Sign, SEAL and Deliver

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Sign, SEAL and Deliver Page 14

by Geri Foster

  She flung the headset on the bed. “I heard Sully and Cummings talking about meeting up at the park tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I was right outside Sully’s bedroom door.”

  She stood and reached for his arm. “He didn’t hear you, did he?”

  “No, I planted the devices then left.”

  She squeezed his bicep. “So, we’ll be at the park tomorrow with our camera.”

  “For sure, but that doesn’t prove they’ve done anything illegal. We have to find the money and I don’t think Sully will be bringing it with him when they meet.”

  “No, you’re right,” she said, deep in thought.

  “We not only need to tie them to the hostage money, we’re going to need proof that Cummings, and maybe Sully, profited off the poppy fields and to keep doing that, they set my Team up to be murdered.”

  She folded her arms then raised her index finger and tapped her bottom lip. “That’s going to be the hard part.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Harper and Rye had gotten to the park ahead of time and planted a listening device so they’d have a recording of what was being said. This way, they didn’t have to hang around and take the chance of getting caught.

  They watched from a distance as Sully showed. From where they stood, Harper didn’t think he looked very happy with whatever he had going on. “I think he’s wanting to split the money and get on with his life,” she said as she slowly turned away.

  Rye glanced over her head. “Yeah, I’d say you’re right. That tells me Cummings is the cautious one.”

  “Or the one who has a lesser need for the money.”

  Rye shrugged. “Perhaps.”

  In a matter of minutes, the man she’d seen in the newspaper and on TV greeted Sully with a friendly handshake and a smile. Presenting the perfect picture of two friends meeting at a park on a sunny afternoon.

  Harper pressed her left ear as she listened intently to their conversation. “It’s not about the money,” she told Rye.

  “What? It has to be.”

  She held out her hand to quiet him. “Wait.”

  Sully walked away while Cummings lagged behind taking a phone call. Harper’s heart nearly dropped from her chest. As soon as Cummings left, she grabbed Rye by the sleeve and headed toward the car.

  “Where are we going?” he asked. “What’s going on.”

  “We don’t have a minute to lose. We have to get to Silas as quick as possible if we hope to put a stop to all of this.”

  He grabbed her hand and they darted for the car. With the traffic in DC so crazy, Rye had to zigzag in and out of traffic so much she grew dizzy and decided to close her eyes. When the car came to a halt she opened her eyes and they were in front of Silas’s office building.

  They fed the parking meter and ran for the revolving door. Once in the elevator Rye took her by the shoulders. “You’re sure about this?”


  They stepped off the elevator. “Let’s go, Silas is waiting for us.”

  They entered his office and he came to his feet. “Tell me everything you have.”

  “First,” Harper said. “You have to get Rahman in protective custody.”

  Silas already had the phone out and was punching in numbers before they were seated.

  “Yes,” he said. “Let me speak with Captain Charles Ackerman, this is Commander Silas Branson with DHS.”

  He put the phone on speaker. “Let’s hope we’re not too late.”

  “Hello, Charles. This is Silas. Is prisoner Rahman in protective custody?”

  “Yes, I just spoke with his interrogator. Why? What’s the problem?”

  “We think he’s our missing link. It’s important you put him in a secure area and keep him there. A Congressman has hired one of your guards to murder him to keep him quiet.” Silas looked at Harper. “Yes, I’ll hold on.”

  “Is Rahman okay?” Harper asked. “If we lose him, the truth about what went down in Qalat goes with him.”

  Silas nodded. “He thinks so, but he’s gone to get the prisoner personally.”

  “I have him right here in my office with my most trusted guard,” Charles said.

  “Good,” Silas said into the phone. “Can you keep him under the highest security? I’m sending two CIA interrogators there to question him. He has information on the biggest operation to ever take place in Afghanistan.”

  “He won’t be going anywhere. Get your CIA guys here ASAP.”

  Rye who sat with his elbows propped on his knees, tension hanging so thick in the air it sucked up most of the oxygen.

  “Thank you very much.”

  Silas hung up the phone. “They have him secure and no one can get to him but Charles.”

  “Do you trust him?” Rye asked. “He might be the one paid to assassinate him.”

  Silas shook his head. “No, I’d trust Charlie with my life.” He grinned. “I have on many occasions.”

  “So if the CIA gets Rahman to talk,” Rye glanced at Harper, “what will he say?”

  “Rahman is the man who controlled everything. He can connect Cummings and Sully to the murder of your Team. It was Sully who gave Karzi the information he needed that night to take out your men, on Rahman’s orders.”

  Rye leaned back and let out a deep sigh. “God, how could he?”

  “Okay, so now what?” Harper asked. “Is our mission finished here?”

  “Get back with me tomorrow morning. We’ll see what the CIA guys from Kandahar have to say. I want all the tapes, Harper, and all the cameras.”

  “But that can’t be used since we didn’t have a warrant.”

  Silas laughed. “How do you know?”

  She blinked several times. “But, you didn’t say——”

  Silas cocked his head. “I wouldn’t send you two on a wild goose chase without covering your asses. That’s not the way I operate.” He slipped on his readers. “See you two in the morning.”

  They left and went back to their hotel room. She fell backward, spread eagle, on the bed and let out a worrisome sigh. “What if Rahman doesn’t talk? What if this isn’t settled and we know Sully and Cummings are both crooked. Can we just walk away?”

  “I’ll get justice for my Team one way or another. But for now, let’s sit tight and let the CIA do their thing. I’m confident they can make anyone talk.”

  “You’re right. In a situation like this, all the stops are pulled out.”

  “What you need is a nice long bath and I need to hit the minibar.”

  She sat up and smiled. “That sounds like a great idea. Maybe afterwards we can have an expensive dinner on our last night in Washington.”

  “Especially since Crash is paying for it.” He gave her his familiar lopsided grin and her heart nearly melted.

  She went into the bathroom, closed the door and began drawing the water.

  Rye was out of the room and on his way before she could have possibly undressed. He ran down the hallway, took the stairs and skipped down five flights before shoving out the door. Evening teased the big city meaning the traffic would be a bitch.

  He decided to hell with it and jumped into the FBI vehicle and sped out of the parking lot, down the street and raced as fast as possible toward his destination. Twenty minutes later he pulled up in front of Sully’s house, his 9mm tucked in the back of his waistband.

  He went to the front door and knocked. There were hesitant steps before a smiling Sully opened the door. “Rye, what brings you here?” He quickly glanced behind him, but Rye didn’t care.

  He shoved him in the house and slammed the door. “I thought I’d pay you a visit for old times sakes.”

  “What’s wrong, buddy? I thought we were good. After all, I didn’t steal your mission from you. It was the other way around. I’m the one who should be pissed.”

  Rye pulled out the weapon and pointed it at Sully’s face. “You think I give a fuck about your fake hostage recovery? Fuck no! You think I wouldn’t find out that you and Kar
zi were splitting the money? That you’d stole it from the base and tried to frame Harper?”

  Sweat popped out of every pore the ex-Navy SEAL had. “I didn’t do any of that. I went there with a legitimate mission. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


  Sully held out his arms. “I swear, I’m telling the truth.”

  “I know you set my Team up. You killed seven of the best of the best and for that, you’re going to die.”

  “No, no, Rye. You can’t believe I’d do that. I’m one of you. A brother, a SEAL. We don’t kill each other. Come on, man. We have a code to live up to.”

  “Bullshit. You don’t have a fucking ounce of courage or honor in you, Sully. For you, it’s all about the money.” Rye’s finger twitched as he gripped the handle of the gun. He wanted to pull the trigger so badly he could almost feel the bullet spiraling down the muzzle and tearing into the traitor’s heart. “You’re a dead man. Rahman is talking to the CIA as we stand here. He’s spilling his guts trying to save his own ass.”

  Sully paled and staggered backwards. “No, no.” Sully rubbed his chin with a shaky hand as horror widened his eyes. “Listen, I can cut you in. We can both walk away with a shit ton of money.”

  “You set me and my men up and you offer me money?”

  Rye lowered the gun slowly to his side then he released his hold on the weapon and allowed it to hit the floor. At the same time his right fist connected with Sully’s jaw and he went flying backwards. Before he could brace himself, Sully took a swing that hit him squarely on the side of the head.

  Rye’s ears started ringing, but he didn’t stop. He went after Sully with everything he had. His fists pumping and connecting with every swing. Sully didn’t stand a chance. When he finally crumbled to his knees, he reached out and grabbed the gun, pointing it at Rye.

  Before Sully could pull the trigger, Rye kicked the weapon out of his hand and into the air. It tumbled to the floor and out of both their reaches. Rye swung at Sully who’d fallen to his hands and knees. Then he kicked him in the stomach, throwing him backwards. Rye put his foot on Sully’s throat and stared down at him.

  This piece of shit had cost the lives of the bravest men Rye knew. Honorable men who’d risked their lives over and over for the good of their country. And this scum stole their lives from them like a fucking thief.

  Rye applied more weight on his leg cutting off Sully’s air when Sully grasped his ankle and tried to budge his foot away. He kicked his feet, his eyes bulging.

  Rye loved those brothers. They meant everything to him, to their families and now they were gone and this bastard was still breathing. Rye gritted his teeth as blood dripped from his mouth and his head throbbed.

  Sully deserved to die.

  “You will never wear the uniform or Trident again!” Rye screamed. “You’re no longer a part of the brotherhood of SEALs. You’re an outcast and soon it won’t be safe for you to walk out of your own door. SEALs never forget.”

  He lifted his foot off Sully’s throat just as sirens sounded outside. Picking up his weapon, he stuck it in his waistband and walked out the door knowing justice had been served.

  Crash walked toward him. “Is he still alive?”

  Rye looked over his shoulder. “Barely.”

  Crash nodded toward his waist. “You use that weapon?”

  Rye shook his head.

  “Then you and Harper go back to your cabin and enjoy the rest of your retirement.”

  Rye looked at him. “Rahman talked?”

  Crash smiled. “Oh, yes. There’s going to be a major inquiry and you may be called to testify, but it’ll just be the frosting on the cake.”

  Harper ran toward him.

  “When’s the wedding?” Crash called out.

  “When she says yes,” Rye replied.

  “That may take a while. You know you’re quite the asshole.”

  Rye just kept walking toward the car, making his way closer to Harper. “I know but I have this really sexy smile working in my favor.” He clicked his cheek. “Gets ‘em every time.”

  “Fuck you, Ellison.” Crash laughed. “Fuck you.”


  Three months later

  Rye and Harper walked quietly along the beach, letting the cool air rush over them. He was finally content. Rahman laid it all out. The justice against Sully and Cummings had been swift and severe.

  The day they left Washington, he asked Harper to marry him and she said yes. They met each other’s families and decided, since her sister was a wedding planner, and they didn’t want anything fancy, the wedding would take place in Dallas.

  It proved to be stunning, elegant and quick. Just the way they both wanted. The families made plans to stay in touch over the holidays, each rotating being the host, and he and Harper agreed to always be back for Christmas as well.

  Long before the wedding, his dumpy little cabin endured a slight renovation and all the furniture was replaced and the kitchen updated. He had no problem with it at all as long as it remained their cozy little getaway on a permanent basis.

  He tightened his grip on her hand. He’d given her every opportunity to fess up, but she’d remained stone silent on the matter. “So, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him with a grin. “Haven’t felt better.”

  “Is that why you’ve been hugging the toilet bowl every morning for the last week?”

  She stopped and turned to him. “I...I don’t know what to say, Rye. I wanted to talk to you, to see what you thought. But since you stopped using condoms I just assumed——"

  “So,” he hid a grin. “This is my fault?”

  She sobered completely and dropped his hand. “Fault? Did you say fault? Like it’s a big mistake?” She turned, ready to stalk away.

  “Hold on there, sweetheart. I didn’t mean it that way and you know it.”

  When she glanced over her shoulder at him, tears glistened in her blue eyes. Uh oh, that wasn’t good. “Wait, wait,” he said quickly. “I’m only teasing. If you’re pregnant…” He shook his head. “If we’re pregnant, I couldn’t be happier.”

  She tried to smile, but her lips trembled. “Really?”

  He pulled her into his embrace, relishing the feel of her. “Honey, it takes two to get pregnant.”

  “You don’t think we’re too old?”

  “Hell yes, we’re too damn old, but if you’re strong and healthy and the baby’s okay, I’m all in.”

  “I haven’t been to the doctor.”

  He held her out in front of him. “Tomorrow you make an appointment. This isn’t something we mess around with.”

  She glanced at their cabin. “Do you think this will change everything? Is it the end of our free lifestyle?”

  “We’ll always have this cabin, we just might need to move closer to a school district. That’s all.”

  She wrapped her arms around him. “I love you so much. I don’t ever want that to change.”

  He kissed her nose. “I’m going to love you and our little one for the rest of my life.”

  “Are you going with me to the doctor’s?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Will you put up with me getting big as a house?”

  “Oh, I’m going to love that.”

  “Will you be in the delivery room?”

  He grinned down at her. “I got you covered, sweetheart.”

  Also by Geri Foster

  Accidental Encounters

  Wrong Room

  Wrong Guy

  Wrong Plan

  Wrong Bride

  Wrong Holly

  Wrong Fling

  Wrong Valentine Date

  * * *

  Storm Warning Series

  Fear the Storm

  Chase the Storm

  Perfect Storm

  Ride the Storm

  I Am the Storm

  Brave the Storm

  Inside the Storm

  Eye of the S

  * * *

  Women of Courage Series

  Part One: Love Released

  Episode One

  Episode Two

  Episode Three

  Episode Four

  Episode Five

  Episode Six

  Episode Seven

  Christmas Episode

  Episode Eight

  * * *

  Part Two: Love Renewed

  Episode One

  Episode Two

  Episode Three

  Episode Four

  Episode Five

  * * *

  Falcon Securities Series

  Out of the Dark

  Out of the Shadows

  Out of the Night

  Out of the Past

  Out of the Depths

  Out of Luck

  Out of the Blue

  Out of the Abyss

  * * *

  Sleeper SEALs

  Broken SEAL

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Geri Foster is a multi-genre author with over 15 titles. They include her bestselling Romantic Suspense series Falcon Securities, the Historical Romantic Suspense serial Women of Courage and cute, short, sexy ERoms, Accidental Encounters. She stays busy continuing her series and consistently coming up with new and exciting stories for her readers.

  She’s been writing for years and enjoys hearing from her fans and chatting on her Facebook Groups, Women of Courage Book readers and Smart Women’s Romantic Suspense Readers Group. She’s been a member of RWA for almost twenty years, and belongs to two local chapters.

  She enjoys her grandchildren, friends, family, and traveling. Europe is her favorite destination. She always has fun at conferences and can usually be found at the bar.

  She lives with her husband and their shy rescue dog, Lola, in the DFW area of Texas.


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