Dyed and Gone to Heaven (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #3)

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Dyed and Gone to Heaven (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #3) Page 13

by Aimee Nicole Walker

  “Well, hello there, Detective Sweaty Balls,” he said saucily.

  “God I love your mouth,” I said then captured his lips in a kiss so fierce it had my insides twisted up in no time. I expected Josh to push me back and remind me that he was working or that his employees were near. Instead, he broke our kiss and put his finger over my mouth to tell me to be quiet before he dropped to his knees. “Josh,” I whispered hoarsely.

  Josh pulled my sweats and underwear down far enough to spring my dick free. I closed my eyes and tilted my head against the locked door when I felt his tongue flick out to tease the crown of my dick, showing me that a little sweat wasn’t a turnoff for him. My hand at the back of his neck tightened to urge him to hurry up. I wanted to feel his hot mouth working my cock, and I wasn’t in the mood for teasing.

  “So impatient,” he murmured between kisses along my shaft. “I can’t rush art.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have started anything at all,” I told him. “I just wanted a kiss.”

  “Okay,” Josh said, as he rose to his feet. “You got your kiss then.”

  “You’re just going to leave me like this?” I hissed, pointing to my cock that was flushed red with desire and anger at being neglected.

  “Yeah, I think I am.” He dismissed me by turning his back to me and whipping up his little hair potions. He hummed along happily as if he had no idea of what was going to be waiting for him when he got home. I couldn’t have that.

  I pulled up my pants and underwear then walked up behind him until he was pinned between me and the sink. “You’re going to pay for this.” I reached between our bodies and ran my finger over his crack through his jeans. I was rewarded with a sharp gasp and the trembling of his body. “I’m not going to stop until you scream and beg me to let you come.”

  “You’re so salty over a little teasing,” he said nonchalantly. “This Detective Piss and Groan isn’t very sexy. Bring back Detective Fuck and Moan.”

  “There will be plenty of fucking and moaning, Sunshine. You can count on it.”

  He turned around to face me wearing a smug smile. “Oh, I am.”

  I turned loose of him and left him to get back to work. I retrieved the dog and bird and headed upstairs to plan my attack. Initially, I planned to feed him first before I tormented him, but decided there was no fun in that at all.

  Instead, I watched the clock closely as I attempted to relax while watching some TV after a quick shower. I watched out the windows as the staff left for the night and counted the minutes until I knew Josh would be coming up the stairs. I laid in wait for him and pounced the minute his feet reached the top step. I lifted him up and carried him to the dining room table where I had the lube and condom waiting. Josh laughed in delighted glee as I tore his clothes from his body.

  “You’ve been up here naked this entire time?” he asked.

  “And hard,” I added. “The longer I waited, the harder I got with anticipation.”

  I attacked his luscious lips with my mouth and kissed him until he was boneless beneath me on the table. Only then did I begin to prepare his ass for the fucking I was going to give him. I didn’t rush through it either. I wanted him to beg and plead for me. His body shook with need, but he wouldn’t say the magic words that would bring him relief—not my beautiful, stubborn man.

  I could see in his eyes that he was determined to hold out on me, to get the upper hand, but I wasn’t about to let that happen. I slid two oil-slicked fingers in his ass and curled them upward to massage his prostate. I kept them right there and circled them around and around until sweat popped out all over his body and he shook hard all over.

  “Is there something you want to say to me, Sunshine?”


  I had him right where I wanted him and knew it. “There’s no shame in saying what you want. Go ahead and tell me.”

  “I shot J.R.,” he said, then grinned wickedly knowing damn well he got me with his reference to Dallas while I was sexing him up.

  I wasn’t one to give in easily or else we wouldn’t have been together in that moment. I decided to switch up tactics on Josh. I pulled my fingers out of his tight clinch and began stroking my cock between his spread legs instead. His smugness faded when I continued to pleasure myself instead of rolling on the condom and fucking him.

  “You’re playing with me right now,” he said, not believing that I’d jerk off to completion. I hoped it wasn’t the case, but I was prepared to be just as coy and stubborn as him. He narrowed his eyes when he saw my wicked smile. “Okay, fine.”

  Josh reached down and began stroking his cock with his right hand while teasing his eager hole with two fingers of his left. His back arched off the table, but his eyes never left mine. Damn him and his ability to stay ahead of me each and every time. I had to believe that he wanted my cock even more than he wanted his fingers. Josh looked so goddamned sexy pleasuring himself in front of me. My hand felt good, and I felt the telltale signs of my orgasm building in my balls, but I wanted more.

  I was just about to give in and be the one to beg when he let out a frustrated growl followed by, “Fuck me already, Gabe! Please! I’m begging, okay?”

  I had the condom on in record time and pushed inside him until I was as far inside as I could get. I paused to let him adjust to my girth then I gave him the pounding his eyes and his words demanded. I pushed his legs back until his knees were almost to his chest so that he was completely open to me. I could tell by the way his balls were bouncing that he was working his cock hard.

  “So fucking beautiful,” I growled.

  Josh’s ass tightened like a vise around my cock, and he shouted my name as he came. His orgasm ignited mine, and his chute milked my balls until I had nothing left to give. I pulled out of him carefully when I was done and lowered his legs back down so I could give him a kiss.

  I didn’t expect to find him glaring at me, but the source of his ire was plain to see all over his face, rather it was splashed all over his face. “You came hard for me,” I said before I licked his cum that had splattered over his lips. “Yum.”

  “It’s a damn good thing I love you,” he said. “Only you could get away with fucking me on the table where we eat and making me come in my own mouth.”

  “Well, never let it be said that I don’t have skills,” I said, holding out a hand to help him up.

  “One of them better be that you’re proficient with Clorox wipes,” he said before he sauntered off toward the bathroom to get cleaned up. I loved watching the bounce of his firm ass cheeks.

  “I’ll even cook dinner,” I hollered after him.

  “After you clean the cum off the table,” he fired back. “We fuck like animals, baby, but we don’t live like them.”

  Some might call me whipped when I pulled out the wipes beneath the sink and wiped the table before I got in the shower with him, but I didn’t care. I pulled him to me beneath the spray of hot water and said, “Tell me about your day, Sunshine.”

  “You won’t believe it,” Josh said with a quirky smile.

  “Try me.”

  “IT WENT A LITTLE something like this,” I told Gabe. “I took Buddy with me for a morning run to try and wake up my sleepy brain. I’d had dreams of Fabio all night long and…”

  “Whoa!” Gabe exclaimed loudly. His eyes opened wide in shock, and it was unfortunate that he’d been rinsing the soap from his hair at the time. “Fuck! My eyes!”

  “Baby, I’m sorry.” I worried my bottom lip between my teeth as he sputtered and cursed while getting the soap out of his eyes.

  “Back the fuck up, Sunshine. Are you sorry that you confessed to dreaming about another dude or are you sorry that you burned my retinas in the process?” He shook his head slowly and asked, “You’re dreaming about our new neighbor so early in our relationship? That’s not good for our outlook.” I couldn’t tell by Gabe’s cop slash poker face if he was truly upset or if he was playing me. His bloodshot eyes could’ve been from rage or the soap;
it was hard to say which was true. Both?

  “They weren’t those kinds of dreams, Gabriel.” The tone of my voice and the use of his first name let him know I meant business. “They were filled with fear and uncertainty. Him living next door to us increases my heart rate in ways that have nothing to do with my dick!” I elbowed him out of the way to hog the water a little more. I decided perhaps my little cock-teasing stunt below wasn’t harsh enough. Had I known he had such little faith in us…

  “I’m sorry, Sunshine.” He wrapped his strong arms around me and nuzzled my neck.

  I won’t even pretend that I didn’t melt into him. People can tout Disney’s theme parks as the happiest places all they wanted, but Gabe’s arms were my happy place. They can have the mouse; I had the man. “You’re forgiven. Can I continue now?”

  “Please do,” Gabe said.

  “So, I felt bad about how I acted toward him last night. My being uncomfortable with him was no excuse for shitty behavior. I would like to think I learned my lesson with you,” I added.

  “That’s so mature of you, Sunshine.”

  “I have potential,” I confidently told Gabe, then continued with my story. “I decided that I would give Emory cookies as an apology…” My words were interrupted by a loud growl emanating from Gabe’s throat. “Store bought cookies that aren’t half as good as mine, baby,” I assured him. “I only make those chocolate chip cookies for you from now on.”

  “That’s what I want to hear,” Gabe said in a gravelly voice filled with passion. “I’ll never share my cookies.” The way he palmed my junk made it known he wasn’t really talking about dessert.

  “Yes, baby, my oven will never know any other loaf but yours,” I said, pushing my ass against his groin. I cleared my throat and decided I better focus because I could tell our cookie talk was going to lead to activities that didn’t include baking or talking—unless it was dirty talking.

  “Damn straight,” Gabe said. There was nothing straight about me but I dared not veer down that road, or I’d never get to the interesting parts of my day.

  “I stopped by The Brew for a coffee and to grab a muffin and some cookies for Emory. As I was leaving, I ran into the good mayor, who basically threatened to…”

  “Wait a fucking minute,” Gabe interrupted me. “Do you want to repeat that?”

  I turned in the circle of his arms and looked up into his face, which was red with fury. There was no mistaking his bristling as anything other than raw anger. “Not really,” I said honestly. “Look, let’s do the quick version of this so you don’t stroke out. Rocky thought by the contemptuous look on my face at seeing him that you told me about his affair with Jack Wallace. He started to bluster about what he’d do if I revealed his secret. I told him that you didn’t tell me anything and I didn’t need another reason to hate his fucking guts…”

  “You said that?” Gabe asked in shock.

  “I’m paraphrasing, Gabe. Keep up here.” I rolled my eyes exaggeratingly. I vowed not to mention how Rocky almost slipped up and used the three-letter F-word because I worried what he might do to the toad. “I told him he couldn’t do shit to me as mayor and that all the power came from the county commissioners who wouldn’t dare stand against me. They’re either my clients or spouses of my clients, and they adore me,” I boasted proudly. “I might’ve advanced on him and pointed my finger in his smashed, ugly face. I’m sure it looked like a heated argument when Emory walked up and…”

  “Wait. Emory just happened to show up at the same time and place that you were getting harassed?” Gabe asked.

  “You make it sound like he’s some superhero or vigilante or something,” I scoffed. He did claim to be psychic. Did that mean he had a vision? Did he follow me?

  “Hey,” Gabe said softly. He placed his hand beneath my chin and brushed his thumb over my lips. “I didn’t mean to spook you.”

  “You didn’t,” I said, but I could tell he didn’t believe me. “More than I already am,” I amended. “I apologized to Emory, even though he didn’t make it easy.” Gabe frowned at that, so I explained about Emory saying he was allergic to the cookies, sort of like I said I didn’t drink. “I did come right out and ask him what he was doing here.”

  “You did? What did he say?” Gabe questioned.

  “He said he wished that he knew,” I replied. “I could see the confliction in his eyes. He had no clue why he moved to Blissville—or at least none that he was willing to share. That only made me even more curious, but I let it go instead of pressing the issue.”

  “Strange,” Gabe said. I could tell he had his thinking cap on again. “I’m not saying that I believe in the whole psychic phenomenon, but it’s hard to argue with his success rate. He may not know the reasons why he’s here, but I’d like to know what he ‘saw’ to prompt him to move.” I thought Gabe’s little air quotes were adorable.

  “That makes two of us,” I admitted. “Now, let’s get on to the exciting part of my day.”

  “There’s more?” Gabe asked.

  “Yessss!” I did a little shimmy. “I lead an exciting life.”

  “Do tell,” he prompted.

  “I got a call from the producer of Channel Eleven News today. She wants to meet with me and discuss the possibility of me joining them for a series about weddings. They’re featuring a boutique, a caterer, a wedding planner, a photographer, a florist, and a hairstylist and makeup artist. One of the executive producers of the show happens to be a client of mine.”

  “Sunshine, that’s fucking amazing!” Gabe said happily. “Oh my God, we’ll have to record the series to keep. Oh! I hope they’ll have a link online because our parents will want to see it too.”

  “Slow down there, babe,” I cautioned. “It’s not a done deal, so I’m not telling anyone about it until I know it’s a sure thing. I’m meeting with Cindy on Monday at noon to go over ideas and get specifics.”

  “Is it an interview? Are there other candidates?” he wanted to know. His happiness for my success made me smile like a goon.

  “I’m not sure about other candidates, but it does feel like an interview to see if we’re a good fit,” I replied.

  Gabe pondered that for a second and asked, “So, you get the impression the decision is up to you?”

  “Yeah, I do,” I admitted. “Babe, we better finish up in here before the water gets cold. My water heater is better than your old one, but it’s not endless.”

  “True,” Gabe replied.

  We made quick work of washing and rinsing then shut off the shower. My stomach growled, making its displeasure of being empty known. “Food,” I demanded.

  I had thrown some ribs and barbecue sauce in the crockpot before I went to work that morning so Gabe’s offer to cook dinner was sweet, but not needed. The ribs would be tender and delicious and exactly what I needed. Gabe and I got dressed then headed into the kitchen to finish putting the rest of dinner together.

  “Listen, I need what’s about to happen to stay between us, Gabe. Do you promise?” I asked seriously. He looked a little nervous but nodded his head anyway. I reached inside the refrigerator and pulled the pre-made mashed potatoes that I hid in the very back behind the milk and juice cartons. “There are times in life when you need to go with a quick fix.”

  Gabe’s lips trembled from the restraint of holding back his laughter. “I’ll take your secret to the grave, Sunshine. No one will ever know you served me instant mashed potatoes.”

  I slammed the package on the counter and squared myself in front of him with my hands on my hips. “I have never made instant potatoes in my life, Gabriel, and I sure as hell wouldn’t serve them to the love of my life.” I placed my hand over my heart to indicate how seriously his words wounded me. “These are made with real Idaho potatoes, milk, and butter.” I pointed to the words on the packaging.

  “I stand corrected,” Gabe said, doing his best to look like he learned a serious lesson just then. “It’s good to know that I’m the love of your life.”r />
  “Duh!” I rolled my eyes in frustration. “That’s what you took from all of that? You didn’t hear me say that these aren’t fake potato flakes? Gabriel,” I said in disappointment. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Oh, Sunshine,” he replied with an evil grin. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, but after you feed me.” So many wicked, naughty ideas crossed my mind, but I pushed them aside because it felt like my stomach was eating itself.

  Gabe heated up the mashed potatoes while I tossed a salad and baked some crescent rolls from a can. He wisely kept his mouth shut about that shortcut because he could eat eight of them all by himself if I let him.

  I inspected the table to make sure it was as clean as Gabe had guaranteed. I saw no assprints, handprints, or jizz anywhere and decided it was good enough to eat on once again. It was just the two of us, and no one would think anything of it if we ate on the couch and watched television, but eating together at the table was our thing—unless it was pizza night.

  “What can you tell me about your day?” I asked once Gabe had a chance to sample everything and praise its deliciousness.

  “We have a promising lead,” he confirmed. “There’s one guy who can be considered a common thread, so we’ll see how that goes.”

  “I heard about the fire at Mr. Robertson’s house,” I told him. “I’m not asking you to tell me anything, but I’m guessing that the fire the day after his dead body was discovered wasn’t an accident.”

  “It sure wasn’t, although it will take a few days for the fire marshal to give us a detailed report.” Gabe was silent for a few minutes while he chowed down some more food. “What I’m about to tell you will be public knowledge soon enough. In fact, I’m impressed the truth isn’t out yet.” I nodded for Gabe to continue, although I was pretty sure what he was going to tell me. “Mr. Robertson’s death wasn’t natural.”


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