right away. But I don’t. I keep going, harder and harder. Faster and faster.

  “Mmm….oh god,” I moaned, my head falling back as I pictured his words coming to life.

  You start to moan, telling me we should hurry, because our parents might be back soon. But that’s too bad…I won’t be quick with you, no matter how badly you make me want to cum. I need to fuck you for longer, give you everything you deserve.

  I was so wet now that my panties were soaked, and I desperately wanted Cade’s cock in me right at this second, but my fingers would have to do. I slid one inside myself, finding no resistance due to how slick my pussy was with all my desire, and I began to pump it in and out of myself as my phone lit up on the desk again.

  I pull off you and get us both off the bed, holding you in my arms, and I move you so that your legs are wrapped around my waist. Then I’m back inside you, thrusting hard as I hold you in the air, and your hands press against my chest, using me for leverage as you push yourself back and forth onto my cock. You keep begging me to fuck you harder, so I give you what you want, slamming so deep and hard into you that you let out a hiss every time I hit that sweet spot inside you.

  My knees were beginning to buckle as I kept touching myself, and my core tightened around my finger as my body tensed. I was aware of my phone buzzing with yet another message on the desk, but I was too far gone at this stage, pushed perilously close to the edge of the abyss again, and finally the pleasure of my second climax was exploding out of me, making me cry out again and again.

  “Oh god….oh god…”

  “Are you okay in there?” My eyes snapped open as I heard a knock on the door, and the vaguely familiar voice sounded again. “Hello? Everything okay?”

  “Um….yes!” I called back out, my mind racing for an excuse. “I was just watching a funny video on my laptop and laughing. I’m fine.”

  “Okay, but I’ve booked this study room for the next hour. Can you clear it out and let me in?”

  I frowned as I pulled my jeans back up and composed myself. I’d booked this private study room for the next hour, so there was no way this person at the door could have it, unless the library staff had accidentally double-booked it.

  “You might be at the wrong room,” I replied. “I definitely booked this one. 3C.”

  “I also booked 3C,” the voice came again.

  I rolled my eyes, assuming my suspicion had been correct—the library staff had indeed screwed up and double-booked the room.

  “Gimme a sec,” I said, standing up and heading to the door. I swung it open, and it was then that I realized why the voice had sounded so familiar.

  Nicki was standing there.

  Chapter Twenty


  My own shock was mirrored in Nicki’s features, and her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. “Oh…I….um…I didn’t realize it was you.”

  “Neither did I,” I said, my voice stiff. I hadn’t seen Nicki since what she’d done at the cabin party, and I hadn’t exactly wanted to, either.

  “I’ll find another place to study,” she said softly. She made to leave, then turned back to me. “Charlotte….I know you have no reason to believe a word that comes out of my mouth right now, but for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry for what I did back in Silverton Falls.”

  I considered her words, my teeth set on edge. “Sorry because everyone took my side? Or are you genuinely sorry?”

  She sighed. “Genuinely sorry. I’ve lost more than half my friends, even Amy and Talia, but I know that it’s all my fault and I deserve it. I was really awful to you.”

  “Why did you do it?” I asked, folding my arms. I already knew why, I just wanted to hear her say it out loud.

  Her gaze wavered, and then she looked into my eyes. “I liked Cade. I’d liked him for ages. I kept waiting for him to notice me, but he never did. Not as anything more than a friend, anyway. He was always off with some other girl. Then his last girlfriend Jenna cheated on him, and I thought that when they broke up, maybe it would finally be my chance. I thought if I started spending more time with him, then he’d finally notice me and realize he’d been wasting his time with all those other girls when I’d been right in front of him all along. But then you showed up, and after that, he was always talking about you, being a new family member and all.”


  “I thought if I became friends with you, he’d see how much effort I was putting into helping you settle into town, and then he’d suddenly see me in a whole different light. I know it was pathetic.”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  She nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. “Then I saw how close you two were when we went to Silverton Falls, and something in me just snapped when I spoke to Blake and heard about that girl at the hotel. I know it’s just a coincidence that you
look similar to whoever she was, but I was drunk, and I was so mad.”

  I felt a pang of guilt. Even though what she’d done to humiliate me was awful, she hadn’t exactly been entirely wrong about me and Cade. I was the girl at the hotel that night, and while we hadn’t had sex at the point when Nicki said all those things about us at the cabin party, we’d gone and slept with each other only a few hours later.

  “Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry. I’ve been meaning to call you and say it for weeks now, but I haven’t had the guts,” Nicki finished. “You don’t have to forgive me, it’s okay.”

  With that, she turned on her heel, and I called out to her. “Nicki…wait.”

  She spun around, and I asked her something that had been bothering me for a while now. “When you were acting like my friend….did you like me at all? Or was it all a show?”

  “I liked you,” she said. “You’re funny and cool, and I really liked you as a person, even though I only tried to be your friend in the first place to suck up to Cade. But you’re not pathetic. I didn’t mean that when I said it. I was drunk and stupid.”

  I opened my mouth to reply and she held up a hand. “And yes, I know being drunk is no excuse. That’s why I don’t expect you to forgive me.”

  I sighed, her words flashing through my mind. I wanted to keep disliking her for what she’d done, but she seemed genuinely remorseful for her actions, and I wasn’t sure I could hate her even if I tried. I mean, look how long I’d held onto my bitterness and hatred towards Cade in the past. Where had that ever gotten me? Nowhere, unless you counted an emotional place of unresolved issues and simmering anger.

  Nicki might’ve wronged me, but that didn’t mean I had to drag myself down to her level and become just as miserable as her by holding onto all my anger towards her.

  “Nicki…I forgive you,” I said softly.

  Her eyebrows shot up. “What? Really?”


  “Why? I was so awful to you, Charlotte. I wasn’t expecting you to forgive me.”


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