The Size Anthology

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The Size Anthology Page 7

by KT Morrison


  “I know you really want this.”

  “I do?”

  “Yeah, you need this.”

  She put her hand back on him. He was hard and it felt good rubbing him up and down

  “You think I deserve that,” she said, eyeballing his huge cock in her hand. “Think that I’m missing being with a real man.”

  “That’s exactly what I think...I think you know it too, that you need to feel this.”

  “You’re coming on strong...”

  “I see what you’re used to and I think I know why you’re here with me in this hot tub while your husband is sweating behind a welding mask twenty miles off the coast.”

  “You think I want this thing?” she said while she held it.

  “Tell me you don't want it.”

  She held a moment then laughed, “I guess I cain’t.”

  “I know you better than you think.”

  “Maybe you do.”

  He leaned in and put his lips on hers, but she pulled away. She said, “Oh, no sir. No kissin.” He smirked at her and frowned and she shrugged her shoulders. She turned her attention back to the thing in her hand. Emma held her hand still, made a tight grip for him and he pushed his cock through her fist. Her fingers were forced apart as it passed and she imagined that inside her. Her soft insides coming apart to accept this thing. She made her little fist tight, and let him thrust himself into it, watched it go up and down, every once in a while she’d get a peek inside his foreskin at his bursting glans winking at her behind there. Her other hand found a way between her legs and she startled when she noticed she was running a finger along herself outside her bikini bottoms. She squeezed her legs together tight and crushed her hand, pinned it in there. That felt really good too, and she clenched those woman muscles, and squeezed her cheeks together.

  “I know you don’t want to put your lips on mine...” he didn’t say anything else just let his words hang there until she caught up.

  Emma said, “Oh, yeah. I’m not really good at that.”

  “With those lips, you have to be.” That made her smile, but she still didn’t like doing that. She’d do it for Troy, but that was way too personal to have a man in your mouth. To taste him? Too intimate for her.

  “I...uh...what would you do with—”

  She pinched his foreskin bunched up at the end. She pulled it gently and was surprised how easily it stretched. She let it go and it stayed stretched on the side she’d pulled. She couldn’t put that in her mouth. She always heard they were dirty.

  “You can just pull it down,” he said.


  “Like roll it,” he said. He didn’t want to do it to show her, he wanted her to do it. She put her fingers on it and she squeezed it down over his bulging glans. It gave way and his engorged head popped out.

  “There it is,” he said.

  When she let it go it slowly folded itself up over the tip til it had swallowed it up again.

  “That’s so weird,” she said and she pulled it down and let it go. It swallowed itself up again. She made a face at Troy, Impressed.

  She slipped into the tub and he spread his legs for her. Before she dipped in between them she gave one glance over her shoulder, she put her brows up in the middle, worried. This can’t be okay, Troy. Aren’t you going to stop me?

  Nothing. She had a horrible thought; him falling asleep in the tub because he’d had a few beers today and he never drank. And here she was thinking all this was for him, doing these terrible things to arouse her husband only it would turn out she was actually just cheating.

  She got her hand around his penis and she brought it to her lips. She pulled that skin back and held it so it wouldn’t close again. She brushed her lips against his tip and he leaned back so he could watch her. She put her mouth over it and found it was hard to get it in there. She knew she would bail on the act, tell him he was just too big. This was to tease Troy. Tell him later she couldn’t even get her mouth around that boy. So she did that, she plunged the head into her mouth a few times. It was a real mouthful. She didn’t get it any deeper, didn’t want it to touch her throat, and she wanted it out before he leaked in her mouth, or worse, if he somehow came in there. She would never talk to Troy again.

  “My mouth is so small,” she said, “And your thing is way too big.” She made eye contact with him, gave him her sweet face while she ran her fingertips over his exposed glans. She didn’t wait for an answer, and she stood up again. He didn’t insist. He shifted to the side so she could sit next to him.

  They were both facing Troy now and she made eye contact with his black lenses while she ran her hand up and down Chad’s big member. She raised her eyebrows to her husband and smiled for him, then turned it to a playful snarl.

  She pulled his foreskin down with her fist and gave him a good squeeze. A shining bead popped out of him and then rolled down the backside of his cock and over her thumb. That was close—that could have been in her mouth.

  She didn’t know what to do now. They’d run out of things to explore. Would Troy want her to make him ejaculate. She quivered at that thought. Gross at first, but as she stroked him now with his slippery lubricant it didn’t seem so terrible. It was kind of natural. He was so close it would be easy.

  How would she feel after that? She couldn’t believe she’d come this far. But having Troy with her sitting right in front of her it somehow felt very safe, very comfortable. She could make this guy shoot his stuff.

  “I jus wanna make you come with my hand, is that all right?”

  “ it.”

  She stroked him faster and that made her hand look clumsy on him because it was so much bigger than she was used to. Chad’s hand found her back and it felt warm and nice as it caressed her. She loved the feel of his hardness and his size in her hand. She said, “You gonna come for me, baby?” talking like how she thought those other girls might talk. Channeling her inner cool girl.

  She wished she could get a little guidance from Troy, she wished she knew how he felt. As she stroked him faster she felt compelled to finish, but also a little nauseous. This was wrong what she was doing.

  “I can’t believe I’m doin this. What would my husband think? If he could only see me now.”

  “It’s his fault isn’t it? Not giving you...uh...what you need...”

  “I can tell you one thing for sure, whatever happens tonight I’m goin back to my husband like nothing ever happened. I can save my lips for him, but maybe this time with you can get me through one of those lonely nights.”

  “Save your lips...maybe another part of you wants something more...”

  “Oh, it does, it really does, but I have to be faithful...that makes sense, don’t it?”

  “Of course. But he’s neglected this little spot you’ve got hidden under this suit. He’s left it so long and now it needs more. You’ve seen what it can get and now you’re curious, Can I take that? What’ll it feel like? I can tell you it’ll feel better than you even imagine. And it’s no more unfaithful than what you’re doing to me right now. Just I’ll be doing it to you. Making you feel as good as you’re making me feel.”

  “It would feel good, right?”

  “It will. He can’t make you feel the way I can make you feel. Your husband won’t make you go crazy, stretch you out and make you remember what we done for days later.”

  “Gosh, you’re makin me crazy.”

  “I am, aren’t I? But I’m telling you the truth. You can feel it in your hand—I’m not like your husband, and I'm not like other guys. I can give you something you’ll remember when the two of you are sitting on the couch watching TV. Something just for you. Something fun and dirty. Make you feel right. You want that, don't you?”

  “I don’t know...”

  “He’s away on that platform, he ain’t paying you no mind. What’s he thinking, fine as you are? He’s gotta be crazy letting you just float up in the air, not feeling like she’s loved. N
o strings, I swear, just an experience to remember on the lonely nights when he’s out there not caring you’re at home, a woman with needs—”

  “Gosh, you’re gettin me, you sweet-talker,” she said, watching her hand slide over him, her fingers running through the cleft in his glans, then back down, stroking him in a way she couldn’t with Troy’s little one.

  “You know I'm right though, don't you? You feel it. You feel empty down there, you feel a need and I couldn't better represent the solution to that. I ain’t never going to say anything. It’ll be over, one quick night, and you'll get what you need.”

  “Keep talkin.” Her hand went up and down him. He was big and hard, and she watched that sexy skin at the end slide up and over and back down, his shining glans popping and hiding.

  “You feel it right, I’m not wrong? Give me a chance. You feel it in your hand, imagine what that’ll be like. How it’ll make you feel. You know you want it. It’s just natural. It ain’t going to hurt. It’s going to feel so good. It’ll be a night to remember. You can go home tonight walking on a cloud or wishing you’d done it, it’s up to you. Nobody here but us and this dead guy, he ain’t gonna say anything, right? Nobody’ll know, but you’ll have some little memory to keep you warm at night when he’s off on the platform.”

  She leaned in and kissed his neck. She stroked him in her hand and it was all she could think about, how big he was. How sexual it felt to feel his obvious, urgent desire in her hand. This was something she would feel, this wasn't love and kissing, this was dirty animal sex and she wanted it, needed it. This big thing wasn't part of another man, it was just something to give her pleasure. It wasn't her husband. It wasn't love, it was just one dirty deed and she wanted it. She got it. She could feel between her legs she was so wet she was leaking. His dirty talk had her little sex sweating, everything he said was the truth—it was just sex. Her husband wasn't able to do the deed, reach all the parts that needed touching. Troy wanted it for her, she knew he did. He told her all the time. His fantasies were all the same, his beloved taking a big one. Now here she was three feet from him and a big one ached to find her heat. They all wanted it. Everyone in this hot tub was cheering her on, they all wanted Chad to put that thing inside her.

  She could feel Chad's hand on the small of her back. His hand slipped down the inside of her bikini bottom. He was grabbing her bare ass cheek hard and squeezing. She turned away so Troy couldn’t see, she knew it was wrong but she didn’t want it to stop. His fingers felt good on her. What’ll it hurt, anyway? Just a little skin on skin. Troy wanted her to put her bare hand on this boy’s bare cock right. That was okay? Then this was okay too.

  She leaned forward and Chad slipped his hand underneath her and she felt his middle finger slide right through her crease; she was wet and slippery. She groaned and closed her eyes. Chad was insistent, he saw her reaction and he moved with it. His finger slipped inside her a little bit and she clamped herself on it. He tickled her lightly, then ran himself into her, teasing her with just the tip of his finger.

  She couldn’t believe how wet she was. She felt like she had made a mess of her little bottoms. She could feel the insides of her thighs were slippery.

  Chad told her she was wet, told her they both knew what she needed. She nodded.

  She just lost herself. In the moment she was one hundred percent sure it was right. She would swear it was okay.

  She stood up and straddled him. She reached behind herself, tugged her bikini bottom to the side and guided the tip of his dick into her opening. She was so wet, but even still, Chad was so large it was difficult to get it past that muscle. It hurt a little.

  She whispered in his ear, “Be careful, I'm really tight.”

  She heard Troy say her name behind her. She looked over her shoulder at him and slid as gently as she could a little bit further down him. She let Troy know with her face that it felt incredible.


  It felt like it was maybe halfway in before it was stuck. She made a pained face for Troy, she said Ow, for his benefit. Then she started to swivel her hips on Chad, getting her wetness on him. He pushed himself deeper inside her and now it really did hurt. She clenched her face and sucked in air. She pushed against him felt his wet member squeaking past her tight flesh, slipping and sticking. She couldn’t believe how big it was.

  “Oh baby,” she said, “you are so big. It feels so good inside me.” She said it so Troy could hear.

  Chad was gone now, his eyes closed and his head back and he was thrusting into her. His hands undid her bikini top and she didn’t notice til they were gone that she was bare. His hands were working at the knots on her bottoms, pulling them apart so she would be completely naked.

  “You are so tight,” he whispered in her ear. It gave her a thrill that she could impress this well-hung, good looking boy. She sat down on it hard and felt her cheeks jiggle. She yelped out.

  It hurt but felt so incredible at the same time, and as he pushed further into her a feeling came over her. It started in her heart, in the centre of her, and it spread out like a panic. Like suddenly remembering something amazing and it was great news you wanted to share with everybody. She said, “Oh boy,” and she rocked on him, swivelled and thrust. “Oh, boy,” she said again. It was the craziest feeling. Her breaths were ragged and lusty. This was big whatever it was.

  She was tapping her palms, her fingers, on Chad’s chest. Like she had something important to tell him but there were no words. She maybe wanted him to know that she was on the verge of a medical emergency, that he should watch out for her. Her head fell forward and she snapped it back, she grunted with his thrusts and she got them high and sharp.

  Was this it? She wasn’t sure if she’d ever had an orgasm before, but right here, right now, if she wasn’t having a heart attack and this was a bonafide orgasm, then she knew definitely that anything she felt before this was not an orgasm.

  She bounced on him, felt her hair crashing across her shoulders as she did it. She started to smile, then it turned to a laugh, and she was snorting through her nose. Then it went off. Like a closet opened that someone had stuffed with pots and pans. Thousands of pounds of metal clattered on tile, a cacophony inside her that drowned out everything else. Her ears plugged up, and she wanted to yell but she clawed it back. Then she couldn’t help it, when she exhaled, she blurted out Oh, golly, oh, golly. It made her laugh how she had no say in the matter. She was just a passenger on an out of control bus hurtling down the freeway doing seventy with a bomb strapped underneath it.

  “Oh baby,” she croaked as she collapsed into Chad. It kept coming, vibrating waves that ran through her as Chad kept pushing himself into her. Each little thrust gave her a jolt of pleasure that she felt not just between her legs but between her shoulder blades and up the back of her neck. She kissed Chad’s neck and she bit at his collar bone.

  Chad said in her ear, “My God, you are so tight.” Emma could feel his big cock deep inside her, flexing over and over, barely thrusting. Squeaking cause they were tight and wet from the tub. She rocked against him a little, still at the edge of her first orgasm.

  Then she felt it. A horrible dreadful death sentence.

  His cock throbbed and stiffened inside her. She felt long forceful jets pulse against her insides. He was ejaculating into her and she could feel each strong spurt.

  Everything that she felt made it all right with what they were doing—that was hot or sexy, or whatever, because she was so aroused—was washed away, and she felt an enormous, truly dreadful wave of shame come over her.

  She went from being a tingling sexual being that enjoyed to be stroked, to a slut that just cheated on her husband. She felt a life-ending darkness. Troy's complicity didn't even matter. Another man, not her husband, just fucked her and came inside her.

  She stood up slowly, horrified. Turned in shame to Troy, quivering. Troy just stared at her, incredulous even behind the black glasses.

  She said, “Oh no, no, no.” She felt
herself start to cry. Troy just watched blankly. His mouth hung open in horror.

  She looked down between her legs and her hands went there. Chad's semen came away on her fingertips.

  “He came inside me,” she said to Troy, and she shook her head in disbelief at what she’d done.

  Chad stood up too, he was concerned. He didn't know what was going on. Maybe he thought he hurt her or probably realized he shouldn't have come inside her, that that had massive ramifications.

  He said, “What's wrong, are you okay?”

  But Emma had forgotten all about him. “Troy baby, he just came inside me.”

  She felt the tears that had gathered in her eyes roll down her cheeks, first on the left and then the right. Troy hadn’t moved yet, he seemed frozen, paralyzed.

  And then she ran. She jumped out of the tub and ran across the deck and over the patio. She heard Troy yell her name behind her, he sounded mad, then Chad and Troy arguing. She ran into the house with nothing on, too overwhelmed to even think to cover herself.


  Emma thrust the heavy sliding glass door aside and ran through the kitchen. She could hardly see, her eyes wet with tears. She was moving on instinct, running to the bathroom she knew was at the side somewhere. She ran past an archway and there were people sitting on couches and laying on the floor watching TV in the Family Room. Someone laughed out loud in there, laughed at a naked girl. They were oblivious to the horrible human drama that had just played out fifty feet from them. Everything was funny to people these days.

  She got herself down the dark hall off the kitchen and threw herself in the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She put her back against it and cried. She was trying to be quiet, but her back was heaving and a sob would slip from her and then she’d struggle to breathe. Her bare back slid down the door until she was sitting.

  What had she done? Why did she let him put that thing inside her? Just because it was big? She had never been so curiously aroused like that before, and she just lost it, and now she hated herself. She had destroyed their marriage. The shame, the hurt she caused the man she loved—it was truly overwhelming. She pounded her knees with her balled up fists.


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