Running Wild (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 1)

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Running Wild (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 1) Page 4

by Marie Fraser

  Futilely, Jason begged Anastasia with his eyes to lie, he urged her to understand his position. He didn’t have the opportunity to brief her and now everyone was going to find out.

  “Can I please be alone with him?” Anastasia said, ignoring Dr. Calhoun, and surprising Jason.

  He internally sighed in relief, not understanding why she had given him this favor but grateful nonetheless.

  “Of course.” Dr. Calhoun said and all the people vacated the room and Jason went in. He closed the door once they had left and turned to face Anastasia.

  The name reminded him what his first question was.

  “What is your name?” Jason asked, sheepishly.

  “Aiyana.” She told him, looking at him with an interested expression. “Yours?”

  “Jason.” He replied, sitting down on the stool next to her bed.

  “And what is happening?” Aiyana asked.

  “For starters, you’re my wife.” Jason said, awkwardly.

  “I figured, what with all the nurses asking each other to find my husband.” Aiyana said, smiling.

  “You’re not mad?” Jason asked, baffled as to how this woman was so calm.

  “I assume you have a valid reasoning so please explain.” Aiyana said, rationally.

  “I want to begin with an apology. I was under the influence when I ran my car into you and I am an idiot for doing that, I know.” Jason said, forlornly.

  “Did you do it intentionally?” Aiyana asked, understandingly.

  “No, I would never.” Jason told her, seriously.

  “Then I should be thanking you for bringing me here.” Aiyana said to him.

  How was this woman so calm even after Jason had told her the truth?

  If anything, Jason deserved her anger.

  “I, I don’t understand.” Jason stammered, feeling baffled.

  “In our clan, we believe in forgiving people.” Aiyana explained to him.

  “Which clan are you a part of?” Jason asked her.

  “The clan of Arikara, in the Oneida County.” Aiyana told him.

  “I was supposed to be spending this week there.” Jason said, realizing what a small world they lived in.

  “Oh really?” Aiyana asked, surprised. “Which hotel were you staying in?”

  “I never made it there but my sister Rachel and our friends reached a few days ago. Bear Lake, that’s the one we booked our cabins in.” Jason told her, noticing a faint look of recognition at the mention of Rachel’s name.

  He couldn’t deny that their conversation was going so easily and without any force. Jason felt like he was talking to a friend, a close, old friend, rather than a complete stranger he had just met after hitting them with his car and telling everyone she was his wife. It was a bit too surreal. Jason didn’t know whether to be happy about this or worried.

  “Really?” Aiyana asked, her eyes widening.

  “Yeah…” Jason said, unsurely.

  “I work there.” Aiyana told him, as Jason chuckled.

  “I am the receptionist.” Aiyana told him. “I think I was the one to check in your group.”

  “That’s, I don’t even know what to say.” Jason said, shocked.

  “I know.” Aiyana said, awkwardness seeping into their conversation slowly.

  “But, what’s going on?” Aiyana asked him.

  “When we reached the hospital, the nurses asked me if I was your husband or boyfriend. I got freaked out, thinking those were my only options, and said I was your husband.” Jason told her, embarrassed now that he was telling the truth out loud for the first time.

  “Hmm.” Aiyana mused. “And what happened then?”

  “Well they believed that we don’t have our documents on us since we were travelling and said we could fill out the other details later. Since then, everyone thinks we’re married and have been asking me for stories.” Jason told her.

  “What have you told them?” Aiyana asked him.

  “We met a few years ago, when I was in Paris and you were travelling with your best friends.” Jason began telling her the story he had told all the other people in the hospital.

  However, he felt shy telling Aiyana, knowing she would no doubt judge him for thinking of such an elaborate false story with her involved in it. What was she thinking? Jason had no way of finding out except to wait for her to reply.

  “And?” Aiyana asked, amused.

  “And we ditched our groups to travel alone and eventually fell in love and got married.” Jason told her, leaving out the sillier lies he had told only to make the nurses have a good time.

  The nurses in the hospital were mostly old women, enjoying their age and passing time with this job. Jason had become somewhat of a celebrity between them and quite frankly, enjoyed the attention he was receiving.

  “That’s interesting.” Aiyana laughed. “What’s my name?”

  “Mrs. Anastasia Stockholm.” Jason told her as a small, soft smile played on her lips.

  “Now you and I run my restaurant in Milwaukee.” Jason told her.

  He was slowly accepting that Aiyana was not going to be mad at him and was in fact more on his side than he had thought she would be.

  “Is there one?” Aiyana asked, raising her eyebrow.

  “Yes.” Jason said, scratching his head.

  “Well, now that we’ve gotten the detail sorted out, shall I call in the doctors?” Jason asked Aiyana.

  “Yes.” Aiyana said, nodding.

  Jason knew her health came first and they would have to discuss the insurance scene and her family scene later. Jason was sure Aiyana would want her family with her in this condition. He got up from his stool to go and get Dr. Calhoun who was waiting right outside the door with his team.

  He checked Aiyana’s health, still referring to her as Anastasia and Jason was quite happy to see her playing along so very calmly and casually. Jason was relieved and now felt relaxed, prepared to deal with any obstacle that came his way. He knew they still had a long way to go but with Aiyana’s attitude, Jason knew it was smooth sailing from here on forth.

  Dr. Calhoun carried out some routine tests while the nurses checked Aiyana’s tubes and filled up her medication. Jason was waiting for Dr. Calhoun to give them permission to take Aiyana home as this would allow him to have the chance to find her family and bring her home safe. He had caused her too much suffering as it was and did not want to prolong it now that she was awake.

  “Everything seems alright on my end.” Dr. Calhoun said, relaxed.

  “I’d like to keep you here for another night, under observation, after which you can go home.” Dr. Calhoun announced as both Aiyana and Jason grinned.

  Jason wasn’t going to lie, he was liking Aiyana a lot and a part of him really wanted to get to know her better. It felt like she had a world to offer in conversation and experiences. Jason didn’t know if these were his rebound instincts but whatever the reason was, Jason felt quite happy. He wasn’t thinking of Jessica at all and she hadn’t entered his mind in a while. Jason didn’t know if Aiyana had heard but he had been talking to her unconscious state during the past few days.

  It was like having another human being all to yourself to talk to, without any fear of judgement. He had talked about everything from his parents to his relationship with Jessica, without any inhibitions. Jason wondered if Aiyana had any parts of it, as that would be quite embarrassing.

  “Thank you, Dr. Calhoun.” Jason said, shaking his hands.

  “Not a problem. Nurse Janice will walk you through the other formalities.” Dr. Calhoun said, confusing Jason.

  He didn’t know which formalities Dr. Calhoun was referring to as all the staff members began filing out of the room, leaving the nurse with Aiyana and Jason.

  “Well, honey, did you get any of the documents that were missing?” Nurse Janice asked Jason who shook his head as a reply.

  “Alright, the thing is, in order for us to know no fraud was committed, we will be sending the documents to your apartment
anytime in the upcoming weeks and both you and Anastasia will have to sign them and resend them to the hospital, along with your documents.” Nurse Janice told him.

  Jason hadn’t thought the hospital was going to be checking with so much care and efficiency. Slowly, Jason could see his entire plan was about to crumble down, he had spread a huge lie which was now going to get caught. He had no idea if there was any way to get himself or Aiyana, a person who had not consented to this lie, out of this situation.

  “Thank you, Nurse Janice. We’ll wait for the documents.” Aiyana was the one to answer as Jason gaped at her.

  What did this mean? If Jason was right, it meant he was going to have a new roommate.

  Chapter 6:

  Aiyana didn’t know what had taken control of her when she had said yes to Janice and agreed about the hospital sending documents to Jason’s apartment for both of them to sign. It was almost as if, she had seen the two choices, to say no and go home, or to say yes and embark on this adventure.

  She couldn’t deny it anymore, Jason was her soul mate and the thought of them ending things right and parting ways was one that made her feel very emotional, even though she was someone who never gave into her feelings. But feelings were there and she could no longer push them down. She wanted to be closer to Jason and get to know him in a way no one else had.

  They were currently walking towards the parking lot to reach Jason’s car. Well, Jason was walking while Aiyana sat comfortably in the wheel chair. She didn’t know what to expect from the upcoming days, she hadn’t even tried to contact her people back home, which was insanely odd of course. She was the Omega, she had to return so her pack could find the enemies threatening their peace and bring them to justice. She was involved in the cause and knew it wouldn’t make much progress without her present.

  However, for once, the thought of being away from home was not a fearful one and Aiyana didn’t feel any haste in wanting to go back. She was quite happy with staying here and experiencing a whole new world, even if it meant she was being selfish.

  When was the last time Aiyana had felt such a happy feeling about love? She didn’t want to run away from it. It was like an adrenaline rush consuming her body and reminding her of all her glee, which she had begun ignoring a long time ago. It felt like Aiyana was no longer in control of herself that the world, or at least her world, was tied with Jason in all aspects and everything would turn black if he were to go away.

  Aiyana knew that had it been any other person, she would’ve slit their throat for first running their car into her and second, lying about their relationship with her. What were the odds of her soul mate being the one to lie about her being his wife?

  She didn’t know what the next few days had in store for her but for now, their biggest agenda was to continue with their lie and make sure the hospital did not find out about it. Aiyana hadn’t really figured out a way to break the news to her mother. However, she was sure this fiasco was only going to last for a few more days, which meant she didn’t necessarily have to contact her pack as she had talked to Joshua once.

  Besides, she didn’t really like the thought of her inevitably having to leave Jason’s life after a few days. It was not like he was in love with her, she was the one who was bound to him now. Aiyana didn’t know how this sort of a dynamic worked, where one thought of the other as their soul mate who in return only saw them as a friend and nothing else.

  Aiyana didn’t want to dwell on this thought but it felt like Jason was only trying to make up for the accident to rid himself of the guilt. She didn’t want to think that the man she was in love with was only pitying her and vehemently avoided this topic in her mind.

  “Shall we head out?” Jason asked after helping her into the car seat.

  “Yes.” Aiyana replied, excited inside.

  She had never really seen a life outside of her own clan and had never either thought of it as a possibility. If Aiyana were to hope, against all the odds, and even think for a second that she was going to end up getting together with Jason, her clan’s reaction stopped her from dreaming.

  No outsiders, the unspoken, deadly rule that all were to conform to.

  Aiyana was judging herself for acting the same way all her pack members had after falling in love and finding their soul mates. It now felt like she had been too critical of them and they had just been as helpless as she was now.

  Even though everything was working against her, Aiyana knew that if it came down to it, she would fight till the end to protect the love she had for Jason.

  Love, what a peculiar notion, Aiyana thought. How easily she had fallen for a person she barely even knew beyond the past few days. However, to her love, it felt like she had known Jason since before time had existed, they had been created for each other. She had woken up, already knowing about her feelings and the shift that had happened within her.

  She had woken up to find a new point of gravity in her world, she no longer associated herself to being an individual, every part of her spoke of Jason. She couldn’t understand how such a thing was possible, how she could feel so strongly for a stranger she had just met.

  For all she knew, no matter what, she was now his and his alone.

  All these thoughts now becoming the center of her being were anything but like the old Aiyana, or who she thought she was. She was now nothing like that person, her first priority had suddenly become her soul mate.

  “I am so sorry for the extra burden because of this insurance business. I’ll try to find a loop hole to deal with it but in the meantime, I understand if you want to go back to your own home.” Jason said to her as they drove out on the road.

  “Won’t it be risky?” Aiyana asked, concealing her fear.

  She didn’t want to go home just yet, of course not. Here she was with the opportunity to spend time with her soul mate, whom she could never actually be with. Why on Earth would she want to give that away willingly when she really just wanted to get to know him better? She wanted to explore these feelings, some she had never encountered that revolved around protectiveness.

  “What do you mean?” Jason asked, confused.

  Aiyana tried hard to focus on the conversation instead of looking out of the window and admiring the view. She wasn’t used to seeing such huge buildings and commercialized areas around her. The woods were still present but the area was a lot more modern than the one Aiyana was used to.

  “I mean, in case the hospital sends the documents unannounced and I’m not there.” Aiyana said, knowing this was a good reason for them to stick together.

  She didn’t want to be clingy and would understand if Jason didn’t want this with her. Of course, he wasn’t the one head over heels in love.

  “Hmm, that does make sense and I think you should stay with me too, but I don’t want to inconvenience you more than I already have.” Jason said, humbly.

  Aiyana felt proud of the man she had fallen in love with, he was so considerate and understanding. If Aiyana was to analyze him, she saw a maturity in him but also a thirst in his eyes that called out to her to help him. He was very much like a child and Aiyana didn’t know what it was that he needed so badly.

  “I don’t mind, I think it’s safer.” Aiyana told him, relaxed.

  “Another issue would be the travelling.” Jason added after a few seconds of silence.

  “What do you mean?” Aiyana asked, confused.

  “I mean, your health isn’t too well for you to travel so far from Oneida to Milwaukee only to sign a form even that you won’t be able to arrive for on time.” Jason explained as her heart warmed.

  “You’re a kind-hearted person.” Aiyana told him, sincerely.

  He turned to look at her, a tender expression on his face as they both smiled only to look away when another when another driver on the road honked his horn, quite loudly.

  “Welcome to the city.” Jason chuckled, slightly nervous as Aiyana blushed and looked out of the window.

  “It’s all so
very different.” Aiyana said, feeling unsure about herself.

  She had never been to this side of the state and didn’t know how life was like here. Aiyana didn’t want to look different than others and have trouble fitting in and accepting the customs and norms.

  “How long have you lived here?” Aiyana asked him, curious to get to know him better.

  “I’ve lived here all my life. It’s the only home I know of.” Jason told her, smiling fondly. “Milwaukee is a beautiful city to be in.”

  “Is this why you built your restaurant here?” Aiyana asked.

  She wondered if Jason would take her to the restaurant and show her around, or if their interaction and façade was only going to exist within his apartment. Aiyana felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of being alone in an apartment with Jason.

  Normally, she would’ve been hesitant to go anywhere with any man alone. However, Jason was someone she could trust because in the end, she trusted her intuition, which had made her realize her feelings for him. She wasn’t being romantic, this was something Aiyana was confident about.

  She had always had the ability to read people and figure out what sort of a person someone was. It was a power and through it she could see Jason was a beautiful person although he had gone through some trauma.

  “Yes. My restaurant works to feed the people of Milwaukee.” Jason said, proudly.

  “Is it far from your house?” Aiyana asked.

  “No, I’ll show you where it is when we get closer.” Jason said to her as they continue driving towards the city and away from the woodland area.

  “Is your sister also employed there?” Aiyana asked, intrigued. “Which one is she?”

  “She’s the blonde one and yes, she handles the management while I handle the kitchen.” Jason answered.

  “Do you like cooking?” Aiyana questioned, noticing the way his eyes lit up when he talked about his work.

  “I love everything about it. You? What are your hobbies?” Jason inquired.

  This felt nice. They were both asking normal conversing questions that allowed them to get to know each other better.

  “I cook but more because I don’t want my mother to. Other than that, I like swimming and running.” Aiyana told him.


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