Family Secrets (Davenport Manor Book 1)

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Family Secrets (Davenport Manor Book 1) Page 3

by Melissa Zaroski

  They walked back into the woods along the pathway that twisted and turned every now and then. They came along an area where there were cottages placed in various locations. Some looked rather new and refurbished, others looked like a historian’s dream, and a few looked as if their only hope would be if they were torn down. They had numbers on them like make-shift addresses. Some of the newer ones had cars parked in front of them.

  “We use these for visitors that don’t want to stay in the actual Manor, those who like a little bit of privacy. Some of the cast and crew get their own if they request it. Some of cottages need some work done on them, but I’m definitely not the handy type and haven’t gotten around to restoring them. “These few,” she pointed at three of them, “I’d like to just tear down. Except for Number One—I just can’t.”

  Todd looked at the cottage labeled “1”, which was the most dilapidated of them all. It looked as though no one had set foot in there for centuries. The wood was rotted and dilapidated and the structure itself looked as though it would collapse if you sneezed on it.

  “That was Elizabeth’s cottage with her husband, the one she was murdered in front of.”

  Todd was overwhelmed with a sense of history right before his eyes. It was hard for him to wrap his mind around the events that took place in this very cottage nearly two hundred years ago. He looked at the decaying exterior and saw that the windows were still intact.

  “May I peek in the window? I’m just fascinated with this,” he sheepishly asked.

  “Of course, I don’t think anyone has really touched it since the murders. I think all of the generations of our family just respected that this was her home, these were her things, and they just left them be,” she responded and they both cupped their hands to get a better peek inside.

  It was dark except for the bits of sunlight that shone thrown the windows. He saw belongings; a quilt, cooking items, a rocking chair, a chest, and other day-to-day items that any person would need back then. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs the items where the sun shone on them were near completely faded.

  By now it was around noon and she looked up at the sun. The trees still provided some shade as all the leaves hadn’t completely fallen yet, so the chill from the breeze was strong. Emma noticed Todd lightly shivering.

  She shrugged off his jacket, “Here, I’m good now and you’re cold! Thank you for lending it to me!”

  “Now, you’ll be cold! Keep it, I’ll survive.”

  “No, really I’m toasty-warm now. Take it,” she laughed and shoved it into his hands.

  She led him to the other side of the property where the horse stables were located that currently housed five horses. As they walked inside, Todd breathed in the typical barn scent that, unlike most people, he actually liked. He liked the sound and the feel of walking along the dirt floor. He welcomed the dusty air around him and the sight of each of the horses poking their heads out from their stalls to see who had come to visit them. Emma walked up to a glistening black Arabian who seemed to thrive in her presence.

  “This is my horse, Phantom,” she told Todd while using her arms to cradle Phantom’s entire head. The majestic horse gently nuzzled his face into Emma’s torso. “I have always been a fan of Phantom of the Opera, hence the name. However, Michael Crawford never did it for me—it was Gerard Butler that made me weak-in-the-knees!”

  “Well, hello there, Phantom,” Todd introduced himself to the animal while petting his silky mane. “He’s beautiful!”

  “Thank you, he comes from a bloodline of Arabians that date back to the original Emma Davenport’s horse, Lady. Just like us, their family has lived here for generations.” She looked up at Phantom who had raised his head proudly. “Do you ride, Todd?”

  “It’s been years, but I think being back in the saddle would be much like riding a bicycle; you never forget how.”

  “One day when you’re off we should go riding. You can ride any of the horses, they’re all very well behaved…except for Casper over there, he can be a bit squirrely!” She nodded towards a white horse who looked as though he’d be in hysterical laughter if he could. “He’s playful, a silly guy who kind of does what he wants on his own time. He’s fun to ride if you’re experienced!”

  Emma introduced Todd to all the horses and he pet each one as they went along. Emma could sense he had a gentle soul just by the way he spoke to the animals, which made her beam internally. He spoke to them as if they could understand what he was saying, complimenting them on their beauty.

  As they exited the stable, Emma pointed to a baron area just outside, “There used to be a small cottage here that was built along with the Manor where the stable boy would live. But, since we live in the Midwest, storms would roll through and take a toll on it. One storm took it completely out decades ago. I have often thought of building a new one, but there really isn’t a point now.”

  Todd stood and looked at the space with grass sparsely growing. “I wish I could go back in time and spend just one day here,” he said while examining the area. “To live the way they lived back then, a completely different way of life.”

  “Trust me, so do I,” Emma responded bluntly. “Come on, let’s head back, I think the rest of the cast and crew are arriving today.”

  They leisurely strolled arm-in-arm on the gravel pathway that lead through the field and back towards the Manor. Several cars were parked out front and people running in and out bringing suitcases inside.

  She let go of his arm as they walked up the front steps. When they pushed open the over-sized front door, they found that everyone working on the film had arrived and all were greeting each other in the foyer area. Luggage all around, everyone’s belongings scattered about. Some people were new to the film, just like Todd, and others were old friends.

  In the midst of all the chaos of voices, hugging, and introductions, Todd noticed that same guarded glare from Zachariah directed at him. Todd raised his eyebrows and gave him a small smile and short wave from across the room. Zachariah returned with a wave and turned and resumed to speak with a petite, beautiful girl with chestnut hair and a guy with dirty blonde hair that was slicked back. Todd immediately recognized them; it was Vivienne Conrad and Declan Fitzgerald.

  Chapter 3

  They were one of Hollywood’s current, young golden couples. Declan was built like a professional athlete and Vivienne was small and curvy with the face of a pixie. She had delicate features, naturally arched eyebrows, and deep brown eyes shaped like almonds. She was not only gorgeous, but was a triple-threat on the big screen with her ability to act, sing, and dance. They had joined the regular cast of the Ticking Through Time films in the third installment with Zachariah.

  “Thanks for coming on the tour, Todd,” Emma said. “It was really nice getting to know you, you’re good company.”

  “No, thank you for taking me!” He exclaimed. “I love learning about the property’s history and spending some time with you.”

  Emma gave Todd’s arm a quick squeeze and departed to join Vivienne, Declan, and Zachariah across the room. As she approached them, Todd saw Declan give her a bow and Vivienne curtsied, which he thought was a bit outdated. He saw Daniel walking towards him and gave him a pat on the back.

  “So, did she give you the tour of the property?” Daniel asked.

  “She did! I’m still in amazement; there’s so much history here. I was fascinated with Cottage Number One,” he replied with enthusiasm.

  “Isn’t it wild? I don’t think anyone has even opened the door to Cottage One since the incidents. Did you look in the windows?”

  “We did and it’s so tempting to go in there. You’ve never had the urge to go in and have a look around?”

  Daniel made a face of disgust and shook his head, “Noooo. It’s so full of cobwebs and dust and who knows what else in there. I’m perfectly content just looking in from the outside. I think my dad tried to get the door open once, but it has sealed itself shut over the decades.”

  Emma strode up next to Zachariah and he gave her a devilish grin.

  “So, how did your date go?” He asked sarcastically.

  Vivienne raised an eyebrow and gave her a look, “Date? With who?”

  Emma rolled her eyes, “It wasn’t a date. I just took the new guy, Todd Foster on a tour of the property.”

  Zachariah interjected, “She has a sweet spot for him for some reason. I don’t get it, he’s nothing out of the ordinary.”

  Emma lightly elbowed him in the gut, “Shame on you. He’s a very nice guy that just so happens to be good looking and talented.”

  Vivienne looked over at Todd and one side of her mouth raised in a smile. She noticed how tall he was; she had a thing for tall men despite her small stature. “Well, well, well, isn’t he a cutie,” she remarked while still staring at him from the side. Daniel was introducing him to some of the other cast and crew, so he took no notice of the eyes watching him.

  “That can’t ever happen, you know,” Declan interjected with his smooth Irish accent. “You remember what happened last time…” and he looked over at Zachariah.

  “I know, I know,” Emma grudgingly replied. “I’m going to make an announcement, I’ll be right back.” She walked forward and climbed a few steps of the stairs so she could be seen by everyone.

  “Good afternoon, everybody!” All the guests turned to look at her and quieted their conversations.

  “I’d like to welcome all of you to Davenport Manor--some of you have been here before and for others, this is your first visit,” she looked directly at Todd and smiled. Daniel moved through the crowd to join her on the steps. “Everyone is welcome here and we are always delighted to have guests in our home. We will help you find your rooms throughout the house and give you the rundown of how things work if you have never been here before. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served in the dining room at 8:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 6:00 pm. You are welcome to help yourselves to any snacks in the pantry. If you need anything extra please be sure to let Daniel, myself, or any of the staff know. Also, so everyone can get acquainted, we will throw a party tomorrow night in the grand ballroom! So, dress to impress and be ready to drink, dance, and have a great time!”

  Daniel added, “Like she said it is great to see so many familiar faces and I’m excited to get to know the new ones. Now for the nitty gritty,” he scrunched his face. “You all signed the contract before entering the property and we will hold you to them. We try to remain as private as possible, especially after the events that have taken place in our family in recent years.” A solemn look spread on everyone’s faces throughout the room. Unless one had lived under a rock, everyone knew Daniel and Emma’s tragic story. Not wanting to dampen the excitement for the guests, he quickly shifted gears, “With that aside, be ready to party tomorrow night!”

  The following evening approached and the staff had prepared the grand ballroom for the night’s festivities. The DJ had set up his equipment, the bar was open, and trays upon trays of hors d’oeuvres were waiting in the kitchen. As people began filling the ballroom, the DJ started spinning his own mixes and there were the select few people who hit the dance floor immediately.

  Todd was hanging out with Daniel while waiting for Emma to show up. He imagined what she was going to wear and knew undoubtedly that she would look stunning. He casually glanced around the crowd to see if she had slipped in, but she wasn’t there.

  He said to Daniel, “You guys sure know how to throw a house party!”

  Daniel laughed, “We throw a party at any chance we get! Plus, if people get too trashed they can just stay here. We don’t want anyone drinking and driving.”

  Todd nodded in agreement. “So, where’s your sister? She’s coming, right?”

  A sly grin spread across Daniel’s face. “You fancy my sister, don’t you?”

  Todd felt his face get hot, no doubt blushing. “She’s a great girl…and gorgeous if you don’t mind me saying so.” He shook his head and ran his fingers through his wavy hair, not believing he just said that out loud to her brother.

  Daniel chuckled, “She is pretty…”

  “Is she seeing anyone?”

  Daniel hesitated and breathed in deeply through his teeth. “That’s a little complicated. I’ll let you get the details from her. I’m not going there!” He waved his hands in front of him.

  He glanced up from the corner of his eye and saw a vision of beauty coming down the grand staircase out in the foyer. Emma…wearing a tight, red, sequin dress that hugged every curve in her chest, waist, and butt perfectly. His stomach dropped when he saw that she was accompanied by Zachariah – her arm linked into his, they were talking and laughing.

  “Okay, let me ask you this,” he turned back to Daniel. “Is she with Zach?” He asked while giving a quick nod in their direction.

  Again, Daniel winced and slightly backed away, “So not going there! You’ll have to talk to her!”

  Frustrated, he dropped the subject and continued to make his way around the room talking to people. He kept a continual eye on Emma waiting for the moment she wouldn’t have Zachariah by her side. She was kept in a tight circle with him, Vivienne, and Declan; all them toasting with their glasses of red wine. He figured instead of just waiting around, since she may never be alone, he would just join their group. Zach, Vivienne, and Declan were all in the film with him, he may as well get to know them.

  “Hello everyone,” he began as he sauntered up to them.

  “Hey!” They all said in unison.

  “I’m Todd, I’m playing the part of Tony Duncan in the film.”

  “Cheers, Todd,” Declan said as he raised his glass. “I’m Declan and this is my girlfriend, Vivienne.”

  “Cheers! Good to meet you, Todd,” she smiled. “What part of England are you from?”

  “I was born and raised in London and I live in a flat there now. How about you all, where are you from?”

  Declan answered first, “I’m from Shannon, Ireland, but moved to Los Angeles a few years ago since my career took off. I go back every now and then; it’s always nice to go home.”

  “What about you Vivienne?” Todd asked, glad that they were welcoming him in to their conversation.

  “I’m from Waukesha, Wisconsin. I was bit by the performing bug when I was a kid and decided to move to L.A. and try my hand at acting. I like being able to come back to the Midwest, it’s who I am. How do you like it here so far?”

  “Chicago or the Manor?” he laughed.


  “I’ve always liked the U.S. since most of the movies I’ve filmed have been here, either in New York or L.A. But, this is my first time in Chicago, so I hope to get some time to go into the city and do some exploring before it’s time to go home. As for the Manor…there’s nothing in the world like it! It’s going to be very hard to leave.” He looked at Emma with a wistfully.

  Emma replied, “Well, that won’t be for another three months, so you have plenty of time!” She rubbed his back; how the slightest touch from her sent a rush of desire through him.

  “What about you Zach? I’ve been here for a couple of days and have barely had a chance to get to know you. Where are you from?” He asked, trying to break down this wall that Zachariah had been building.

  Zachariah relaxed and said, “I’m actually from here in Davenport. I grew up in the town and met Emma when I was 16; we became fast friends. She’s a cool girl,” he said with a grin and lightly nudged her with his hip. “I got to know Daniel when he was young and we have become best friends over the years.”

  “Do you still live in town?” he asked.

  “No, I actually live here now.”

  Well that was an unexpected response. Todd knew they were close, he just didn’t know they were that close.

  “One, big, happy family,” Emma sighed with a laugh.

  Their conversation carried on with ease and Zachariah’s hostility towards Todd seemed to relax. Todd was certain that Zachariah had f
eelings for Emma and that he was jealous that she was paying attention to him. She was admittedly a fan, after all.

  That reminded him, “Oh! Emma, I keep forgetting to thank you for suggesting me to the film’s execs. Daniel told me this was your doing. I’m forever in your debt.”

  “You’re very welcome, you deserve it. I’ve seen your other work and you just don’t get enough credit or recognition. You’re very talented and have such a range; comedic, dramatic…and you’re easy on the eyes,” she winked.

  He was taken aback, but was pleasantly surprised by her response. He leaned over and murmured into her ear, “You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”

  She smiled at him and turned to Vivienne, “Hey Viv, you want to sing a song for us?”

  Vivienne beamed and walked off towards the DJ, who handed her a microphone after she charmed him into letting her take over for a song. She began to belt out Etta James’ At Last.

  Todd turned to Emma and asked, “Care to dance with me?”

  “Of course,” she replied as she followed him out to the dance floor with Zachariah’s eyes watching them walk away.

  He took her waist and was about to take her hand, but before he could do so she draped both arms up onto his shoulders.

  Todd felt a bit discouraged as he knew how to properly slow dance with a woman. Instead, he felt like he was at an 8th grade dance, but he was still glad to be alone with her.

  “You look absolutely breath-taking tonight, love,” he said while looking down at her.

  “Thank you,” she grinned wide. “I have to say, I certainly wouldn’t kick you out of bed for eating crackers!”

  “Uh…awesome!” He laughed. “Hopefully you wouldn’t have any reason to kick me out of bed...”

  This time she smiled, but didn’t respond, and he was afraid he had gone too far.

  “So, what’s the deal with you and Zach?” He asked. “Are you dating him? You seem awfully close to be just friends.”


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