Love in the Mix

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Love in the Mix Page 3

by Lucy Darling

  “I wish you would have come over and said hi.” I dip my head. I almost get mad thinking that I could have had her for months already. Now I fully understand why my brother moved so fast. His wife, Amelia, had slipped through his fingers at first. But when he found her again, he wasted no time marrying her. He’s even put a baby in her already.

  He said he knew the minute he saw her that she was his forever. I had practically rolled my eyes at him but now with my cupcake sitting in my lap, I get that shit. I understand how it can hit you like a Mack truck out of nowhere.

  How being next to your soulmate can make everything right in your world. I know now that if I had met Alyssa months ago, we’d already be married. I’m hoping a few months from now that is the case.

  “I’m kinda shy.”

  “That’s all right, cupcake. I’m anything but shy.” Not when it comes to something I want and I definitely want her, forever.



  My heart pounds as I stare up into his hazel eyes. I can’t believe he’s here. That he’s kissing me and touching me. My whole body buzzes with excitement. The drinks continue to give me liquid courage, allowing me to enjoy every moment of this. I would have likely been under the table by now without them. Sean isn’t holding anything back, nor do I want him to.

  “Is that what we do next? Am I supposed to go home with you?” I ask the same thing that Neily did earlier. I do want to get out of here. It feels as though everyone is watching us. I keep seeing people glance our way. The hostess girl that took our drink order keeps giving me death glares. I’m not sure what's up with her but it’s beginning to make me uncomfortable.

  “We can go to my place if you’d like.”

  “I’m not having sex with you,” I blurt out. Why did I say that? I definitely want to have sex with him or maybe do other things after the way he’d kissed me. Oh God. I’m making an idiot of myself.

  “I wouldn’t have sex with you.”

  “Oh.” My shoulders drop. What the heck?

  “Don’t look disappointed, cupcake. When I take you for the first time you’re going to be sober.” He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine. “I can do other things to your body, though, to make you come.”

  “You won’t sleep with me because I’ve been drinking?” That’s equal parts disappointing and sweet.

  “There are other things besides sex we can do. I’ll make it good for you.”

  “What about you?” I lick my lips. My tongue grazes his bottom lip.

  “Tonight is about you. You told me you’ve been watching me for a month.” My face heats all over again at him acknowledging my stalking habits. “I want a taste of what I’ve been missing.”

  “You want to go down on me?” I pull back, putting my hand over my mouth. I have the same problem of blurting things out as Neily, obviously. It has to be the drinks. Or maybe it’s my nerves. It could be a combination of both.

  “Who wouldn't want to eat your pussy, cupcake?” His dirty words have me clenching my thighs together.

  “Sir. Can I get you anything else?” I look up to see that the hostess woman is back. This time she isn't staring at me but at Sean. That mean glare is gone from her eyes. The only thing I see in them now is longing. I wonder if they once had a thing or something.

  “No. We’re leaving.” He holds his hand out for me as he stands. I take it. He pulls me to my feet. I start to sway, but he tucks me into his side to balance me. “Have my car pulled around.” The woman purses her lips as she pulls out her phone. I’m guessing to send a text. “Move,” he tells her. She hops out of the way so we can get by. I don’t miss the nasty glance she gives me as I pass her.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. Going home with a man I don’t really know. Neily tracks my phone so she’ll know exactly where I am. I rest my head on him, enjoying being so close to him. My body has a warm buzz to it. I don’t know if it’s him or the drinks. Probably a mix of both.

  He opens his fancy car door for me, letting me in. I slip in and he leans down toward me. I grab his face, pulling him in for a kiss. This time I push my tongue into his mouth, digging my hands into his short, shaggy hair. A small whimper comes from me, my body needing more. The sounds of catcalls break me from my lust-filled thoughts.

  “Cupcake. You’re killing me.” I hear the sound of my seat belt click into place.

  “I thought you were going to kiss me.” I close my eyes. I’m so bad at this. He kisses the tip of my nose. I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m taking my cues from him.

  “I’ll be kissing you again soon. In places that I don’t want any of these fuckers seeing.” He pulls back, shutting the door before he walks around to the driver’s side and hops in. He leans over, giving me a quick kiss before he starts the car. He quickly takes my hand in his before he pulls away.

  “Wait. Aren't you working?” I realize after a moment.

  “I can come and go as I please.”

  “That must be nice.” I sigh, leaning back into the seat on his fancy sports car. “One time I saw you leave the club with a woman. It made me feel”—I pause—“Why do I keep telling you things that I shouldn't? I already told you that I’ve been creepy watching you from across the street.”

  Sean laughs. The warm sound fills the car. I didn't know a laugh could be sexy but everything about him is. The man really is out of my league. He looks like he should be dating a supermodel.

  That hostess clearly has a crush on him. She could be a supermodel with her long legs and perfect body. Yet he didn't seem interested in her in the least. All of his attention had been focused on me.

  “I think it’s adorable. I want to know what you’re thinking.” He glances over at me when we pull up to a light. “The only time I can remember taking a woman home from the club was the night my cousin came in. She had a little too much to drink.”

  “Really?” I hate how much better that makes me feel. “You don’t have one-night stands?”

  “No. It would be very unprofessional for me to date customers or employees.”

  “But I’m technically a customer.” I fiddle with the edge of my shirt, hoping he doesn't change his mind.

  “You’re worth breaking the rules for.” My whole body lights up. This man is making me feel all kinds of things I’ve never felt before.

  “I hope I don’t get you in trouble with your boss.” Sean’s hand comes to rest on top of my thigh.

  “I’m not going to get in any trouble.” The car comes to a stop. Sean jumps out, coming around to open my door for me. I take his hand as he tosses his keys to someone waiting at the door of the building.

  “Sir.” The man greets Sean but he’s looking at me.

  “Eyes off my girl, Ben,” Sean tells him in a hard tone. His fingers tangle with mine as he leads me into the building and straight for the elevator.

  “I’ve never done this,” I admit as the elevator doors close behind us. My mind is a little foggy and all over the place. I know it’s because I’m a little tipsy but I also know it’s the effect that Sean is having on me.

  Something about him is playing with my mind. I don’t know how he has this hold over me but I find myself doing anything he wants. There’s a need growing in me and I know he’s the only one that will be able to fulfill it.

  “This isn't a one-night stand.” He pins me to the elevator wall, caging me in. I look up at him. He’s smirking down at me but I can tell his eyes are serious.

  “What would you call it then?”

  “This is me showing you what I can give you.” He lifts me, his hands going to my ass. I wrap my arms around his neck as his fingers dig into my ass under my skirt. My mind blanks on what kind of underwear I’d worn today.

  It’s too late to do anything about it now anyway. I had no idea this was going to happen. His big hands fit me perfectly as he grips me tighter to him. There is no way I'm stopping now. I don’t really think it matters to him if I’m wearing granny panties or a thong. The way he
’s devouring my mouth makes that clear.

  “Are you going to show me by getting a taste of me?” I repeat what he’d said in the club. Okay, I repeated it in a very toned-down version. Ever since he uttered those words, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how his mouth would feel on me.

  “You going to let me have it, cupcake? You going to let me lick you until you're screaming my name and creaming on my tongue?” I nod my head as the elevator dings. He steps off, carrying me with him. I can’t stop myself from pressing my mouth to his, wanting another kiss. I had no idea how consuming a kiss could be. My eyes flutter open when my back hits a soft bed.

  “Why am I worth breaking the rules for? You don’t even know me.”

  “I knew from the minute I laid eyes on you that I was going to have you. That if I didn't get to you that I was going to come out of my skin. I’ve never felt that before. My brother told me that’s how he felt when he met his wife. That he knew the second he saw her that she was his one.”

  “You think I’m your one?”

  “I don’t think. I know, cupcake.” He pulls my shirt up over my head, tossing it away. “I’ll show you. I’m going to make it so good for you that you’ll never want to leave.” He goes for my bra next, causing my boobs to fall free. I’m a bigger girl up top.

  I’ve never truly appreciated it until this very moment. I am lush with full curves and breasts. I am a baker, after all. The curves come with the job. I’ve never been self-conscious about them before but I’ve also never been naked in front of a man. One I know has a perfect body under that suit of his.

  All my insecurities go out the window as I watch Sean’s eyes roam over me. He likes what he sees. He can’t get enough of me. He traces over every curve of my body, making me feel more desirable then I ever thought was possible.

  “I think it’s only fair if you get undressed, too.”

  He leans over me, kissing me. My eyes fall closed as I let him. I don’t kiss him back. I enjoy him taking over. “I don’t trust myself to take my clothes off.”

  “Tonight is about me?” That’s what he’d said. I can’t believe the things I keep saying out loud to him. I like it though.

  “I’m going to make you never want to leave this bed.” I don’t tell him that it’s not going to be hard for him to do. Not when I still want a taste of him for myself, too.

  “Tomorrow you’re fair game.” I spread my legs wider, lifting my hips to try and get friction. “I need you,” I breathe. My whole body feels like it’s on fire. The ache has grown to be almost unbearable. I can feel how wet my panties are and I’m pretty sure he can see it, too. I should be embarrassed but I’m not. I want this. I want him.

  “I’ve got you, cupcake. You just lie there and enjoy everything I’m about to do to you.” He takes my nipple into his mouth. I moan out his name, letting him have his way with me.



  I suck her pert nipple into my mouth. The rest of her body is as soft as her lips. I switch breasts, needing to taste both. Her fingers dig into my hair, letting me know she’s enjoying what I’m doing to her body. With each taste I get, I become more addicted to her.

  “Sean.” She whimpers my name, trying to lift her hips, but I’ve got them pinned down with my body. Instead she starts to wiggle, trying to get friction on her clit. She’s needy and trying to get off on her own, but I can’t have that. I want her first orgasm to be from my mouth. To drink her down and taste her pleasure. To make her come so many times that she’ll never want to leave me.

  I let go of her nipple, slipping more down her body. My mouth hungrily licks and kisses her soft belly. My hands grip her full, lush hips, digging my fingers into her. No, she is nothing like the women that come into my club.

  She is ripe and full. She’s made for a man to grab on to and take over and over again. Her body is built for loving and I want to spend my life proving that I’m the one meant to be giving it to her. That I’m the only one that’s ever going to taste or have her.

  I release her hips, sliding more down her body. I push the skirt she has on up over her thighs. I groan when I see the simple cotton white panties with little bows on the side. Her arousal has soaked through, leaving a wet spot that has my mouth watering to taste her. I can smell her sweet cunt and I want my taste.

  She really is innocent. I wonder how far she’s gone with a man before. I push that thought away when anger licks up my spine. Thinking about her with anyone else gives me that reaction. She is mine now. I’ll be the only man tasting, touching or making love to her from now on.

  I don’t care who came before me but I will be the last here. I get myself under control, slipping the panties down her legs so that I don’t rip them from her body. These are mine now. I put them into the pocket of my slacks, not caring if it makes me a sick bastard for stealing her panties. The urge to bring them to my nose almost wins out, but I’ll save that for later.

  Her pussy looks almost bare with only a small dusting of blond hair. I lean in, breathing in her sweetness. Fuck. She can’t be real. No woman can be this soft or smell this good. I want to undo my pants and fuck her raw. The need to fill her with my cum and mark her as mine is almost too much to bear.

  I’ll drive into her over and over again, spilling every drop of me deep inside of her like an animal trying to mate her. Bind her to me in the most primal way. I suck in a deep breath trying to get my shit together. The innocent girl is testing all of the control I have. I won't take her tonight. I already made that promise to myself.

  “Sean.” She lifts her hips, raising her pussy to my mouth. I grab her legs, spreading her wide to make sure I have all the room I need. I press my cock down into the mattress as I dig my fingers into her thick thighs, getting a firm hold on her.

  “Is this what you need, cupcake?” I tease her as my tongue circles her clit.

  “Oh my.” She gasps. I smile against her pussy at her innocent response.

  “Has anyone ever licked your pussy?”

  She shakes her head but doesn't answer me. Her breathing is erratic, coming out in small little breaths.

  “Have you ever been this turned on before? You’re soaking wet for me.” Her thighs are covered in her need for me. I plan to lick up every last drop of her.

  “I don’t know what this is but it aches.” Her words come out in a whimper.

  “I’ll fix it.” I won’t have her hurting. Not when I can take care of it for her. No more teasing. I release one of her thighs as I allow my tongue to suck her clit. I lick and suck her until she’s gripping my hair and holding me to her cunt. Her first orgasm comes easy as she cries out my name into the room. It was too fast. Poor thing must have been on edge.

  I’m not done yet. I need another. I want her cum filling my mouth. Then I’ll suck every last drop from her cunt until there is nothing left. Her body will be unable to take any more of the pleasure I can give it. I’ll let her rest and do it all over again.

  I push one finger inside of her. With as wet as she is it’s still a fight to get it inside of her. Her pussy is so tight. I know in that moment that no man has ever touched my sweet innocent cupcake. That I’ll be her first and only.

  I slowly pump it in and out, hooking my finger just right to get to her G-spot, I have her coming all over again. My cock twitches as my own orgasm spills into my pants at the sound of my name on her lips. I never figured myself for a man that would spontaneously come on himself, but you learn something new every day.

  Fuck is that hot. One orgasm after another. She is making me feel like a goddamn king with how quickly I’m getting her off. I eat her, taking every last drop until she’s begging me to stop.

  “Sean. I can’t take any more.” I give her clit one last kiss, making her whole body jerk. She’s so sensitive now. I slip my finger from inside of her. Her pussy clamps down around it, not wanting to let go. I suck her juices from my finger, wanting every last bit of her pleasure as I stand.

  Her eyes are c
losed. Her breasts rise and fall with her breathing. Her skirt is all bunched up around her waist. She’s out like a light. I pull the skirt from her, tossing it to the floor. I smile as I pick her up, moving her to the center of the bed and pulling the blankets over her. I brush my lips across hers before I head into the bathroom to clean myself. My cock is still hard even though I came while I ate her cunt.

  Finding some sweatpants, I slip them on, crawling into bed with her and pulling her into my arms. She cuddles into me, resting her head on my chest. The hollow ache that was once there is long gone. I close my eyes, breathing her sweet smell in. For the first time in forever, my mind settles and I find peace knowing it’s her that has given it to me. Sleep finally comes to me while I hold my one.



  I snuggle deeper into the warmth around me, never wanting to get up again. My alarm hasn't gone off yet. I’m not moving an inch until it does. As if on cue, it starts to sound. The bed under me moves, causing my eyes to fly open once I realize that I’m not lying in my bed but on top of a man. His arm is reaching out to grab my phone off the nightstand. He clears the alarm and sets my phone back down.

  “Sean?” I close my eyes and open them again to make sure that I’m not dreaming.

  “Morning, cupcake.” He kisses the top of my head, then lies back down, making himself comfortable again.

  “I’m naked.” I state the obvious.

  “Trust me. I’m aware.” I try to sit up, but his arm is wrapped around me, holding me in place. He reluctantly frees me. I take the blanket with me to cover my breasts. Which is dumb because the man has seen every part of me at this point.

  The time for being shy was before he ate me as if he was starving. Thinking about last night has me clenching my thighs together. It was intense. No, it was much more than that. It was unreal. I had no idea I could come that hard or that much in one night.


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