Lucy, Fallen (The Infernal Paradise)

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Lucy, Fallen (The Infernal Paradise) Page 6

by Yolanda Olson

  “Thirteen?” he asked leaning over and pushing my hair back.

  “Kill him,” Deveraux said to Hadrian who obediently pulled the Thunderbird’s head off.

  His eyes went back to normal and he ran a hand over his mouth looking confused and worried at the same time. Then he looked over at me and rushed to my side. He held me while blood dripped from my mouth.

  “What did he say?” I asked wiping away the blood with the bottom of my shirt. “Where’s Keilyn?”

  “He said he didn’t know,” Dev said as Arissa went to get water for me.

  “And that got you angry? That he didn’t know?” I asked skeptically.

  “Yes. Are you okay Luce?”

  I nodded and rinsed my mouth with the water she handed me then looked over at Micah who was eyeing me curiously.

  “I don’t think we’re supposed to do that do you?” I asked him dryly, making a face.

  Smiling, he shook his head.

  “But really, what did he say?” I asked turning my attention back to Deveraux.

  “That’s really what he said,” he replied digging his hands into his pockets.

  I looked at Arissa and raised an eyebrow. She shook her head slightly to indicate that she hadn’t heard what he said. I turned my attention to Hadrian who was staring at the sky with a blank expression on his face. I guess he felt my eyes on him because he looked at me and shrugged, then turned his attention back to the heavens.

  Deveraux was watching me carefully.


  I took a deep breath and turned to look at him, “Thank you for saving Micah.”

  “Saving me?” Micah asked pushing himself off the ground and holding his arm. “I didn’t need saving.”

  “It didn’t look like you had that under control,” I retorted.

  “I wouldn’t get used to that. I only did it because I could sense her panic and I ran out to make sure nothing would happen to her,” Dev said to him.

  “Just as well,” Micah said shortly.

  “Walk with me?” I asked Deveraux looking up into his eyes.

  Smiling he nodded and took my hand. I knew he wouldn’t be smiling once I started talking, so I just held his hand while we walked silently along the border of the black ocean. Dev stopped walking so he could get behind me and put his arms around me as we both looked at the sky.

  “Do you miss it Lucy?” he asked.

  “Every second of every day,” I whispered.

  He sighed.

  “I’ll miss you desperately when this is over,” he said in a shaky voice.

  I turned my head up slightly to look at his face, but he refused to look at me. Instead he just held me close to him like it would be the last time we would ever have this moment. I managed to turn myself to face him. I put my hands around his neck and he looked down at me with sad eyes.

  “I wouldn’t go back without you. Even if they allowed me to go back, Dev, I couldn’t leave you. I used to be so carefree and careless. I would fly all around the world not thinking of the dangers below or the suffering below that. I would see humans in love and I would smile and sometimes I would set a rainbow over them because I thought it would make their love stronger, prettier to look at. I didn’t know what love truly was until you. I refuse to give that up. I accept that you can’t love. I accept that there will always be a part of you that wants to kill me. I accept that I’ll spend the rest of eternity walking on eggshells around the devils in the other provinces. I’ll accept all of this if you accept that I will always be what I am. I can’t change that. I need you to accept that there will be times where you will find me crying because I miss home. I need you to accept the fact that there will be times where I’ll want to be alone and just stare at the sky wondering why I can’t see more than I used too. I’ll need you to accept that there will be days where I will be so angry with you and blame you for me not being able to go back home. I’ll need you to accept me for all my faults and promise me that you’ll always want me, because I will always want you.”

  Deveraux ran his fingers down the side of my face, and cupped my chin in his hands.

  “My sweetest precious Lucy. There will never be a day that I won’t want you or accept everything that you ask of me. I am the closest to being capable to love as I’ve ever been and it’s because I’ve always wanted you. You speak of the days you would soar through the skies; those are the days I would come from beneath and look up and watch you. You’ve had me captivated for your entire existence and I’ve always longed to hold you. I fought with myself every time I saw you to control the devil inside, because I wanted to put you in chains and keep you forever. I wanted to make you submit to my every whim whenever I pleased, but I knew that because you were an angel, we would have tried to kill each other instead. I would daydream and lay awake at night thinking of nothing other than what it would feel like to be with you; to make you my pet. That false noon that you collapsed on the borders of the Western and Southern Province, three of my family died fighting off the south to bring you to me. My entire faction has always known how I’ve felt for you and so have the other provinces. They knew that if they got to you first you would be a bargaining chip for them. But it was Hadrian and Arissa that survived and saved you. It was Hadrian and Arissa who brought you into the Western Province. When they told me of your arrival, I had to lock you in the catacombs to decide what to do. The others taunted you because I ordered them to do so. You had to think that you were in danger so that you would stay with me. But then Keilyn... Keilyn immediately took to you and refused to let you stay in that filthy cell. I knew in that moment that you wouldn’t leave me if Keilyn stayed close to you, which is why I asked her too. I never meant to put her in danger, you have to believe that,” he said with intense eyes. “And then the Thunderbird, it told me where Keilyn is but it doesn’t make sense to me, so I lied to you. I have to figure this out before I can tell you what it really said. Please understand.”

  “I understand.”

  “That’s a great idea!” Arissa shouted making the two of us jump.

  Hadrian and Micah looked at her in amusement then the three of them started toward us.

  “What’s a great idea?” Dev asked.

  “I was thinking,” Micah began. “You are one of the oldest of your kind so that makes you important in your realm I would imagine,” he said looking at Dev before he looked at me and continued, “And Thirteen ... you know. Anyway, I think that if you are going to stay with him for eternity the two of you should be more than just bound by a demonic, sexual pact.”

  “What’s wrong with a demonic sexual pact?” Dev asked incredulously.

  “It only represents your side and not hers,” Micah explained.

  “I don’t understand,” I said.

  Micah took a deep breath, “Think about this Thirteen. When the end comes to this Earth two sides will be fighting. If you are only bound by the pact you currently have you will be marked for death as well. If you are bound by what I will soon suggest, it takes you both off of the radar and you will be left in peace, but you will not be allowed to engage in battle either,” he warned. “Once the world is reborn and the new wave of humans is put here, the two of you will be the first this time and will be able to mend the rift above and below and maybe, just maybe the new wave will be the final one.”

  “What do you suggest, Micah?” I asked growing impatient.

  “Well the three of us agreed that for all of this to pass, that you should allow us to perform the marriage rituals on you. From The Above and The Below. Tonight... now.”

  I looked up at Dev who was giving me the most hopeful look I had ever seen.

  I smiled.

  He dropped to his knee.

  My heart began to beat faster.

  “Lucy,” he began taking my hands in his. “I would give up eternity to keep you by my side. I would burn down the heavens and freeze over the hells if you so asked of me. I’ve never wanted something so much in my existence. I’ve nev
er needed something as much as I need you. I promise you myself forever. Would you do me the honor of being my eternal bride?”

  “Off of your knees Dev, we’re equals now. Yes, I will be your eternal bride,” I said pulling him to his feet.

  He grabbed me by the side of my face and kissed me passionately. I knew that we had more pressing matters at hand, like finding Keilyn and I needed to save the last of us so if we were going to do this ceremony we would have to do it quickly.


  “Micah, I know what we do on our end, so I think we should let them go first. It’ll help me heal faster to do our part of the rituals last,” I said.

  “Agreed. Arissa? Hadrian? Which of you will be presiding over the rituals representing the devils?” He asked looking at them in turn.

  “May I?” Arissa asked Hadrian. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he replied with a smile.

  Arissa smiled and closed her eyes. When she reopened them they were the a shade darker than the ice blue eyes Deveraux had when he attacked the Thunderbird. She looked to the ground and with a small ball of fire that had suddenly appeared in her hand, she cast a circle around us. The flames were intensely hot and burned brightly. Hadrian had pulled Micah safely out of the circle and handed him an athame.

  “Who do you bring inside the fire of the hells for all eternity to be your one true bride?” she asked Deveraux in dual vocals.

  “My most precious, sweet Lucy,” he responded gently shoving me toward Arissa.

  Man these devils are scary when they’re ... devilish.

  Arissa took the athame that Hadrian handed her and gave it to me, “Do you accept the fire of the hells? Do you accept this Elder devil as your groom? Do you accept and submit to all of his will and desire?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  She placed the athame in my hand and asked, “Who do you bring inside the fire of the hells for all eternity to be your one true groom?”

  “My heart. My love. My master. Deveraux,” I replied as he took his place next to me.

  Arissa then took the athame out of Micah’s hand and gave it to Deveraux: “And do you accept the fire of the hells? Do you accept this sovereign angel as your bride? Do you accept and submit to all of her will and desire?”

  “Forever,” he answered.

  “Present your left hand to your groom,” she said to me.

  I held my hand out and Dev took the athame and drew the blade across my hand, drawing blood. Arissa directed me to do the same to him. Then she reached for the flames surrounding us and took them back into her hand.

  “By the fire of the hells, I sanctify this ritual in blood and fire,” she said as she placed our hands on top of each other and engulfed them in flames.

  The flames became so bright that I leaned back and folded my still healing wings as far back as I could so they wouldn’t catch fire. When the flames died down, I opened my eyes again and saw Arissa smiling, her eyes normal again, with Hadrian behind her and Dev looking at me with a grin.

  I looked around for Micah who was standing by himself, opposite the three of them, behind me looking somber.

  “I can’t believe I just witnessed that,” he said quietly.

  “It’s what needs to be done, my friend,” I reassured him softly.

  He looked at the devils, “Our part of the ritual will take place in a few hours, when the shadow dawn has risen.”

  I watched him walk away alone, and I felt his sadness. He knew that even though it was what needed to be done that I would most likely be stripped of my titles and now it would be harder than ever for me to be able to go home. My heart hurt, but not for me. It hurt for Micah, whom out of all of us in the sky was my dearest friend.

  “I’ll go keep him company,” Hadrian said as he walked by me.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll find some food and shelter for us then,” Arissa said as she walked in the opposite direction.

  I stood there with Dev who was looking at me, still with the same grin, but also with curiosity.

  “Sovereign?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  I blushed and nodded.

  “Of which?”

  “The ninth. It’s the Enigmas and Mysteries and it was given to me.”

  “So does this make me... you know?”

  “Yes, while I still have it,” I responded.

  “Take me?”

  I looked at him. There was nothing left to see and the place was probably riddled with Thunderbirds and...

  Oh my God.

  “You’re brilliant Dev, brilliant!” I yelled.

  “Usually yes,” he said with a laugh, “but what are you talking about?”

  “We have to get Micah to perform our half of the marriage ritual now. I know where they’re hiding Keilyn,” I excitedly.

  “What? Where?” he asked confused.

  “Above,” I said softly.


  Dev looked at me like I had lost my mind. I knew what he was thinking that there was no way that the Thunderbirds would inhabit the Above, but I knew in my heart that’s where they were.

  “Don’t you understand? That’s the last place that we would look for them. It’s the perfect place to take her. After they attacked your home looking for me, they saw I was protected by devils and know that the Above would be the most dangerous place for me to go. I know she’s there, Dev. I just know it.”

  “There’s no way I’m letting you go up there, you know that don’t you?”

  “Damn it Deveraux! This is not the time to do this! That is my territory and I know how to navigate it better than they ever will. You’re not going to keep me from going to the Above to save Keilyn. This will probably be the last time I ever see it and I’m going whether you go or not. Now I’m going to get Micah and we’re going to do through our half of the marriage ritual so that I can heal and I am going back to the Above!” I finished with a shout.

  He looked hurt for a moment but conceded and went with me to the sulphur springs to where Micah was sitting with Hadrian and Arissa. The two of them were sitting there while he told them stories about things he had seen since the dawn of time. They looked like young attentive children as they sat there enthralled by his stories. He looked up when he saw me and smiled, but it quickly faded when he saw the look of determination on my face.

  “Perform the ritual. I don’t have time to explain. Just perform it,” I said.

  Micah nodded and stood up, telling Hadrian and Arissa that they would need to stand as far away from us as they could or be badly scarred from the ritual. Curiously they looked at him and then me, before heading to the edge of the springs and watched as Micah blessed the springs then asked Deveraux and I to step into them. He stood on one of the boulders directly in front of us, with his wings spread and blessed us together before he began. I could hear Dev growl slightly next to me.

  “May the heavens rejoice and bestow Thirteen and Deveraux with the gifts of the Ninth Heaven of Enigmas and Mysteries. May they reign together in pure harmony and peace and know no sorrow, no pain, and no loss. Join hands,” he instructed us.

  He blessed us again which caused Dev to flinch and growl again, “Deveraux, this Sovereign of the Ninth Heaven is giving her heart and soul to you in the purest of love. Do you accept her as she is and swear to love only her? Do you swear to be by her side always and never behind or in front of her? Do you swear to give her yourself in the purest of love, heart and soul?”

  “Yes,” he said his vocals starting to show signs of duality, which clearly meant possession.

  Again, Micah blessed us before he started, “Thirteen, this Lord of Hell is giving his heart and soul to you in the purest of love. Do you accept him as he is and swear to love only him? Do you swear to be by his side always and never behind or in front of him? Do you swear to give him yourself in the purest of love, heart and soul?”

  “Always,” I replied squeezing Dev’s hand to let him know it was almost over.

  Micah sp
read his wings and his arms to the skies, “May the Above bestow blessings on you both and this union until there is no life left on either plane. The Above, Earth, and The Below. May you both find the true love in the light and blessings of the heavens.”

  Micah closed the ritual by blessing us again and Deveraux lost it. He lunged at him and Hadrian had to pull him off. I knew it wasn’t his fault. As a devil, being blessed as many times as he was just now and standing in a spring of blessed water... he was bound to attack one of us.

  “Easy, Dev,” Hadrian said as he gripped him firmly around the chest and pulled him toward the edge of the springs. “It’ll stop soon and you’ll be okay. Easy.”

  I looked at Micah with worry but he shook his head to let me know that he harbored no ill will toward my groom. I heard Dev behind me growling loudly in dual tones, fighting against Hadrian and Arissa, and I refused to look at him. I could only imagine what a devil looked like in this state and that was enough for me.

  “Micah, I know where they’re hiding the little devil girl,” I said taking this opportunity to let him know my plan.

  “Where?” he asked rubbing his neck.

  “The Above.”

  Micah gasped and looked up, “Why didn’t I think of that? Of course they would! Because that would drag you out of hiding and they assume that you’re the last angel alive. Thirteen, this is going to be dangerous. Beyond dangerous. You have my sword. To the end.”

  “Thank you my friend.”

  “There’s something you should know first,” he said looking at me uneasily.

  “Go ahead.”

  “I ... I know where there’s a small group of angels hiding. It’s not all of the ones that have gone into hiding, but I know where they are and they said that if they could find one reason to go back in and reclaim the Above they would. If I rally them, we can charge the Thunderbirds, but I have to tell them the truth; that it’s to save a devil child.”


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